CompuServeCD is a multimedia companion to the CompuServe Information Service.
It combines CD ROM-based information, applications, sound, graphics and
video with CompuServe's online services in an interplay that capitalizes on
each medium's strengths. CompuServeCD is the first step toward delivery of
multimedia information on the "Information Superhighway." CompuServeCD taps
CD ROM's full visual and auditory capabilities, and delivers to CompuServe
members more efficiency and ease in locating, understanding and using
information. CompuServeCD viewers can expect demo versions of commercial
software, complete versions and updates to popular shareware, updates to
CompuServe Information Manager, audio-visually enhanced tutorial and
shopping services, selected files from forum libraries, and much more.
There is an on-disc File Finder for locating program, text files and
graphics and downloading them from CompuServe.
CompuServeCD System Requirements:
MPC Standard PC
Windows 3.1 or Higher
4 meg RAM
256 colors
640x480 monitor resolution
8-bit Sound Blaster or equivalent
Highly Recommended:
Double speed CD ROM drive
16-bit sound card with MIDI support
External speakers
8 meg RAM
CompuServeCD requires 5 meg of disk space, plus 2.6 meg for WinCIM and 4
meg for Video for Windows if these programs are not already resident on
the system.
The following is a step-by-step process to install CompuServe CD and create
a Program Manager group on your hard disk. CompuServeCD does not have to be
reinstalled for each new issue. CompuServe alerts users to upgrades as
>Insert CompuServeCD disc into CD ROM drive
>From Windows 3.1 (or higher), install CompuServeCD to hard disk, as
>Using Program Manager, choose the RUN command from the File menu
>Enter D:\SETUP (replace D: with the letter of your CD ROM drive)
>Follow the instructions that appear on your screen; CompuServeCD icons
will appear in your CompuServe program group.
Running CompuServeCD:
>Be sure the disc is in the CD ROM drive
>From Program Manager, double click CompuServeCD Startup 2
>Select the CompuServeCD magazine displayed on the left of the Startup
window to open the magazine. If a magazine image is not visible, select
Preferences from the File menu and enter the letter of your CD ROM drive.
When you open the magazine, you'll see the cover, and find an overview
movie called "Preview This Issue" containing the current month's content
> If you are experiencing problems with the CompuServe CD connection to the
online information service, you may need to install a later version of
WinCIM. Follow these steps:
1) Run CompuServe CD's Startup program
2) Click on [Connections]
3) Click on [Install WinCIM]
> If you are experiencing problems with article text that does not fit
properly on your screen or WinCIM seems to run slowly and time-out often,
then you may have an out-of-date video driver. Try resetting your
Windows video option to a standard 256 VGA mode by running the Windows
Setup program.
There are several avenues for getting help:
> The CompuServeCD Forum (GO CCDSUPPORT), is available to all CompuServe
members, and is free of connect time charges. Technical support staff and CompuServeCD producers monitor the Forum to answer users' questions and take suggestions.
> CompuServeCD also has a toll-free telephone support service at
1-800-CDROM-89 (in the USA). Telephone support is also available in the
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland and Australia, and in several
other European and Pacific nations. GO LOGON on CompuServe for an updated
list of telephone numbers.
> Feedback: Select "Create Feedback Memo" on the Connections menu from any
page of the magazine to create and send messages directly to us.
> Also, refer to the HELP file on this disc.
(c)1995 CompuServe Incorporated. CompuServeCD(tm) is a trademark of
CompuServe(r) Incorporated, an H&R Block Company. Asymetrix(r) is a
registered trademark and ToolBook(tm) is a trademark of Asymetrix
Corporation. Microsoft(r) is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation and Windows(tm) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Sound Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc. WinCIM(tm) is a
registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated. MPC(tm) is a trademark
of the Multimedia PC Marketing Council. Portions of CompuServeCD were
developed for CompuServe by Metatec(r) Corporation and incorporate
technology used under license from Fulcrum Technologies, Inc.