Covering the latest hardware and software technology with an accent on compact disc and new media; sample software, shareware and commercial demos, equipment reviews, tips and techniques and more.
A survey of current entertainment news and entertainer profiles; recently released or upcoming movies, music and television programming; art and photography galleries from CompuServe forums, MIDI information and performances.
Home & Leisure
Hobbies, pets, games, travel and leisure time pursuits, children and family, health and more.
Personal Enterprise
Personal productivity, small business/work-at-home, entrepreneuring, financial planning, desktop publishing.
A CD-style window on CompuServe's Electronic Mall to be accompanied by "hot button" instant ordering capability.
Member Services
Visually-oriented walk-through demos, tips and techniques on how to get the most from your membership, offline File Finder, terminology definitions, Welcome section, member feedback, letters to the editor, contests.