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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1994-05-17  |  317.5 KB  |  3,659 lines

  1. CISCS704
  2. CS704
  3. Canada
  4. American Express
  5. MasterCard
  6. Diners CLub
  7. Discover
  8. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.
  9. The CompuServe Store;
  10. CompuServe From A to Zg
  11. 24.95
  12. 24.95
  13. Visa=
  15. CD001
  16. formType
  17. orderForm
  18. orderForm
  19. CISCS704
  20. CE26451
  21. formType
  22. orderForm
  23. 26451
  24. Canada
  25. Japan
  26. Other...
  27. Master Card
  28. Discover
  29. American Express
  30. Airborne Express - Express Pack[
  31. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 2 days order processing. International orders shipped best way.  Shipping Charges based upon weight.  For additional products call toll free 1-800-228-7449.  In MA call 508-443-6125.
  32. UPS shipping is $5 per order for Continental U.S.   Airborne Express is $7 per order for Continental U.S.
  33. Computer Express
  34. Kodak Photo CD Access Software for WindowsA
  35. 39.00
  36. 39.00
  37. USAada
  38. VisaC
  39. UPSborne Express - Express Pack
  41. formType
  42. orderForm
  43. MasterCard
  44. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. For more information about products and services offered by Graphix Zone call us at 1-800-942-4000.00
  45. Graphix Zone
  46. The Guided Tour to Multimedia
  47. 39.95
  48. 39.95
  49. VisaVinnie's Instant Finance
  50. 6    :PHYSSIZE
  51. MCWMM3270
  52. CISCS763
  53. blank
  54. enterPage
  55. leavePage
  56. enterPage
  57. leavePage
  58. leavePage
  59. v*ObO
  60. penOrder
  61. orderFormError
  62. openOrderFile
  63. author
  64. keyDown
  65. reader
  66. enterPage
  67. enterSystem
  68. leavePage
  69. statusMsg
  70. enterBook
  71. enterRecordField
  72. leaveRecordfield
  73. enterBackground
  74. buttonUp
  75. selectChoice
  76. initChoices
  77. setOrderError
  78. enterForm
  79. cancelForm
  80. leaveBook
  81. leaveForm
  82. sendForm
  83. showMain
  84. setTotals
  85. previous
  86. clearForm
  87. mhInit
  88. hideMain
  89. printForm
  90. setMenus
  91. saveForm
  92. readForm
  93. shutDown
  94. popField
  95. openOrder
  96. setCountryLabels
  97. rFormFile
  98. outBoxFile
  99. orderFormState
  100. isDev
  101. prodID
  102. choices
  103. storeID
  104. vendorCode
  105. ncdOrdersBook
  106. isUSAOnlyVendor
  107. isNoShippingVendor
  108. choiceNumber
  109. isUSA
  110. isNum
  111. choiceName
  112. price
  113. enableWindow
  114. dollars
  115. pennies
  116. prodName
  117. verify
  118. initialCaps
  119. tagFld
  120. tagItems
  121. myPath
  122. tagStr
  123. orderFormID
  124. parseTag
  125. addressEntryFields
  126. orderFormFile
  127. shipTo
  128. derFormState
  129. prodID
  130. orderFormFile
  131. price
  132. orderFormState
  133. shipTo
  134. setOrderError
  135. postIdleCmd
  136. orderFormError
  137. orderError
  138. orderFormError
  139. viewerError
  140. Please be sure you have properly installed CompuServeCD from the latest disc.
  141. orderError
  142. isDev
  143. previous
  144. isDev
  145. enableWindow
  146. setMenus
  147. enterForm,readForm,saveForm
  148. addPageMenu
  149. isDev
  150. DEVELOP
  151. ncdOrdersBook
  152. myPath
  153. keyDown
  154. cancelForm
  155. field
  156. isCtrl
  157. isShift
  158. enterSystem
  159. enterBook
  160. myPath
  162. viewerInit
  163. Orders
  164. Modal
  165. mhStartup
  166. enterBackground
  167. mhStartup
  168. leaveBook
  169. isDev
  170. reader
  171. clearForm
  172. QhideMain
  173. outBoxFile
  174. EnableWindow
  175. OutBoxFile()
  176. EnableWindow
  177. ToolBook
  178. reset
  179. ncdHwnd
  180. ncdHwndState
  181. showMain
  182. ShowWindow
  183. SetActiveWindow
  184. hideMain
  185. clearForm
  186. Blank
  187. viewerHide
  188. idleStatus
  189. shutDown
  190. SetActiveWindow
  191. isDev
  192. QhideMain
  193. sysSupendMessage
  194. openOrder
  195. dsetOrderError
  196. Can't find order form
  197. hviewerRestore
  198. orderPage
  199. openOrderFile
  200. rshowMain
  201. orderFormState
  202. orderFormFile
  203. postIdleCmd
  204. readForm
  205. orderFile
  206. author
  207. billTo
  208. addressEntryFields
  209. shipTo
  210. addressEntryFields
  211. hiddenFields
  212. xunit
  213. yunit
  214. default
  215. j:to2
  216. grpList
  217. hiddenFields
  218. objList
  219. reader
  220. popfield
  221. popField
  222. billTo
  223. addressEntryFields
  224. shipTo
  225. addressEntryFields
  226. hiddenFields
  227. default
  228. hiddenFields
  229. j:to2
  230. grpList
  231. objList
  232. enterPage
  233. enterForm
  234. leavePage
  235. leaveForm
  236. statusMsg
  237. enterRecordField
  238. leaveRecordfield
  239. initialCaps
  240. orderFormState
  241. changed
  242. buttonUp
  243. radiobutton
  244. group
  245. selectChoice
  246. selectChoice
  247. choices
  248. choice
  249. choice
  250. orderFormState
  251. changed
  252. item list
  253. price
  254. prodID
  255. setTotals
  256. initChoices
  257. choices
  258. choice
  259. choices
  260. choices
  261. choice
  262. choiceNum
  263. choiceNumber
  264. item list
  265. choices
  266. choice
  267. choiceName
  268. choiceNumber
  269. choices
  270. prodName
  271. choiceName
  272. prodName
  273. initialCaps
  274. enterForm
  275. clearForm
  276. item list
  277. choices
  278. buttonUp
  279. choices
  280. setTotals
  281. vendorCode
  282. isUSAOnlyVendor
  283. billCountry mask
  284. shipCountry mask
  285. isNoShippingVendor
  286. shipTo
  287. shipping
  288. gift card
  289. deliveryDate
  290. choiceList
  291. cancelForm
  292. clearForm
  293. QhideMain
  294. leaveForm
  295. clearForm
  296. sendForm
  297. orderFormState
  298. saved
  299. psaveForm
  300. QhideMain
  301. openConnect
  302. sendNCDCmd
  303. orderFormID
  304. orderFormFile
  305. orderFile
  306. orderFormFile
  307. orderFormState
  308. OutboxFile
  309. uniqueDOSName
  310. isFile
  311. changed
  312. An order for this item already exists.
  313. Save New Order
  314. Replace Order
  315. cancel
  316. Save New Order
  317. OutboxFile
  318. uniqueDOSName
  319. default
  320. orderState
  321. orderFile
  322. orderFormState
  323. orderState
  324. orderFormState
  325. orderState
  326. prodID
  327. prodID
  328. prodID
  329. prodID
  330. storeID
  331. storeID
  332. vendorCode
  333. vendorCode
  334. isUSAOnlyVendor
  335. vendorCode
  336. isNoShippingVendor
  337. vendorCode
  338. isUSA
  339. isNum
  340. isNum
  341. isNum
  342. price
  343. isNum
  344. price
  345. price
  346. price
  347. isNum
  348. dollars
  349. isNum
  350. pennies
  351. isNum
  352. setTotals
  353. price
  354. total
  355. clearForm
  356. orderFormFile
  357. orderFormState
  358. shipTo
  359. initChoices
  360. billTo
  361. addressEntryFields
  362. shipTo
  363. addressEntryFields
  364. billCountry
  365. billCountry list
  366. payment
  367. payment list
  368. shipCountry
  369. shipCountry list
  370. ship list
  371. setCountryLabels
  372. setCountryLabels
  373. billName
  374. cardNumber
  375. cardExp
  376. shipName
  377. gift card
  378. deliveryDate
  379. verify
  380. billName
  381. billName,Name
  382. billAdd1
  383. billAdd1,Address
  384. billCity
  385. billCity,City
  386. billState
  387. billState,State
  388. billZip
  389. billZip,Postal Code
  390. billPhone
  391. billPhone,Phone Number
  392. cardNumber
  393. cardNumber,a credit card number
  394. cardExp
  395. cardExp,the expiration date of the credit card you are using
  396. billCountry
  397. billCountry,Country
  398. shipTo
  399. shipName
  400. shipName,Name
  401. shipAdd1
  402. shipAdd1,Address
  403. shipCity
  404. shipCity,City
  405. shipState
  406. shipState,State
  407. shipZip
  408. shipZip,Postal Code
  409. shipPhone
  410. shipPhone,Phone Number
  411.  in shipping address
  412. deliveryDate
  413. deliveryDate
  414. deliveryDate,Delivery Date
  415. fldName
  416. default
  417. mhInit
  418. clearForm
  419. gmhSaveAs
  420. enterPage
  421. printForm
  422. tagFld
  423. tagStr
  424. recFldName
  425. recFldNameList
  426. tagItems
  427. tagStr
  428. itempStr
  429. tempStr
  430. itemList
  431. tagStr
  432. saveForm
  433. verify
  434. Please enter
  435. vendorCode
  436. isUSAOnlyVendor
  437. shipto
  438. billCountry
  439. isUSA
  440. You can ship to U.S.A. addresses only.
  441. ccdDate
  442. hh24:min
  443. prodID
  444. storeID
  445. tagItems
  446. billName
  447. tagFld
  448. payment,cardNumber,cardExp
  449. tagFld
  450. tagFld
  451. billAdd1,billAdd2,billAdd3
  452. tagFld
  453. billCity,billState,billZip,billPhone
  454. tagFld
  455. shipTo
  456. shipName
  457. tagFld
  458. shipAdd1,shipAdd2,shipAdd3
  459. tagFld
  460. shipCity,shipState,shipZip,shipPhone
  461. tagFld
  462. prodID
  463. prodName
  464. tagItems
  465. total
  466. pennies
  467. tagItems
  468. deliveryDate
  469. Delivery Date:
  470. tagItems
  471. total
  472. pennies
  473. gift card
  474. ccdDate
  475. choiceNumber
  476. prodName
  477. vendorCode
  478. orderFormID
  479. ***--- Order
  480. orderFormFile
  481. dsetOrderError
  482. Unable to save this order.
  483. This order has been saved in your Out Basket.
  484. Unable to save order.
  485. orderFormState
  486. saved
  487. fName
  488. choiceNum
  489. orderTime
  490. orderDate
  491. subOrder
  492. default
  493. noDlg
  494. parseTag
  495. ***--- Order
  497. readForm
  498. orderFormFile
  499. isDev
  500. outBoxFile
  501. setPath
  502. stdfile
  503. dsetOrderError
  504. Unable able to read that order:
  505. end of file
  506. parseTag
  508. openOrder
  509. buttonUp
  510. choices
  511. orderFormFile
  512. billName
  513. billAdd1
  514. billAdd2
  515. billAdd3
  516. shipAdd1
  517. shipAdd2
  518. shipAdd3
  519. billCity
  520. billState
  521. billZip
  522. billPhone
  523. shipCity
  524. shipState
  525. shipZip
  526. shipPhone
  527. shipTo
  528. shipName
  529. payment
  530. cardNumber
  531. cardExp
  532. deliveryDate
  533. item list
  534. buttonUp
  535. choices
  536. gift card
  537. deliveryDate
  538. setTotals
  539. orderFormState
  540. saved
  541. default
  542. i:to2
  543. choiceList
  544. isOrder
  545. cityCnt
  546. addrCnt
  547. fName
  548. addressEntryFields
  549. entries
  550. adrType
  551. shipTo
  552. shipTo
  553. shipTo
  554. shipTo 2
  555. shipTo Mask
  556. isUSAOnlyVendor
  557. billCountry mask
  558. shipCountry mask
  559. shipTo
  560. shipTo
  561. popField
  562. popMenu
  563. isNum
  564. Other...
  565. Please enter country name.
  566. initialCaps
  567. country
  568. setCountryLabels
  569. popList
  570. setCountryLabels
  571. isUSAOnlyVendor
  572. Add1,Add2,Add3,State
  573. Japan
  574. Banchi,Cho,Ku,Pr
  575. Canada
  576. Address,,,Pr
  577. Address,,,St
  578. label
  579. captionList
  580. fldList
  581. noDlg
  582. labelType
  583. MCWPM0283
  584. PM0283)
  585. Canada
  586. Japan
  587. Other...[
  588. Canada
  589. Japan
  590. Other...
  591. MasterCard
  592. American Express
  593. Discover
  594. First Class Mail
  595. UPS - Ground Service
  596. DHL - International Airfreight
  597. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  598. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  599. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  600. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  601. MicroWAREHOUSEu
  602. Aldus TouchBase
  603. 39.95
  604. 39.95
  605. First Class Mail
  606. :PHYSSIZE
  607. formType
  608. orderForm
  609. orderForm
  610. MCWPM0283
  611. MCWDB0144
  612. DB0144)
  613. Canada
  614. Japan
  615. Other...[
  616. Canada
  617. Japan
  618. Other...
  619. MasterCard
  620. American Express
  621. Discover
  622. First Class Mail
  623. UPS - Ground Service
  624. DHL - International Airfreight
  625. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  626. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  627. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  628. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  629. MicroWAREHOUSEu
  630. FileMaker Pro 2.1 for Windows
  631. 119.95
  632. 119.95
  633. Visa-
  634. First Class Mail
  635. :PHYSSIZE
  636.     formType
  637. orderForm
  638. orderForm
  639. <    4    4    /
  640. MCWUT4623
  641. UT4623+
  642. Canada
  643. Japan
  644. Other...]
  645. Canada
  646. Japan
  647. Other...
  648. MasterCard
  649. American Express
  650. Discover
  651. First Class Mail
  652. UPS - Ground Service
  653. DHL - International Airfreight
  654. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  655. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  656. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  657. Complete,UT4623,114.95
  658. Upgrade,UP2313,49.95
  659. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  660. MicroWAREHOUSE
  661. Norton Utilities
  662. 114.95
  663. 114.951
  664. Visae
  665. First Class Mail
  666.     :PHYSSIZE
  667. (    formType
  668. orderForm
  669. orderForm
  670. EWKMCA11043
  671. formType
  672. orderForm
  673. 0000542
  674. MasterCard
  675. American Express
  676. Discover
  677. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.
  678. Entertainment Works
  679. "Fruitcakes"- Jimmy Buffett
  680. 16.98
  681. 16.98
  682. USAada
  683. VisaerCard
  684. :PHYSSIZE
  685. EWK5710710
  686. 5710710
  687. Canada
  688. Japan
  689. Other...o
  690. MasterCard
  691. American Express
  692. Discover
  693. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.I
  694. Entertainment Works
  695. "Fruit of Life" - The Wild Colonials
  696. 13.99
  697. 13.99
  698. USA Zealand
  699. Visaican Express
  700. :PHYSSIZE
  701. formType
  702. orderForm
  703. orderForm
  704. EWK5779665
  705. 5779665
  706. Canada
  707. Japan
  708. Other...Y
  709. MasterCard
  710. American Express
  711. Discover
  712. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.
  713. Entertainment Works
  714. "The Next Hundred Years" - Ted Hawkins
  715. 14.99
  716. 14.99
  717. Visa5
  718. :PHYSSIZE
  719. formType
  720. orderForm
  721. orderForm
  722. EWK5779665
  723. EWK5334735
  724. formType
  725. orderForm
  726. 5334735
  727. MasterCard
  728. American Express
  729. Discover
  730. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.Y
  731. Entertainment Works
  732. "August and Everything After" - Counting Crows
  733. 14.99
  734. 14.99
  735. VisaK
  736. :PHYSSIZE
  737. CISCS763
  738. Canada
  739. American Express
  740. MasterCard
  741. Diners CLub
  742. Discover
  743. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS..
  744. The CompuServe Storea
  745. Inside CompuServe
  746. 0.005
  747. Visa_
  748. :PHYSSIZE
  749. 11.95
  750. 11.95
  751. CD003
  752. formType
  753. orderForm
  754. orderForm
  755. CISCS221DG
  756. orderForm
  757. Canada
  758. American Express
  759. MasterCard
  760. Diners CLub
  761. Discover
  762. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.M
  763. The CompuServe Storew
  764. I Didn't Know I Could Do That On CompuServe
  765. :PHYSSIZE
  766. CD002
  767. formType
  768. orderForm
  769. CISCS583
  770. CS583
  771. Canada
  772. American Express
  773. MasterCard
  774. Diners CLub
  775. Discover
  776. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Items will be shipped via UPS or USPS.
  777. formType
  778. The CompuServe Store
  779. How To Get The Most Out Of CompuServe
  780. 25.00
  781. 25.00
  782. :PHYSSIZE
  783. CD004
  784. orderForm
  785. orderForm
  786. CISCS583
  787. SACSCDH44
  788. SACHMI
  789. her...Y
  790. MasterCard
  791. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery..)
  792. Shoppers Advantage
  793. Thermoscan
  794.  Instant Thermometer
  795. 79.00
  796. 79.00
  797. :PHYSSIZE
  798. formType
  799. orderForm
  800. SACSYS9325
  801. SYS9325
  802. MasterCard
  803. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery..!
  804. Shoppers Advantage
  805. Fisher Surround Sound System}
  806. 599.00
  807. 599.00
  808. :PHYSSIZE
  809. formType
  810. orderForm
  811. orderForm
  812. SAC1509
  813. 1509'
  814. MasterCard
  815. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery..)
  816. Shoppers Advantage
  817. New AT&T Telephone w/ Remote Answering Syste
  818. 59.00
  819. 59.00
  820. :PHYSSIZE
  821. formType
  822. orderForm
  823. orderForm
  824. SAC1509
  825. SACWMSXF44
  826. WMSXF44
  827. her...s
  828. MasterCard
  829. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
  830. Shoppers Advantage
  831.  Digital Stereo Cassette Sports Walkman
  832. 89.00
  833. 89.00
  834. :PHYSSIZE
  835. formType
  836. orderForm
  837. orderForm
  838. D    <    <    /
  839. MCWOP0373
  840. OP0373+
  841. Canada
  842. Japan
  843. Other...]
  844. Canada
  845. Japan
  846. Other...
  847. MasterCard
  848. American Express
  849. Discover
  850. First Class Mail
  851. UPS - Ground Service
  852. DHL - International Airfreight
  853. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  854. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  855. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  856. 3.5 Inch Diskette,OP0373,39.95
  857. CD-ROM,OP0370,35.95
  858. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  859. MicroWAREHOUSE
  860. OS/2 For WIndows
  861. 39.95
  862. 39.95
  863. Visam
  864. First Class Mail
  865.     :PHYSSIZE
  866. 0    formType
  867. orderForm
  868. orderForm
  869. MCWOP0373
  870. MCWED2770
  871. ED2770)
  872. Canada
  873. Japan
  874. Other...[
  875. Canada
  876. Japan
  877. Other...
  878. MasterCard
  879. American Express
  880. Discover
  881. First Class Mail
  882. UPS - Ground Service
  883. DHL - International Airfreight
  884. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  885. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  886. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  887. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax...
  888. MicroWAREHOUSEu
  889. From Alice to Ocean
  890. 49.95
  891. 49.95
  892. Visa#
  893. First Class Mail
  894. :PHYSSIZE
  895. USAan
  896.     formType
  897. orderForm
  898. orderForm
  899. MCWED2750
  900. ED2750;
  901. Canada
  902. Japan
  903. Other...m
  904. Canada
  905. Japan
  906. Other...
  907. MasterCard
  908. American Express
  909. Discover
  910. First Class Mail
  911. UPS - Ground Service
  912. DHL - International Airfreight
  913. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  914. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  915. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  916. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  917. MicroWAREHOUSE
  918. Microsoft Encarta
  919. 89.95
  920. 89.95
  921. First Class MailC    
  922. X    :PHYSSIZE
  923.     formType
  924. orderForm
  925. orderForm
  926. MCWGR8113
  927. GR8113)
  928. Canada
  929. Japan
  930. Other...[
  931. Canada
  932. Japan
  933. Other...
  934. MasterCard
  935. American Express
  936. Discover
  937. First Class Mail
  938. UPS - Ground Service
  939. DHL - International Airfreight
  940. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  941. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  942. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  943. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  944. MicroWAREHOUSEu
  945. Gryphon's Morph
  946. 99.95
  947. 99.95
  948. First Class Mail
  949. :PHYSSIZE
  950. formType
  951. orderForm
  952. orderForm
  953. MCWGR8113
  955. MCWBN2263
  956. BN2263)
  957. Canada
  958. Japan
  959. Other...[
  960. Canada
  961. Japan
  962. Other...
  963. MasterCard
  964. American Express
  965. Discover
  966. First Class Mail
  967. UPS - Ground Service
  968. DHL - International Airfreight
  969. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  970. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  971. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  972. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  973. MicroWAREHOUSEu
  974. Claris Works & Quicken w/FREE Kaboom & Imaginari
  975. 89.95
  976. 89.95
  977. Visa?
  978. First Class Mail
  979. :PHYSSIZE
  980.     formType
  981. orderForm
  982. orderForm
  983. MCWBN2263
  984. EWK5710710
  985. MCWUT4323
  986. Canada
  987. Japan
  988. Other...q
  989. Canada
  990. Japan
  991. Other...
  992. MasterCard
  993. American Express
  994. Discover
  995. First Class Mail
  996. UPS - Ground Service
  997. DHL - International Airfreight
  998. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  999. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  1000. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  1001. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  1002. MicroWAREHOUSE
  1003. Uninstaller 2
  1004. 39.95
  1005. 39.95
  1006. USAada
  1007. VisaerCard
  1008. USAada
  1009. First Class Mail - Select Delivery Service
  1010. :PHYSSIZE
  1011. formType
  1012. orderForm
  1013. orderForm
  1014. MCWMM3270
  1015. MM3270)
  1016. Canada
  1017. Japan
  1018. Other...[
  1019. Canada
  1020. Japan
  1021. Other...
  1022. MasterCard
  1023. American Express
  1024. Discover
  1025. First Class Mail
  1026. UPS - Ground Service
  1027. DHL - International Airfreight
  1028. Airborne Express - Select Delivery Service
  1029. Airborne Express - Canadian Shipment
  1030. US Post Office - Air Parcel Post
  1031. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Best way is Airborne Overnight. CT add 6% sales tax, NJ add 7%, OH add local tax.
  1032. MicroWAREHOUSEs
  1033. Line Link 14.4e
  1034. 99.00
  1035. 99.00
  1036. First Class Mail
  1037. :PHYSSIZE
  1038. formType
  1039. orderForm
  1040. orderForm
  1041. GM4242
  1042. 4242%
  1043. Canada
  1044. Japan
  1045. Other...W
  1046. Canada
  1047. Japan
  1048. Other...
  1049. MasterCard
  1050. American Express
  1051. Discover
  1052. Diner's Club
  1053. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1054. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.[
  1055. formType
  1056. orderForm
  1057. PGA Golf Basket
  1058. 49.99
  1059. 49.99
  1060. Visa7
  1061. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1062. :PHYSSIZE
  1063. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1064. orderForm
  1065. GM4242
  1066. GM4040
  1067. 4040'
  1068. Canada
  1069. Japan
  1070. Other...Y
  1071. Canada
  1072. Japan
  1073. Other...
  1074. MasterCard
  1075. American Express
  1076. Discover
  1077. Diner's Club
  1078. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1079. Small,4040,49.99
  1080. Medium,4041,75.00
  1081. Large,4042,100.00
  1082. Extra Large,4043,125g
  1083. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.
  1084. formType
  1085. orderForm
  1086. Gourmet Basket
  1087. 49.99
  1088. 49.99
  1089. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1090. :PHYSSIZE
  1091. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1092. orderForm
  1093. GM4040
  1094. SACWMSXF44
  1095. MCWED2750
  1096. GM5125
  1097. 5125%
  1098. Canada
  1099. Japan
  1100. Other...W
  1101. Canada
  1102. Japan
  1103. Other...
  1104. MasterCard
  1105. American Express
  1106. Discover
  1107. Diner's Club
  1108. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1109. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.[
  1110. formType
  1111. orderForm
  1112. Cheesecake Sampler
  1113. 35.99
  1114. 35.99
  1115. Visa9
  1116. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1117. :PHYSSIZE
  1118. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1119. orderForm
  1120. GM5125
  1121. EWKMCA11043
  1122. EWK5334735
  1123. GM7790
  1124. orderForm
  1125. 7790%
  1126. Canada
  1127. Japan
  1128. Other...W
  1129. Canada
  1130. Japan
  1131. Other...
  1132. MasterCard
  1133. American Express
  1134. Discover
  1135. Diner's Club
  1136. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1137. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.[
  1138. formType
  1139. Chocolate Box - Embossed Bow
  1140. 23.99
  1141. 23.99
  1142. VisaC
  1143. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1144. :PHYSSIZE
  1145. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1146. orderForm
  1147. GM7790
  1149. SACHMI
  1150. SACSYS9325
  1151. MCWUT4623
  1152. SACBJC600
  1153. BJC600=
  1154. MasterCard
  1155. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
  1156. Shoppers Advantage
  1157. Canon Bubble Jet Printer
  1158. 599.00
  1159. 599.00
  1160. Visab
  1161. :PHYSSIZE
  1162. formType
  1163. orderForm
  1164. orderForm
  1165. SACBJC600
  1166. SACNN4471A
  1167. NN4471A
  1168. MasterCard
  1169. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
  1170. Shoppers Advantage
  1171. Panasonic
  1172.  Compact Microwave Oven
  1173. 129.00
  1174. 129.00
  1175. :PHYSSIZE
  1176. formType
  1177. orderForm
  1178. orderForm
  1179. SACVR667HF
  1180. VR667HF
  1181. MasterCard
  1182. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
  1183. Shoppers Advantage
  1184. RCA Stereo HiFi VHS VCR w/VCRPlus Programming
  1185. 339.00
  1186. 339.00
  1187. :PHYSSIZE
  1188. formType
  1189. orderForm
  1190. orderForm
  1191. SACVR667HF
  1192. MCWDB0144
  1194. formType
  1195. orderForm
  1197. MasterCard
  1198. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
  1199. Shoppers Advantage
  1200. New Polaroid Captiva Instant Camera
  1201. 129.00
  1202. 129.00
  1203. USAan
  1204. :PHYSSIZE
  1205. orderForm
  1206. SACXR5600
  1207. formType
  1208. orderForm
  1209. XR5600a
  1210. MasterCard
  1211. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery..W
  1212. Shoppers Advantage
  1213.  High-Power Cassette Stereo
  1214. 199.00
  1215. 199.00%
  1216. USAana
  1217. :PHYSSIZE
  1218. orderForm
  1219. SACSCDH44
  1220. SCDH44)
  1221. her...[
  1222. MasterCard
  1223. Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery..
  1224. Shoppers Advantage
  1225. Panasonic
  1226.  Compact Stereo System
  1227. 229.00
  1228. 229.00
  1229. :PHYSSIZE
  1230. formType
  1231. orderForm
  1232. System
  1233. CompuServeCD Order Form
  1234. hiddenFields
  1235. recordField id 138 of background id 0,field id 137 of background id 0
  1236. recordField id 138 of background id 0,field id 137 of background id 0
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  1240. Arial
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  1243. 5 of background id 0
  1244. T    id 117 of background id 0,field id 116 of background id 0,field id 115 of background id 0,field id 114 of background id 0,recordField id 155 of background id 0,recordField id 108 of background id 0,recordField id 107 of background id 0,field id 56 of background id 0,field id 55 of background id 0
  1245. @    2.2
  1246. field id 161 of background id 0,recordField id 138 of background id 0,field id 137 of background id 0,field id 120 of background id 0,field id 119 of background id 0,field id 118 of background id 0,field id 117 of background id 0,field id 116 of background id 0,field id 115 of background id 0,field id 114 of background id 0,field id 159 of background id 0,recordField id 108 of background id 0,recordField id 107 of background id 0,field id 56 of background id 0,field id 55 of background id 0
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  1261. 5$8j8
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  1264. psaveForm
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  1266. cancelForm
  1267. Put In Out Basket
  1268. Card Number:
  1269. Exp. Date:
  1270. Payment
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  1308. vendor
  1309. Billing Address:
  1310. *Click here for additional billing and shipping information.
  1311. order now
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  1313. buttonUp
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  1315. dForm
  1316. Order Now
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  1425. ( dlgInit
  1426. static vendor,s14,
  1427. static info,s16,Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.
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  1430. (%:PHYSSIZE
  1431. cancel
  1432. buttonUp
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  1435. (celForm
  1436. Cancel
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  1441. choice2
  1442. CD-ROM
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  1445. choice4
  1446. Extra Large
  1447. billName
  1448. keyDown
  1449. keyDown
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  1451. buttonUp
  1452. billCountry
  1453. isCtrl
  1454. isShift
  1455. %:*own
  1456. isUSAOnlyVendor
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  1458. billCountry
  1459. isCtrl
  1460. isShift
  1461. billCountry
  1462. StillDown
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  1469. ObpopField
  1470. billAdd1
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  1473. billAdd1
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  1475. buttonStillDown
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  1482. billCountry
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  1484. ObpopField
  1485. billCountry
  1486. ,hlepText
  1487. Open form
  1488. ,btnHilite
  1489. false
  1490. ,:PHYSSIZE
  1491. billTo
  1492. billAdd1 label
  1493. Address:
  1494. billAdd2 label
  1495. billAdd3 label
  1496. billCity label
  1497. City:ss:
  1498. billState label
  1499. St:::ss:
  1500. billZip label
  1501. Postal Code:
  1502. billPhone label
  1503. Voice Phone:
  1504. entries
  1505. billAdd1
  1506. billAdd2
  1507. billAdd3
  1508. billCity
  1509. billState
  1510. leaveRecordField
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  1700. is not a valid date.
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  1702. bQ\M"T
  1703. leaveRecordfield
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  1762. static info,s16,Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges. Allow 2 days order processing. International orders shipped best way.  Shipping Charges based upon weight.  For additional products call toll free 1-800-228-7449.  In MA call 508-443-6125.
  1763. UPS shipping is $5 per order for Continental U.S.   Airborne Express is $7 per order for Continental U.S.
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  1780. Discover
  1781. Diner's Club
  1782. Local Florist
  1783. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.
  1784. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
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  1786. 29.99
  1787. 29.99
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  1807. Discover
  1808. Diner's Club!
  1809. Local Florist
  1810. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.
  1811. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1812. Balloon Bouquet
  1813. 34.99
  1814. 34.99
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  1819. GM3401
  1820. 3401;
  1821. Canada
  1822. Japan
  1823. Other...m
  1824. Canada
  1825. Japan
  1826. Other...
  1827. MasterCard
  1828. Discover
  1829. Diner's Club
  1830. UPS 2nd Bus Day Air
  1831. Black and Silver Wrap,3401,45.99
  1832. Spring Green Wrap,3402,45.99
  1833. Purple Floral Wrap,3403,45.99
  1834. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.
  1835. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1836. Tower of Treasures7
  1837. 45.99
  1838. 45.99
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  1850. Japan
  1851. Other...W
  1852. Canada
  1853. Japan
  1854. Other...
  1855. MasterCard
  1856. American Express
  1857. Discover
  1858. Diner's Club
  1859. Local Florist
  1860. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.U
  1861. formType
  1862. orderForm
  1863. Natural Radiance - Azaleas
  1864. 34.99
  1865. 34.99
  1866. Visa;
  1867. Local Florist
  1868. :PHYSSIZE
  1869. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1870. orderForm
  1871. GM3131
  1872. SACNN4471A
  1873. GM1130
  1874. Canada
  1875. Japan
  1876. Other...c
  1877. Canada
  1878. Japan
  1879. Other...
  1880. MasterCard
  1881. American Express
  1882. Discover
  1883. Diner's Club
  1884. Local Florist
  1885. *Total price excludes tax, shipping, and other applicable charges.a
  1886. 800 FLOWERS & 800 GIFTHOUSE
  1887. Queen of Hearts - Arranged in a Fancy Vase
  1888. 69.99
  1889. Local Florist
  1890. :PHYSSIZE
  1891. 69.99
  1892. formType
  1893. orderForm
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  3301. hiihhiihh
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  3303. hiihihi
  3304. hhihi
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  3317. nihihhihh
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  3319. ihihii
  3320. inhhio
  3321. hnihihihhi
  3322. nhohhinhih
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  3327. hihihihioh
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  3345. hihhihihih
  3346. ihihhih
  3347. iinin
  3348. nohnii
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  3351. iihihhi
  3352. ihhihi
  3353. inhin
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  3356. ihhihi
  3357. ihinihoh
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  3360. hhihhih
  3361. hihhihohi
  3362. ihihnih
  3363. ohihi
  3364. hinihn
  3365. nihho
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  3367. hhihihihih
  3368. ihhoh
  3369. ihhihi
  3370. hihihihii
  3371. hhihiihih
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  3375. nihhohi
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  3377. ihhihih
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  3390. hihhihihh
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  3393. hhihihi
  3394. ihihi
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  3396. ihhniin
  3397. ihnihi
  3398. hinioni
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  3400. hhihh
  3401. hiihi
  3402. iihiihhohi
  3403. ninihohihh
  3404. inhin
  3405. hhihhiohh
  3406. hhihi
  3407. ihihihio
  3408. ihnihini
  3409. ihohihniih
  3410. ihihihhin
  3411. ninhih
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  3415. hihhi
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  3423. hiihih
  3424. hiihi
  3425. hinio
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  3427. ihiih
  3428. ohihh
  3429. hoiho
  3430. ihhihi
  3431. hnhoh
  3432. hihhioho
  3433. hninhhi
  3434. ohhni
  3435. hihhih
  3436. hiihhi
  3437. hhnhohh
  3438. hihihnihi
  3439. hhihih
  3440. nhhohnihih
  3441. hihihihih
  3442. hohhnhhi
  3443. ihnihhihih
  3444. iihih
  3445. ihohohoihh
  3446. iniohi
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  3448. oihohihhi
  3449. hhihiihiih
  3450. hnhhnh
  3451. ihnhho
  3452. ihihhiih
  3453. nihhihhih
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  3472. hihihihih
  3473. nhihinh
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  3478. hihihihi
  3479. hhihih
  3480. hihi5    
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  3482. ohhinhi
  3483. nhhinih
  3484. hnihh
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  3486. 5ahhi
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  3491. ihihhi
  3492. ihhihhihih
  3493. ihhihh
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  3498. ahhghaghg
  3499. aC==C=
  3500. <<aga
  3501. D=ghC==a=
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  3503. ah=ghgChg
  3504. g=gghgagaa
  3505. a<agaa
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  3507. gahaDCagh
  3508. b=DaC=gg>
  3509. gghgah
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  3533. ghh=hhn
  3534. h=hn=
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  3552. ==g=>g
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  3562. hhDDh
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  3567. ihEh>h
  3568. hbhhb
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  3575. inihiDi
  3576. hiDihh
  3577. ohDhhiDi
  3578. DihDhh
  3579. Di>D>DihiD
  3580. hDhDD
  3581. hiDhDhDDhh
  3582. ihD>ihihii
  3583. hDhEhhDDhh
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  3585. hhDhii
  3586. hhihoih
  3587. hihih
  3588. ihihi
  3589. EDhiihDi    h
  3590. DihEiDa
  3591. hihhDi
  3592. hhiohin
  3593. ohihDhDE
  3594. DihDih
  3595. ihihDh
  3596. hDihhihihE
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  3599. hiDhEDDhDh
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  3601. ohDhi
  3602. iohoi
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  3604. ihDDi
  3605. iihEDiihih
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  3607. nhiDhi
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  3612. hEhniDi
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  3618. D>DD?Dhhi
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  3624. DhihDhhiDh
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  3628. ihiDiniih
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  3632. hiniih
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  3635. >hihDE>h
  3636. EDiD>h>bDb
  3637. ohihihiDhi
  3638. iDDio
  3639. ioohh
  3640. hiohi
  3641. hiD>>Dhb
  3642. >D>>DhihDD
  3643. >hDhhDiDhD
  3644. ihihoiohih
  3645. iohihihoi
  3646. hihhinihD
  3647. ihihi    
  3648. oomom
  3649. oiomo
  3650. momoD
  3651. omomio
  3652. iggig
  3653. omoomimi
  3654. giCiCgig
  3655. KK'K'
  3656. K!K!E
  3657. (XoXo
  3658. +g+g+F