KODAK Photo CD Access Software provides a familiar, menu-driven interface that allows near photographic-quality images stored on Photo CD discs bearing the Photo CD symbol to be displayed, manipulated, and exported to existing software applications. You will find many ways in which to use the photographs. You can use them in:
* Word processing and desktop publishing software
* Painting, drawing, graphics, and presentation packages
* Database and development tools
* Other applications that support bit-mapped color or bitonal gray-scale images
In addition to the Photo CD disc included with Photo CD Access Software, you can take your negatives or film to a photofinishing service and have your own photographs placed on new Photo CD discs. Each new disc has the capacity to hold 100 or more images.
Online Help describes all Photo CD Access Software operations in detail.
Photo CD Access Software enables you to:
* Load photographic images stored on a Photo CD disc
* View the stored photos on a contact sheet
* Select and display a single photo or a set of photos
* Edit a displayed photo by cropping, changing the size (resolution), color settings, and orientation
* Copy an original or edited photo to the Clipboard as a bitmap
* Export an original or edited photo to a file in one of the following formats: .BMP .EPS .PCX .RIF .TIF .WMF