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- on startMovie
- if the castType of cast 941 = #empty then
- set msg to "ïKóvÇ»ÉtÉ@ÉCÉãÇ™å©Ç¬Ç©ÇËÇ‹ÇþÇÒÅBCD-ROMÇ©ÇÁé¿çsǵǃǍÇæÇŽÇ¢ÅB"
- set msg to msg & RETURN
- set msg to msg & "Cannot find required file. Run the program on CD-ROM."
- alert(msg)
- go("End")
- end if
- end
- on setup
- global pictsp, scrollthumbsp, scrollTop, scrollmax, firstv
- set pictsp to 1
- set scrollthumbsp to 12
- set scrollTop to 0
- set h to the height of cast the castNum of sprite pictsp
- set scrollmax to integer((h / float(75 + 26)) + 0.5) - 4
- set firstv to the locV of sprite pictsp
- end
- on keyhandler
- if not (the controlDown) then
- dontPassEvent()
- end if
- if the controlDown and ((the key = "c") or (the key = "C")) then
- set the text of cast "Selection" to the selection
- copyToClipBoard(cast "Selection")
- dontPassEvent()
- end if
- end
- on stopMovie
- set the text of cast "FilePath" to " "
- set the text of cast "Selection" to " "
- end
- on m2w path
- repeat with i = 1 to the maxinteger
- set c to char i of path
- if c = EMPTY then
- exit repeat
- end if
- if c = ":" then
- put "\" into char i of path
- end if
- end repeat
- return path
- end
- on w2m path
- repeat with i = 1 to the maxinteger
- set c to char i of path
- if c = EMPTY then
- exit repeat
- end if
- if c = "\" then
- put ":" into char i of path
- end if
- end repeat
- return path
- end
- on scrolldown
- global scrollTop, scrollmax
- if (scrollTop - 1) < 0 then
- exit
- end if
- set scrollTop to scrollTop - 1
- updatethumb()
- adjustselect(-1)
- updatepict()
- end
- on pagedown
- global scrollTop, scrollmax
- if scrollTop = 0 then
- exit
- end if
- set tscrolltop to scrollTop - 4
- if tscrolltop < 0 then
- set tscrolltop to 0
- end if
- adjustselect(tscrolltop - scrollTop)
- set scrollTop to tscrolltop
- updatethumb()
- indicate()
- updatepict()
- end
- on scrollup
- global scrollTop, scrollmax
- if (scrollTop + 1) > scrollmax then
- exit
- end if
- set scrollTop to scrollTop + 1
- updatethumb()
- adjustselect(1)
- updatepict()
- end
- on pageup
- global scrollTop, scrollmax
- if scrollTop = scrollmax then
- exit
- end if
- set tscrolltop to scrollTop + 4
- if tscrolltop > scrollmax then
- set tscrolltop to scrollmax
- end if
- adjustselect(tscrolltop - scrollTop)
- set scrollTop to tscrolltop
- updatethumb()
- indicate()
- updatepict()
- end
- on adjustselect delta
- set nv to the locV of sprite 19 - (delta * 101)
- if (nv < 20) or (nv > 400) then
- deselect()
- else
- set the locV of sprite 19 to nv
- end if
- end
- on updatethumb
- global pictsp, scrollthumbsp, scrollTop, scrollmax
- set basesp to scrollthumbsp - 1
- set len to the height of sprite basesp - the height of sprite scrollthumbsp
- set pos to scrollTop * len / scrollmax
- set the locV of sprite scrollthumbsp to the locV of sprite basesp + pos
- updateStage()
- end
- on thumbpressed ov
- global pictsp, scrollthumbsp, scrollTop, scrollmax
- set cn to the castNum of sprite scrollthumbsp
- set the castNum of sprite scrollthumbsp to cn + 1
- set basesp to scrollthumbsp - 1
- set h to the height of sprite scrollthumbsp
- set lastv to the locV of sprite scrollthumbsp
- set dv to the mouseV - ov
- updateStage()
- repeat while the stillDown
- set nv to the mouseV - dv
- if nv < the top of sprite basesp then
- set nv to the top of sprite basesp
- end if
- if nv > (the bottom of sprite basesp - h) then
- set nv to the bottom of sprite basesp - h
- end if
- if the mouseV < (the top of sprite basesp - 100) then
- set nv to lastv
- end if
- if the mouseV > (the bottom of sprite basesp + 100) then
- set nv to lastv
- end if
- if the mouseH < (the left of sprite basesp - 30) then
- set nv to lastv
- end if
- if the mouseH > (the right of sprite basesp + 30) then
- set nv to lastv
- end if
- set the locV of sprite scrollthumbsp to nv
- updateStage()
- indicate()
- end repeat
- deselect()
- set scrollTop to thumbindex()
- updatethumb()
- indicateoff()
- updatepict()
- set the castNum of sprite scrollthumbsp to cn
- updateStage()
- end
- on deselect
- set the text of cast "FilePath" to " "
- set the selStart to 0
- set the selEnd to 0
- out(19)
- updateStage()
- end
- on indicate
- set topone to (thumbindex() * 5) + 1
- set the text of cast "Indicator" to topone & "-" & topone + 20 - 1
- end
- on indicateoff
- set the text of cast "Indicator" to " "
- end
- on thumbindex
- global pictsp, scrollthumbsp, scrollTop, scrollmax
- set basesp to scrollthumbsp - 1
- set len to the height of sprite basesp - the height of sprite scrollthumbsp
- set pos to the locV of sprite scrollthumbsp - the locV of sprite basesp
- return ((pos * scrollmax) + (len / 2)) / len
- end
- on updatepict
- global pictsp, firstv, scrollTop
- startTimer()
- set the locV of sprite pictsp to firstv - (scrollTop * 101)
- updateStage()
- if the optionDown then
- exit
- end if
- repeat while the timer < 10
- nothing()
- end repeat
- if the controlDown then
- repeat while the timer < 15
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end if
- end
- on in sp
- if the locH of sprite sp < 0 then
- set the locH of sprite sp to the locH of sprite sp + 3000
- end if
- end
- on out sp
- if the locH of sprite sp > 0 then
- set the locH of sprite sp to the locH of sprite sp - 3000
- end if
- end
- on buttondown
- set cn to the castNum of sprite the clickOn
- set the castNum of sprite the clickOn to cn + 1
- updateStage()
- repeat while the stillDown
- if rollOver(the clickOn) then
- set the castNum of sprite the clickOn to cn + 1
- else
- set the castNum of sprite the clickOn to cn
- end if
- updateStage()
- end repeat
- set the castNum of sprite the clickOn to cn
- updateStage()
- return rollOver(the clickOn)
- end