14 Please enter your %1 so that we can correctly process your registration.
15 Market Research
17 Are you sure you do not wish to register? Only registered\nusers are eligible for free technical support, sofware\nupgrades, and other special offers.
18 New Purchase
19 Upgrade
21 1
22 2 - 5
23 6 - 10
24 11 - 25
25 26 - 50
26 > 50
28 < 6 Months
29 6 mo. - 1 yr.
30 1 yr. - 2 yrs.
31 3 - 5 yrs.
32 > 5 yrs.
34 Review
35 Advertisement
36 Dealer
37 Direct Mail
38 User Group
39 Demo
40 Friend
41 Bundle
42 Other
43 You must enter a valid serial number. You\ncan re-enter it, or select the "Demo"\nbutton to run this product in demo mode.
44 Demo Name
45 Demo Company
46 Demo Serial Number
48 America Online
49 AppleLink
50 Compuserve
51 E-World
52 Genie
53 Internet
54 Microsoft Network
55 Prodigy
56 COM1:
57 COM2:
58 COM3:
59 COM4:
60 COM5:
61 COM6:
62 COM7:
63 COM8:
64 COM9:
65 &Continue
66 Welcome to Portfolio!\n\nIf you have purchased Portfolio, click the Personalize... button. You'll be asked for the serial number that came with your package. Until you enter the serial number, the software operates in demo mode.\n\nTo try out a full functioning version of Portfolio for 60 days, press the demo button. Until you personalize Portfolio, you'll be allowed to use it in demo mode for 60 days. \n\nYou have %d days until this demo expires.\n\nTo purchase a valid serial number, call %s.
68 Portfolio
69 Mask Pro
70 Welcome to Mask Pro!\n\nIf you have purchased Mask Pro, click the Personalize... button. You'll be asked for the serial number that came with your package. Until you enter the serial number, the software operates in demo mode.\n\nTo try out a full functioning version of Mask Pro for 60 days, press the demo button. Until you personalize Mask Pro, you'll be allowed to use it in demo mode for 60 days. \n\nYou have %d days until this demo expires.\n\nTo purchase a valid serial number, call %s.
71 Welcome to Mask Pro!\n\nTo try out a full functioning version of Mask Pro for 60 days, press the demo button. \n\nYou have %d days until this demo expires.\n\nTo purchase a valid serial number, call %s.