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- Blasteroids 3-D is a fast paced 3-D space simulation game in which
- you must shoot your way through a series of asteroid belts. It requires
- lightning fast reflexes and a sharpshooter's eye to make your way through.
- Hostile spacecraft are patrolling the belt, and their energy blasts can
- finish you off quickly if you don't watch out. If you are skillful enough
- to make it to level 12, you come face to face with the dreaded alien
- mothership.
- 386 SX with 640K RAM
- VGA card
- Hard Disk Drive with 4MB free space
- SoundBlaster compatible sound card (optional)
- Installation is simple, just put the disk in your floppy
- drive, change to that drive and type INSTALL. After the files have been
- copied over, go into the c:\BLAST directory and type BLAST. Blasteroids 3-D
- will start up and autodetect your hardware. If you have a joystick you will
- be asked to calibrate it when the game starts.
- When BLASTEROIDS 3-D starts, you will see the opening screen.
- If you wait, a sequence of screens showing instructions and your opponents
- will be shown. To start the game, simply hit any key or press a joystick
- button.
- In front of you you will see your control panel, with two radar
- screens, a central shield status panel, and gauges for your laser charge
- level, hyperspace charge level, and your ship's speed.
- The front and rear radar screens show objects that are in the front
- and rear hemispheres surrounding your ship. Asteroids show up as green dots,
- and enemy spacecraft as yellow dots. If an object is in the center of the
- front radar screen, then it is directly in front of you.
- The shield status panel shows a spacecraft symbol surrounded by
- shields. The color of the shields shows their current charge level:
- BLACK - shields down, any hit will destroy you
- RED - shields dangerously low
- YELLOW - shields low
- GREEN - shields OK
- BLUE - sheilds supercharged one level
- WHITE - shields fully supercharged
- Your shields will only show the last two levels if you have picked
- up a shield power-up.
- The laser indicator shows the current charge of your lasers. The
- higher the charge, the more rapidly your lasers fire. If the charge is low,
- your lasers will fire at a very slow rate. However, they continously
- recharge while you're not firing. If you pick up the speed laser power-up,
- your lasers will charge four times as fast.
- The hyperspace level indicator shows the charge on your hyperspace
- unit. When it is at full power, pressing 'h' or pushing joystick button 2
- will initiate a hyperspace jump, transporting you out of harm's way. A
- hyperspace power up will drastically increase the rate at which your
- hyperspace unit recharges.
- The speed indicator shows your relative speed. Your ship always moves
- in the direction that you are facing, thanks to an excellent flight control
- system and auto-thrusters.
- The crosshairs in the center of your screen show the point where your
- shots will hit. They will turn red when you have a firing solution on an
- asteroid or enemy spacecraft, allowing you to lead your target for a perfect
- shot, even at long range.
- The silver ship in the center of your panel will flash red, and you
- will hear 'COLLISION ALERT' whenever an asteroid is detected on a collision
- course with your ship. If you don't thrust forward and turn quickly, you
- will be wiped out.
- Using a joystick is simple. The direction your ship faces is
- controlled by the stick, button 0 fires your lasers, and button 1 starts a
- hyperspace jump. If the up-down control of the joystick seems backwards,
- just press 'c' to reverse it. Use + to speed up, and - to slow down.
- If you are using the keyboard, the numeric keypad controls your ship's
- direction. Make sure the NUM LOCK is on. The space bar fires your lasers,
- and 'h' initiates a hyperspace jump. If the controls don't seem to be working,
- check that your CAPS LOCK is OFF.
- Asteroids come in three sizes: huge, medium, and small. Blasting
- a huge asteroid takes three shots, and breaks it into three medium sized
- asteroids.
- Blasting a medium sized asteroid takes two shots, and breaks it
- into three small ones. Small asteroids only take one shot to completely
- destroy. All asteroids in a level must be destroyed to complete that level.
- Higher levels have more asteroids that move faster. Taking a hit
- from a large or medium sized asteroid can be fatal, even at full shield power,
- so don't get overzealous and go diving into one.
- Enemy spacecraft will appear periodically, shooting red energy blasts
- at you. Each hit from these blasts will drop your shields a level, and will
- kill you if your shields are down.
- There are two types of enemy craft: big slow saucers, and small fast
- ones. The big guys aren't too hard to hit, but take a few direct hits to
- kill. The small ones are much harder to hit, but can't take as much damage.
- These craft will track you relentlessly until you can destroy them.
- After level 5, killing an enemy ship may leave a power-up floating in
- space for you to grab. Just fly over it to pick it up. The power ups and
- what they do are shown in the intro, but here is a quick recap.
- S - Shield power-up. Supercharges your shields an
- extra two levels.
- H - Hyperspace power-up. Makes your hyperspace unit recharge
- four times faster.
- L - Laser power-up Makes your lasers recharge more quickly.
- SL - Speed Lasers Doubles the velocity of your shots.
- Once an object gets too far from you, it wraps around to the other
- side of your ship, so when an asteroid disappears in front of you, it
- pops out behind you. After a while you will get used to finding those last
- few small asteroids and blasting them.
- ----------------------- HAVE FUN ------------------------------------------