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- Version 0.0 -- Beta Test Version -- 28 March 1992
- graphics, and programming by Darren Embry
- Copyright (C) 1992 by ReaperWare Enterprises
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ R E A D T H I S D O C U M E N T A T I O N B E F O R E U S I N G │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This program is being distributed in the public domain. This means that you
- are allowed to make copies of this program and pass them around to your friends
- and upload it to bulletin board systems, as long as none of the files are
- modified, all of the files are copied, and there are no charges made in the
- If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions, or you
- encountered some problems on your particular computer, or you found a bug or
- two in my program, then please drop me a line at:
- Darren Embry
- 2404 Portland Avenue
- Louisville, Ky. 40212-1038
- (enclose an S.A.S.E. for a personal reply)
- If you know what this is, you can send E-mail to me at the following
- Bitnet/Internet address:
- ...and PLEASE describe your error in detail...
- This program has 32 boards. The official (non-beta) version will contain 80
- fun-packed rounds of excitement. I need creations from the users of this game,
- though. USE THE BOARD EDITOR! You can send your ideas (you have to draw them
- on graph paper or something, though) to either address above.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ W H A T F I L E S A R E T H E R E ? │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- The distribution diskette (or archive file) should contain ALL of the following
- files:
- README .COM A simple program to display instructions for first-time
- players on how to load up the program and read the
- documentation.
- MUNCHER .COM (or .EXE) The program file, which contains board editor and game.
- MCONFIG .COM (or .EXE) This program allows you to change the configuration
- (details later)
- MIMAGES .CGA Bitmap data file for animated sprites and other small
- images.
- MINTRO .CGA Bitmap data file for the introductory title screen (the
- one that says "EmbryWare Enterprises Presents...").
- MMENU .CGA Bitmap data file for the main menu screen.
- MHELP .CGA Bitmap data file for the help screen, which displays
- brief instructions and what keys you press to play the
- game.
- MSCORES .CGA Bitmap data file for the high score screen. This file
- does not contain the actual data for the high scores,
- but only the data for a screen displaying the high
- scores.
- MSCORES .DAT File that contains the data for each high score in the
- top ten ranks.
- MEDITOR .CGA Bitmap data file for the board editor environment
- screen (displays what keys to use).
- MEXIT .CGA Bitmap data file for my "shareware" screen that appears
- before exiting to DOS.
- MBOARD .??? Files that contain the data for each game board. The
- (.001 to .032) three-digit number corresponding to the round number is
- the three-character extension (replaces ???; for
- example, M-BOARD.024). All board numbers from 1 to 32
- inclusive should be included on the distribution disk
- or archive file.
- MGAME .CGA Bitmap data file for the game playing environment
- screen (everything but the game board, the creatures,
- and the scores, etc.).
- MUNCHER .DOC The documentation that you are reading right now.
- If not all of the files are present, then the file or disk you received is NOT
- an official distribution version of Mr. Muncher.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ C O M P U T E R R E Q U I R E M E N T S │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- To run Mr. Muncher, you will need the following:
- - an IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr, PS/2, PS/1 (ha ha ha ha), or compatible
- computer running PC-DOS or MS-DOS version 2.0 or higher. Please note
- that this program is painfully slow on PCjr's and older PC's and a
- microprocessor speed of 8 MHz or greater is recommended.
- - 128 KB of RAM or greater
- - a CGA, EGA, MCGA, or VGA graphics card or compatible
- - general knowledge of DOS so that you can start up the program (duh).
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ H O W T O S T A R T U P T H E P R O G R A M │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Load up DOS on your computer. When you see the A> prompt (or B> or C>, etc.)
- place the Mr. Muncher Program Disk in the current drive, type "MUNCHER" at
- the DOS prompt, and press Enter. When the title screen appears, press any key
- and the main menu will appear. You will learn how to use the main menu in the
- next section.
- To select an option from the main menu, you can use the up and down cursor
- arrow keys to select an option. When the "highlight bar" is on your option,
- pressing the "Enter" key will make the computer perform that option.
- You may also press the key corresponding to your option in the menu (example:
- press "I" to see the instructions).
- Only the main menu options that I feel need explanations will be detailed
- below.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- When you press "P" (or move the highlight bar and press <Enter>), you have the
- chance to select the number of players or to cancel and return to the main
- menu. Press "1" to select one player, "2" to select two players, or <Esc> to
- return to the main menu.
- MR. MUNCHER is basically a clone of Pac-Man. The object is to eat all the
- little dots, or FOOD PELLETS, on the board in order to go to the next round,
- without getting destroyed by GHOSTS wandering about the board in a somewhat
- random fashion. The "bigger" dots, or ENERGY PELLETS, give you a limited
- amount of time to eat the ghosts and get points. Beware of blinking ghosts,
- which are about to change back to their dangerous colors. BONUS THINGIES,
- which appear from time to time, can give you points or an extra man, also.
- Movement of Mr. Muncher: cursor arrow keys on numeric keypad
- Pause: P
- Toggle sound effects: S
- Options menu and Help Screen: F1
- Exit back to main menu: Esc
- Food pellets: 10 points
- Energy pellets: 100 points
- Ghosts: 200, 400, and 800 for each ghost, and 1600 thereafter.
- Bonuses: cherry = 100 points
- strawberry = 500 points
- banana = 1000 points
- extra man = no points, but you do get an extra man.
- You get an extra man at 10,000 points and every 30,000 points thereafter.
- When you press the F1 key, you will get a brief help screen describing what
- keys you can use. There is also an options menu that allows you to change some
- of the settings for your game. An explanation of each option (if necessary) is
- given below:
- Toggle sound: S -- this option simply allows you to turn the sound effects on
- or off.
- Set game speed: G -- this option lets you change the speed of your program on
- your particular computer. The number you type in can be a number between 1 and
- 32767. 1 makes the game run fast, and 32,767 makes it run slow. The speed
- depends on the type of the computer you are using, so I wouldn't recommend
- using 32,767 on a slower 286 or an 8088.
- Set smoothness: M -- this option allows you to change the "smoothness" of the
- game animation to a number between 1 and 4. This setting affects the game
- speed, and it may help to set this number to 3 or 4 when running on an 8088.
- On a 286, I would recommend setting this value to 1 or 2, and on a 386 or
- higher, setting this value to 1 still gives fine animation. But it's up to you
- to experiment and see which values are best for "smoothness" and "game speed."
- For you graphically knowledgeable, this number is porportional to the number of
- pixels that each sprite moves. The game will move faster when the smoothness
- level is increased.
- Return to game: Esc -- self-explanatory.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ T H E B O A R D E D I T O R │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This option allows you to create new boards if you are bored with the old ones
- or simply just want to try something new for a change. You can have as many
- (or as few) ghosts on the board as you want, move the initial position of the
- player (where it starts when you lose a man or you're on a new board), and tell
- the computer where to put walls, food and energy pellets, etc.
- When this option is selected, board number 1 will be loaded up automatically.
- See that blinking object? That's a cursor. You move it using the cursor
- control keys. But what's all that crap on the left-hand side of the screen?
- That's your quick reference. An explanation follows:
- Move: arrow keys -- The cursor control keys allow you to move the cursor around
- the board. If you're on one of the edges, it will wrap around to the opposite
- edge for you. The cursor is used to place or erase items on the board, which
- will be explained later, in the section entitled, "The Building Blocks Of A
- Game Board".
- Scan boards: PgUp,PgDn -- This option allows you to quickly load up the
- previous or next game board. If the current board has been changed, the
- computer will ask you if you want to save it first. PgUp loads up the previous
- board (example: from board 2 to board 1), and PgDn loads up the next game board
- (example: from board 1 to board 2). If you're on board number 1 and you press
- PgUp, you will load up board number 100, because you can store 100 game boards
- on a disk. If you press PgDn and you're on board number 100, it will load up
- baord number 1.
- Load board: L -- This option allows you to select what board number you wish to
- load up. Pressing <Enter> without typing in anything will re-load the current
- game board. If the current board has been changed, the computer will ask you if
- you want to save it first.
- Save board: S -- This option allows you to select what board number you wish to
- save. Pressing <Enter> without typing in anything will save the current game
- board. If you select another board number, the computer will display that
- board and ask you if you wish to replace that board with the one you're saving.
- If you press "Y" you will overwrite the old board. If you press "N", that
- board will remain on the screen to be edited. If you press <Esc>, the old
- board will be re-loaded on the screen to be edited.
- Clear board: C -- This option allows you to clear the current board number.
- Just to be safe, you will be asked if you are sure you want to.
- Exchange: X -- This option allows you to exchange the game boards for two
- board numbers. Pressing <Esc> when inputting for a board number will go back
- to the board editor. Pressing <Enter> without typing in anything will assume
- the current board number. Entering the same number for both board numbers will
- do nothing.
- Exit: Esc -- This option allows you to exit the board editor and go back to the
- main menu. If any changes were made to the board, the computer will ask you if
- you want to save it. If you press <Esc>, the changes will not be saved and you
- will go back into the board editor.
- Player: "1" -- When you press the "1" key, the cursor will be where the
- player's initial position will be at the start of the game, or after you get
- killed. If the player is already there, the computer will ask you if you want
- to move it.
- Enemy: "2" -- Pressing the "2" key will place a ghost at the cursor position.
- If there are more than ten (10) ghosts on the board, you will receive an error
- message.
- Walls: "3" -- The wall sections are the building blocks for the maze that Mr.
- Muncher must travel to. Pressing the "3" key will place one of these blocks
- (wall sections) at the cursor. Wall sections placed next to eachother will be
- automatically "connected." A screen full of wall sections, for example, will
- look more like a grid.
- Food: "4" -- Pressing the "4" key will place a food pellet at the cursor
- positon.
- Energy: "5" -- Pressing the "5" key will place an energy pellet at the cursor
- positon.
- Eraser: "0" -- Pressing the "0" key will erase whatever is at the cursor.
- When you press "1","2","4","5", or "0" when the cursor is on a wall section,
- that wall section will be erased first, and the connections will disappear.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- The MCONFIG.COM configuration program is used to set the speed of screen
- "fades" and tells the computer whether or not to use those neat scrolling
- tricks. A "fade" is when the contents of the screen are loaded up or blanked
- out gradually. The program can also change the speed of the scrolling that you
- can perform on certain monitors and allow you to turn it off. "Scrolling" is
- when the contents are smoothly scrolled up or down (this entails a few effects)
- on the screen.
- To load up the configuration program, simply type "MCONFIG" at the DOS prompt,
- and press the Enter key.
- The MAIN MENU gives you three options:
- 1. Type in "1" and press Enter to change the speed of or test screen "fades."
- 2. Type in "2" and press Enter to change the speed of or test screen
- "scrolling."
- 3. Type in "9" and press Enter to exit to DOS.
- When you type in "1" at the main menu, the SCREEN FADE SETUP MENU gives you
- three options:
- 1. Type in "1" and press Enter to change the fading speed. This number can be
- any number from 0 to 32,767. 0 represents the fastest screen fading speed
- and 32,767 the slowest.
- 2. Type in "2" and press Enter to test a screen fade at the currently set
- fading speed, which is displayed on the bottom line of the screen.
- 3. Type in "9" and press Enter to return to the MAIN MENU.
- When you type in "2" at the main menu, the SCREEN SCROLLING SETUP MENU gives
- you three options:
- 1. Type in "1" and press Enter to change the scrolling speed. This number can
- be anywhere from 0 to 255, although I recommend between 1 and 8. 1 is the
- fastest and 8 the slowest.
- 2. Type in "2" and press Enter to test a screen scrolling at the currently set
- scrolling speed. This option asks you whether the scrolling alone cleared
- the screen (screen scrolling is ON) or the contents were scrolled back on
- and had to be "faded off" (screen scrolling is OFF; fades are used).
- 3. Type in "9" and press Enter to return to the MAIN MENU.
- When this menu is up, the screen scrolling speed and status switch (ON/OFF) is
- displayed at the bottom line of the screen.
- typed by: Darren Embry
- Saturday 28 March 1992
- 7:52 p.m.