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- Written By Daniel Neil. (C) Copyright 1992
- Using Clipper 5.01 and Nantucket Tools II
- The minimum requirements for this game is an EGA graphics adapter
- with around 350Kb of free memory.
- You should have the following files in the REPGAME.EXE file
- README.DOC This file
- REPTON.EXE The program. Run this to play game
- REPTON.HLP Help file. Run game and press F1 to read
- PRELUDE.MAZ First set of 8 screens. Loaded automatically
- AMERICA.MAZ Another set of 8 screens
- ARCTIC.MAZ Still more puzzles to solve
- RPFTEXT.FNT Screen font for text screens
- RPFMAZE.FNT Screen font for maze characters
- RPFMAP.FNT Screen font for map characters
- FRONT.SCN Screen image for introductory menu
- STATUS.SCN Screen image for game status menu
- OBJECTS.DAT Data file for maze character set
- Installation
- ------------
- Make a directory to store the files, e.g. MD REPTON
- Move into this directory with CD REPTON
- Run REPGAME.EXE. This will extract all files into current directory
- To run, you must be in the 'REPTON' directory and type REPTON.
- REPTON takes an additional parameter which is the name of the Maze to
- load. For example, if you are currently play the america screens then
- typing REPTON AMERICA will automatically load the America set of
- screens.
- The Game
- --------
- The basic objective of the game is too collect all the diamonds on
- each screen. Use the arrow keys to control movement.
- For complete instructions on the objective of the game and which
- controls are available press F1 from the front screen of the
- game. Alternatively the file REPTON.HLP can be printed out.
- Legal stuff
- -----------
- The program and its accompanying files are placed in the public domain.
- Feel free to use and distribute it, but please don't charge anything for
- it. Repton appears to work properly, but I make no guarantees that it
- won't do something nasty. Use at your own risk.
- If you would like any enhancements or find any bugs; would be
- interested in a screen editor for creating your own mazes or additional
- screens to play, please let me know.
- Daniel Neil CIS: 100010,1667
- ********************************************************************************
- CDV - Software * Ettlingerstr. 5 * 7500 Karlsruhe 1