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- Shooting Gallery
- Release 3.1 March 9, 1994
- Nels Anderson
- 92 Bishop Drive
- Framingham, MA 01701 U.S.A.
- DESCRIPTION: Shooting Gallery is an arcade game with multiple rounds to
- challenge your reflexes and aiming skills. To get started either read
- the complete instructions file "SHOOT.DOC" or just start up the game and
- view the help screens to learn how to play.
- REQUIREMENTS: Shooting Gallery runs in 320x200, 256 color MCGA graphics,
- thus an MCGA or VGA video card and monitor is needed. It also requires a
- mouse. SoundBlaster and compatible sound cards are supported for
- digitized sound effects. About 495,000 bytes of free conventional memory
- is required to use all features including digitized sound.
- SHAREWARE: Shooting Gallery is distributed as Shareware. You are free to
- try the game and make copies for others. If you continue to use the
- game, however, you must pay the author a registration fee of $15 (#12.95
- in the U.K.; see "UKORDER.TXT" for details); in return you'll receive a
- copy of the latest version of the program with the shareware reminders
- removed and including a larger digitized sound effects library. A
- "deluxe" version with binder and printed manual is available for $22.
- Please include $2 shipping/handling with your payment, or $4 for deluxe
- versions or shipping outside the U.S. Please note that prices are U.S.
- dollars. Software distribution companies may include Shooting Gallery in
- their catalog provided a copy of the catalog is supplied to the author;
- please see the file "VENDOR.TXT" for complete requirements.
- FILES: The files included in Shooting Gallery v3.1 are as follows:
- SHOOT.EXE Shooting Gallery program
- VGA256.BGI Video driver
- SHOOTLIB.GXL Sound effects library (registered version)
- SAMPLE.GXL Sound effects library (shareware version)
- SHOOT.DOC Documentation (instructions)
- SHOOT.TXT This file
- ORDERFRM.TXT A ready to print registration form
- UKORDER.TXT Order form for U.K. users
- SHAREWRE.TXT Information on Shareware
- *.PCC Background pictures
- *.PIC Target pictures
- VENDOR.TXT Information for disk vendors, etc., on distributing
- Shooting Gallery
- CATALOG.EXE Runnable catalog of other Arcanum Computing products
- All these files MUST be included when distributing this program. If you
- archive the program for distribution through BBSes, please use the name
- "SHOOTG31.ZIP" (or .LZH, .PAK, etc. as appropriate).
- SUPPORT: Support for this software is provided through the Xevious BBS.
- Call 508-875-3618 (300 thru 16800 bps, HST/v.32, 8N1) and leave a
- C)omment for the sysop. The latest version will always be available
- there first. Mail support is also available; please include an SASE with
- your request. Finally, you can contact the author through CompuServe's
- email system. Address to Nels Anderson [71020,2613].
- AVAILABLE SOFTWARE: Other software which I've either written or
- contributed to:
- EGATREK: Space strategy battle game, using hi-res graphics.
- Based on the classic minicomputer game, including
- maps, graphics, communications and even a view outside
- the ship. Winner of Public Brand Software's 1988
- software contest.
- "...simply an amazing program, full of surprises and
- strategic challenges."
- -- ProGamer Magazine, Series 2, Volume 8
- "EGATrek is such a well-designed game, if you don't have
- EGA hardware, it's a good reason to upgrade."
- -- Shareware Magazine, July-August 1990
- MAHJONGG: Addictive solitaire game played with Chinese tiles. Very
- easy to learn but always a challenge to win. Many game
- options including timed games, different layouts, etc. Also
- allows loading optional tile sets (tile editor included).
- Supports VGA, EGA and Hercules graphics; mouse optional.
- "Gorgeous board and tiles, challenging and addictive play."
- -- PCWorld Magazine, December 1988
- "...a visual feast and a mental workout."
- -- Compute! Magazine, April 1989
- TMATCH: Tile Match is a variation on concentration solitaire or
- "memory", but adds multiple player versions (up to four
- players) or play against the computer. Many scoring and
- difficulty settings allow use by any age player. Uses
- the same tiles for playing pieces as Mah Jongg solitaire
- and includes the tile editor.
- TILESETS: Several collections of tile sets created by various
- Mah Jongg fans are available. Each collection includes
- at least ten tile sets. Requires Mah Jongg v3.3 or later
- or any version of Tile Match.
- CIPHER: A word puzzle game, yet it uses hi-res VGA or EGA graphics
- to run (mouse optional). Also will run in color text mode.
- Includes over 30 puzzles to solve; registered version comes
- with over 200 additional puzzles. You can also enter your
- own already encrypted puzzles and additional puzzles are
- available.
- SHOOT: "Shooting Gallery" is a colorful arcade game with several
- different rounds to test your aim and reflexes, including
- skeet, quick draw, carnival type shooting range and a wild
- west shootout. Uses 320x200, 256 color mode and a mouse to
- play. Requires VGA or MCGA.
- "Shooting Gallery is seven rounds of pure fun!"
- -- Patrick Grote
- "...one of the most entertaining, colorful, action-packed
- and challenging games I have seen."
- -- Vulcan's Compute Monthly, August 1990
- SUPERFLY: An action game using hi-res EGA/VGA graphics. Chase the
- flies and other insects through twenty different rounds.
- Includes three levels of difficulty, hall of fame, shell
- to DOS, etc.
- "...fascinatingly mixes arcade action with strategic
- maneuvering."
- -- PC Magazine, vol. 10 #17 (10/15/91)
- "RATING: 10.0" (highest rating)
- -- Patrick Grote
- MOUSTOOL: A collection of utilities for Turbo Pascal programmers
- wishing to incorporate mouse input in their programs.
- Sample programs included for both EGA and CGA graphics.
- BASSTOUR: (Written by Dick Olsen). Game that simulates a fishing
- tournament, including rod and lure selection. Runs in
- EGA/CGA/Hercules graphics modes. Uses many of the
- utilities from MOUSTOOL.
- BASSMAP: Companion program for BassTour which allows lakes to be
- created or modified. EGA and CGA versions provided.
- These programs are probably available on your favorite BBS or from your
- favorite disk vendors. To register them or to order direct, use the form
- in the file "ORDERFRM.TXT" (U.K. residents use "UKORDER.TXT") which is
- all ready to print. The "deluxe" version includes the registered
- software on diskette, plus a binder and printed manual (some programs
- also include quick reference cards). The standard version includes just
- the diskette with the registered software. You can also use your VISA or
- MasterCard to order on-line thru the support BBS, Xevious, at
- 508-875-3618. Use the command CREDIT to order.
- - - - - -
- Shooting Gallery is copyright (c) 1994 by Nels Anderson. All rights reserved.
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