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Text File | 1996-05-25 | 59.5 KB | 1,104 lines |
- =============================================================================
- MAP EDITING FAQ v0.2 BY BRETT GMOSER=============================================================================
- 0: About this FAQ
- 0.1 Who made ALL This?
- 0.1.1 How do I contact the author?
- 0.2 What you should have gotten
- 0.3 Revision History
- 0.4 Thank-you's and Credits
- 0.5 Where to get this FAQ
- 1: Information & Other Stuff
- 1.1 What are maps?
- 1.1.1 What else can I do with MAP files?
- 1.1.2 Can I extract the original .MAP files from the game?
- 1.2 What do I use to make maps?
- 1.2.1 Can I make maps other games?
- 2: Making Levels, basic
- 2.1 Ok, I have the editor, how do I use this thing?
- 2.2 First levels suck
- 2.3 Your basic, one-sector, horrible level
- 2.4 Your basic, two-sector, horrible level
- 2.5 Your basic, two-sector, not-so-horrible level
- 2.5.1 Floor/ceiling heights
- 2.5.2 Changing textures
- Panning and stuff
- 2.5.3 Skies
- 2.5.4 Shading
- 2.5.5 Slopes
- 3: Onto the cool stuff
- 3.1 Intro
- 3.2 Hitags and Lotags
- 3.3 Sector Effectors
- 3.4 Locators
- 3.5 Music & SFX
- 3.6 Respawns
- 3.7 Acticatorlocked
- 3.8 Activators
- 3.9 Checklist
- 4: Your not-so basic, awesome level
- 4.1 Intro
- 4.2 Teleporters
- 4.3 Water
- 4.4 Lifts
- 4.5 Glass
- 4.6 Vents
- 4.7 Security Cameras
- 4.8 Regular, DOOM-Type Doors
- 4.9 Collapsible Bridges/Bridges
- 4.10 Dukematch/Co-op ONLY Stuff
- 4.11 Fun With C-9 (Includes how to blow holes in walls)
- 4.12 Swinging Doors
- 4.13 Rooms Over Rooms
- 4.14 Sliding Star Trek Doors
- 4.15 Splitting Star Trek Doors
- 4.16 Teeth Doors
- 4.17 Auto-Closing Doors
- 4.18 Nuke Buttons
- 4.19 Secret Areas
- 4.20 Sound List
- 4.21 Mirrors
- 4.22 Conveyor Belts/Water Current
- 4.23 Gears
- 4.24 Subways
- 4.25 Colored Lights
- 4.26 Demo Cameras
- 4.27 Co-op/Dukematch Starting Points
- 4.28 Facts on dimensions
- 4.29 Spawning Stuff
- 4.30 Active Tripbombs
- 4.31 Locked Doors
- 4.32 Earthquakes
- 4.33 Light Switches
- 4.34 Open Door, Room Lights Up
- 4.25 Shooters
- 5: Finishing Up
- 5.1 Map Authoring Template
- 5.2 Uploading your level
- ==============
- ==============
- 0.1 Who made ALL this?
- My name is Brett Gmoser (silent G). I have a lot of free time on
- my hands. I am a hard core Duke 3D fan, and I've played it non-stop
- since the day it came out. I made levels for Wolf 3d, DOOM, DOOM ][,
- HeXen and ROTT, so I figured, hey, why not make Duke 3D levels? Well,
- I got my CD 2 days after it started shipping, and as soon as I fired
- up the editor, I, just like you, figured out just how complicated Duke
- levels can be. I spent day and night (really) figuring stuff out. As
- it ended up, after just three days I found that I had a knack for
- making Duke levels. I have 2 ISPs, and as I surfed through to Duke 3D
- Editing folders on AOL, compuserve and the Apogee BBS, I saw people
- were having trouble. So I decided to make this FAQ!
- 0.1.1 Ho do I contact the author?
- Well, I prefer to get email through my internet account,
- and the address there is "gmoser@gramercy.ios.com". I'm also
- on AOL, my screen name there is "GutenTag11". You can find me
- on the 3D Realms BBS as "gmozmer".
- Here is a list of my current web sites:
- http://gramercy.ios.com/~gmoser/duke3d/
- My Duke 3D Site. Pretty good, if you ask me. :)
- http://users.aol.com/gutentag11/cheats.htm
- A page with lots of cheat codes, offers my program which is
- called CHEATS!.
- I wouldn't DARE give out the rest of the addresses because they
- all suck....:)
- 0.2 What you should have gotten
- In addition to this file (MAPFAQ02.FAQ), you should have gotten the
- following things in the ZIP file (MAPFAQ02.ZIP):
- Please note that the MAP files were designed to make whatever it
- was supposed to make, not to look good. :)
- 0.3 Revision history
- v0.1 FAQ Created. Everything is new.
- v0.2 LOTSA stuff added, some errors corrected. Thanks to all the
- kind people that pointed them out! Added about 7 new things, many
- other updates. Added section 5: Finishing Up.
- 0.4 Thank-you's and Credits
- First, I would like to thank 3D Realms for such a great game. Thank
- you also to all the people that gave me support, and the people that
- have this FAQ posted on their web page. I would like to give credit
- to Per-Erik Nilsson for the dimensions facts, and Tempest for making
- great tutorials on how to make Star Trek Doors.
- In addition, ALL the kind people that told me how great I was,
- how much they liked this FAQ, pointed out errors, and gave me
- support. If I didn't email you back, sorry, I had a LOT of mail
- concerning this FAQ.
- Thanks Guys!
- 0.5 Where to get this FAQ
- Well, you already have it, but in case you lose it, or would like
- another version, here are some of the most reliable places to get
- it:
- http://www.erols.com/yeagers
- GREAT HTML version here, ZIP can be downloaded, along with all the
- MAPs separately. My favorite.
- http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d.html
- Check the FAQs portion of this page.
- http://www.newreach.net/~avenger
- Among the best of the Duke 3D pages, they've got LOTSa levels
- and FAQs, including this one. Has text version to look at.
- http://www.bayserve.net/~mike
- Go to the Duke 3d page from here.
- http://gramercy.ios.com/~gmoser/duke3d
- My site, I'll post it here first if I make v0.3.
- If you know of a great site that has this FAQ, please tell me so
- I can add it.
- Thank You.
- =========================
- 1: Information About Maps
- =========================
- 1.1 What are maps?
- Maps are user levels for Duke Nukem 3D. They are in the same format
- as the actual levels, and are fully customizable as far as levels go.
- Map files are not only for Duke 3D, but the same format is used for all
- of the games that use the Build engine. Build allows for many new things
- like moving sectors, rotating sectors, parallaxing skies, slopes, and
- lots of other stuff. The possibilities are endless!
- 0.1.1 What else can I do with MAP files?
- Well, not much else. MAP files are not like DOOM's system where
- you had WADs and PWADs. MAP files can only take in levels.
- 0.1.2 Can I extract the original .MAP files from the game?
- Yes, you can. In the \goodies\build directory of your Duke 3D CD,
- there is a program called KEXTRACT. Copy it to your Duke 3D
- directory and use the following command:
- This will extract all the original levels.
- Also, when you go into build, you can use the command line
- The first ? is the episode #, the second ? is the level. For
- the bonus levels of episodes 2 and 3, use ?? for level 10
- and 11.
- Look at them and see how much work was put into them...boy! :)
- 1.2 What do I use to make maps?
- Currently, the only editor for build is BUILD by 3D Realms. It is the
- official editor and was used to make all the real levels. How does one
- obtain this editor you ask? That's simple. BUILD is on the CD that
- registered Duke 3D comes on in the directory \goodies\build.
- 0.2.1 Can I make maps for other games?
- No, not really. BUILD is made specially for Duke Nukem 3D.
- You could probably make a simple one-roomer with no objects
- or sprites, but nothing that good.
- =======================
- =======================
- 2.1 Ok, I have the editor, how do I use this thing?
- Yes, at first, BUILD looks VERY complicated. It is used by with the
- keyboard. Since you have the actual editor, and not a pirated editor,
- you should have BUILDHLP.EXE in the \goodies\build directory of your
- CD. It's the official BUILD handbook, please read this ENTIRE thing
- to learn the basic keyboard commands.
- 2.2 First levels suck!
- Lets face it, your first level IS going to suck. This happens to
- everybody. I HIGHLY reccomend you make you first level suck on purpose.
- This will get you used to the format and the way of doing things in
- BUILD. So lets get started on our first horrible level!
- 2.3 Your basic, one-sector, horrible level
- Now that you've read everything above this, it's time to make your
- first level. We'll start off very basic, and move on to the cool
- stuff. First, we'll make a one-sector room. Here's how:
- First, make sure you are in 2D mode. (Since you've read BUILDHLP,
- you know how to get there) Position the cursor somewhere on the
- grid. BUILD automatically starts you out in the lower-right corner.
- You shouldn't worry about this.....yet. Press the space bar to enter
- line-draw mode. Move the mouse around, see what happens. Nothing
- special, except that when you press the space bar again, this is where
- the next line will start. For now, we'll just make a square room.
- If you want, when you're done, you can position the cursor on one of
- the vertexes, hold the left mouse button and drag the vertex around
- to change how the room looks. Next, place the arrow somewhere in
- the room, and press scroll lock. This puts the starting point in.
- Pardon my artwork, but it should look something like this:
- _____________________________ The -'s and :'s represent the lines,
- : : and the --> is your starting point.
- : :
- : --> :
- : :
- :____________________________:
- At this point, you can save and run your level. Pretty cool, huh?
- 2.4 Your basic, two sector, horrible level
- After you've tried your new one-sector level, fire up BUILD and go
- to it. If we wanted to make and elevated surface in the middle of
- the room for absolutely no reason other than to learn how, we would
- place the cursor somewhere inside our sector, and draw a new box.
- We'll call the box you just made "BOX B" and the other will be "BOX A"
- It should look something like this:
- ________________________________
- : ________________________ :
- : : : :
- : : BOX B : :
- : : : :
- : :______________________: :
- : BOX A :
- :_______________________________:
- Now, click on the outer portion, and enter 3D mode. Notice what it
- did. You now have the new box as walls facing outward, and you can't
- go in the box that you made. It's just walls. We could leave it like
- that, but we want an elevated platform, right? So, go back into 2D
- mode. Place the cursor inside BOX B. Now, hit ALT+S. Notice that
- the lines that make up BOX B have turned red. This means that those
- walls are "Two sided walls", and the box inside has now turned into
- what is called "Valid player space". Go into 3D Mode, and watch what
- happened. The room should look exactly like our one-sector room did.
- Utterly useless, but read on....
- 2.5 Your basic, two-sector, not-so-horrible level
- Ok, as I said, we are going to make an elevated surface. But we just
- GOTTA do some other things, right? :)
- 2.5.1 Floor/ceiling heights
- Go into 3D mode now, and point the mouse at BOX B. To make BOX B
- elevate, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys. Try it with BOX B's
- floor and ceiling, along with BOX A's floor and ceiling. Our surface
- is now elevated.
- 2.5.2 Changing textures
- Well, we have our cool floor and ceiling heights, but we have
- to do something with that ugly grey texture. Well, here's how:
- Point the mouse to the texture you want to change. Hit the 'V'
- key. You will now have a screen with that ugly texture, and
- you can go down and see the names of everything else. It's
- like this because that's the only texture we've used. Later,
- when we use more, the ones we use will show up automatically.
- Anyway, for now, we want pictures. So go ahead and hit the 'V'
- key again to get all of the items. Scroll down till you find
- a cool texture, and hit enter. The wall has now changed textures.
- Panning and stuff
- Texture panning is a great feature. You can scroll a
- wall up and down, possibly to meet other textures on
- either side. To do this, go into 3D mode. Point to
- the texture you want to pan. Next, hold down the shift
- key and use the arrows on the number pad to pan. Cool?
- You can also shrink and enlarge the texture (this also
- works for sprites) by using just the arrow keys. If you
- ever totally mess up a wall, you can get it back by
- pressing /. If you like the way you panned or shrunk a
- wall, you can hit the > key to do it all around.
- 2.5.3 Skies
- If you tried to change the ceiling to a sky, and it looked
- all wrong, you can fix that very easily. In 3D mode, point
- to the sky, and press the 'P' key. This is called parallaxing.
- It makes the ceiling (or floor for a neat effect) look like it
- arches and goes forever. Very cool stuff....
- 2.5.4 Shading
- Well, to make it darker, all you have to do is point at a
- texture and hit the + and - keys on your numeric pad. To make
- the whole room dark, just shade all the walls.
- 2.5.5 Slopes
- Slopes are quite easy, actually. All you do is go into
- 3D mode and point at the wall/ceiling you want sloped. Then,
- use the [ and ] keys to slope. That's it!
- ==============================
- ==============================
- 3.1 Intro
- First off, please do not proceed unless you have read and
- done all of the above, or you will not understand anything
- below this. Deal? Ok. Second, PLEASE read the following
- part... because if you understand it, you will be able to
- do this stuff ALL on your own. :)
- 3.2 Hitags and Lotags
- These are some of the hardest things to explain. I'm going
- to explain it like this: Lotags are usually defined by the
- game, and they describe how something is going to act. Lotags
- can be changed by placing the cursor on what you want to change
- and pressing 'T' for sectors, and 'ALT+T' for sprites. Hitags
- are usually defined by the user. They explain where something
- is going to go to, or what's going to activate it. For example,
- it could be where a teleporter is going to teleport to, or what
- switch a conveyor belt is going to stop for. Hitags are defined
- by using 'H' key for sectors, and 'ALT+H' for sprites.
- 3.3 Sector Effectors
- Sector effectors are just what the name says. They say what
- will happen to a sector when you blow that crack, flip that
- switch, open that door, or activate that touchplate. They
- need Hitags and Lotags to go with them.
- 3.4 Locators
- Locators can determine where a Recon Control Vehicle goes
- or where a subway turns or goes. You get the idea.
- 3.5 Music & SFX
- One really good thing about Duke 3D is that YOU define the
- sounds that a door, lift, or just about anything for that
- matter makes. Use this to say what sound these things make
- when used. Stuff like teleporters and other things
- do NOT need this.
- 3.6 Respawns
- This is used to make something appear when something happens. The
- event can be the killing of a dancer, or stepping on a touchplate
- sector.
- 3.7 Activatorlocked
- These are used in locked doors. Read section 4.32.
- 3.8 Activators
- These are used to activate Sector Effectors through a switch or a
- touchplate.
- 3.9 Checklist
- There are a bunch of things you must do before you make/upload
- a level. Here's a checklist:
- Before starting on your level:
- [ ] I am comfortable with the editor I am using
- [ ] I have made my first level, and it sucks
- [ ] I have a good theme for my level
- [ ] I have planned it all out
- [ ] I have read this ENTIRE FAQ through, and understand how to do
- everything.
- [ ] I understand everything talked about in section 3
- Before Uploading your level:
- [ ] I have filled out a MAP authoring template
- [ ] I have a story line
- [ ] I have gone through EVERY part of my level so many times that
- I think I'm going to kill myself.
- [ ] I have had other people use my level
- [ ] I have tested my level using multiplayer
- ===================================
- ===================================
- 4.1 Intro
- Again, as before, PLEASE do not advance to this part of level making
- unless you have read and understood everything above it. :) This is
- because this section will be the part where you really make your two-
- sector level AWESOME. It is the stuff that was used in the real levels,
- and I'm going to explain to you exactly how to do everything. If in
- doubt, I have provided separate .MAP files for each technique, and near
- each set of directions, I have put what .MAP file to look in.
- 4.2 Teleporters
- Teleporters are some of the easiest hard things to make in Duke 3D,
- so we'll start with them first. First, make the following room:
- ____________________________________
- : : We'll call this fig. a. The
- : : outside box is just your normal,
- : : basic room. Make the two inner
- : : Sectors (marked with a "T") valid
- : ___ ___ : Player space. If you want to make
- : : T : : T : : it look good, put the grid size on
- : :___: :___: : the biggest one, and line up the
- : : "T" sectors with the grid. Use the
- :__________________________________: teleporter tile for the floor, and
- raise the floor. The next step is the hard part. Place a sector-
- effector sprite in the middle of each of the "T" sectors. Since this
- is your first teleporter, make the Hitag for this sprite 1, and the
- Lotag 7. 1 is because this is your first teleporter, and if you made
- another, you would change it to 2. 7 is because that is that is the
- Lotag for teleporting. That's it!
- Notes:
- Note that whatever angle the sector-effector sprite is facing is
- the way that the player is facing when he/she comes out of the
- teleporter. You could have the player come out facing a wall with
- 10 aliens to his back...but you didn't get that idea from me! :)
- 4.3 Water
- Map name: WATER.MAP
- Like teleporters, water is very easy. First, make a square sector.
- Put another sector in the middle of it, this will be the top of the
- water. Next, make a sector anywhere (except in the outer part of
- the first one). One thing you must make sure of is that both of the
- inner sectors are the same EXACT size, and that they are valid player
- space. When you're done, it should look like this:
- Now comes the hard part. We're working
- ____________ now with the inner sector, since that is
- :______B_____: the water. Sector A is going to the top
- of the water, so change that SECTOR's
- Lotag to 1. This signifies that this sector
- __________________________ will be "on top" of the water. Do the
- : : same thing to sector B, but make the Lotag
- : ______________ : 2. This tells the game that this sector will
- : :______A_____: : be underwater. Next, put sector-effectors
- : : in the same place of sector A and sector B.
- :_________________________: Just like teleporters, this is your first
- piece of water, so make the Hitag for both sector-effectors 1, and the
- Lotag 7. That's it!
- 4.4 Lifts
- Map Name: LIFTS.MAP
- There are four different kinds of lifts:
- 1. Starts at top, comes down. Ceiling stays put.
- 2. Starts at bottom, comes up. Ceiling stays put.
- 3. Starts on top, floor and ceiling come down together.
- 4. Starts on bottom, floor and ceiling come down together.
- These are pretty easy to make. I would guess you know how to arrange
- the sectors (if not, look at LIFTS.MAP). Here's how you make the
- All Hitags are zero, so put the following #'s for Lotags:
- 1. 16
- 2. 17
- 3. 18
- 4. 19
- For best effect, put a MUSIC&SFX sprite in the lift sector, make
- the Hitag and Lotag (For MUSIC&SFX sprite) 73 for Hitag, 71 for Lotag.
- 4.5 Glass
- Map Name: GLASS.MAP
- Glass, believe it or not, is fairly easy. The procedure is as
- follows:
- Make the following rooms:
- __________ _________
- : : : : The sector in the middle should be valid
- : :_: : player space. Next, go into 3D Mode.
- : : : : Point the cursor to the ceiling of the middle
- : : : : sector, and press 'M'. An ugly brown texture
- : :_: : will appear. Press 'V' on this texture and
- : : : : select the glass texture. Next, go into 2D
- :_________: :________: mode. Point to the line with the glass
- texture. Press 'B' to make it so you can't walk through the glass,
- and CTRL+H to make the glass breakable. You've got yourself a new
- window!
- 4.6 Vents
- Map Name: NONE
- There's no map for this because it is so easy. All you have to do
- is put the vent sprite on both sides of the opening, make it hittable,
- (use CTRL+H in 2D mode) size it down, and make the vent have that
- metal texture as a floor. That's it! You might want to size down the
- second sector to make it look something like a vent. :)
- 4.7 Security Cameras
- Map Name: CAMERA.MAP
- Look at CAMERA.MAP for this one. Pretty self explanitory. :)
- NOTE: The Hitags on cameras are how much they will turn from their
- original starting position. Experiment!
- 4.8 Regular, DOOM-Type Doors
- Map Name: NONE
- This is easy. I'm sure you know how to make doors in DOOM. Make
- 3 sectors, the one in the middle is your door. Make the ceiling
- come down to the ground. Add nice textures, put a Sector Lotag
- of 20 for the door sector. That's it!
- 4.9 Collapsible Bridges/Bridges
- Map Name: BRIDGE.MAP
- Bridges, despite what you might think, are extremely easy. A
- bridge is actually a sprite. (Check BRIDGE.MAP for sprite #)
- To make the bridge collapsible, like in E1L1, give the bridge
- sprite a Hitag. It doesn't matter what number, as long as it
- is unique to that bridge.
- NOTE: You may have to use the 'R' key on the bridge sprite to
- get it the way you want it.
- 4.10 Dukematch/Co-op ONLY Stuff
- Map Name: NONE
- To make an object appear only in Dukematch or Co-op play, go into
- 3D Mode. Point to the sprite with the cursor and hit the RALT+P
- keys. (This is to change the palette) Type in '1' to make the
- object "Dukematch-only". That's it!
- 4.11 Fun With C-9
- Map Name: HOLE.MAP
- C-9 is the source of most of the explosions in Duke 3D. Here are some
- facts:
- A.) If you shrink C-9 (Use > and < keys on numberpad in 3D Mode) all
- the way (widthwise), when you play the game you do not see it. It
- can still be operated, but only by an OOZCAN, another C-9, or a crack.
- B.) A C-9 sprite can be activated by an OOZCAN, crack, or another C-9.
- C.) You can have a Dukematch-Only hole by making the crack Dukematch-
- only. (See 4.10)
- Well, that's it for the mile-long fact list...:) Now, to be able to
- blow holes in walls....
- Step 1: Make the following sectors:
- ____________________
- : :
- : :____
- : :_A__:
- : :_B__:
- : :_C__:
- : :
- : :
- :____________________:
- Sectors A, B, and C should be all valid player space. We could have
- sectors A, B, and C as all one sector, but we want our hole to look
- cool. So make it 3, and arrange the slopes of the floor and ceiling
- and the heights of the floor and ceiling until you've got a nice hole.
- Add nice textures, the stuff inside the hole will be what it looks like
- when blown out.
- Step 2: Put a crack sprite somewhere. It really doesn't matter where,
- it'll work just the same. I prefer in front of the hole. :) Make sure
- that it's directly on a wall, though. Give the crack a Hitag.
- Something unique, not the same as any other cracks. I used 213 in
- my map.
- Step 3: Place a Sector Effector *Sprite* in sectors A, B, and C.
- Give them your unique Hitag, and a Lotag of '13'.
- Step 4: Place a C-9 sprite in sectors A, B, and C. Now, go into 3D
- mode. Use the '4' and '6' keys on your NUMBERPAD to shrink the C-9
- WIDTHWISE as much as possible. If you don't know what I mean, look
- at my map.
- Step 5: Go back into 2D mode. Give each of the C-9's your special
- Hitag. Now, the Lotag for the C-9's is up to you. That determines
- how long it will be before the C-9 blows up. You can have it happen
- right away, a long way away so the player walks up to the hole and has
- C-9 blown up in his face, or all three go at different times. For now,
- just put 20 for the middle one, 40 for the left one, and 60 for the
- right one. This makes a nice explosion, and is not bad for a
- beginners hole.
- Step 6: You're done! Play the level! In future hole designing, you
- might want to know this:
- 1. You can have the crack shatter as many sectors as you want, just
- make sure they are of all equal Hitags.
- 2. If you want a HUGE explosion that'll last about 10 seconds, fill
- the ENTIRE room with C-9, shrink them all, and give them your
- Hitag. Set them all for different times, and watch it blow! Set
- records for how long you can stay alive with C-9 blowing up in your
- face!
- 3. Have JUST C-9 blow a hole by replacing the crack with a C-9
- sprite. Make sure it's not on the wall, and KABOOM!
- 4. Use KEXTRACT to extract the original levels, get ideas from them.
- 4.12 Swinging Doors
- Map Name: SWDOOR.MAP
- These are EXTREMELY hard at first, but when you know how, you can
- do it with the snap of a finger. I recommend you follow these
- directions and make your own before you look at the example, because
- the example is very confusing.
- STEP 1: Make the following sectors:
- _____________________
- : :
- : :
- : :__________
- : : :
- : A : B :
- : : :
- : :_________:
- : :
- : :
- :___________________:
- They should be both valid player space, and the line separating them
- should be red.
- STEP 2: Now, we make the doors. This is the hard part. Go into
- sector A and make the following:
- ___
- : :
- : :
- : :
- :__:
- It is important that you realize that you must make the doors in a
- valid sector. Doesn't matter which one, but a valid sector.
- STEP 3: You should now have something like this:
- _____________________
- : :
- : :
- : :__________
- : : :
- : A : B :
- : ___ : :
- : : : :_________:
- : : C: :
- : : : :
- : :__: :
- :___________________:
- First, make sector C valid player space by moving the cursor in it
- and pressing ALT+S. Give it a Lotag of '23'. Move the vertexes
- over to where the door will be. The upper right vertex of sector
- C should overlap the upper left corner of sector B. Sector C's right
- line should overlap sector B's left one. Get it? I hope so. :)
- STEP 4: Make another sector C, and place it below the old sector C.
- The new sector C's bottom vertexes should overlap the new sector C's
- top vertexes.
- You should have this:
- _____________________
- : :
- : :
- : _:__________
- : : : :
- : A :_: B :
- : : : :
- : :_:_________:
- : :
- : :
- :___________________:
- I hope you understand this part. If not, please look at SWDOOR.MAP.
- If you still can't get it, send email to gmoser@gramercy.ios.com.
- I'll try to help you.
- STEP 5: Now, the tricky part. You have to put a sector effector at
- the pivot points of the two doors. Sound easy? Well, kinda, but
- you have to get it just right. Turn grid locking off, and move the
- sprite to the corner, but not ON the corner vertex. Just enough so
- that it doesn't touch anything. Next, give the sector effectors a
- unique Hitag, and a Lotag of 11.
- STEP 6: For the next step, the docs appear to be wrong. They say
- change the palette number of the sector-effector to change the
- direction that the doors go, but actually, you have to point the
- SE's the way you want. Check SWDOOR.MAP for more details.
- STEP 7: Raise the floor of the door up to the ceiling, add nice
- textures, and you're done!
- NOTE: A door will not appear to work right when:
- The floor/ceiling is sloped
- The floor/ceiling is a different height than that of the
- doors, from the beginning of the door to the end. (i.e. A
- door will not work if swinging off a curb)
- 4.13 Rooms Over Rooms
- Map Name: SOS.MAP
- This is quite easy to do. First, make a big sector. Make the ceiling
- high, choose some nice textures. Make a place leading from that, and
- up a staircase or slope. Go around until you get to one of the sides
- of the first sector. You should something like have this:
- ______________________________________
- : ________________________ :
- : : : :
- : : :______:
- : : 0 0
- : : __________________________________________
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : :__: :
- : :
- : :
- :________ :
- : :
- : :
- : :
- : :
- :__________________________________________:
- Now, the two 0's are the ending vertexes for the sloped hallway. I
- know they look nothing like it, but bear with me. :) Now, start
- making a new sector, starting from the 0's. Make it inside the
- first sector. DO NOT put vertexes on the lines for the first sector.
- just let the lines overlap. Now, travel up your slope, and go
- into the sector you just made. Right now, it's at regular floor height.
- Just raise the floor, and you've got a sector over a sector! If you
- need help, look at SOS.MAP.
- Now, the general rule for rooms over rooms, is make it the way it
- is above. You don't have to make it EXACTLY like it, just make sure
- the stacked sector is made of all white lines. Get it? Good.
- 4.14 Sliding Star Trek Doors
- Sliding Star Trek doors, despite what you might think, are very easy.
- But, they can be very hard to teach by way of directions. If in
- doubt, look at SLSTDOOR.MAP. Pull it all apart.
- These doors are just 2 sides that pull apart. An example from the
- real game is the door leading out of the arcade in E1L1.
- STEP 1: Make the following sectors:
- _______________ ________________
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : :___"___: :
- : : : : : :
- : : : : : :
- : D : C:A:B : E :
- : :__:_:__: :
- : : " : :
- : : : :
- :______________: :_______________:
- Ok, now. Sector A is what we will be working with. Insert 3 vertexes
- on the bottom and top lines of sector A. If you're not sure what I
- mean, the lines to insert the vertexes are marked with a ". They
- should be side by side, parallel to each other.
- STEP 2: Slide the two middle vertexes into the exact middle. They
- should overlap. Next, take the top and bottom vertexes and slide
- them on the line that separates setctor A from B, and A from C.
- Again, if you don't know what I mean, look at SLSTDOOR.MAP.
- STEP 3: You are now done constructing the door. Add some nice
- textures. Now, go into 2D mode. Point the cursor to one of the
- triangles that you made by sliding vertexes. Doesn't matter which
- one, top of bottom. Hit the 'T' key and give it a Lotag of 9.
- At this point, you can use your new door. To make the door nice,
- put a MUSIC&SFX sprite and a GSPEED sprite in one of the triangles.
- Give the GSPEED sprite a Lotag of 64, and the MUSIC&SFX sprite
- a lotag of 259.
- NOTES: 1.) The texture of the door will "squish" when it is opened.
- No way around it.
- 2.) For some odd reason, the door's sound will play twice
- when the door is opened. No way around this. :(
- 4.15 Splitting Star Trek Doors
- These have got to be the COOLEST doors in the game, and they're
- quite easy to make. Here's how:
- STEP 1: Make a regular Star Trek Door. (See 4.14)
- STEP 2: Go into 3D mode. Choose nice textures. Point the cursor
- at the triangle part, and make the floor and ceiling meet in the
- middle. Keep in mind that the floor and ceiling of the triangles
- will be the floor and ceiling of the door sector when the door is
- open, so choose a texture like 1156. You are now done constructing
- the door. Just a few little things to go...
- STEP 3: Go back into 2D mode. Point at one of the middle triangles.
- Give the sector a Lotag of 26. At this point, your door is done.
- To make it nice, add a GSPEED and MUSIC&SFX sprite. Give the GSPEED
- sprite a Lotag of 128, and the MUSIC&SFX sprite a Lotag of 527. You're
- done!
- 4.16 Teeth Doors
- Another cool door, and it's real easy to make.
- STEP 1: Make the following sectors:
- ________________________ ______________________
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : :_____________: :
- : : _____ : :
- : : :__B__: : :
- : D : _____ A : E :
- : : :__C__: : :
- : :_____________: :
- : : : :
- : : : :
- :______________________: :_____________________:
- They should all be valid player space.
- STEP 2: Raise sector A, B, and C's ceiling to match D and E's.
- Leave sector A's floor alone, but make B and C's floor low enough
- so that you can't see it, even looking down. Add nice textures.
- STEP 3: Give sector A a unique Hitag, and a Lotag of 29. Place
- one sector effector in sector B and C. Give the effectors the unique
- Hitag you gave sector A, and a Lotag of 22. You're done! You might
- want a MUSICANDSFX sprite with a Lotag of 166 in sector A, up to you.
- 4.17 Auto-Closing Doors
- To make a door auto-close, put a sector effector in the door sector.
- Give it a Lotag of 10. The Hitag is how long the game should wait
- before closing the door. 128 equals 4 seconds, this is usually the
- best.
- 4.18 Nuke Buttons
- All you have to do for a Nukebutton is put the sprite (#142) on a
- wall, and give it a Lotag of '32767'. Also, to end a level, put
- a sectoreffector in a sector and give it a Lotag of '65535'. This
- will end the level when the player walks on the sector.
- 4.19 Secret Areas
- Map Name: NONE
- To make a secret area, put a Sector Effector in the sector. Give
- it a Lotag of '32767'.
- 4.20 Sound List
- Map Name: NONE
- I'm not going to list all of the sounds and what theydo here, at
- least for now. You have a list of them in your Duke 3D directory,
- though. Open up DEFS.CON. There is a list of all the sounds starting
- at line number 646.
- 4.21 Mirrors
- Map Name: MIRROR.MAP
- This is pretty easy to do. Before you do this, go into MIRROR.MAP.
- Turn on no clipping (DNCLIP). Walk through the mirror. Weird?
- This is a hall of mirrors effect, and you are actually in the
- room behind the mirror. To make a mirror, make the following sectors:
- _____________________________________
- : :
- : : ________
- : : : :
- : :___: :
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : : : :
- : C : B : A :
- : : : :
- : :___: :
- : : : :
- : : :________:
- : :
- :____________________________________:
- Sector C is the room behind the mirror. As a rule of thumb, it should
- usually be twice as big as sector A, if not bigger. The mirror will
- usually work if sector C is the same size as sector A, but sometimes
- if you look in the mirror at different angles, it gets messed up.
- Now, go into sector A, in 3D mode. Point to the ceiling of sector
- B, and press the 'M' key. Change that ugly texture to the mirror
- texture, which is number 560. Next, point to the new texture and
- press the '1' key. This makes the wall 1-sided, and there will now
- be a pink backround and you can't see into the other room. Next,
- go into 2D mode. Point to the wall that the mirror will be and
- press the 'B' key and 'CTRL+H' keys. This makes the wall block you
- and hittable. If you want Duke to say "Damn, I'm lookin' good!"
- when you use the mirror, give the wall (use ALT+T on the wall for
- Lotags, ALT+H for Hitags) a Lotag of 252. You're done!
- 4.22 Conveyor Belts/Water Current
- This is pretty easy. Note that to make water current, it's the same
- deal, just put water on the floor and give the sector a Hitag of 1.
- First, make your conveyor belt. Just a flat sector, maybe the
- conveyor belt texture for the floor. Add a sector effector. Give
- it a Hitag of 24, and point it the way you want the conveyor belt
- to go. That's it! To make it go faster, put a GSPEED sprite in
- the conveyor sector. Give it a Lotag of your choice. The higher
- the Lotag, the faster it will go. Look at CONVEYOR.MAP to learn how
- to make a switch turn it on and off. Pretty self-explanatory.
- 4.23 Gears
- Map Name: GEARS.MAP
- To make gears, make a gear sector. You know, make it look like a
- gear. I didn't have the time nor the energy to make a whole lot
- of prongs on my gear, so I just made a cross. Just the same. Anyway,
- decide on a pivot point for the gear. Insert 3 sprites on the pivot
- point. Go into 3D mode. Make 2 of them sector effectors, and one
- sprite #418. Use relative alignment (R key) on sprite #418 to make
- it lay flat. Go back into 2D mode. Give both of the sector effectors
- a unique Hitag, not the same as all the other gears. I used 20. Then,
- give one of the sector effectors a Lotag of 1. That's it! To make the
- gear sound good, put a MUSIC&SFX sprite somewhere. Give it a Hitag of
- 8000, and a Lotag of 89. For multiple gears, do the same thing only
- leave out the sector effector with no Lotag.
- 4.24 Subways
- Map Name: SUBWAY.MAP
- To make subway cars, first make a subway track. Doesn't have to be
- too elaborate, something like a race car track. First, we'll make
- the engine. Make a simple square sector, for our first subway.
- Later, we can make bigger and better cars, but for now just use a
- square. Make the square valid player space. Go into 3D mode. Go
- into 3D mode and do anything you want to the car... i.e. make the
- floor higher, put nice textures, etc. Next, put a sector effector
- in the subway car. For the Hitag of that sector effector, we'll
- use the number 1. 1 is because the subway is going to start at
- locator number 1. For the Hitag of the sector effector, put a
- 6. 6 means that this is the engine of the train, and all cars will
- follow it. Now, the locators. Put locators (sprite #6) around the track.
- Each locator tells the car where to go next. Look at SUBWAY.MAP if
- you need an example. Now, put Lotags on the Locators. It is
- important that you DON'T give the first locator a Lotag, or the
- game will crash. Give all the other locators Lotags going in
- number order, from second to last. (Leave the first alone) You have
- your self a subway! If you need more help, look at SUBWAY.MAP.
- Now, if you wanted to make 2 cars, make another subway sector.
- Give the sector effector (you do not have to make new locators)
- a Lotag of 14 instead of 6. If you want to have multiple trains
- on one track, give the first train SECTORs a Hitag of 1, the second
- a 2, and so-on and so-forth. Also, to make it so the floor doesn't
- move with the car, go into 3D mode and point to the floor of the car.
- Press 'R'.
- 4.25 Colored Lights
- Map Name: CLITES.MAP
- To make colored lights, make a sector. Choose textures. Change the
- palette number (use ALT+P) of the walls, ceiling, and floor to
- a number from a list below. Next, add a sector effector. Change
- the sector effector's palette, and give it a Lotag of 4.
- The only palette numbers for lights that seem to work are:
- 1 = Blue
- 2 = Red
- 7 = Yellow
- 8 = Green
- 4.26 Demo Cameras
- To make a camera in your level that will play back demos after
- they are recorded, put a sector effector somewhere (preferably
- where you want the camera :) ). Give it a Lotag of 27. The
- Hitag is how far the camera can see. Experiment a bit.
- 4.27 Co-op/Dukematch Starting Points
- To make co-op and Dukematch starting points, put a Duke sprite (his
- initial frame) in your level. That would be a Dukematch start. To
- make a co-op start, give Duke's sprite a Lotag of 1. Co-op starts
- should all be at the beginning, with the player 1 start. Dukematch
- starts should be where no player is at an advantage, i.e. near a
- good weapon, etc.
- 4.28 Facts On Dimensions
- This was taken from the Apogee message base, and was written by
- Per-Erik Nilsson (perni@lysator.liu.se). Everything is measured
- in units up how many times you press the PGUP/PGDOWN keys. For the
- shooting ones, aim up/down was not used.
- Measure Duke Standing Duke Ducking
- Min. height for Duke to enter a sector 11* 6
- Max. height that Duke can walk onto 3 0
- Max. height of floor Duke can shoot above 8(9)** 3(4)**
- Min. height of ceiling Duke can shoot below 10(9)** 5(4)**
- As above but using RPG 11 6
- Max height of floor Duke can jump on to 20 0
- Min. height of wall to place tripbomb on 10 4
- * Duke can also enter sectors with a height of 10, but he will
- automaticly duck.
- ** Second number is when only some of the shots will get past
- 4.29 Spawning Stuff
- Map Name: NONE
- This section will cover three things: CANWITHSOMETHING's, killing
- stuff and something else comes up (i.e. kill a dancer and a monster
- comes) and touchplates to make monsters come up. (i.e. in E3L1, when
- you step on the shaded sector on the top of the building, a monster
- pops up out of nowhere)
- 1: CANWITHSOMETHING's are the garbage cans that when you "kill" them
- something pops out of it. To make something come out, get the sprite
- number of what you want to pop out. Give the can a Lotag of the
- sprite you want to come out. Done!
- 2: Kill something, something comes up. This is used for stuff
- like when you kill a dancer, a monster gets up and tries to kill you.
- What you have to do is this:
- STEP 1: Put a dancer somewhere.
- STEP 2: Put a RESPAWN sprite where you want the monster to appear
- after you've killed the dancer.
- STEP 3: Give the dancer a Hitag. Doesn't matter what, as long as
- it's the not the same as other dancers.
- STEP 4: Give the respawn sprite a Lotag. Make it the same as the Hitag
- you gave the dancer.
- STEP 5: Give the respawn sprite a Hitag. Make it the # of the sprite
- you want to appear when you kill the dancer. That's it!
- Touchplates to make monsters come up are the exact same thing as
- dancers, only change the dancer sprite to a TOUCHPLATE sprite.
- 4.30 Active Tripbombs
- Map Name: NONE
- If you don't already know how to do this, active tripbombs are
- sprite #2566. You might have to size it down a bit.
- 4.31 Locked Doors
- Map Name: ACCESS.MAP
- To have a door locked, do the following:
- STEP 1: Put an access pad somewhere. Give it a Hitag of 212. Make
- up a Lotag (I like to use 3, 4, and 5) and give it to the access pad.
- STEP 2: Put an ACTIVATORLOCKED sprite (#4) in the door sector. Give
- it the Lotag that you gave the access pad. That's it!
- Now, that will make a blue access pad. To make a red and yellow
- one, you have to change the palette number of the access pad. You
- might want to change the key, also, if you you want the player
- to be able to use the pad...:) Change them to one of the following:
- (Use ALT+P in 3D mode)
- 21 = Red Access pad
- 23 = Yellow Access Pad
- 4.32 Earthquakes
- Map Name: QUAKE.MAP
- To make earthquakes, follow these steps:
- STEP 1: Make the sector that will be altered during the earthquake.
- Make it look like the finished product of the quake, i.e. make
- slopes, altered floor/cieling heights, whatever.
- STEP 2: Make the sector that will activate the quake. If you don't
- know what I mean, it's the darkened sector in QUAKE.MAP.
- STEP 3: Now, to add sprites. For each sector that will be altered
- in the quake, put a Sector Effector sprite and a Master Switch (#8)
- sprite, both in the same sector. Raise the two sprites to where
- you want the height of the floor to be before the quake. It's really
- hard to get it perfect. Sometimes you'll get raised floors that just
- won't go down. In that case, I presume you have a slope. Put the 2
- sptires (Sector Effector and MASTERSWITCH on the AXIS of the slope.
- The last sprite to add is a TOUCHPLATE sprite (#3) in the sector that
- will activate the quake. (The darkened sector in QUAKE.MAP)
- STEP 4: Give ALL the Sector Effectors a Lotag of '2'. Give the
- TOUCHPLATE sprite a unique Lotag. Give the same lotag as you gave
- the touchplate to the MASTERSWITCH sprites. That's it!
- A.) To make the earthquake make scraps of rock and metal fly around,
- put a sector effector sprite where you want the scraps to start.
- Give it a lotag of '33'. Now, if you want stuff to just roll around
- on the ground, keep it on the ground. To make it come from the air,
- raise the SE 33 sprite to the cieling.
- B.) To make Duke say "Holy Shit!" when he steps on the touchplate
- sector, give the touchplate SECTOR a Lotag of 10225.
- 4.33 Light Switches
- This is easy. Here's the step-by-step:
- STEP 1: Make a sector.
- STEP 2: Set the sector brightness (Use ALT + +/- in 3D Mode) to
- how bright it should be when the lights are on. Then, set
- the shade of everything that you want dark when the lights are out.
- (Use '+S while pointing at the desired wall/floor/ceiling/sprite)
- Mine is 50, which is totally dark.
- STEP 3: Put a light switch on the wall. Give it a unique Lotag.
- Put Sector Effector sprites in ALL the sectors that will be lit up
- when the switch is turned on.
- STEP 4: Give the Sector Effector(s) a Hitag that is equal to the
- switches Lotag.
- STEP 5: Give the Sector Effector(s) a Lotag of 12. That's it!
- 4.34 Open Door, Room Lights Up
- I'll use the step-by-step method for this one:
- STEP 1: Make 3 sectors, you know, a room (to be lit up), a lit
- room, maybe with ligihts in the back, and the door sector. To
- make it look cool when the room lights up, make 2 extra sectors
- on either side. You know, make it look a bit like my map. That's
- the way I like it, your choice.
- STEP 2: Do the same thing you did in step 2 of section 4.33.
- STEP 3: Put a Sector Effector sprite in the door sector, and in
- all the sectors that will be lit up when the door is opened.
- STEP 4: Give all the Sector Effector sprite a unique Hitag, and
- a Lotag of 8. You're done!
- 4.35 Shooters
- I couldn't think of a better name for it, so this section is called
- shooters. You know, things that shoot shrinkers, mortars, lasers,
- etc. Here's how to do it:
- STEP 1: Make your sector that the shot will come from. Make it
- look nice.
- STEP 2: In that sector, put a Sector Effector sprite, a GSPEED sprite,
- and a MASTERSWITCH sprite.
- STEP 3: You MUST have a switch turn the shooter on, so put a switch
- somewhere.
- STEP 4: Give the switch and the MASTERSWITCH sprite a unique Lotag.
- Give the MASTERSWITCH sprite a Hitag of 50.
- STEP 5: Place the sector effector where you want the shot to come
- from, and angle it to where it will shoot. (The rockets and lasers
- ait themselves, but do it anyway, or they just crash into a wall).
- Give the sector effector a Lotag of 36.
- STEP 5: Now, to decide what to shoot. Do this by giving the GSPEED
- sprite one of the following Lotags:
- 1636 = Lizard Goobs
- 1625 = Alien Lasers
- 1650 = Mortars (Like the first boss throws)
- 2605 = Rockets
- 2556 = Shrinkers
- You've made s shooter! If you don't understand, look at SHOOTERS.MAP.
- ===============
- ===============
- 5.1 MAP Authoring Template
- The is also in the ZIP file. Fill this out and include it with
- your level.
- ======================================================================
- Title : Name of your level
- Author : Your name
- E-mail : Your email adress
- Web Page : Your URL, if you have one
- Description : Set the mood here
- Additional Credits to : Anybody that you would like to thank for helping
- you, etc.
- ======================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # :
- Single Player : Yes/No
- DukeMatch Level : Yes/No
- Difficulty Settings : Yes/Not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch/Modified (Map name)
- Editor(s) used :
- Known Bugs :
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites:
- BBS numbers:
- Other:
- ===========================================================================
- 5.2 Uploading Your Level
- The final step is to upload your level. Here are some good places
- to upload them:
- Send them to:
- avenger@newreach.net
- mike@bayserve.net
- yeagers@www.erols.com
- gmoser@gramercy.ios.com*
- Upload them to:
- ftp.cdrom.com
- head2head.com
- Post them to:
- alt.games.apogee
- alt.games.duke3d
- If you run a Duke 3D site and would like to be put on the list, please
- tell me and I'll add you.
- * This is me. Please send your level here. Not only will I post it
- on my page, but I like to see how this FAQ helped people.