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- Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0
- ==================================================================
- Title : BaR
- Filename : Bar.map
- Author : Neεú Berg
- Email Address : viper@cnw.com
- Misc. Author Info : I have been making levels for a long time
- now and I shall now continue the tradition
- of putting out great levels with Duke 3d.
- Description : An all round great Duke Match level.
- The level is based in a large city area
- with great diversity.
- Additional Credits to : 3DRealms for such a great game!!
- ==================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level : City.MAP
- Single Player : No
- Dukematch Level : YES!!
- Difficulty Settings : depends on who you're playing ;)
- * Construction *
- Base : Nothing
- Editor(s) used : BUILD editor
- Known Bugs : None, if you find any please contact me.
- * Where to get this .MAP file *
- You can download this and many other great Doom2, Hexen, and
- Duke 3d levels from my homepage. http://www.cnw.com/~viper/
- To Play : Duke3D /map doomed.map
- To Record: Duke3D /map doomed.map /r (kind of pointless alone)
- Recording in multiplayer is done the same as always (in the game under
- Options) before choosing New Game then User Map.
- AddOn .MAP recordings can be run after loading the game (with the map)
- then hitting Quit To Title * you can only watch once because the 2nd
- time it will be trying to use the normal Duke enviroment perameters
- unless you exit the game again.
- Authors (May) use this level as a base to build additional
- levels under the understanding that they are REQUIRED to give
- credit to me for making the level. Thanks for downloading it!