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- Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0
- ================================================================
- Title : Duke Mall
- Filename : dukemall.map
- Author : Doors, Elevators and misc. Nic Linley
- Textures, idea, arcatec. Pat Denney
- Email Address : Nic: qu@bespin.pacificrim.net
- Pat: bdenney@nmsu.edu
- Misc. Author Info : We're both Duke3d Addicts and we are both losers
- Description : It's just a little thing we have been working on
- this week.... It's pretty cool...it is a hall,
- a cafateria, movie theater, strip bar, bar, store,
- and our pride and joy, a 2 story arcade!!!!!
- Additional Credits to : 3d Realms for Making du game!
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Single Player : Well...i guess...but why?
- DukeMatch Level : YES!! WHAT Else WOULD YOU DO WITH DUKE!
- Difficulty Settings : Nope
- * Construction *
- Base : None
- Editor(s) used : Build
- Known Bugs : none, but if you find it please email one of us
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- Your probobaly already have it but just in case....
- FTP sites: Coming soon
- BBS numbers:
- Other:
- http://bespin.pacificrim.net/~qu
- http://web.nmsu.edu/~bdenney
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