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- Title : Han Solo's _Millenium Falcon_
- Filename : FALCON.MAP
- Authors : Edward "Scorpion" Davis & Aaron "Deino" Gwin
- Email Address : ebd@utk.edu
- Misc. Author Info : Edward is a Geology major at the University of
- Tennessee, Knoxville; and Aaron is a Geology major at
- the University of Memphis. We're both avid _Star Wars_
- fans, and felt like the Millenium Falcon would make a
- perfect spot for a Dukematch.
- Description : This map is intended to provide hours of
- Dukematching fun. We used The _Star Wars Technical
- Journal_ by Shane Johnson as the basis for the floorplan,
- but had to make some changes in order to improve the
- Dukematch action. There is lots o' detail, and we tried to
- stay true to the _Star Wars_ theme as much as we could. We
- put in Star Destroyers, "Two of 'em, comin' right at us!"
- and we put pipe bombs on the edge of the maininence pit in
- the forward compartment to represent the "hyrdo-spanners"
- that fell on Han Solo's head in _Empire_. Unfortunately,
- we couldn't figure out a way to put in the smuggling
- compartments without having players falling into them over
- and over, so we left them out. We tried to make the level
- actually match the scale of DUKE3D, unlike some maps we've
- seen with eight-foot-wide doors and four-foot-tall light
- switches. A favorite tactic of ours is to put a laser trip
- bomb in the door frame of the escape pods, and the next person
- to open it gets blown down to 13% health or so... (There's
- only two escape pods because Han ejected the rest in order
- to make the Imperials think the Falcon was abandoned when it
- was pulled onto the first Death Star.) Unless you set it on
- Let's Rock, you can only get the laser trips and pipe bombs.
- In order to avoid slowdown, the freezer is only available on
- Come Get Some, recommended for those of you with deathwishes
- and P166's. The hyperdrive motivator is located in the
- center of the ship, and we reccomend that you don't shoot it,
- because the whole ship starts to come apart if you do. And
- because you REALLY don't want to get Chewie mad after all the
- time he spent fixing it. =[
- Sorry, but this map is so detailed that it runs
- EXTREMELY slooooow on a 486. REALLY. Trust me. It's your
- old buddy Edward....
- Additional Credits to : George Lucas most of all, for giving us the wonderful universe
- of Star Wars. (I'm gonna buy Jedi Knight when it comes out,
- aren't you?) And the person or persons who originally designed
- the floorplan of the Millenium Falcon, and Shane Johnson for
- putting it in his book, so we could use it. And those great
- guys at 3DRealms for bringing us DUKE3D. And my parents for
- buying me a pentium PC. =) And, lastly, Garrett J. Dunnewold,
- a Music Ed. major at U of M, and also a _Star Wars_ fan, for his
- innumerable (actually about three) contributions and relentless
- nit-picking (visit his web page at
- http://www.people.memphis.edu/~ugjdunnewold ).
- ================================================================
- * Legal Mumbo-jumbo *
- _Star Wars_ et al. are trademarks of the people who own their trademarks. We're just
- screwin' around, so leave us alone. Unless you want to pay us money...
- You can put this level on your bulletin board, web site, etc., as long as you tell
- us, don't change it, and include this text file. If you don't we'll find you, hunt
- you down and give you such a PINCH!!! Or we'll kill you. Or something. We'll
- probably spam you back to the stone age.
- You can put this in a CD compilation, as long as you tell us first. And give us
- money so we can buy more GT Interactive video games. =) Or take us out to lunch.
- (We're starving college students, see?)
- * End of Legal Mumbo-jumbo *
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Single Player : Ha! Ha Ha HA! Heh! (Hey Aaron, he wants to know if it's single
- player!)
- DukeMatch Level : Yes, definitely. Hours of fun. Not too big, definitely too
- small for eight players, and very claustrophobic at times, but
- it is based upon a (fictional) real place, so what can I say?
- Difficulty Settings : Yes, I put it so that the weapon powerups are graduated based
- upon difficulty. On Piece of Cake there's just laser trips and
- pipe bombs, on Let's Rock we added the everything except the
- freezer, which you can get on Come Get Some (recommended only for
- higher speed PC's because of all of the bouncing around freezer
- blasts do on this level).
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch (and the floorplan of the Millenium Falcon).
- Editor(s) used : Run of the mill BUILD editor that came with DUKE3D.
- Known Bugs : Lotsa deaths because of the small size of the level; there's
- nowhere to run.
- This level does not run at all well on a 486/66 with
- 8Mb RAM. I've tried. Sorry, we just put in too much stuff.
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites:
- BBS numbers:
- Other: When I wrote this the only place to get it was at my web site at
- http://funnelweb.utcc.utk.edu/~ebd/wads.html#duke3d
- or Aaron's at
- http://www.people.memphis.edu/~uacgwin/duke.html
- If you got it someplace else, please e-mail me at
- ebd@utk.edu
- or Aaron at
- uacgwin@cc.memphis.edu
- I'd just like to know where my little level has gotten to.
- Thanks for playing!
- August 2, 1996
- EDWARD DAVIS & Aaron Gwin
- Revision coming late 1996/ early 1997!
- DOWNLOAD QUAKE NOW! http://www.idsoftware.com/dlquake.html