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- Filename : fireplc.map & firepnt.map
- Author : Michael Hoffman (MichaelH on DWANGO)
- Email Address : hoff0103@gold.tc.umn.edu
- Misc. Author Info : Second real attempt at a map
- Description : Smaller, mainly dukematch map
- with a nice fireplace.
- Additional Credits to : 3dRealms, whose teleporter pads I stole
- (Just try to make a decent teleporter pad!)
- Tcdmntia, who helped me test this level and
- whose many suggestions contributed to this
- level.
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : e1l8 (user level)
- Single Player : Have you ever seen a yellow liz. trooper?
- DukeMatch Level : Dukematch & Coop (but why?)
- Difficulty Settings : not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Editors used : BUILD
- Known Bugs : None
- Build Time : 50 hours? (too long at any rate)
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- WWW sites: www.mm.com/user/tcdmntia/wwd
- FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
- BBS numbers:
- Other:
- Coments: Firepnt.map is Fireplace without the trees, for those you
- who don't like the clutter. I think it looks better with the
- trees. One booby trap. This is a very good map for 2 player
- and it will probably still be good for 3 or 4 players.
- I will be adding more rooms and weapons onto this map later
- which may make a better map for more players.
- Has anyone else out there had BUILD go completely beserk on them?
- Thank you for making an editor that can edit in 3-d, 3dRealms..
- Now please make an editor that doesn't crash or go insane
- while doing simple things like pasting sectors and splitting
- sectors.
- You can do anything you like with this map, just please give me
- credit for any ideas that you take from it. And if you build
- anything from it (using it as a base, for example) please e-mail
- me a copy.