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- ==============================================================================
- Title : Harm (Duke3D Dukematch)
- Filename : harm1.map
- Author : Brian Vannatta
- Email Address : vannatta@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu
- Misc. Author Info : Co-author of the Igor Series and the Danzig Series
- for DOOM2 Deathmatch; author of the Judas Series
- for DOOM2 Deathmatch. This is my first Dukematch
- map.
- Description : Harm1.map is the first in a (hopeful) series of
- dukematch levels. I have designed this level to
- be used in NOSPAWN DUKEMATCH; a custom user.con
- file is included and SHOULD BE USED WITH THIS
- LEVEL. Rename your current user.con file to
- user.old, and THEN rename harm1.con to user.con.
- (See below for more details.)
- Additional Credits to : Steve Grecni (grecni@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu)
- - As always, much thanks to Steve for his
- great ideas and playtesting.
- Tragic & VeeTee from #dukeedit
- - These guys were a great help with their
- knowledge of the BUILD editor. Thanks
- for all the help, guys!
- Billiard & RJ from #deathmatch
- - Thanks to Billiard and RJ for their
- playtesting and feedback - it was much
- appreciated!
- 3DRealms & Apogee
- - Thanks for a great game!
- ==============================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Map # : user map
- Single Player : No
- Cooperative 2-8 Player : No
- Deathmatch 2-8 Player : YES
- Difficulty Settings : None
- New Sounds : No
- New Graphics : No
- New Music : No
- Demos Replaced : None
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Editor(s) used : BUILD
- Known Bugs : please report any to vannatta@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels,
- concatenations, or otherwise.
- You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
- no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
- format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
- intact.
- * Where to get this MAP *
- Internet
- * Important Notes *
- Harm1.map is intended for NOSPAWN DUKEMATCH!!!!
- I've included a custom user.con file for use with harm1.map (this
- custom .con file can be found in the harm1.zip file as harm1.con) that will
- enhance NOSPAWN play.
- Why do you need to use the custom .con file? In NOSPAWN dukematch,
- players are much more likely to run out of ammo simply because it does not
- respawn (obviously). So I just increased the ammount of ammo IN a weapon
- WHEN YOU PICK IT UP (through the user.con file I've included). Now you can
- have enjoyable fast-paced NOSPAWN dukematches, just like DOOM's Old
- Deathmatch Rules on Skill 4/5.
- Here's what you'll need to do if you want to enjoy harm1.map to its
- fullest:
- 1) RENAME your current user.con file to user.old
- 2) COPY harm1.con to your \DUKE3D directory
- 3) RENAME harm1.con to user.con
- 5) PLAY harm1.map in NOSPAWN dukematch (this can be selected
- from the Master's setup screen in multiplayer mode)
- Sound like a pain? Complain to 3DRealms, not me. I would've been
- happy with some simple command-line parameters...
- Note that I HAVE included extra ammo for SPAWN mode support, but
- you're really not playing harm1.map unless you're playing it in NOSPAWN
- mode.