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- TITLE : Le Rock v1.1 (The Rock)
- AUTHOR : Martin Kozicki
- E-MAIL ADDRESS : MKozicki@Titania-pub.com
- MISC. AUTHOR INFO : Novice level builder.
- Experienced game player.
- Editor of Titania Magazine.
- DESCRIPTION : Based off of a dance club in Cancun, MX, Le Rock
- is set in a downtown part of LA where the club
- scene is hyped. You begin in the back streets of
- the club area, and can explore some of the setting
- which includes an opening into a desert area known
- as the Lizard Pit, and then into another building
- which at one point served as hotel lobby with a
- little pond filled with "fish". Entering the back
- area of the club itself, you will get to explore
- Le Rock all over, including the bathrooms, the bar,
- the mosh pit, and the snack area. There are also
- a number of secrets to be discovered. Le Rock does
- contain all weapons and bonus items. It is up to
- you to find them all. Enjoy!
- ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO : Thanks to D Schweitzer for info on elevators, water
- area's, and other miscellaneous assistance. Thanks
- to FormGen for getting us (Titania) this game, and
- thanks to 3D Realms for making it.
- =============================================================================
- (NOTE: Please bear in mind that Le Rock was never
- tested extensively in multi-player games.)
- DIFFICULTY SETTING : Not Implemented
- BASE : New Level From Scratch
- EDITOR(S) USED : BUILD by 3D Realms
- KNOWN BUGS : If you find anything, please report it back to me
- at the e-mail address above.
- FTP SITES : None
- OTHER : Stereo's Duke Nukem 3D Page
- http://duke3d.crystalball.com/stereo/main.htm
- VERSION 1.1 (05/28/96) - Fixed a few minor bugs. Nothing major. Added in
- some other sprites to give it a more realistic atmosphere.
- VERSION 1.0 (05/24/96) - Finished the level in a big way! Eliminated most or
- all of the bugs, added in expansions on the outdoors, indoors, and other
- parts. Bathrooms were put in, as well as a bar, colored lights (the palletes
- were changed, actually), changed some sprites, added bridges (my largest
- accomplishment so far!), toyed with the cyclers (these _should_ work in most
- cases), and added in all the little niceties that makes this a back-alley
- dance club and bar. Future revisions with detail, change, or expansion may or
- may not follow. It depends on how well everyone likes this level! =)
- VERSION 0.8 (05/21/96) - Big additions here. New textures, sprites, and some
- other fun stuff. Learned how to do breakable glass, teleporters, and aquatic
- area's, so they're all here! Some new enemies. The largest enhancement is
- the addition of several new rooms and map area's. I've also included the
- starting points for each player in Duke Match, for which I intend to have a
- total of 4. Keep in mind that these are just parts of the map, as I have not
- added in the sprites and SE's to make them actual starting locations. This
- is upcoming. Also, included a bat file which makes loading the level all the
- more easier for solo play or just to fool around. Thanks to Dan for the help
- on fixing some annoying texture problems. Other small, insignificant changes
- were made as well.
- VERSION 0.3 (05/19/96) - Major improvements on the next release up. Added in
- an outdoor area; rather large. New outdoor enemies, textures, new lighting,
- effects, elevators (yes!), sprites, etc. Improved indoor area by adding in a
- few new ammo cases, fixed some texture problems, got the door working to a
- level of satisfaction, and put in some "eye candy" as well. Changed zip file
- name to coincide with version number.
- VERSION 0.1 (05/16/96) - The first level version. Just the start area within
- the club, and then another door leading into the mosh pit/stage room. This
- version was, miraculously, finishable. Lots of sprites, but only two weapons
- were included: the shotgun and the devastator. This version was solo play.
- ============================================================================
- Le Rock is copyright (c) 1996 Martin Kozicki.
- Duke Nukem 3D is copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms.
- Please do not make any changes to this MAP file!!! Go ahead and upload this
- anywhere you want, but please do so with the most current version. Le Rock
- follows the ever popular formula of LEROCK##.ZIP for archives containing all
- the necessary and most up-to-date files. Contact me if you want the current.
- Constructive criticism is welcomed. Le Rock is, for the most part, complete.
- There may possibly be newer versions in the future provided that (a) the
- response to the level is great, (b) I or another individual discover some
- bugs in the MAP, (c) it is requested of me to do so. Still, if you are in
- the mood to help out on future levels (beta testing, etc.) or wish to offer
- helpful hints on how to expand or enhance Le Rock (I could never get those
- force field switches to work...), please contact me. Otherwise, have fun!
- DATE: 05/28/96