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- http://main.dodgenet.com/~cole
- MaNCeR01.MAP
- MaNCeR Levels Homepage!
- ================================Author Info===================================
- Title : MaNCeR01.MAP
- Author : Cole Savage ( MaNCeR )
- Nick on IRC : ^MaNCeR^
- Email Address : cole@dodgenet.com
- Description : This level is very fast paced.
- Two players never really slows down but
- at times it will.. I think I'm gonna recomm-
- end 2 - 4 players. No more than 4 or the level
- will become a total war zone!
- Files included : MaNCeR01.ZIP - The origenal format until UNZIPPED
- MaNCeR01.MAP - The level
- MaNCeR01.TXT - This TXT File
- File_ID.DIZ - For BBS's
- Additional Credits to : Anyone that is actually taking the effort
- to give this MAP to their friends, it's
- those kinda people that are the biggest help.
- 3DRealms for Duke Nukem 3D, great game!
- Other levels I've made : I have made a lot Doom2 WADs
- Mancer01.MAP is currently my only Duke3D level.
- Check http://main.dodgenet.com/~cole for a list!
- ==============================================================================
- ** Play Information **
- Level # : That USER MAP level :)
- Single Player : If you want to look at the awesome level!
- Cooperative 2-8 Player : No way!
- Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Hell yeah!
- Difficulty Settings : No, please play on SLILL 4 or 5, OLD DEATHMATCH
- Monsters : Nah....
- New Graphics : Nope
- New Music : No
- New Sound FX : NO
- Demos Replaced : None
- ** Build Information **
- Base : A level from scratch
- Build time : Much too long, had to learn the editor ;)
- Editors used : BUILD.EXE
- Known Bugs : E-Mail cole@dodgenet.com if you find any.
- ** Copyright / Permissions **
- Authors MAY NOT use MANCER01.MAP as a base to build additional levels.
- You MAY distribute MANCER01.MAP, provided you include this file, with
- no modifications. You may distribute MANCER01.MAP in any electronic
- format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact.
- You MAY include MANCER01.MAP in any GROUP complitations ( if this is
- even possible ) you may not alter the level in any way except the minor
- change of the MAP number.
- ** Where to get this WAD **
- FTP : ftp.cdrom.com
- WWW : http://main.dodgenet.com/~cole
- From ^MaNCeR^ on IRC : Can be found much of the time in #DeathMatch
- I'm sure the people in #Duke3D have it too ;)
- T H A N K S F O R P L A Y I N G T H E M A N C E R S E R I E S !