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- ======================================================================
- Title : Orbiter Assault
- Author : Paul L. Finnemore
- E-mail : paul@paulfinn.demon.co.uk
- Web Page : n/a
- Description : Okay, Duke, we got a live one for you here. Looks
- like the alien scum have taken over one of our
- research Orbiters. One of the scientists escaped
- in one of the Orbiter's shuttle craft and raised the
- alarm. We need you to go in and nuke the place. The
- survivor said that the main enemy resistance was
- concentrated around the hangar deck, so you may need
- to pick up some things from the armoury. The key will
- be in Central Control, but you will need to get the
- key for Central Control from Sarah Shaw, the Orbiter
- Commander. Good luck, and kick ass.
- Additional Credits to : Brett Gmoser, for his excellent Map Editing FAQ
- ======================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : single level only
- Single Player : Yes
- DukeMatch Level : No
- Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Editor(s) used : Build
- Known Bugs : Don't know of any so far
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites:
- BBS numbers:
- Other: Request to above e-mail address
- ===========================================================================