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- ==============================================================================
- Title : Purple Duke 1
- Filename : PDUKE1.MAP
- Author : Chris Villarreal
- Email Address : purpled@primenet.com
- Other levels by me : Purple Death #1-4 (Heretic), Gate1 (Doom2)
- Background story : None. This is a deathmatch only map.
- Level Notes : Doom levels have been done to death so I tried
- to use Build's strengths ( level over a level,
- etc.) I think you will enjoy the result. Two
- player is great, 3+ rocks. The doors on the
- level are opened/closed with the switches, and
- do not shut automatically.
- Additional Credits to : 3dRealms.
- Additional Comments : Your first level DOESN'T have to suck, BUT have
- some pride and don't release it if it does.
- ==============================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Single Player : NO
- Cooperative 2-8 Player : NO
- Dukematch 2-8 Player : YES!
- Difficulty Settings : None
- New Sounds : None
- New Graphics : None
- New Music : None
- Demos Replaced : None
- * Construction *
- Base : None.
- Completion time : 30 Hours
- Editor used : BUILD.EXE
- Known Bugs : No known bugs. Any misaligned textures are
- thanks to the editor. Damn things changes
- them after you fix them! I have actually seen
- a perfect texture shift after it has been
- saved.
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels,
- unless I get a copy of the level you make via e-mail with due credit.
- Make me proud. This map may only be distributed free of charge via
- the Internet, sneaker net, or BBS as long as this text file tags along.
- This map may not be place on any compilation CD/diskette without my
- written permission ( hear that leaches? ).