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- ================================================================
- Title : The Prisoner
- Filename : PRISONR.MAP
- Author : Nailhead (Eric Fullerton)
- Email Address : nailhead@poboxes.com
- Description : Very big level, with some secrets.
- I paid alot of attention to detail
- and sounds in this level.
- Story : Duke has been captured by aliens and
- thrown into a prison. After escaping
- the prison, Duke finds himself in the
- middle of the alien's nerve center.
- Duke's only chance to stay alive is to
- sneak back into the prison camp to activate
- the self-destruct button.
- Additional Credits to : Thanks to Kelli Burke, John Yang, and
- Kim Mayes for playtesting this level!
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # :
- Single Player : Yes
- DukeMatch Level : No
- Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Editor(s) used : Build
- Build Time : About 5 or 6 hours a day for a month.
- Misc. Info : This is my third map.
- Known Bugs : There is a slight sector problem with the
- extendable bridge. I tried to fix it but
- gave up after many hours of fooling with it.
- ** Copyright / Permissions **
- Authors MAY NOT use PRISONR.MAP as a base to build additional levels.
- You MAY distribute PRISONR.MAP provided you include this file, with
- no modifications. You may distribute PRISONR.MAP in any electronic
- format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact.
- You MAY include PRISONR.MAP in any GROUP complitations ( if this is
- even possible ) you may not alter the level in any way except the minor
- change of the MAP number.
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites : none yet.
- WWW sites : NAiLHeAD's Duke Nukem 3D Site
- http://virtualtimes.com/vidgames/duke3d
- ____________________________________________________________________
- n a i l h e a d