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- Title : Space Borne
- Filename : SPACEBRN.MAP
- Author : Arjen Schouten
- Alias : Dead Rambo/LC
- Email Address : famschou@worldaccess.nl
- Misc. Author Info : Author of a couple of DooM/DooM2 WADS,
- ROTT maps, WarCraft2 maps, and of course
- Duke levels.
- Previous Duke maps : -Abandoned Temple (TEMPLE.MAP/DUMDR01.MAP)
- -Go Duke Go (GODUKEGO.MAP)
- included are : SPACEBRN.MAP
- Rename TILES014.SBA to TILES014.ART to
- see the new art. WATCH OUT THAT YOU DON'T
- "Duke3d -map spacebrn", that's it!
- Description : Massive single player level.
- Set in a futuristic moon base, Duke must
- try to recover EDF's experimental Starship
- "USS Solution" EDF and UFP were both
- working on this ship when aliens of unknown
- origin atacked their base. Before being
- slaughtered the scientist managed to put
- the landing bay under water. Because the
- aliens hate water. 'Duke... you must recover
- our ship, our future depends on it. EDF out'
- 'I'll get yer ship' duke said 'piece of cake'
- Additional Credits to : 3DRealms.
- Greetz : Johnny de la Cruelty/LC, Graffix/Lc,
- Acid Vertigo/LC, DJ Raver/LC, Terminator.
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : UserMap
- Single Player : Yes
- Coop Level : No
- DukeMatch Level : No
- Difficulty Settings : None
- * Construction *
- Base : From scratch
- Editor(s) used : Build
- Known Bugs : none that i know, but E-Mail me if you
- find any.
- * Copyright permission *
- You may give this MAP to your friends, and other people, but DON'T
- ask any money for it, please. You may put it on a CD or something
- along with other stuff, then you MAY ask money for it. You must
- always include this textfile with it. Oh, yeah: You MAY NOT modify
- this MAP, and if you do so Satan will punish you, muhahahaha!!!
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites: put yours here!!
- BBS numbers: put yours also here!!!
- Other: and on, and on, and on :)
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- ================================================================
- date: 20th of Juli, 1996