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- ================================================================
- Title : Ufo
- Filename : Ufo.MAP
- Author : DnS
- Email Address : none
- Misc. Author Info : Creator of some Doom & Doom II single and deathmatch
- This is my first attempt to create one of these fine
- Duke levels. I wanted to make izt just look like one
- of the original Duke maps with their vast amount of
- details.
- Description : This is a very huge and difficult level, so I
- recommend that you use the hints im going to give
- you:
- - dont run through the level like a berserker
- make slow and careful steps, it will help
- to survive
- - always go back to already visited rooms some
- of the times there may be a new weapon, nothing
- or just a big alien waiting to rip you apart
- - dont shoot that many, there isnt much ammunition
- in this map, its little but sufficent!!
- - dont cheat, i really hate cheater and in the
- case i get one i will blow him up, so be honest
- and stay to your uncapability of managing this
- level!
- A little walk-throgh: After you've done a blowjob on the toilet you notice
- the shotgun behind you. As you start to wonder why
- you would need one you opened the door and then as you
- see this big fat pig you know for what you need the
- shotgun. After killing th pig from the door and the two
- lizards which are a bit nervous about you coming their
- way, you slowly open the second door and shoot the lizard
- captain. Now you make a quick step into the room and back
- . Now you notice that there is an additional lizard in
- the floor, you kill it and look out of a window. Wow,
- another one. You jump out and kill it, then you turn right
- kill the other two that just have materialized. Now you
- go back into the builing to the one room you just stepped
- in and kill the Chaingun-dude that was behind the door.
- Now you go through the small hole that is in one wall
- and kill the pigcops that are in the next room with the
- pipebombs youve just found. Now you go to the door and
- shoot at the pig in the blue room. When its dead, you
- just glance out and shoot at the pig that is standing in
- the middle of the floor. Then you go into the blue room
- and turn quickly as a little lizard will be trying to kill
- you by now. Then you go back in the last room, there
- should be another pig, kill it. Then kill the pig taht
- is on the top of the stairs but dont go up now. Instead
- you go round the corner, kill the 2 lizards and open the
- door to the bathroom very carfully as a pigcop is waiting
- for you. After killing this little animal, you should
- glance around the door as there is a lizard captain
- waiting for its death. After killing him you go back
- into the floor and jump out of the window and kill the
- 3 materializing enemies. Now youre ready to go to the
- upper floor in the house. Now you see that you can
- manage this level by just making slow, well-thought
- steps instead of running and being killed by the
- masses of enemies that will appear when you walk a too
- great distance.
- Some hints for end:
- - Save ammunition for there are all 3 bosses in a small
- version in this level and for the first one you wont
- have a RPG!!
- - The 2nd and 3rd boss kill themselves when they have to
- shoot too high or too low to hit you.
- - Be sure to get the red key before you teleport to the
- spaceship!!
- Additional hints in understanding the level:
- - At first you are in house, there is also a street and
- more houses.
- - One of the houses breakes down and reveals a path
- through solid rock to the interieur of a space ship
- - The Ship teleports you to the outside of the ship
- (other side of the rock you saw when the house broke
- down)
- - The ship has a connection to its space station on
- top of itself. The lightning will teleport you there!
- Additional Credits to : As this is a very tough level (I can do a run through
- without saving and without secrets and killing all
- monsters!!) only I tested it. My friends only came
- to the first or sometimes to the second corner (he he).
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Single Player : Yeap
- DukeMatch Level : There are some start points in it but it isnt created
- for more players, really not!
- Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Editor(s) used : Build Editor
- Known Bugs : None (im perfect in making levels (well at least I
- hope so)
- DIE AS THEY APPEAR (2nd and 3rd Level boss pal)