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- ======================================================================
- Title : Wirlpool
- Author : Rob Whitney
- E-mail : RobWhit001@Aol.Com
- Web Page : N/A
- Description : This is my fourth Duke level. It is designed for
- Duke-match but monsters are included for single play.
- It derives it name due to the nature of the outdoor
- water room which will suck anything down it (Dead or
- Alive!). I have also set up cameras to record demo's.
- Additional Credits to : Frebond & Sean Jarboe for helping me test
- the map and their HONEST input! Special thanks goes
- to Skip2000 for testing and cleaning up level!!!
- ======================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : User Level (Wirlpool.map)
- Single Player : No
- DukeMatch Level : Yes
- Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch.
- Editor(s) used : Build.
- Known Bugs : None.
- * Where to get this MAP file *
- FTP sites:
- BBS numbers:
- Other: AOL - Keyword '3dRealms'
- ===========================================================================