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- DUKE NUKEM 3D Cheats, Tips
- Version 2.0
- What follows are hints, tips, secrets and cheats I have gathered from
- this newsgroup. I've probably missed quite a bit, and I invite
- everyone to contribute to this help file to make it more complete.
- There are some repetitions, so bear with me. I've cut-and-pasted a
- whole lot of messages into one big file. I've now removed more
- repetitions from the file and added new material.
- Enjoy!
- Cheats
- ------
- Here's what you do:
- PAUSE (pause key) the game, then type in the cheats. You don't have
- to pause the game to type in the cheats, sometimes typing them right
- in the game works. However, for some unguessed-at reason, sometimes
- they don't work at all and when you get to type the "N" after the
- "D", the night goggles are activated. One solution is to redefine
- the night goggle key from "N" to another letter not used in the cheat
- codes. Also, some codes don't seem to work for me. DNGODLY doesn't
- work, I have to type in DNCORNHOLIO. A few others, too, but there's
- usually an equivalent.
- DNCORNHOLIO: God mode (toggles)
- DNKROZ: God mode (toggles)
- DNWARP<episode><level>: jump to other episode and level
- DNSCOTTY<episode><level>: jump to other episode and level
- DNAMMO: all ammo full
- DNVIEW: "follow" mode.. watch duke from a few feet
- behind, like <F7> key
- DNWEAPONS: all available weapons.. usually 1-6
- DNUNLOCK: when in front of a lock door.. unlocks it
- DNITEMS: keys... items...etc.
- DNSTUFF: keys, weapons, ammo
- DNRATE: shows rate (2 numbers top left of screen)
- DNSKILL<skill level 1-5>: Re-start level with skill #
- DNCLIP: walk-through-walls
- DNHYPER: steroids!
- DNENDING: ends the episode
- DNCASHMAN: Duke throws out some cash w/ <space bar>
- DNMONSTERS: what does this do? Remove all monsters?
- Tips
- ----
- I agree with the posts which say that it seems like cheating to be
- able to pee and pee and pee and pee (or drink, drink, drink to get
- our health back up. Funny thing is, after drinking 60 times, Duke
- didn't need to pee!!!
- You can drink the water from the toilets, hydrants, etc. to get
- health. Shoot the toilet then press <space bar> to "use" the
- resulting fountain.
- Security cameras: press <space bar> to go cycle through the views,
- until you get back to the "static" screen, or <Esc> to exit.
- Neat stuff and Stupid Duke Tricks
- ---------------------------------
- If you shoot underwater (esp. with the chain gun) notice that the
- spent shell casings are suspended in the water at first, before
- they slowly sink to the bottom. Nice touch.
- Most metal trashcans hold a goodie, kick them or shoot them.
- The plastic trashcans will "dent" (good old Rubbermaid) but bounce
- back into shape with normal shots, but the RPG or pipe bomb will
- torch them.
- Play pool in the nightclub.
- Love the bloody footprints after Duke steps on a body.
- Wet footprints left by Duke when he gets out of water/sludge
- A pipe bomb will reduce dead bodies to just puddles of blood.
- Try opening a door while looking at the detailed map (after
- pressing <TAB> twice)... if there's a light source nearby,
- you'll see the floor lightening up.
- The first time I played, I was looking around on the first level
- for secret doors, and was jumping up in a corner. All of a sudden
- I was rising higher and higher. Great, I thought, a secret
- elevator! I turned around to see how high i was going, and
- suddenly I fell to my screaming death, seeing a monster flash by on
- the way down :-)
- If running DN3D at 640X480 is just a bit jerky, try 640X400 (edit
- DUKE3d.CFG). This mode uses 17% less data per screen than 640X480,
- and does not look noticeably different.
- If you set your shotgun damage to 150, it kills everybody but the
- boss in one shot and kicks your victim backwards about ten feet
- (except for the "chokers" and the flying tigers). If you set the
- shotgun to 1500, it turns your hapless victims into billiard balls
- (they bounce all over the place). <evil grin>
- I don't know if this is a "bug" or intentional, but... the Troopers
- that can teleport don't always reappear. Or if they do, it's only if
- you move to another room or sector. If a Trooper disappears, you can
- stand there for 5 minutes and he won't come back. Then as soon as
- you walk into another room, he pops in. But sometimes, they just
- disappear forever. You'll get to the end of the level and you'll see
- one or two enemies not killed, which are the troopers that never came
- back. Annoying. (BTW: Notice in the demo for Level 1 that a Green
- Trooper teleports out! According to the help file, only the
- Red/Orange ones are supposed to be able to do this.)
- 3) You can flip a light switch through a wall! Try this: In the
- movie theater on the first level, where the concession stand is
- and the elevator to the arcade, there's a lit poster on the wall
- beside doors that lead you to the ticket booth at the front of the
- theater. Stand between the doors and the poster, and hit the
- open/use key (space bar). The poster should go dark. Do it again,
- the poster is lit. If you go through the doors to the other side,
- you'll find a light switch right behind where you were.
- 4) On the second level, if you manage to kill a Pig Cop so his body
- drops where the sidewalk and street meet; depending on the angle,
- the sidewalk will cover him up partially. Same sort of thing
- happens on the third level. If a Pig Cop is standing beside one of
- the slopes at the bottom (where the door is that takes you outside
- to the turrets) as you walk on it, his body will appear through the
- slope.
- There are several small rooms and teleports that appear when in
- multi-player mode. They just aren't accessible solo.
- Go to level one, clear out the street area. Cheat with DNKROZ
- (invincibility), DNSTUFF (items), and DNCASHMAN (money flies w/ space
- bar). Use the jet pack to fly up as far as the game will permit, and
- rapidly hit the space bar a dozen times; you should see money flying
- away from you. Hit ENTER to shut off the jet pack; you'll live only
- if you remembered DNKROZ. Now step back a bit, and look up. You
- should be able to see a huge cloud of cash that can take well over a
- minute to land. It's especially nice in 640x480 or better. Hey, I
- did say this was a "stupid" trick, didn't I?
- P.S. When playing death match, Level 6 (launch facility) makes for
- some excellent gambits using long elevators and holodukes.
- Anywho, another Stupid Duke Trick[tm, pat. pend] is to fly up as high
- as you can in the street in level one (or two), turn on God Mode,
- hit F7 and turn off your jet pack. After you hit the ground (and the
- blood flies), Duke will be thrashing in a spastic fit-o-death until
- you crouch, turn on the jet pack, etc. Quite funny.
- This one is hard to do deliberately, but it happens by accident
- once in a while. We all know that if you directly shotgun a "red
- alien" as he's teleporting, he'll reappear seconds later, and
- collapse. I found that if you launch an RPG at him, and it connects
- as he fades out, you'll soon hear (and see, if you're fast) the alien
- reappear, and spontaneously burst, sending innards everywhere.
- Also, in level one, we've all found the alien sitting on the can in
- the bathroom. Instead of opening the stall, try lobbing one or two
- pipe bombs over the door. Neat effect. Also, in level two, in the
- "peep show" area, two or more of the doors have aliens behind them.
- Open each, toss a pipe bomb in, then shut it quickly. Detonate 'em
- all at once.
- On level 3... type DNKROZ and enter behind the grinding machines.
- See yourself squish. the one on level 4? will crash the game
- On the final level (1-5) if you give yourself a jet pack and fly up
- to the shrink ray that you use to cross under the wall you'll find
- a secret message written on the wall. "You're not supposed to be
- here. Levelord"
- I found a message similar to this on level 4 where right above the
- sunken sub I made a very difficult jump to where a turret gun was
- shooting at me from and found a secret door in there, and there was
- a message saying "How did you get here?"
- When you get to the end of E1M2, you know, where the cage come up
- and traps you. Instead, use the jet pack and fly across to the
- self-destruct switch. You still get your ass fried. Many things
- are like this. Teleporters don't work when you're flying. That bit
- on level 2 when the pig cops drop through the ceiling doesn't
- activate unless you're walking.
- Level 1 - Hollywood Holocaust
- -----------------------------
- Secrets/Tips for Level One. (*) = official secret.
- 1(*)There is an RPG on the ledge below the "Innocent?" sign. Jump up
- on top of the crate and jump onto the slanted ledge to the left.
- From the slanted ledge jump onto the ledge underneath the
- "Innocent?" sign. The RPG will raise up on a platform. (you
- don't have to get the RPG to get the secret.
- 2(*)There are RPG shells in a secret apartment above the slanted
- ledge. Either drop down on this ledge from the ledge under the
- "Innocent?" sign or else jump up here from the crate. [There is
- another way to get here, see #4 below]. Then place yourself
- under either the left or the center window and jump + move
- forward. Watch out for the ugly around the corner in the
- apartment (you can see him on the security monitor). Grab the
- RPG shells to get the official secret. (You could exit the
- apartment through one of the windows you didn't come in through,
- but I'm not sure if you'd get tangled up with the guy in
- flaming box (#4))
- 3(*)There are steroids behind a poster in the apartment. Press
- <space bar> while standing in front of the "Attack of the
- Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos" sign.
- 4 Out in front of the theater off to the right is a burning box.
- There's an ugly, a clip, a health, and another way in the secret
- apartment. As you go towards the box a flying ugly will pop up
- out of it (maybe if you came out of the other windows in the
- apartment you could pick this guy off?) Anyway, remember to
- jump just inside the box to get a clip of ammo. In order to get
- the health (and another way into the apartment in #2) jump onto
- the "No Parking" sign. To do this get right next to the sign
- and tap jump and forward in quick succession. To jump from the
- sign onto the ledge tap forward, tap jump and then hold down
- forward in quick succession. Either of the two rightmost windows
- will take you into the apartment. The health is sitting on the
- ledge in front of you. (I tried initially entering the apartment
- this way and took more damage from the ugly inside than I did
- with the other approach to the apartment).
- 5 Entering the theater. Either you can go through the back
- entrance, or else you can blow a hole through the ticket booth
- with the RPG. To do this aim the RPG through the window of the
- ticket booth and at a 45 degree (or so) angle aimed at the wall
- inside the ticket booth with all the cracks on it. You cannot
- blow this wall up from the outside. Don't get too close and
- don't miss the window and blow the RPG shell up in your face.
- (cracks in a wall generally mean that an RPG shell or pipe bomb
- will take the wall out).
- 6(*)There is a full armor and a medkit in a hidden room in the main
- lobby. First, go to the cash register in the main lobby and
- press <enter>, this will open up a section of the wall up and to
- your right. To get up there you need to use the hidden lift.
- It is off to the left of the "Attack of the Bleached Blonde Biker
- Bimbos" poster below the room, and you can't see it. Just press
- <space> there and it'll take you up.
- 7 There is a medkit, pipe bomb and night vision goggles behind a
- secret door above the trashcan outside of the arcade. Jump on
- the trashcan, press <space bar>, then jump up and go forwards to
- get inside the room.
- 8 The bathroom (100% medkit) and the ventilation shaft (holoduke).
- Remember to snag the clip that is sitting behind the couch in the
- bathroom. (And notice that a urinal has "867-5309" next to it
- which is the name of an early 80's song by Tommy Tutone). Jump
- on top of the stalls to get a 100% medkit. Kick in the cover to
- the ventilation shaft. Get in front of it, stand back and send
- an RPG into it. Provided you didn't do something silly like miss
- and blow the RPG up in your face you will have blown away the
- far inside corner wall of the ventilation shaft and will be
- able to snag the holoduke -- done right you don't lose any
- health. If you really want to try to blow the wall from inside
- the ventilation shaft, use a pipe bomb.
- 9(*)through the ventilation shaft there's a secret room with shotgun
- shells and an entrance into the projector room. (alternatively,
- you could have gone up the spiral staircase into the projector
- room and then hit <space bar> on the wall directly to the left of
- the fire extinguisher, then down the ventilation shaft and into
- the bathroom...).
- 10(*)The projector room has the keycard and there's also a secret
- room with an RPG. It's accessed by jumping on top of the
- projector. There's also another ugly inside of this room.
- It is possible to simply jump up without landing on top of the
- projector to get the health bonus on top of it without opening
- up the secret room.
- 11(*)RPGing the movie babe and getting the jet pack. Hit the switch
- in the projector room to dim the lights, draw back the curtain
- and start the movie. Go down into the theater and fire an RPG
- at the babe. This should open up a hole in the screen. On
- your way to the hole, make sure you've picked up the ammo in the
- seats, near the exit and hidden in the curtains. Through the
- hole you'll find a couple box of shotgun shells and the jet
- pack. Blowing out the window here will get you back the rear
- entrance to the theater.
- 12. If you want to you can fly upwards from the rear entrance to the
- theater past the bridge near the ending. There's a room to the
- left with a jet pack and two shotgun shells. There's also two
- automatic laser gun emplacements which make this something to
- usually pass up if you're not in God mode.
- 13. When you take the lift up to the arcade, stay on the
- lift, fire a shot at the tanks go back down and wait for the
- dust to clear. This blows a hole from the arcade into the
- theater. It also should take out anyone or anything inside this
- room. You don't want to be inside the room when the tanks let
- go. It is unhealthy. :-)
- 14. If you play the Duke Nukem game in the arcade (press <space bar>
- in front of it) a panel will open up for a few moments in the
- wall to the right of the game containing a holoduke.
- 15(*)Getting the chain gun, pipe bombs and shotgun from the hidden
- room behind the neon sign above the palm tree. Easiest way to
- do this is by using the jet pack. The hidden room is on the
- level right above the palm tree and the windows to either side
- of the palm tree open into it. You *can* get here without the
- jet pack it just isn't easy. First of all you've got to find
- the bridge to the final exit and jump off (or just walk off) it
- and onto the ledge that runs around the theater. Walk around
- this ledge to the palm tree (NB there's a health on this ledge).
- Stand directly in front of the palm tree. Line yourself up with
- the map so that you are exactly perpendicular to the building.
- Slide left/right until you're directly in front of the tree, and
- put your back against the wall. Gently tap forward once. If
- you're still looking at the map and you suddenly get *big*
- you've gone forwards too far and have almost stepped off, try
- it again. Now take the map off and *tap* forward, jump,
- forward in rapid succession. If you did it right, you're now
- on top of the tree (don't be surprised if it takes you at least
- half a dozen tries to get this right). Now turn around. If
- you jump straight forwards you'll hit a wall. Angle off at
- about 30 degrees to your left (use the map). Do the same tap
- forwards, tap jump, hold forwards in rapid succession and if
- you're lucky you should wind up in the apartment.
- Other neat things:
- - You can toss a pipe bomb on the bridge to the exit and blow it up.
- - You can fly up the ventilator shaft you came down from if you've
- got a jet pack. May be useful in death match if you want to hole
- up.
- Level 2 - Red Light District
- ----------------------------
- There are night vision goggles in the book store bathroom. Press
- <space> on the bathroom hand dryer and a panel opens up.
- You can also blast open the wall from this bathroom which leads to
- the peep show booths
- If you shoot wall with RPG in peep show room, it will open a hole to
- the bathroom.
- After blowing up building toss a pipe bomb on the manhole cover, and
- you can drop into the sewer and get mind warped by the flying squid
- thingy. After you get into nightclub you can get to the sewer by
- blowing up the toilet and the word "unlocked" will appear. Push on
- wall and get shot by pigs. You will find night vision, holoduke,
- steroids.
- Make sure to watch OJ Bronco chase on TV in bar on 2nd level.
- Push space bar when you come up to women. Duke says "Wanna Dance?"
- or "Shake it, Baby" The strippers will wiggle and show their
- tassels.
- Phones give busy signal when you push space bar.
- 1. In the porn shop, one of the bookcases along the wall will swing
- out, revealing a small cache of weapons.
- 2. Behind the counter and near the security monitor, there is
- another set of bookcases. Jump up on them for a health atom, and
- open the corner panel to reveal a Holoduke.
- 3. Down the dark hallway, there is a pitch black corridor off to
- the right of the elevator. Work your way down to a dimly lit
- passageway. There, you will get a health atom and possibly a
- shotgun, depending on how cordial the welcoming committee is.
- 4. The well-known sewer is considered a secret area. If you enter
- through the bathroom, you must actually go down into the sewer to
- get credit for finding a secret.
- 5. In the actual dance area of the strip joint, stand on the couch
- in the corner. This will cause the panel behind two of the strippers
- to open. RUN as fast as you can to this, as it will close fairly
- rapidly. Besides some ammo, there is a switch that will allow you to
- open or close this panel.
- 6. Strangely, the air duct leading back stage is considered a secret,
- though I personally know no alternative way to get back there.
- 7. At the very end section of the level, there is an illuminated wall
- panel right near the two crates. Open this for a health kit.
- 8. The last secret is the RPG on the platform on the stage. It is to
- the upper right of the switch which opens the curtains. You can jump
- to it from the platform which leads to the last room with the two
- crates.
- For the record, these actions do NOT count toward the secret count:
- 1. Finding the RPG in the peep show booth.
- 2. Finding the keycards anywhere, including under the bar.
- 3. Entering the air duct that leads from the bar entrance into the
- bathroom.
- 4. Entering the sewer from the bathroom.
- The last secret is: Go into the bathroom, use space bar on hand
- dryer.. a small door will open on the wall in between the sink and
- the toilet. Get the night vision glasses in there.
- When you get to the end of E1M2, you know, where the cage come up
- and traps you. Instead, use the jet pack and fly across to the self
- destruct switch.
- >I am on the 2nd lvl of Duke 3d and I am in the Dance/Disco room.
- >Killed everything, including the dancers, and can not figure out
- >where to go from here.
- Look up one the wall to the right of the door. There is an air duct
- up there. Go through it, and you should be on your way.
- Boxes aren't for opening, they're for jumping on to get elsewhere.
- In the bookstore open the big red door by finding the right sequence
- of numbers, and go from there down the long dark hallway to a lift
- to an apartment. In the apartment is the blue key, go from there to
- right beside the bar and use the blue key and some button codes to
- blow up the building across the street. Go over there and get the
- yellow key, enter the bar. In the bar inside the bar, crouch down
- and look for a cabinet and open it to get the red key. It's pretty
- obvious from there.
- Level 3 - Death Row
- -------------------
- 1) The place at the top of the prayer room (with the hanging monk)
- 2) Inside the prayer room (with the DOOMed character)
- 3) Behind the bed in a prison cell
- 4) and 5) 2 Small rooms next to the map
- 6) Above the entrance to the room with water and submarine (healing)
- 7) Connection between the yard and the corridor (shootable from
- outside)
- 8) Reactor room inside sub
- 9) The ledge besides the "machinery" (night vision goggles)
- 10) ?
- Try standing at the back of the room and looking up to shoot that
- button. Then shoot the monk hanging from the roof to get +50 health.
- There is also another +50 and some armour where the floor rises.
- Press on the monster's face at the front of the altar.
- It's not a monster, it's a Christ icon: specifically, Christ's
- supposed "impression" on the Shroud of Turin. (see, another cultural
- reference!)
- >Been there, done that, but I still can't get to that button above
- >the chapel. Any advice?
- Take your pistol, look up with <Home> and shoot the button.
- There is a slime river (with two octabrains on skill 2) that takes
- you to the normal exit to level 4 (toxic waste facility)
- At the end of the slime river is a teleporter (why?) that will take
- you back to the waterfall area. I couldn't look around too much as
- to why, because I ran out of air (used that extra tank too early, I
- guess)
- Anyway, the regular exit is at the end of that fast moving slime
- river.
- >I was wondering if you could tell me how to open the large steel
- >door that you come to in the prison courtyard? It is the one with
- >the flashing red light above it. I have been everywhere on this
- >level except for beyond this door.
- >Can you help me exit level 3. I've found the map and taken
- >down the force fields. Noticed what looked like an arrow on the
- >map but can't find anything in that area. What do I do next?
- You have to be on the other side of the door to unlock, then open it.
- Check the prison cells, go through the picture of the girl in that
- one cell. That map you found points out a tunnel there. step into
- the poster; it's not a door, just walk right into it.
- Level 4 - Toxic Waste Facility
- ------------------------------
- At the end of Level 4 there's a tunnel with running slime... while
- you're going thru the tunnel, use the RPG on the Octabrains. When
- I was doing this, a part of the wall blew off and inside was the
- secret level entrance. There is a crack on the left side just before
- you reach the actual exit. If you blow it open there is another
- couple of rooms in there (baddies too!) and the secret exit..
- The secret level (which I'm stuck in...) is found in the middle of
- that slime river. However, you have to get into it going down there,
- because the river moves too fast to go back up...
- Not true. Yes, the river is fast, but you can get back by using the
- Jump key!
- While going down the river, blow a hole in the wall. It's on the
- left side about half way down. If you just drift, you should get
- stuck there anyway. However, don't try to get in then, 'cause you'll
- blow yourself up! Watch where it is, and try to shoot it with the
- RPG on the way down. It's tricky! (Especially if you're trying to
- kill the two octabrains!)
- >Can anyone help? The last access card I used just opened up a window
- >for something that keeps shooting green globs at me. The nearby
- >door won't open. I have no idea what to do.
- The green globs are apparently a shrink ray. let one hit you and run
- through the little vent to the right, and stay to the right (hurry
- because you wouldn't want to return to your normal size in that
- little tunnel). There is a switch in that room that will open
- something, anyhow that door opened for me.
- ahh the underwater gears.. watch them closely... and you'll see a
- blue/grey area... those are the gaps in the gears, time it and swim
- into em and you are on the other side of them. But if you are feeling
- brave ride the gears all the way around and pick up some goodies.
- Walk up to the gears. Turn on your automap <Tab>. You will notice
- two teeth are missing from the gears. Time your steps right, and
- you should slip thru the gap made by the missing teeth!
- Level 5 (last)
- --------------
- - If you turn on God Mode, and purposely fall from one of the spires
- into the toxic sludge, swim around. There's a message on one of the
- rock faces! "Dopefish Lives!" :)
- The BOSS
- >I got stuck in this big room on level 5. It is in the big building
- >and there is a patch of lava or whatever going across it. How
- >do I get out of here?
- That's probably the boss room. You've got to beat him to get out.
- Is there a +-shaped window nearby? There's a ledge to jump up on
- and a switch that raises another platform...
- After falling down the pit into the Boss's lair, (don't forget the
- secret ammo on the way down), you land in the room adjacent to the
- Boss arena.
- Strategy:
- 1) For some reason, if you don't go across the pool of toxic waste in
- the center, he usually stays on the other side -- even if you shoot
- him. But eventually he'll come after you. I get in a few easy hits
- this way, with RPGs. Chain gun seems to be pretty useless, and
- shotgun is too slow.
- 2) Only direct hits seem to do damage. I tossed something like 50
- pipe bombs over the pool and detonated -- the bastard lived! You
- have to put a pipe bomb right in his face in order for it to do
- damage. RPGs work well . . . if you can stay alive long enough.
- Takes about *42* of them to do him in!
- 3) When he opens up with his chain gun: RUN. There's nothing you can
- do while he's shooting this at you. But when he decides to toss his
- version of pipe bombs, this is your opportunity to attack. Fire RPGs
- or use pipe bombs . . . just make sure you avoid his.
- This strategy ALMOST works when I play legit, but I never quite make
- it.
- Another strategy:
- Normally, you would press the wall button to enter the arena, enter,
- the door closes behind you and you're trapped inside with the Boss
- who is probably going to blast you into bits!
- The trick, is to open the entrance door, step into the arena only
- briefly, then immediately back up (through the door). If you are
- successful at opening AND getting back out of the door before it
- closes, you can then open the door a second time, enter the arena
- and the door will not close on you anymore.
- You can run into the arena, get the ammo, health and stuff, run
- like hell and exit into the adjoining chamber and blast away at the
- BOSS who will be sitting in the door like a duck!
- Pipe Bomb tricks and rocket launchers are so much fun this way!
- Secret Level - Launch Pad
- -------------------------
- You can get there from level 4 (the legit way - a secret exit),
- use the cheat code "dnscotty16", or start Duke3D up with the
- level warp command line parameter (/L6).
- When you find the switch to open the big blue doors that let you go
- outside to the rocket (guarded by several pigs), if you look at one
- of the computer panels... Hmm, that looks familiar! "Stop, Duke.
- Please stop, Duke. I'm afraid... I'm a...fraid." :)
- Possible other level?
- ---------------------
- It's the seventh level I'm interested in - as the hype prior to
- Duke's release said there were 6 levels *plus* a secret level. I'm
- just not sure it's in there.
- ------------
- To those who have been having problems with their .CON files, what I
- discovered was this:
- Go into your Duke 3D folder, and edit the attributes of all three
- ..CON files to READ-ONLY. That will eliminate these errors. When I set
- these files to READ-ONLY, I haven't had a problem since! The command
- is: ATTRIB +R *.CON
- 3D Realms confirms this fix in an e-mail I received from Joe Siegler.
- This (.CON corruption) problem happens to me and what causes it on my
- system is if you exit windows into DOS and then run Duke3d. When I
- turn on my system and go directly into DOS and then run Duke3d it
- doesn't happen. Hope this helps.
- This isn't true in my case, as I ran Windows, exited, played Duke,
- went back to Windows, exited Windows and ran Duke without problems.
- I did get .CON corruption at one point. When I removed my saved
- games from the directory, the game worked properly. Coincidence?
- I solved the problem by getting fresh .CON files.
- The problem is (according to 3DR) smartdrive and disk caches.
- They corrupt saved games (as they are saving). Win 95 uses this by
- default but a DOS boot will fix this. Most 6.x DOS configs also use
- it. Disable and problems go away.
- *-<>-*
- Special thanks to Lamont Granquist <lamontg@u.washington.edu> for
- his great Level 1 summary.
- *-<>-*
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Claude Marcotte Astronomers moon the universe
- Montreal, Canada
- e-mail: leia@vir.com
- WWW: http://www.vir.com/~leia/caal.html (francais)
- WWW: http://www.vir.com/~leia/ecaal.html (english)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- The only reason people get lost in thought is
- because it's unfamiliar territory.
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