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- At the request of several people, I've put together the following information
- as a walk through and informational reference for the shareware version of
- 3D Realm's Duke Nukem 3D. I wrote this in a relatively short amount of time,
- so you may find that some areas are not complete. Where possible, I've
- attempted to include all the secrets of each level (at least those that I
- know). I've also included some points of interest, as well as some tips and
- tactics for single play, as well as Dukematch.
- DISCLAIMER: In no way is this file an "official" FAQ, or in any way related
- to 3D Realms or Apogee Software. All information contained within
- this file was obtained through my own experiences with the game.
- Any similarities to other FAQs, Walkthroughs, or Help files is
- purely coincidental and unintentional.
- CONTACT: As stated, some areas of this file are not complete yet.
- Specifically, all of the secrets for levels 4-6 are not
- featured (mainly because I haven't been able to find them
- all yet!). If you are aware of any secrets that are not listed,
- or you'd like to post some additional tips that you feel would
- be of interest, you can send an E-mail to:
- Alex M. 74724,3545 (For CompuServe members)
- 74724.3545@compuserve.com (Via Internet)
- You will of course be credited for any contributions that you
- make.
- KEYS OF INTEREST ***********************************************************
- Page Up = Look Up Home = Aim Up Insert = Look Left
- Page Down = Look Down End = Aim Down Delete = Look Right
- F7 = Toggles between 1st person view, and 3rd person view
- 5 (Numeric Keypad) = Center View
- U = Toggles Mouse Aiming (Version 1.1 only)
- I = Toggles Cross Hairs (Version 1.1 only)
- M = Activates Medkit
- H = Toggles HoloDuke
- J = Turns ON/OFF Jetpack
- N = Toggles Nightvision Goggles
- S = Activates Steroids
- [ or ] = Cycles through inventory
- ENTER = Uses selected inventory item
- CHEAT CODES *****************************************************************
- DNITEMS = Gives all keys.
- DNSTUFF = Gives everything.
- DNSCOTTYxx = Warps to next level. XX = Episode#, Level#.
- (Example: DNSCOTTY14 will warp you to Episode 1,
- Level 4).
- DNCLIP = No Clipping Mode. Allows you to walk through walls.
- Be careful with this code...you can crash the
- game.
- DNVIEW = Same as F7 key, toggles viewpoints.
- DNHYPER = Steroids Mode. Also gives you the night vision
- goggles and the jet pack.
- DNRATE = Displays frame rate on screen.
- DNCASHMAN = Throws cash every time the OPEN/USE key is pressed.
- DNCOSMO = Displays "Register Cosmo Today" on the screen.
- DNBETA = Displays "Pirates Suck!" on the screen.
- DNALLEN = Displays "Buy Major Stryker" on the screen.
- GENERAL TIPS AND POINTS OF INTEREST *****************************************
- - If nothing else, learn to strafe left and right. It will prolong your life.
- - If low on health, you can destroy a fire hydrant or toilet, and then walk
- up to the water spout and hold the space bar. Duke will continue drinking
- the water until his health is eventually restored.
- - If low on health, using a toilet or urinal will give 10% health.
- - Try to USE an electrical outlet; the results can be shocking.
- - From a high point, rather than wasting jetpack fuel by hovering all the way
- to the bottom, simply drop off the edge and free fall. Just before reaching
- the ground, hit the 'J' key and it will stop your fall (But be CAREFUL).
- - If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it. And if in doubt, shoot
- it.
- - Trash cans, potted plants, cocooned women, and other shootable objects often
- hide bonuses. Shooting them can prove rewarding.
- - The dancers will give you a show if you offer them cash.
- - If you shoot the dancers, enemies will show up to "punish" you.
- - There are a lot of undocumented secrets in the game. These are
- "Supersecrets", and you don't receive credit for finding them. However,
- many of them prove humorous or rewarding to find, so be thorough in your
- search of each level.
- DUKEMATCH TIPS **************************************************************
- - Learn to use HoloDukes effectively. I've found that they don't tend to
- fool other players when placed in open areas. Instead, they seem to work
- best if dropped in areas where a player might be likely to hide. Or, place
- them in front of a video monitor, as if they are accessing it.
- - Holding the 'crouch' key while dropping a pipebomb will allow you to roll
- it rather than throw it. As well as making it easier to more accurately
- place the bomb, it drops them silently. An added feature of this is that
- if you hold the 'crouch' key and drop them from a high place, the pipebomb
- will not make a sound. This can be used to drop them onto unsuspecting
- players without alerting them.
- - Lifts and pipebombs can make a great combination. Place a pipebomb on a
- lift and then wait for the other player to activate the lift. When the lift
- rises (or lowers, whatever the case may be), detonate the bomb.
- - You can drop a series of pipebombs without detonating them by hitting the
- number 6 key after each bomb is dropped. Use this to set up a series of
- traps.
- - Unlike Doom/Doom2, the nightvision goggles in Duke work very effectively.
- In a dark room, your opponent will glow like a candle.
- - Steroids are an underrated item in Duke. I've found that using the steroids
- in a Dukematch will make the other player look like he's standing still,
- and he'll find it almost impossible to hit you. Combined with the
- nightvision goggles, the other player won't have much of a chance against
- you (if you can control yourself at that speed, that is).
- - If another player is under water, you can track him by the bubbles coming
- to the surface.
- - If a player is using the periscope in the submarine in level 3, the scope
- outside the sub will move.
- - Weapons fire transports. If a player is chasing you, you can jump into a
- teleporter and then turn and fire back through it. A pipebomb in this case
- works very well. Just toss it through, let it transport, and then detonate.
- - Using the Remote Ridicule taunts can help cover up your actions. If you are
- going to carry out a task that you know will make noise, you can send a
- remote message with one of the <ALT>+F keys. While the message is being
- played it will help cover the noise.
- REMOTE RIDICULE MESSAGES ****************************************************
- <ALT>+F1: "You're an inspiration for birth control."
- <ALT>+F2: "You're gonna die for that."
- <ALT>+F3: "It hurts to be you."
- <ALT>+F4: "Lucky son of a bitch!"
- <ALT>+F5: "Hahaha, pay back time!"
- <ALT>+F6: "What are you, some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae-eater?"
- <ALT>+F7: "Damn, you're ugly!"
- <ALT>+F8: "Hahaha, wasted!"
- <ALT>+F9: "You suck!"
- LEVEL1 - Hollywood Holocaust ************************************************
- Top of Building:
- - Ammo hidden behind crate.
- - Shoot yellow tanks (don't get too close!)
- - Drop down shaft to street below.
- Main Street:
- - Jump on crate. Jump on slope of building. Jump on ledge where the
- billboard is. Get RPG that rises out of the ledge.
- - Use slope of building to jump through windows into apartment.
- - Open the "Attack of the Bleach Blonde Biker Bimbos" poster in the
- apartment to reveal a secret compartment.
- - Get health powerup from building slope. Obtain it either from
- jumping out of the window from the apartment, or by jumping on the
- street sign, and then jumping onto the building slope.
- - Get ammo from inside crate where fire is burning.
- - Launch RPG into cinema box office, which will destroy wall and allow
- access to theater (otherwise, you'll have to go around through the
- back door).
- - Another secret apartment is located through the window just above
- the palm tree, next to the CINEMA sign. You won't be able to access
- it until you either have obtained a jetpack, or have reached the
- bridge to the exit, where you can drop down onto the ledge that
- runs around the building. You can then jump from the ledge onto
- the palm tree, and then from the palm tree in through the window.
- Cinema:
- Lobby:
- - Stand on trash can near lift to arcade, then open secret door to
- reveal hidden compartment.
- - Hit switch on cash register at snack bar to open compartment above
- and to the right of the main entrance. Access compartment by using
- the secret lift that is hidden in the floor (it's located in the
- area where there is a double line in the brick pattern of the wall.
- (You may have to feel around for it).
- - Enter office behind snack bar. When you come out a room will have
- opened up at the other end of the snack bar. Retrieve health
- powerup.
- Bathroom:
- - Ammo behind sofa.
- - Shoot ventilation grate above stalls.
- - Get medkit.
- - Crawl through air shaft.
- - Where the air shaft turns to the right, the corner wall can be
- destroyed with a pipebomb or RPG. Inside it a HoloDuke is hidden.
- - Shoot grate at top of air shaft, then access secret area behind
- the projectionist's room.
- Projectionist's Room:
- - Get Keycard.
- - Get health powerup from top of projector.
- - Get RPG from area that will open up after health powerup is
- obtained.
- - Hit switch that starts movie.
- Theater:
- - Get ammo and armor from theater.
- - Shoot center of screen with RPG, opening up entrance to the hidden
- area beyond.
- - Jump through hole in screen and grab jetpack and ammo.
- Arcade:
- - From safety of lift, shoot yellow tanks. The explosion will open
- a hole in the floor that leads back to the theater. It should also
- kill anything in the room.
- - "Play" with Duke Nukem arcade game. This will open a compartment in
- the wall that holds a HoloDuke.
- - Use keycard to open locked door.
- - In room beyond locked door, immediately jump up and take cover
- behind the near side of the crate. A wall will then explode, and a
- Pig Cop will enter through the hole. The crate will protect you
- from the explosion.
- Exit Area:
- - Before hitting the End-Level detonator, use the jetpack to rise
- upward from the bridge. At the top of the building will be some
- turrets. Use the RPG to destroy them. One of the turrets guards
- a secret alcove containing ammo and another jetpack.
- - Go access the 2nd secret apartment next to the CINEMA sign (using
- jetpack, or building ledge.
- LEVEL 2 - Red Light District ************************************************
- Adult Bookstore:
- Main Room:
- - Hidden room accessed by opening bookcase against right hand wall.
- - Health power-up on top of bookcase behind counter.
- - Secret compartment in corner just to the right of where the health
- powerup is located.
- Viewing Rooms:
- - Check for ammo/health by shooting trash cans in viewing rooms.
- - RPG located in last viewing room.
- - Destructible wall at far end of hallway, past last viewing room (use
- pipebomb, or RPG to destroy)
- Bathroom:
- - Switch next to mirror opens compartment with night vision goggles.
- Locked Door:
- - Use this sequence to unlock (X=RED, O=GREEN):
- O X O
- Beyond Locked Door:
- - Use night vision goggle for best results.
- - Map overlay works well to explore this area.
- - Health powerup in this area.
- - Ride lift to upstairs apartment.
- Apartment:
- - Get blue key from small compartment near the bed.
- - Switch in adjoining room activates "Duke Nukem Must Die" sign across
- the street (entertainment purposes only).
- - Get machine gun and ammo from bedroom.
- - Shoot trash can for health.
- - Pig Cop will be waiting for you at bottom of lift. If desired, you
- can throw a pipebomb onto the lift, then lower it and detonate bomb.
- Raise lift back up, then ride down to the bottom. Pig Cop should be
- dead.
- 3D Realms Demolition Co.
- - Access the lock with the blue keycard.
- - Sequence for unlocking detonator switch:
- - Use switch to destroy condemned building across the street.
- Demolished Building:
- - Get Yellow keycard, medkit, and ammo.
- - If desired, use pipebomb to blow up manhole cover.
- - Drop down into sewer.
- - Get Health powerup, jet pack, night vision goggles, HoloDuke,
- steroids, and ammo.
- - Exit sewer by using jetpack and rising back out of manhole.
- Bar:
- Billiard Room:
- - Play with pool table (entertainment purposes only)
- - Shoot potted plants.
- Bathroom:
- - In bathroom, wall behind toilet is a secret door leading back into
- sewer.
- Bar Room:
- - Watch O.J. chase on TV (entertainment purposes only)
- - Shoot TV (even MORE entertainment)
- - Get red keycard from compartment directly behind the bar.
- Dance Club:
- - Give money to dancers (entertainment purposes only)
- - There's a couch on the far wall to the left. Walk on it, then turn
- and run to the opposite side of the room. Up where the girls are
- dancing on the platform, a wall will have opened behind them. Jump
- up on the platform and collect some bonuses.
- - Shoot grate on right-hand wall. Stand on table, then run and jump
- into air shaft. Shoot grate at other end. Drop pipebomb out the
- opening and blow up waiting Pig Cop.
- - Drop out of shaft and throw switch that opens curtain.
- - Use dancer's platform to jump up to backstage area.
- - More night vision goggles on platform above switch. Can be obtained
- by a run-and-jump from backstage area.
- - Find medkit backstage in compartment between crates.
- - Head toward End-Level detonator. Before reaching it, you will be
- captured by Pig Cops. This will end the level, and transport you
- to level 3. This is the way the level is supposed to end, so don't
- worry about not reaching the End-Level detonator.
- LEVEL 3 - Death Row *********************************************************
- Electric Chair Room:
- - Get off the chair, quick!
- - Kick in window to security room.
- - Get pistol/ammo from compartment in wall.
- - Use the switch on the left side of the window in the security room
- to lower the electric chair.
- - Crouch, and drop down into the area behind the electric chair. Get
- the shotgun.
- - Use the switch on the right side of the window in the security room
- to open the curtains to the viewing area.
- - Break glass to the viewing area and exit the electric chair room.
- - Look for a discolored wall to the left of the window in the viewing
- area. It's a secret compartment that holds a HoloDuke.
- Chapel:
- - Shoot stain-glass windows.
- - Throw switch at the foot of the alter to open the secret area
- behind the cross.
- - Enter the secret area and retrieve machine gun.
- - Back in the chapel, position yourself against the wall set between
- the two entrances. Turn and face the alter. Above the alter you
- will see a switch. Shoot the switch, and the portion of the floor
- you are standing on will rise. When it stops, you'll have access
- to a small, hidden loft area. Get the health powerup that's hidden
- here.
- - Before leaving the loft, turn and shoot the hanging monk. Another
- health powerup will drop to the floor.
- Cell:
- - Move the bed, which will reveal a small crawl space.
- - Get ammo from crawl space.
- - Check out small tunnel and get more ammo.
- Gear Room:
- - Jump on low gear, then jump on high gear. From high gear, jump
- into the small control room.
- - Get blue keycard from the compartment in the wall.
- - Back out in the area with the gears, there is a health powerup on
- a ledge. You can obtain it by jumping from the low gear. If you
- then follow this ledge to it's end, there is a compartment hidden in
- the wall that holds a pair of night vision goggles.
- Hallway Around Central Control Room:
- - Shoot yellow tanks, which will open the tunnel to the outer cell
- room.
- - Check out showers, get boots/ammo/health.
- - Get Yellow keycard from secured area.
- Outer Courtyard:
- - Get red keycard and ammo from lower floor.
- - Destroy turrets.
- - Jump on sloping supports surrounding outer door. From the supports,
- you can jump up onto the ledges where the turrets are. Collect ammo
- and weapons from these areas. (Forget about trying to open the door
- itself...it only opens from the opposite side).
- - From the ledges where the turrets are located, there is another
- sloping support along the side wall. Jump on that, and enter the
- secret room above the door. Collect the health powerups.
- - There is a destructible wall to your far left as you enter the
- courtyard from the main facility. It's not really noticeable, but
- it's located just to the left of the last turret, in the rock
- portion of the wall. An RPG shot will open a hole in it, revealing
- a passage that leads into Cell Block 1.
- Central Control Room:
- - Enter one of the red keyed doors.
- - Hit the switch that will rotate the main control room.
- - Get the machine gun from the pedestal with the floating holographic
- head on it.
- - Shoot or hit the switch that rotates the room (make sure that you
- get back inside the room before it revolves).
- - Shoot the grate on the back wall and get armor (if you drop down
- the shaft it will lead back out to beginning hallway).
- - To either side of the grate in the wall is a small security door.
- Enter each door, and throw the switch on the wall. You can use
- the video monitors to verify that you've now lowered the forcefields
- in the Cell Block.
- - After lowering the forcefields, open the red door on the other side
- of the control room. Be careful not to trip the laser bombs. You
- can successful detonate the lasers by throwing a pipebomb through
- the field.
- - Once you've eliminated the lasers, walk through the door and open
- up the map display at the end of the small catwalk. When you do
- so, it'll open up a small compartment on either side of the bridge.
- Jump into these and collect the Health powerup and pipebombs.
- Cell Block 1:
- - Blow up the yellow tank (will open hole in floor leading back to
- outer hallway.
- - Collect ammo/weapons/health from individual cells.
- Cell Block 2:
- - In cell 3 you'll find a poster on the wall. The poster is covering
- up a hidden passage. Walk though the poster and into the passage
- beyond. Collect the pipebombs there, and use them to destroy the
- walls with the cracks in them. This will eventually lead you to
- the sewer, which will give you access to the submarine area.
- Submarine Area:
- - You can now open the door back to the courtyard by throwing the
- switch set in the support to the right of the door.
- - Jump on the support, and open the secret compartment above the
- switch. Get the night vision goggles from the compartment.
- - Use the 'crouch' key to dive below the waters surface. You'll find
- some pipebombs under the submarine.
- - Position yourself under the submarine and use the 'jump' key to
- rise up into the sub. (Forget about the door in front of the sub,
- it doesn't open).
- Inside Submarine:
- - Set in the rear wall of the sub is a secret door that leads to the
- engine room. Hidden there is a medkit.
- - At the front of the sub is a switch that will allow you to access
- the periscope (video monitor).
- - End the level by hitting the detonator at the front of the sub.
- LEVEL 4 - Toxic Dump ********************************************************
- Trapped in Submarine:
- - To exit the submarine, use the following switch combination:
- O
- O
- - Once you throw the correct switches, you can exit the sub through
- the emergency hatch that will open.
- Outside Submarine:
- Under water:
- - There's a small passage off to one side of the sub. One of the
- walls has a crack in it. RPG or pipebomb the wall to open up the
- entrance to the area beyond. There you'll find a health powerup
- and some pipebombs.
- Above water:
- - Jump up on the very top of the sub. After doing so, dive back
- below the surface and enter the submarine again. Once inside, rise
- to the very top. A compartment should have opened, revealing some
- bonuses.
- - Back outside the sub and above the water's surface, you'll find
- another side passage. Follow this one up to the top where you'll
- discover an RPG and the blue keycard (watch out for the turrets!)
- - Once you have the blue keycard, use it to gain entrance to the
- Nuclear Waste Disposal Unit.
- Nuclear Waste Disposal Unit:
- - Inside you'll find a main room with a conveyer belt, and a
- mechanical arm that drops from the floor and transports barrels of
- toxic waste. After killing all the enemies inside, stand on the
- pick up point of the conveyer belt and the arm will come down and
- grab you by the head. It will then transport you up and across the
- room to the next conveyer belt. Again, stand at the pick up point
- and allow the arm to transport you up and across the room again. It
- will drop you off on the final conveyer belt.
- - Once the arm has finished transporting you, you'll find a small
- control room behind a glass wall. Break the glass and enter the
- room. Get the red keycard from the compartment in the wall. You
- may also open the access door to the hallway that leads back to
- the main entrance.
- - After getting the red keycard, ride the conveyer belt up to the
- next control room. Again, break the glass and enter the room.
- You'll find a switch on the far wall that will open the storage
- tanks, inside of which is a health powerup. Follow the conveyer to
- it's end and drop back down into the main room.
- - Use the red keycard to activate the shrink ray in the next room.
- You'll know that you've been shrunk when your weapon turns into a
- fist in front of you. Once shrunk, RUN as fast as you can through
- the small access tunnel to the right of the shrink ray. Follow
- this passage to the right and into the room beyond. Make sure not
- to get trapped in the tunnel when the shrink effect wears off,
- otherwise you'll be killed.
- - In the next room, you'll find a switch on one wall, as well as
- another active shrink ray. Throw the switch and then once shrunk
- again, RUN back out the way you came (Note: Any enemies that get
- shrunk while you are normal sized may be stepped on. Just walk
- up to them, and Duke will squish them with his boot!).
- - Once you get back to the room with the first shrink ray, you'll
- see that a door has been opened. Go through this door and into the
- underwater facility below.
- Underwater Facility:
- - Underwater, you'll see several spiked mines on chains. If you
- shoot these from a distance they'll explode. One of these mines
- will blow up a portion of a wall, exposing a small secret alcove
- containing a machine gun and some ammo.
- - Find the small control room with a switch near the window. This
- switch will raise the water level. Once the water level has been
- raised, you may float to the surface and access the area above.
- Above Surface of Water:
- - You'll find a tall sloping slab of rock. You'll need to run along
- this slope and jump off the edge to the rocky area on the other
- side of the water (Note: there is also a small alcove just to the
- right that you can jump into...it contains some ammo.
- - Once on the other side, you'll find a small niche with a video
- monitor and two switches. The first switch will lower the surface
- of the water again, while the second switch will open a large door
- under water marked 02. Use the video monitor to verify that you
- did indeed open it.
- - Just outside the niche is a wall with a crack in it. You can
- destroy this wall to open up a passage. You can continue opening up
- this passage until it reaches the submarine area.
- - After you've opened up the #02 door under the water, dive back down
- to the underwater facility.
- Underwater Facility (revisited):
- - Enter area beyond the door that you opened.
- - You'll find another small control room with a switch that will open
- a set of swinging doors, beyond which is a pair of revolving gears.
- You'll need to run through these gears. Each gear has a broken tooth
- indicated by a gray stripe. When the gray stripes are facing
- each other, that's the time to run through. Using the map overlay
- can also be useful for navigating this area.
- - Once through the gears, rise to the surface of the water and follow
- the stream to the area beyond.
- - As you're traveling downstream, watch for a crack in a wall on the
- right hand side. Destroy the wall and there will be a teleporter
- beyond. This will teleport you to a small secret area. You can
- then follow the stream to the large waterfall area beyond.
- Waterfall Area:
- - At the ground floor of this area is the entrance to a small room.
- At the top of this room is a switch. When you hit the switch, a
- panel across the main arena will slide up, revealing yet another
- switch.
- - Exit the room and then climb the waterfall adjacent to the second
- switch. At the top of the waterfall, jump on the ledge opposite the
- switch, and stand on the platform at the end of the ledge. Now,
- shoot the switch, and another platform will slide across the room
- to meet you. You'll have to be quick and RUN/JUMP onto this
- platform. It will carry you across to the other side of the room,
- giving you access to the sewer (You may find it helpful to have the
- CAPLOCK key on while you do this. This will put you in RUN MODE).
- Sewer:
- - At the entrance to the sewer is a spinning fan. Shoot the spinning
- fan to gain access to the ventilation shaft. You can enter the
- shaft by standing on the ledge to the right and jumping inside
- (this jump can be a bit tricky, since the current wants to pull you
- off the ledge).
- - Follow the sewer downstream. Once you get pulled into the current,
- keep your eyes open for a wall with a crack in it. It will be on
- your left hand side as you move down stream.
- - When you spot the wall, destroy it and you'll gain access to a
- teleporter. This teleporter is the entrance to the secret sixth
- level, The Launch Facility.
- - If you do not wish to go to the sixth level, you may continue
- downstream until you reach the End-Level detonator, which will
- end the level and allow you to go on to the final level, The Abyss.
- LEVEL 5 - The Abyss *********************************************************
- Starting Point:
- - Follow sewer to exit...take right hand walkway around corner till
- you find a door. Inside the room beyond is a pair of protective
- boots. You'll need 'em.
- - Go explore outside canyon area.
- Outside Canyon Area:
- - Find blue keycard on rock pedestal.
- - You'll locate the blue keyed door below and to the side of the
- sewer exit, in the green slime.
- - The area is extensive, so search it thoroughly.
- Blue Keyed Door:
- - Once you go through the blue keyed door, there is a dark area just
- inside and to the left. If you have night vision goggles, use them
- to view the message on the wall, and find the ammo.
- - Continue down the path until you reach the outside area again.
- - You'll come to a wide spot in the path before it ends abruptly at
- a cliff. Back into this wide spot and face the cave opposite the
- gorge. RUN/JUMP across the gap and into the cave.
- - Once you reach the safety of the cave, go around the corner and
- jump back across the gorge to the next ledge (It's the one where
- the cactus is).
- - When you've reached the ledge with the cactus, walk to the end
- where the "San Andreas Fault" sign is. When you walk up to it,
- you'll trigger an earthquake that will open up the area down
- below.
- - Go explore the area below until you find the entrance to the caves.
- Just make sure not to fall off the ledge and die from the fall.
- Caves:
- - The caves are also extensive so search them thoroughly.
- - If you see a waterfall, try hopping inside.
- - If you find hand prints on the walls, try switching them on.
- - You need to find a circular area with a fire burning in the
- center. Once you find this area, use the hand print switches to
- open the hidden alcove with the RPG, and the passage into the cave
- beyond.
- - Follow the passage until you drop into a much larger circular room.
- On one wall will be another hand print switch. This switch will
- build a set of stairs. At the top of these stairs is a cross-
- shaped window. Make sure to walk right up to the window and look
- out. By doing so, you'll trigger a small quake that will open up
- a passage in the large lava area.
- - At the top of the stairs is also a rock ledge and another hand print
- switch. Jump up on the ledge and hit the switch. Immediately
- turn and jump off the stairs and run across the room and jump on
- the platform that is rising. You need to do this before it gets
- too high. If you're too late, you'll have to go back up the
- stairs and reset it.
- - At the top of the platform is another hand print switch. This switch
- will activate a shrink ray in the lava area. The shrink ray will
- come through the cross shaped window and shrink you. When it does,
- drop off the platform and walk under the wall to your right. This
- will lead back to the lava area.
- Lava Area:
- - Explore the lava area until you find the ledge to the right of the
- green falls. Climb this ledge and continue upward until you reach
- a lava stream with a rock pedestal in the center. Jump on the
- pedestal and hit the hand print in the wall.
- - The hand print will open up a stream of lava just to your left.
- Jump up onto the stream and run upward into the passage. At the
- top, jump the ledge and enter the cave with the Wildwoman. There
- you can collect several health powerup.
- - After collecting the powerups, jump back on the stream and follow
- it all the way to the bottom. At the bottom, you should find an
- open passage to your right, and stairs leading upward. Take these
- stairs and follow them all the way up into the caves.
- - You'll know you're going the right way when you reach a window and
- can see the spaceship through it.
- - Continue onward through the passage until you come to the area
- outside the ship. Ahead of you will be a series of rock columns
- that you'll need to jump across until you reach the stairs beyond.
- - If you have the jetpack, you might want to explore this area to
- find some of the secrets, and check out the outside of the ship.
- Ship:
- - After navigating the broken columns and climbing the stairs, you'll
- finally reach a large steel oval door. Open this and proceed into
- the alien ship.
- - When you reach a large black hole in the floor, drop down into it.
- You'll end up in a circular room. Make sure to explore this area
- well. It contains some needed supplies.
- - When you're ready for the final fight, open the last door and enter
- the arena with the Boss.
- Final Fight:
- - I beat the Boss simply by running continuously and firing rockets.
- Also, I made sure to make effective use of the many medkits lying
- around, not using them until I was very low on health. Using this
- strategy I found that he was not that difficult.
- - There are additional caches of ammo on the raised platform, behind
- the cocooned women. Shoot them to gain access.
- - You might want to make sure your CAPLOCK key is on in this area, so
- that you are in RUN MODE.
- LEVEL 6 - Launch Facility ***************************************************
- Starting Point:
- - You'll find that a forcefield bars your path in the early part of
- the level. The switch to lower the forcefield is behind the
- revolving wheel in the toxic waste. You might want to get the
- protective boots out of the compartment next to the forcefield
- before you access the switch. Also, there is some armor in a small
- alcove that will open up in the hallway prior to the forcefield.
- It will be closed when you first pass it, but if you backtrack
- you'll find that it has opened up (it also will have released some
- enemies for you to fight).
- Circular Room:
- - After lowering the first forcefield, you'll enter a dimly lit
- circular room. Walk up the spiraling walkway until you reach a set
- of four switches. The correct sequence for the switches is as
- follows: O X O O (X=RED, O=GREEN)
- - Once you enter the correct sequence, you'll gain access to the
- small control room at the top of the spiraling walkway. Inside is
- the blue keycard, and a switch that lowers one of the forcefields
- in the circular room.
- - After lowering the next forcefield, follow the passage that it was
- protecting up to the top of a slope. There are niches on either
- side that contain pipe bombs. Directly ahead of you in the darkness
- a health powerup rests on a pedestal. You'll need to give yourself
- some room, and then run and jump off the slope and onto the
- platform.
- - In the room beyond the slope, follow the walkway up to the next
- room. Part way up you'll find an RPG underneath a spinning fan. The
- fan can be destroyed with a pipebomb or RPG, and you can jetpack up
- through the opening to find some pipebombs.
- - In the room at the top of the walkway, there is a switch that can
- only be accessed by the blue keycard. This switch will raise the
- rocket out on the launch pad below.
- - Go back the way you came and find the room inside the hangar bay
- that contains the red keycard. A switch near the window will open
- the hangar doors and allow you access to the launch pad.
- Launch Pad:
- - There is a lift located to the left of the rocket. Ride it to the
- top and find the jetpack next to the video monitor. Use the
- teleporter to gain access to the inside of the rocket.
- - Inside of the rocket, use the red keycard on the switch in the wall.
- - Exit the rocket via the teleporter, then either jetpack down to the
- bottom of the rocket, or take the lift.
- - Back on the ground floor, enter the small sunken room to the side of
- the hangar doors. You'll find a switch there that will destroy the
- rocket.
- - There is another lift on the right side of the rocket. After you
- have destroyed the rocket, use the lift to access the area below.
- Find the switch there that opens up the entrance to the sewer.
- - Follow the sewer to the End-Level detonator and end the level.
- You'll then go on to the final level in the game, The Abyss.