#G_ImpassB Show/hide places, where the land units can't move.
#G_HealthModeB Turn on/off the floating damage values mode.
#G_MiniMapB Change the minimap mode (standard, decreased, hidden).
#G_LModeB Turn on/off the bird's-eye view mode (move the camera off the ground).
PLEXIT The player %s has left the game.
#Single1Name Mounted Barbarians
#Single2Name Real Threat
#Single3Name Matter of Pride
#Single4Name Gold Rush
#Single5Name Naval Rush
#GM_HeroExp Experience depends on the number of enemies killed by heroes and the whole army.
#_GM_Population Population (Town Halls, Barracks, Dwellings).
#O_FriendlyFire Turn on/off the mode when the allied units can't inflict damage on your troops (works only in single-player mode on the easy and normal levels).
#DestroyTownHallsF1 In order to defeat the enemy you have to destroy all his Town Halls.
#VC_TownHint In order to defeat the enemy you have to destroy all his Town Halls.
#VC_ScoreHint To defeat the enemy you have to earn more points or destroy all his Town Halls within the stated time (points are added for constructing units and buildings, or destroying the enemy's; points are deducted for losing units and buildings).
#VC_MinesHint To defeat the enemy you need to mine the necessary quantity of resources, using mines, or destroy all the enemy's Town Halls within the stated time.
#VC_HeroHint In order to gain victory you need to kill all the enemy's heroes.