"IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=(c)Copyright 1994-2002, Adobe Systems Incorporated.\r\nAll rights reserved."
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=The Acrobat Self-Sign Security plug-in is a secure and fully functional demonstration of a PDF document digital signature and encryption plug-in. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=Acrobat Self-Sign uses a public-key based, self-signed, direct-trust handler for digital signing and encryption of PDF files. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=A minimal feature set is provided relating to public key certificate life cycle management and no Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) interface is provided. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION4=There are third party plug-ins available that provide these more advanced features."
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: DigSig, AcroForm, EScript\r\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: SendMail, WebLink"
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF=This plug-in includes libraries that are licensed from RSA Security Inc. "
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF2=RSA and RSA Security Inc. are registered trademarks of RSA Security Inc. "
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF3=For more information on obtaining RSA security components please visit http://www.rsasecurity.com. "
"IDS_BACKUP_DONE=Your backup was successful. You have created the following backup files:"
"IDS_SIGNING_DONE=You have successfully signed this document. "
"IDS_FILE_EXISTS_CONFIRM1=already exists. Do you want to replace it?"
"IDS_SaveAPPreviewTitle=Save Signature Preview"
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK=Log in to Acrobat Self-Sign Security?"
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_ENCRYPT=Creation of a secure document requires access to Acrobat Self-Sign credentials. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_DECRYPT=To access this encrypted document you must first log in to your Self-Sign profile. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_SIGN=Document signatures require access to Acrobat Self-Sign credentials. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_IMPORT=To add a certificate to your list of trusted certificates or to process a request for your certificate requires that you first login to your Self-Sign profile. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_GENERAL=Operation requires access to Acrobat Self-Sign credentials. "
"IDS_LOGIN_PLEASE_PROFILE=Please select a profile file."
"IDS_LOGIN_NOPROFILE=Profile file does not exist."
"IDS_LOGIN_DONE0=You are now logged in as '"
"IDS_USER_OPTIONS=&User Settings..."
"IDS_CERT_EXPIRE0=Warning: your certificate has expired or is about to expire. It is recommended that you create a new user profile and keep your old profile file to decrypt old documents. "
"IDS_NonPrintableString=Error: attributes of an X.509 certificate are limited to ASCII characters. Only the following characters are permitted: a-z A-Z 0-9 '()+,-./:=? and space. "
"IDS_NewUserKeyUsageNotice=Create a 1024-bit RSA private key and X.509 public key certificate, and store in a password-protected profile file. "
"IDS_PrefsCMSText=This will create a larger signature but may improve compatiblity with other digital signature solutions."
"IDS_TitleUserSettings=Self-Sign Security - User Settings for "
"IDS_DeleteEntryConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry? "
"IDS_SIGNOTE_NOTLOADED=Click 'Verify' to process signature"
"IDS_ERR_SIG_CREATION=Creation of this signature could not be completed."
"IDS_MSG_DLG_MISSING_FIELDS=You have not entered information for every field. Please complete your entries."
"IDS_LOGOUT_CLOSECONFIRM1= secure file(s) that remain open. "
"IDS_LOGOUT_CLOSECONFIRM2=Close these files?"
"IDS_LOGOUT_SAVENOTIFY1= secure file(s) that need to be saved. "
"IDS_LOGOUT_SAVENOTIFY2=These files must be closed or saved before logging out."
"IDS_LOGOUT_ENUMERROR=An error was encountered while enumerating all open secure documents. You must quit this application in order to logout."
"IDS_KeyUsage_separator=, "
"IDS_KeyUsage_none=Not specified"
"IDS_KeyUsage_digitalSignature=Sign transaction"
"IDS_KeyUsage_nonRepudiation=Sign document"
"IDS_KeyUsage_keyEncipherment=Encrypt keys"
"IDS_KeyUsage_dataEncipherment=Encrypt document"
"IDS_KeyUsage_keyCertSign=Sign certificate (CA)"
"IDS_KeyUsage_cRLSign=Sign CRL"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_POST= passed since I last entered my password"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_SEC= seconds have"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_min= minute has"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_MIN= minutes have"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_hour= hour has"
"IDS_EXPORT_CERT_TITLE=Export Certificate As..."
"IDS_IMPORT_CERT_TITLE=Import Certificate"
"IDS_EXPORT_TYPE=Acrobat Self-Sign key"
"IDS_ImportCertNote0=You are advised to verify the identity of the owner of this certificate.\r\nTo verify this identity please contact the owner (by phone, email, etc.) and confirm that one of the fingerprint numbers below matches the fingerprint number of their certificate."
"IDS_ImportCertNote1=\r\n\r\nClick 'Add to List' if a fingerprint number matches and you want to always trust this certificate: the certificate will then be added to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'. Click 'Cancel' if the fingerprints do not match or if you cannot contact the certificate owner.\r\n "
"IDS_ImportCertNoteSelf=This certificate belongs to you. "
"IDS_ImportCertNotePAB=This certificate is already in your list of 'Trusted Certificates'. "
"IDS_ImportDone0=Certificate for "
"IDS_ImportDone1= has been successfully added to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'. "
"IDS_DialogsExportCertNote=Your certificate has been successfully exported."
"IDS_ExportCommunicateNote=Please communicate one or both fingerprint strings to those who receive your certificate so that they can verify its origin and ensure it has not been damaged."
"IDS_ExportSubject=Acrobat Certificate Exchange File from "
"IDS_ExportBody0=Attached is an Acrobat Certificate Exchange File from "
"IDS_ExportBodyRequest1= is requesting a copy of your certificate.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyContains0=The file contains a copy of a certificate that you can use to verify signatures from and encrypt documents for "
"IDS_ExportBodyOpen=Opening this file will launch Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and prompt you to process the file.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyRequire=\r\nRequires Adobe Acrobat 5.0, Acrobat Reader 5.1, or later versions.\r\n\r\nAdobe, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries."
"IDS_ExportDisclaimer=It is okay to share your certificate. Certificates are public and do not contain private information. "
"IDS_CertRequestDialog_ContactInfoNote=The recipient of your certificate can use your &contact information (e.g. phone number) to verify your certificate identity."
"IDS_FingerprintMD5=MD5 fingerprint of certificate: "
"IDS_FingerprintSHA1=SHA-1 fingerprint of certificate: "
"IDS_FDFOpenEMailNote=You have opened an Acrobat Certificate Exchange File."
"IDS_FDFOpenWebNote=You have received a certificate exchange request. "
"IDS_FDFOpenImportNum1=This file contains one certificate "
"IDS_FDFOpenImportNumN0=This file contains "
"IDS_FDFOpenImportNumN1= certificates"
"IDS_FDFOpenImportNum2= that can be added to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'. "
"IDS_FDFOpenImportNote=You can verify signatures from and encrypt documents for the owners of certificates that are in this list. "
"IDS_FDFOpenExportNote0=You have been requested to send your certificate to the "
"IDS_FDFOpenExportEMailNote=E-Mail address: "
"IDS_FDFOpenExportWebNote=URL: "
"IDS_FDFOpenNoExportWarning=Are you sure that you do not want to send your certificate? It is normally okay to share a public-key certificate."
"IDS_FDFOpenImportSummaryAlert1= of "
"IDS_FDFOpenImportSummaryAlert2= certificates were added to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'. "
"IDS_HTTPSWarning=You are connecting to an unsecure server. Click 'OK' to proceed with this connection. "
"IDS_SignDialogNote=Signing requires saving the document. Click 'Save As..' to place this signature onto a new document or 'Save' to save the current document."
"IDS_SignDialogEWHNote=Click 'Sign' to sign this document.\r\nAfter signing you may create a local copy of the signed document using the 'Save a Copy of the File' toolbar button."
"IDS_SIGVAL_APPLIESTO0=Document revision "
"IDS_SIG_REASON0=I am the author of this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON1=I have reviewed this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON2=I am approving this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON3=This document is ready for review"
"IDS_SIG_REASON4=This document is ready for approval"
"IDS_SIG_REASON5=Document is certified"
"IDS_SIG_REASON6=Document is released"
"IDS_SIG_REASON7=I have reviewed 'specified' portions of this document"
"IDS_APICON_CATEGORY_HEADER=Picture Signatures for "
"IDS_SIG_AP_NAME=Digitally signed by "
"IDS_SigValDSUnknown=Signature has not yet been verified"
"IDS_SigValDSUnknownTrouble=An error occured while attempting to verify this signature"
"IDS_SigValDSTampered=Document was corrupted since this signature was added"
"IDS_SigValDSIdentityUnknown=Signer's identity could not be verified"
"IDS_SigValDSIdentityNotDetermined=An error occured while attempting to verify the signer's identity"
"IDS_SigValDSJustSigned=Signature is valid"
"IDS_SigValDSIdentityInPAB=Signature is valid"
"IDS_SigValDSIdentitySelfSigned=Signature is valid"
"IDS_SigValDSSelfSignNoLogon=Signer's identity not verified"
"IDS_SigValDSSelfSignNotInPAB=Signer's identity not verified"
"IDS_SigValDSIdentityInvalid=Signer's identity is invalid"
"IDS_SigValDSSelfSignExpired=Signer's identity is invalid"
"IDS_SigValTitleIdentityInvalid=Signature is INVALID."
"IDS_SigValTitleSelfSignExpired=Signature is INVALID."
"IDS_SigValLine2Unknown=This signature has not been verified. "
"IDS_SigValLine2UnknownTrouble=This signature could not been verified because there were errors encountered during the verification process. "
"IDS_SigValLine2Tampered=The document has been altered since it was signed. "
"IDS_SigValLine2IdentityUnknown=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied ."
"IDS_SigValLine2IdentityInPAB=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValLine2SelfSignNoLogon=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValLine2SelfSignNotInPAB=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValLine2IdentityInvalid=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValLine2SelfSignExpired=This revision of the document has not been altered since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValValIdentityUnknown=The identity of the signer could not be verified.\r\n\r\nClick 'Verify Identity' to confirm the identity of the signer."
"IDS_SigValValIdentityNotDetermined=The identity of the signer has not been verified probably because there were errors encountered during the verification process."
"IDS_SigValValIdentityInPAB=The identity of the signer has been verified as being in your list of 'Trusted Certificates'."
"IDS_SigValValSelfSignNoLogon=The identity of the signer has not been verified because you do not have access to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'.\r\n\r\nClick 'Log In' to access your list of 'Trusted Certificates' and continue verifying."
"IDS_SigValValSelfSignNotInPAB=The identity of the signer could not be verified.\r\n\r\nClick 'Verify Identity' to check the identity of the signer."
"IDS_SigValValIdentityInvalid=The signer's certificate is invalid. "
"IDS_SigValValSelfSignExpired=The signer's certificate has expired. "
"IDS_SigValPropUnknown=Click 'Verify' to process this signature. "
"IDS_SigValPropIdentityUnknown=The identity of the signer could not be verified.\r\nClick 'Verify Identity' to confirm the identity of the signer."
"IDS_SigValPropIdentityNotDetermined=The identity of the signer has not been verified. There were probably errors encountered during the verification process."
"IDS_SigValPropIdentityInPAB=The identity of the signer has been verified as being in your list of 'Trusted Certificates'."
"IDS_SigValPropSelfSignNoLogon=The identity of the signer cannot be verified because you are not logged in and do not have access to your list of 'Trusted Certificates'."
"IDS_SigValPropSelfSignNotInPAB=The identity of the signer could not be verified.\r\nClick 'Verify Identity' to check the identity of the signer."
"IDS_SigValPropIdentityInvalid=The signer's certificate is invalid. "
"IDS_SigValPropSelfSignExpired=The signer's certificate has expired. "
"IDS_CR_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN=Information for this recipient is not available because the recipient is not in your list of 'Trusted Certificates'."
"IDS_CR_NO_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATES_HINT=You cannot add recipients because your list of 'Trusted Certificates' is empty. To add entries to this list go to the menu Tools > Self-Sign Security > User Settings and select 'Trusted Certificates'."
"IDS_SecuredDocumentDenied=You do not have access rights to this encrypted document. "
"IDS_CannotChangeSecurity=You are not authorized to change the security settings of this document. "
"IDS_BatchDocumentAccess=Acrobat Self-Sign Security is your default batch security handler. You should log in to your profile now if the batch sequence you are about to execute will need to open any files secured with Acrobat Self-Sign Security."
"IDS_BatchCommandDenied=You do not have the security permissions necessary to execute this batch sequence command."
"IDS_BatchCommandModificationDenied=You do not have the security permissions necessary to modify this batch sequence command."
"IDS_DOC_SECURITY_NOTE=You are opening an encrypted document. "
"IDS_DOC_SECURITY_ENCRYPT_NOTE0=You will not be able to save changes to this document because this application is restricted by U.S. export regulations to encryption using key lengths of "
"IDS_UserPermsNote=Recipients with 'User Access' are granted the following restricted set of access permissions:"
"IDS_ErrSignSubFilterNoMatch=The signature format as specified by SubFilter is not supported. The document was probably signed with an unreleased version of the Self-Sign or Entrust Security plug-in. "
"IDS_ErrSignVersionOldVersion=Signature version not supported. The document was probably signed with an unreleased version of the Self-Sign or Entrust Security plug-in. "
"IDS_ErrSignVersionNewVersion=Signature version not supported. A newer version of the Self-Sign Security plug-in is required in order to process this signature. "
"IDS_ErrKeyFileOldVersion=File open error. The version number of this file is old and is not supported. "
"IDS_ErrKeyFileNewVersion=File open error. The version number of this file is newer than is supported by this product. "
"IDS_ErrNoSendMail=Error. Operation could not be completed because SendMail plug-in is not installed. "
"IDS_ErrFDFVersionOld=Error. The version of this Certificate Exchange FDF File is no longer supported. "
"IDS_ErrFDFVersionNew=Error. The version of this Certificate Exchange FDF File requires a later version of this application. "
"IDS_ErrFDFEmbedCMSError=Error in Certificate Exchange FDF File data. "
"IDS_ErrFDFEmpty=The Certificate Exchange FDF File did not contain any information. Operation cancelled. "
"IDS_ErrEncryptSubFilterNoMatch=The encryption format as specified by SubFilter is not supported. "
"IDS_ErrEncryptVersionOld=Encryption version not supported. The document was probably encrypted with an unreleased version of the Self-Sign or Entrust Security plug-in. "
"IDS_ErrEncryptVersionNew=Encryption version not supported. A newer version of the Self-Sign Security plug-in is required in access this document. "