home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2002-06-07 | 4.6 KB | 165 lines |
- [Install1]
- CopyTree = DataTree
- CopyFiles = SetupFiles
- AddReg = RegistryData, UninstReg1
- [UnInstall1]
- DelTree = RootTree
- DelReg = RegistryUnData
- [DataTree]
- %65600% , "Setup"
- [SetupFiles]
- setup.exe
- setup.inf
- [RootTree]
- %65600%
- [DestinationDirs]
- ; do not change the numeric value !
- SetupFiles = %65600%
- [RegistryData]
- HKLM,%UNINS%,DisplayName,,"%PRODUCT%"
- HKLM,%UNINS%,UninstallString,,"%65600%\setup.exe -uninstall"
- HKLM,"Software\Techland\%PRODUCT%",DestinationPath,,"%65600%"
- HKLM,"Software\Techland\%PRODUCT%",SrcPath,,"Setup\"
- [RegistryUnData]
- HKLM,"Software\Techland\%PRODUCT%"
- [UninstReg1]
- HKLM,"Software\Techland\%PRODUCT%",UninstallSection,,"UnInstall1"
- [Strings]
- UNINS = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PetSoccer"
- PRODUCT = "Pet Soccer"
- StringExit = "Zamknij instalator"
- StringInstall = "Zainstaluj grΩ"
- StringStart = "Uruchom grΩ"
- StringDirect = "Zainstaluj DirectX"
- StringChangeDir = "Folder instalacji:"
- StringChangeDirDesc = "Wybierz folder instalacji"
- MsgYes = "Tak"
- MsgNo = "Nie"
- MsgOk = "Ok"
- MsgCancel = "Anuluj"
- MsgRetry = "Powt≤rz"
- UnInstallAsk = "Czy jeste£ pewien, ┐e chcesz usun╣µ grΩ Pet Soccer?"
- UnInstallYes = "Tak"
- UnInstallNo = "Nie"
- UnInstallComplete = "Usuwanie zako±czone."
- GetFolderTitle = "Wybierz folder instalacji"
- GetFolderMsgTitle = "Instalator gry Pet Racer"
- GetFolderCannot = "Nie uda│o siΩ utworzyµ foldera"
- GetFolderExists = "Folder ju┐ istnieje. Kontynuowaµ?"
- GetFolderCancel = "Anuluj"
- LicenceTitle = "Licencja u┐ytkownika"
- LicenceAgree = "Zgadzam siΩ"
- LicenceDecline = "Nie zgadzam siΩ"
- MsgInstalling = "Instalacja..."
- MsgInstallOk = "Instalacja zako±czona"
- MsgInstallError = "B│╣d instalacji"
- MsgInstallSpace = "Za ma│o miejsca na dysku"
- MsgInstallReboot = "Restart komputera"
- MsgInstallRebootAsk = "Zrestartowaµ teraz?"
- [InstallerSetup]
- PleaseWait = "ProszΩ czekaµ..."
- WindowTitle = "Pet Soccer"
- BitmapMask = "bmp\Mask.bmp"
- BitmapBack = "bmp\Back.bmp"
- BitmapButtons = "bmp\buttons.bmp"
- ProgressInfo = ,,bmp\Progress.bmp, 111,100,,,1,0,0
- Button1 = 265, 118, 143, 24, "%StringExit%" ,, 0, 48, -1, -1,,, 0, 48, -1,-1
- Button2 = 5, 117, 143, 24, "%StringInstall%" ,, 0, 0, -1, -1,,, 0, 0, -1,-1
- Button3 = 5, 117, 143, 24, "%StringStart%" ,, 0, 129, 0, 105,,, 0, 129, -1,-1
- Button4 = 39, 180, 143, 24, "%StringChangeDir%" ,, 0, 24, -1, -1,,, 0, 24, -1,-1
- Button5 = 229, 179, 143, 24, "%StringPreviews%" ,, 0, 72, -1, -1,,, 0, 72, -1,-1
- Button6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, ,, -1, -1, -1, -1,,,-1, -1, -1,-1
- TextColor = 0, 0, 0, 15
- TextLine1 = 50,250,218,20
- TextLine2 = 0,270,340,20
- GetDirOn =
- UnInstallMsgs = "%UnInstallAsk%","%UnInstallYes%","%UnInstallNo%","%UnInstallComplete%"
- MsgAnswer = "%MsgYes%","%MsgNo%","%MsgOk%","%MsgCancel%","%MsgRetry%"
- GetFolderMsgs = "%GetFolderTitle%", "%GetFolderMsgTitle%", "%GetFolderCannot%", "%GetFolderExists%", "%GetFolderCancel%"
- LicenceMsgs = "%LicenceTitle%", "%LicenceAgree%", "%LicenceDecline%"
- LicenceTxt = licence.txt
- Vendor = "Techland"
- ProductKey = "Software\Techland\%PRODUCT%"
- CommandLine = "PetSoccer.exe"
- ProgramPath = "Techland\Pet Soccer"
- DefaultPath = "C:\Program Files\Techland\%PRODUCT%"
- ProgramGroup = "Techland\Pet Soccer"
- Shortcut1 = "Pet Soccer", PetSoccer.exe, ,"%PRODUCT%","%65600%\PetSoccer.exe"
- Shortcut2 = "Odinstaluj program", setup.exe,"-uninstall" ,"%PRODUCT%","%65600%\setup.exe"
- Shortcut3 = "Czytaj", readme.txt,"%PRODUCT%","%65600%\readme.txt"
- Shortcut4 = "www.techland.com.pl", WebPage.url,"%PRODUCT%","%65600%\WebPage.url"
- Shortcut5 = "Pet Soccer - tryb awaryjny", PetSoccer.exe,"safemode" ,"%PRODUCT%","%65600%\petsoccer.exe"
- Messages = "%MsgInstalling%","%MsgInstallOk%","%MsgInstallError%","%MsgInstallSpace%","%MsgInstallReboot%","%MsgInstallRebootAsk%"
- DirectXPath = "DirectX"
- AutoExit = 1
- DirectXPath = "DirectX"
- DirectXAuto = 0
- AviDecoder = 0
- CustomCursors = 0
- Sizes = 550,550
- ; end of file