Click here to enter the time that evening rates start for in-state calls. Enter in 24-hour format (HHMM).
Enter the percentage discount that is applied for night/weekend long distance calls made in-state. Enter this amount without a decimal.
Click here to enter the time that night/weekend rates start for in-state calls. Enter in 24-hour format (HHMM).
Click here to enter a dialing command for a connected modem. You can also enter prefixes like “9,” or “1-” and these will be used for all calls dialed when using either a modem or the internal speaker.
Click here to enter the duration of the call in minutes that must pass for an alert to sound.
Click here to enter the cost of the call in dollars that must pass for an alert to sound.
Click here to enter the time (1-999) in seconds that must pass before an automatic re-dial attempt using a modem.
Click here to dial phone numbers using a connected modem.
ComIT will use a connected modem to dial phone numbers.
Click here to dial phone numbers using the Macintosh internal speaker.
ComIT will use the Macintosh internal speaker to dial phone numbers. Dialing numbers this way may not be reliable.
This is a pop-up menu to indicate what bps should be used with a connected modem.
This is a pop-up menu to indicate which serial port on the Macintosh to use with a connected modem.
Click here to stop automatic holiday or weekend checking for day and evening phone calls. Most phone companies charge the night rate on holidays and weekends.
Click here to start automatic holiday or weekend checking for day and evening phone calls. Most phone companies charge the night rate on holidays and weekends.
This is a volume control for dialing numbers via the Macintosh internal speaker. It is independent of the “Control Panel” setting.
Click here to enable detection of the “busy” and “ring” responses from a modem.
Click here to disable detection of the “busy” and “ring” responses from a modem.
Click to dial or with the option key down, re-dial, the above number and begin timing the call. Once a call has started, click to end the call. You can then click here to log the call.
Used to dial a phone number. Not available since no phone number has been entered.
Click to reset the dialog box to its just-opened state.
Click to close this dialog box. If there are unsaved entries, you will be prompted whether to save them.
This is a list of the Names in your Directory. Click one to place the Name and Phone # in the edit fields to the right. You can double-click a Name to dial the number immediately.
Enter the Name of the party you are calling. See the user manual for information on the “find” capability.
Enter the Phone # of the party you are calling. You can enter phone numbers in just about any format including alphanumeric. See the user manual for information on the “find” capability.
Click here to enter the time that a call was made. This will allow you to post-log a previously made call. You should also enter a stop time in the next field.
Click here to enter the time that a previously made call ended. This will allow you to post-log a previously made call. You should also enter a start time in the previous field.
Click here to enter the date that a call was made. This will allow you to post-log a previously made call. You should also enter start and stop times in the above fields.
Click here to indicate that this is or was a normal “voice” call.
This call will be logged (if logging enabled) as a “voice” call.
Click here to indicate that this is or was a “data” call.
This call will be logged (if logging enabled) as a “data” call.
Click here to enter a note about this phone call. You can enter up to 255 characters or 3 lines, whichever comes first. The message is saved in the log file (if logging enabled).
Click here to sort the Name list to the right alphabetically in ascending order.
Click here to sort the Name list to the right alphabetically in descending order.
Click in the up or down scroll arrows to change the times or date by 1. Hold the shift key down to change by 10.
To acknowledge that you have read this information, click the mouse inside this window or press the return or enter key.
Click to save entries for this session.
Used to save entries for this session. Not available now since no duration is entered or session timing is active.
Click to reset the dialog box to its just-opened state.
Click to close this dialog box. If there are unsaved entries, you will be prompted whether to save them.
Enter the duration of the session here. You can enter an amount of 0-999 minutes.
Enter the start time (local) of the session here. Enter the time in 24-hour mode (0000-2359).
Enter the date of the session here. You can use any date separator but the form should follow MM-DD-YYYY.
Click here to specify that this bps was used for this session.
Used to specify that this bps was used for this session. Currently not available since it has been deselected in this service’s configuration.
This bps has been selected for this service.
Click here to specify that this bps was used for this session.
Used to specify that this bps was used for this session. Currently not available since it has been deselected in this service’s configuration.