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- Changes since MacLayers v1.20:
- Here is a fairly complete list of the major new features present in MacLayers v1.30:
- • Settings files have been completely reorganized.
- MacLayers no longer stores user preferences (also referred to as settings)
- and session logfiles in the same file. A new MacLayers document
- type, 'USER', has been defined to hold user preferences. Logfiles
- are still stored as text files, but to avoid confusion with the
- old way of combining logfiles and settings, the MacLayers 'TEXT'
- type has been abandoned. Instead, by default, logfiles are stored
- as THINK C text files; the user can change the creator type for
- logfiles via a new option in the "Preferences" dialog. The new
- settings files also function as MacLayers startup documents.
- Settings should act "more normally". Settings must be explicitly
- saved via the save options under the file menu. If "dirty" (unsaved)
- settings are about to be lost when the user quits (or attempts
- to open a new settings file), the user is prompted to save the
- current settings.
- The settings document holds all user-configurable options. It
- also remembers the size and position of the initial window
- (the root level layer). Initial sizes and position of windows
- opened under layers mode are not stored in the settings document;
- instead, they can be specified using the new .layersrc functionality
- described elsewhere.
- The currently defined download site is saved with other options
- as part of the current settings document.
- Logfiles are still maintained while MacLayers is running, but
- are always deleted after the corresponding window is closed unless
- either (1) the user has indicated s/he wants to keep logfiles by
- checking "Save Logfiles by Default" in the Preferences dialog, or
- (2) the user explicitly saves a logfile. It is possible to save
- logfiles for layers mode windows across layers sessions.
- • Keyboard remapping has been completely reorganized.
- It is possible, if one is not a heavy user of option as control,
- to not install the MacLayers Keyboard in the System file under
- System 7. However, it is recomended that System 7 users DO install
- the new KCHR resource in their System file by dragging it into
- their System folder (or using ResEdit). Unfortunately, Apple has
- made it practically impossible for an application to use a KCHR
- not installed in the System file under System 7.0.x.
- System 6.0.x users do NOT need to install the MacLayers Keyboard
- file. However, that should make sure that "Local KCHR Translation"
- is turned on in the Terminal dialog under the Control menu.
- The Terminal dialog has been reorganized to reflect these
- changes. A popup menu allows the user to select his or her
- preference for the control key, which forces different choices for the
- meta key; the table below summarizes, but a more complete
- description is in the MacLayers v1.30 Manual.
- Control-Key Meta
- -------------+-----------------
- control | option
- option | command-option
- command | command-option
- All users can optionally remap the backspace key (large delete
- key in upper right) to send DEL instead of BS, and to remap the
- backquote "`' key to send ESC.
- The ENTER key by default sends a linefeed (LF) character, but
- it can also be optionally remapped to send a carriage-return (CR)
- or Control-C (^C).
- Support for [page up], [page down], [home], and [end] on Extended
- keyboards has also been added; these act as substitute scrolling keys.
- • Support for a .layersrc file which can be used to automatically
- create and position windows when layers mode is initiated. This
- requires recompiling the layers program. See UNIX side documentation
- or the MacLayers Manual for the details on the .layersrc file format. One
- can now also specify the size and geometry of a new layers window via
- command-line arguments to the layers program. A menu option, "Send
- .layersrc command", has been added to the MacLayers application to make
- building a customized .layersrc file easier. The menu option "Reposition
- layer" has been added to allow the user to force a lost or undraggable
- window to a known visible and draggable place.
- • A longer dialstring is supported through the use of separate strings
- for the phone-number and dial-command. Also, a modem-initialization
- string sent only at startup can be defined. All of these strings
- can be set via the revised Phone dialog. One can embed a carriage
- return in these strings by including '^M' (type ^ followed by M)
- in the string; other control characters are entered similarly.
- • MacLayers now supports two schemes for mapping double-clicks inside
- vi-mode windows to cursor-positioning commands. An option under the
- Terminal dialog allows the user to select between 'vi' style or
- 'emacs' style (actually macmouse.el style) cursor-positioning. The
- user can also decide to have no cursor-positioning commands sent.
- Note: 'emacs' style cursor-positioning requires that the macmouse.el
- has been loaded under emacs first. See the MacLayers Manual for details.
- • New Finder icons for the application and startup documents have been
- defined. It may be necessary to rebuild your desktop. For instructions, see
- the MacLayers Manual.
- • MacLayers no longer reopens the printer port at startup when the
- modem port is being used, and vice-versa.
- • MacLayers will now attempt to reopen the serial port if it discovers that
- the port has been closed (by another telecommunications program, for
- example). When it does this, it displays the message:
- "### Someone closed the serial port; reopening it ..."
- If reopening the port is unsuccesful, MacLayers will abort, as before.
- • MacLayers no longer iconizes hidden windows when "Iconize While Not
- Front" is selected and MacLayers is sent to the background; MacLayers
- doesn't unhide hidden windows when MacLayers is returned from the
- background any more either.
- • Other minor changes:
- • stop and caution cicns added
- • can now cycle backward as well as forward; keyboard equivalents
- changed
- • "Record Lines Off Top" now uses a check (it used to toggle menu text)
- • minor Balloon Help support (Finder level)