hi-BBS lets you add some pizazz to just about any text. The Mail and Forums messages, Teleconference window, TEXT file window can all benefit from the full possibilities of text formatting, including COLOR!
To use it, select your text, then go to the Format menu and select the font, typestyle, size and color to give your memos and messages a powerful impact!
NOTE: you can as well format the text files that you read on-line from the INFO sections. This could be useful before printing or saving them.
Broadcasting a message
While on-line, you can send a message to all other connected users. This way you could call a meeting, announce your birthday, and even ask for HELP!!!
Just select Broadcast a Message under the Window menu and fill-in your message. It will be sent to all connected users who accept broadcasts.
If you don't want to receive broadcasts from other users, just click on the small Talking Head button displayed on your Status Palette. A small X will appear over the Talking Head. Press again to accept broadcasts.
You can see who else is connected by selecting Who's There? from the Windows menu.
File compression
The hi-BBS User application will automatically decompress Stuffit‚Ñ¢ files that you download from the server. It will do the same for Disk Doubler‚Ñ¢ files. You will need to install the Stuffit Engine‚Ñ¢ extension or the Disk Doubler INIT‚Ñ¢ for that function to work.
In the future, we will work to offer other popular file compression formats.
QuickTime‚Ñ¢ support
The hi-BBS User application will automatically open and play QuickTime movie files, if you choose to do so. For this, you will need to install the QuickTime extension.
The hi-BBS system offers an optional QuickMail‚Ñ¢/hi-BBS Gateway that fully supports two-ways mail messages and enclosure transfer. Many other gateways are in the works. Please contact us to learn more about these products. Call (514) 489-1001.