Out of memory during simulation (allocate more memory to Extend)
Undefined System Function called. Use a newer version of Extend
Invalid X axis values at InstallAxis
Invalid Y axis values at InstallAxis
Invalid Y2 axis values at InstallAxis
No Axis installed at InstallFunction
No Axis installed at InstallArray
Installed array must be Type Real at InstallArray
Cannot install local array or array segment at InstallArray
No Axis installed at MakeScatter
Empty or unequal length signals at MakeScatter. Need to installArray for both signals
No Axis installed at PlotNewScatter
Invalid signal Number at PlotNewScatter. Must be an even number, 0 or higher
No array was installed at this Signal Number in PlotNewScatter
Plotting a point that exceeds installed array size in plotNewScatter or plotNewPoint
No Axis installed at PlotNewPoint
No array was installed at this Signal Number in PlotNewPoint
Plotting a point that exceeds array size in PlotNewPoint
No Axis installed at GetAxis
Array must be Type Real at GetAxis
Array must have at least 9 elements at GetAxis
Unallocated array at GetAxis
Invalid Plot Number at removeSignal
Invalid Plot Number at disposePlot
Integer divide by zero
Integer Mod by zero
Array exceeded dimensional bounds
Array has not been allocated by MakeArray or any other initializing procedure
Stack overflow. Too many local variables or function calls
Cannot allocate non-dynamic array in MakeArray
Infinite or negative dimension in MakeArray
Invalid number of points in numPoints, valid values are from 2 to 2000
Not enough memory to make or expand array in MakeArray (allocate more memory to Extend)
Cannot dispose of non-dynamic array in DisposeArray
Calling FFT with an array that is not dimensioned as a power of 2
Array must have at least four elements in IntegrateInit
Array must have at least four elements in integrateEuler
Array must have at least four elements in integrateTrap
Called Mean with a negative value of N.
Called stdDevSample with a value of N less than 2.
Called stdDevSample with an array that has less than N elements. Increase the array's size
Called stdDevPop with a value of N less than 2
Called stdDevPop with an array that has less than N elements. Increase the array's size
Cannot open more than 12 text files simultaneously
Bad fileNum, unopened file, or read error in FileRead
Bad fileNum, unopened file, or write error in FileWrite
Bad fileNum or unopened file in fileRewind
Bad fileNum or unopened file in fileClose
Bad fileNum or unopened file in fileEndOfFile
Start or numChars was negative in strPart function
Start or numChars was negative in strReplace function
Can pass arrays only in CHECKDATA, STEPSIZE, INITSIM, SIMULATE, and ENDSIM message handlers.
Cannot pass non-dynamic array in passArray
Cannot pass a received passed array or an unallocated dynamic array in passArray
Can pass arrays only in CHECKDATA, STEPSIZE, INITSIM, SIMULATE, and ENDSIM message handlers.
Cannot use a non-dynamic array in getPassedArray
Queue array was modified by user or not initialized by QueInit in
Cannot use non-dynamic array in QueInit
Not enough memory to make array in QueInit (allocate more memory to Extend)
N is greater than queue length in QueSetN
BitNum was negative or greater than 31 in
Not enough memory to expand queue in PutRear (allocate more memory to Extend)
Cannot use non-dynamic array in AnimationPixelRect
Row or column index out of range in AnimationPixelSet. Indexes should be 0 to (rows-1) or (columns-1)
Not enough memory to expand queue in PutFront (allocate more memory to Extend)
Cannot use non-dynamic array in DelayInit
DelayTime is negative or DelayTime or DeltaTime is noValue in DelayInit
Not enough memory to make array in DelayInit (allocate more memory to Extend)
Delay array was modified by user or not initialized by DelayInit in Delay
Called Mean with an array that has less than N elements. Increase the array's size.
LineFormat must be 0 to 2 in PlotSignalFormat
tabFormat must be 0 to 3 in PlotSignalFormat
Cannot install function into scatter plot
LineFormat 1 does not apply to scatter plots
LineFormat 1 or 2 does not apply to installed functions
Not enough memory to make or expand array in AnimationPixelRect (allocate more memory to Extend)
Invalid baud rate at SerialReset
Invalid stop bits at SerialReset
Invalid parity at SerialReset
Invalid data bits at SerialReset
Selected port is already in use at SerialReset
XCMD or XFCN not found. Please note that you must use the resource name, not the file name of the file in the extensions folder
Memory is unavailable for the most recent plotting instruction (allocate more memory to Extend)
The number of available traces is not correct for that transformation
Not yet implemented
The function PlotNewScatter must be used for this type of plot
The function PlotNewPoint must be used for this type of plot
Invalid index on plotted point
Plot signal number is invalid
The plotType value must be between 0 and 6
Invalid barGraph parameters
Out of memory when plotting new point (allocate more memory to Extend)
Too many parameters in XCMD
Error in New Publisher Dialog, Publisher will not be created
Unable to create Edition file, publisher will not be created
Unable to create new section, publisher will not be created
Call of write Publisher without valid section
Unable to open edition file
Unable to write edition file
Unable to close edition file
Error while reading section resources
Unable to Register section
Problem with section resources during write
Error duplicating resource handles
Error adding section resources
Unable to unregister Section
The “Bitmap plotters” preference is being turned off. Not enough memory to allocate bitmap for plotter (allocate more memory to Extend)
Out of memory in CompileEquation function (allocate more memory to Extend)
is an invalid name (must start with a letter or underscore and cannot have spaces)
Calling EquationCalculate function with an empty or uncompiled (using EquationCompile) dynamic array
Must use dynamic array as compiled code storage in call to EquationCompile or EquationCalculate function
Must use a name for the output label
Trying to animate nonexistent object (outside range of numbered objects)
Calling SendBlockMsg function with invalid message value
Calling SendBlockMsg function with invalid block number
Index out of range in get/set value in GrafData
Internal Error
The preferences file could not be opened. This probably means that there is another copy of Extend running on your machine. Only one copy of Extend can be running at a time.
Error accessing the Extensions folder. Extend will launch, without accessing any extensions
There was a problem while trying to access the edition manager
Invalid section event
Plot Symbol number is invalid, must be from 1 to 9
Calling AnimationShow for an object that was not assigned a shape (e.g. AnimationRect was never called for this object)
No Axis was installed, plotter calls out of order
Cannot resize a passed array except in the originating block
The serial number you have entered is invalid. You will not be allowed to launch Extend without a valid serial number.
Must use dynamic array in XCMDArray function call
The number of points in the traces do not match, transformation not allowed
Unsupported XCMD callback
Sound not found in Extend Extensions folder, Extend application, or System File, sounds must be called by the resource name, not the file name
Serial Port Error in SerialRead:
Serial Port Error in SerialWrite:
Picture not found in Extend Extensions folder, Extend application, or System File. Pictures must be called by the resource name, not the file name
Calling GetConBlocks with incorrect array. Use array declared “Integer arrayName[][2];”
Out of memory calling GetConBlocks (allocate more memory to Extend)
File is still open or not found
File is not open
Error while NBPregistering Extend
Movie file not found in Extend Extensions folder. Movies must be called by the file name, not the resource name
This Macintosh does not have Apple event capability (needs System 7)
Not enough memory to continue this simulation. Close some models or allocate more memory to the Extend application
ProductNum is invalid. Valid numbers are currently 0 for Claris Resolve, and 1 for Microsoft Excel
AppleEvent communication failed. Possible reasons include, no receiving application, out of memory, or no receiving document
Application not found, or could not be opened
Invalid connector index in GetIndexedConValue function
Invalid connector index in SetIndexedConValue function
Invalid connector number in SendConnectorMsgToBlock function
Invalid global block number in SendConnectorMsgToBlock function
Calling AnimationSetPixel for a non-PixelRect animation object
Row must be 0 and column must be 0 to 2 when calling SetDialogItem or GetDialogItem for Slider or Meter
Data Table or Text Table Row or column index out of range in GetDialogItem or SetDialogItem
Integer array must have at least 4 elements in GetBlockTypePosition
Matrix cannot have negative number of rows or columns at
Matrix cannot have more than 10000 rows or columns at
Input rows and columns exceeded size of matrix or vector at
Input matrix has NoValues at
Matrix smaller than vector at
Not enough memory to copy matrix or vector at
Matrix cannot have more than 100 rows or columns at
Matrix cannot have more than 22 rows or columns at
Matrix calculation error at
Cannot call the “RunSimulation” function during a simulation