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- Other Sales
- ÀáCustomerÀá
- You must select a customer for this sale. Customers are those card file entries
- you labeled 'Customer.' See Selecting From a Search List in Chapter 1.
- ÀáNote:Àá If this is a cash sale and you do not track the sales activity for this
- customer, create a new customer card called something like 'Cash', or
- 'MasterCard.' If this is a credit sale, you’re better off adding this customer to
- your card file, so you can track the receivable balance.
- ÀáSales NumberÀá
- The sales number identifies this transaction within the Sales & Receivables
- Journal. M.Y.O.B. sorts Sales & Receivables Journal transactions by number
- within date. You may enter up to 8 characters, using any combination of
- numbers and letters. M.Y.O.B. provides a default sales number with the prefix SJ
- (for Sales & Receivables Journal) followed by a 6-digit number. M.Y.O.B. allows
- duplicate journal entry numbers, however it is not recommended.
- ÀáDateÀá
- All transactions within the Sales & Receivables Journal are sorted by
- transaction date. You may not enter a date prior to the conversion date or in a
- prior fiscal year. If you enter a future date, M.Y.O.B. accepts it, but only after
- warning you that the date is probably in error.
- See Chapter 1—Using M.Y.O.B.
- ÀáMemoÀá
- Enter whatever you’d like. Memos can be up to 255 characters, but because of
- report display limitations, it is most useful to limit your memos to 40 or 50
- characters.
- ÀáAccount NumberÀá
- You must select an account. Since this is a Sales & Receivables Journal entry, it
- is usually an income account. Any sales tax should be allocated to your sales tax
- payable (liability-type) account.
- To select an account, see Selecting From a Search List in Chapter 1.
- If you need to enter a new sales account, click the New Account button on the
- detail accounts dialog and M.Y.O.B. zooms to Chart of Accounts. Enter the account
- information and press Enter or click OK. The window disappears and you’re back
- at the Account Number field. Type the new account number and press Tab. The
- new account is selected, its name appears and you jump to the Amount field.
- ÀáAmountÀá
- Enter a dollar amount. M.Y.O.B. allows you to type the dollar amount using
- numbers, commas, periods and dollar signs. Improperly formed amounts are
- disallowed and decimal amounts are rounded to the nearest penny.
- Since M.Y.O.B. balances positive amounts with a debit to your linked receivables
- account, any positive number entered is treated as a credit. If you’re entering a
- return or sales adjustment, use a negative amount. Negative amounts reduce
- (debit) the selected account. If there is a negative balance due, the linked
- receivables account is credited.
- ÀáNote:Àá A negative balance due creates a credit sale. Use Settle Credits to process
- a refund or apply the money to another receivable.
- ÀáNote:Àá An account without a dollar amount is not recorded as part of the journal
- entry.
- ÀáJobÀá
- If the selected account is an income, expense, cost of sales, other income or
- other expense account, you can assign the amount to a job (see Jobs List in
- Chapter 8). Type the job number and press Tab. If you are unsure of the job
- number, press Command-L to see the job list. Select a job from the job list or
- click New Job to create a new one.
- ÀáNote:Àá If you need to assign an amount from a single account to more than one job,
- enter the account more than one time. Say, for example, you have $100 credit to
- widget sales and you need to assign $30 to job 12 and $70 to job 43. Enter two
- credits to widget sales, one for $30 and the other for $70.
- ÀáNote:Àá Upon entering the complete sale, use the down arrow to jump to the Paid
- Today field.
- ÀáPaid TodayÀá
- When you have entered the details of the sale, use the down arrow to jump to the
- Paid Today field.
- If this is a full or partial cash sale, enter the amount paid here. This amount is
- deposited in your linked checking account and recorded in the Cash Receipts
- journal.
- ÀáSalespersonÀá
- M.Y.O.B. can assign this invoice to a salesperson. This is optional. If you do not
- wish to assign this sale to an employee leave the field blank.
- Since this is an optional field, pressing Tab or Return does not display your card
- file list of employees. To select a salesperson, you must type a few letters of
- their last name, press Command-L, or click the card file icon.
- ˇNote:ˇ If assigned, the salesperson’s name appears on the invoice. If you also
- wish to compile the sales history of a salesperson, you must check the Track
- Sales History checkbox on the employee’s card.
- ÀáBalance DueÀá
- A positive balance due increases (debits) your linked receivables account. A
- positive balance due also creates an open receivable. When the customer pays all
- or part of this balance, use Apply a Payment to settle this receivable.
- A return or adjustment usually creates a negative balance due. A negative
- balance due decreases (credits) your linked receivables account. The sale
- becomes a credit sale. Use Settle Credits to process a refund or apply the money
- to an open receivable.
- ÀáRecordÀá
- Positive amounts in the detail of the sale are recorded as credits to the named
- accounts. Negative amounts are debits. If there’s a positive balance due, it’s
- added to the receivable balance for this customer and a new open receivable is
- created. When the customer pays their bill, use Apply a Payment to settle this
- receivable.
- ÀáNote:Àá A negative balance due reduces (credits) the customer's receivable
- balance and creates a credit invoice. Use Settle Credits to process a refund or
- apply the money to another receivable.
- If you entered an amount in Paid Today it is deposited in your linked checking
- account.