MAGIC SPACE SCOPE - Profile with easy to understand headings - short report for John Major - based on date of birth only
You have an energetic approach to life, and a frank and direct approach to others. You can show a great deal of courage and a willingness to plunge into anything without too much hesitation. However, sometimes giving things a little thought before you rush headlong into action would be in order. Being so impulsive, you can also occasionally be blind to the needs and feelings of others.
Your behaviour may be influenced by a deep need for something that's secure and permanent in your home and emotional life. This may be the result of a lack of such material and emotional security in your childhood...or the result of values inherited from your parents.
Your communications with others you will be fiery, impulsive and at times, rather impetuous. You'll pick up quickly on ideas and you can express yourself energetically and forcefully, but perhaps too forcefully at times. Nevertheless, if this impulsiveness can be controlled, your mind will be sharp and penetrating with the ability to communicate directly with a minimum of waffle.
You may need to develop a more objective attitude towards your opinions. That's because you do occasionally have a tendency to identify too strongly with your own thoughts and ideas, regarding a challenge to them as a direct challenge to yourself.
Capacity for love
You have a loyal and steady approach to relationships. You want to feel stable and secure, and will be happy to reciprocate these needs to your partner. Although at times you can appear quite reserved, this masks a deep and passionate nature. You can be strongly jealous of any situation or person that you feel is a threat to your emotional security.
Driving force
You possess a tremendous amount of determination to achieve your goals. There's a great need for personal freedom, which can occasionally lead to unpredictable behaviour.
You're prepared to defend your thoughts and opinions with great force, and regard criticism of your opinions as a personal attack. This will probably lead to conflict until you either stop taking yourself so seriously or learn to respect the opinions of others.
Your attitude toward sex is probably unconventional and detached with a need for a great deal of freedom in your relationships.
Expanding awareness
You' generally have a kind and sensitive nature with warm and generous feelings.
Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be influenced by your emotions and based on what you feel, rather than on any intellectual analysis. your feelings can be subject to constant change and fluctuation, so your beliefs could also tend to be inconstant. Faith in yourself and in life will also be subject to fluctuations according to your mood.
You may place a great deal of emphasis on being pragmatic or practical, and refuse to believe in anything that can't be proven, seen or touched. Or you may occasionally feel intellectually inferior...or a difficulty in communicating with others for fear of sounding foolish.
If you face your fears your new-found confidence will enable you to express the positive side...which is a mind capable of concentrated and persistent study, and the ability to turn the theoretical into reality.
Your intellect and perceptions will be sharp and inventive. Able to rapidly absorb and analyse information, you'll often pick up on details that others overlook. An original and imaginative thinker, you'll possess a flair for communication and writing. However, intellectual restlessness could make it difficult for an idea or project to be followed through to completion. There's always a possibility of surprises or changes in your life, especially with regard to travel, brothers, sisters and neighbours.
1942 - 1957, the post-war generation. The United Nations was formed in an endeavour to establish and maintain peace throughout the world. This was also the time of the unworldly idealism of the hippie generation. They wanted love and peace, but many just found drugs instead. Escapism and opting out of society became a way of life, and still is for many individuals born in this generation.
Forces of change
Between 1939 - 1957, a time when many new countries and nations, and leaders, were created out of previous European empires. This period also marked the beginning of the Second World War and the first destructive use of atomic energy.