A penchant for the practical makes this relationship a good one for getting business done by cutting away the chaff to see the grain. The key word here is limits — the ability to know where one thing ends and the next begins. The only thing you need to avoid is limiting your own potential to within the borders you envision at the moment.
Once you believe you have done all you can, or should, take that opportunity to begin something new rather than resting on your laurels and repeating what you already know. In this way, your life becomes a series of complete, self-contained adventures, otherwise it might just stagnate.
Resist the temptation to eschew the frivolous because it is unnecessary and feel free to waste a little time just having fun, which can be an enterprise in itself. You also have the opportunity to use your joint talents helping others to ground themselves and get a better focus on their affairs, if only through imitation of what you so naturally achieve.
The same goes for the effect of the relationship on each of you individually, which will be to tighten up each other’s acts and help clarify otherwise ambiguous situations. Select your direction and define your goals.
In a special way, your heads and hearts are in the same place in this relationship, and you will naturally know what the other is talking about whether you verbalise or not. But when you do put it into words, it will be well-expressed as well as sincerely delivered. This is a talent that can be taken for granted.
However, there can also be a tendency to assume you have said the right thing. You let your intentions take control over your expressions without seeing them through. On a moment-to-moment basis, this is not a problem, for as long as you’re getting the message across to each other, it doesn’t matter how it’s done or how accurate or complete you are in what you verbalise.
When others become involved, however, you can find they misinterpret what you say because you didn’t go the distance in making it clear by addressing the other person’s viewpoint. It’s entirely a question of neglect, arising from applying assumptions you safely make between yourselves to others who don’t share your background and information.
Therefore, you may have to go out of your way to remember to say it all when you are addressing the outside world, especially when you have to put it in writing. Your communications skills have to be different for each person you are dealing with, something that is entirely within your reach.
There’s a lot of energy flying around in this relationship, often in all directions. A distinct inclination to overdo is difficult to fight, and you have to be careful not to waste resources by over-allocating them. It will often be difficult to be content with what you have, as you can always see better around the corner, but when you get there another corner heaves into sight and round you go again.
It’s like a cat chasing its tail, with the goal ever inspiring and ever receding. It means that even when you have an abundance of energy, it will not be enough because you use up more than you need. Although this often will simply mean that you get the job not only done but overdone, it can also mean that you will go a bridge too far and subsequently get hung out to dry.
Counteracting this is difficult, because it goes against the grain not to put that extra icing on the cake. Yet, in the long run, you lose out when you give it that extra push, because you don’t have the resources to spend on something else.
Hard as it may be, just hold back and do less than you think you can or should every now and then and see if it doesn’t work. Treasure what you have now and hoard it, rather than what you think you will have later. If you do the former, you will have more of the latter.
There can be a high spiritual flow to this relationship, as you can connect very comfortably on spiritual issues and tend to agree upon the dreams and ideals you pursue in life. Whereas others may tend to chase illusions and figments of their imaginations, you have pretty much got your feet on the ground in this respect, being able to sort out what can reasonably be achieved and what is just pipe dreams.
Further, you feel quite strongly motivated to see that what can be done realistically, is. Communication can go on between you with great ease at a non-verbal level and frequently will, leaving others somewhat mystified about how you both know what’s going on when they don’t.
It might be well to explain yourselves now and again, even if just for the exercise of putting what you feel into words so that others can share them also giving another view on your own reality. Natural talent for communications, like anything else, require keeping your techniques in trim and developing interchange with others to see how they do it, even though it is not as well as you do.
What you make up for in ease of delivery, they may achieve through struggle and hard work, suffering illusions until the truth heaves into sight. Then your strengths become reborn and reinforced within yourselves.
Mutual understanding
A very concise and no-frills style of communication will characterise this relationship, even though one or both of you might be quite voluble individually. Ideas seem to congeal and simplify down to basics when you get together. If brevity is the soul of wit, you’ve got it.
Making things shorter and sweeter when you’re trying to get things across will also add power and forcefulness, as a few chosen words are usually more powerful than a outpouring of verbiage, however sincere. It may also cause you to be misunderstood as if someone else doesn’t catch onto what you are saying; you’re more inclined to repeat yourself rather than rephrase in a manner more suitable to your audience’s level of communication.
Here, one or both of you stepping out of the relationship and restating it differently can easily solve the problem. Just be aware that it may be necessary and keep an eye out for it. The ability to distil ideas into a few clear phrases is a rarity, however, so value it and hone it down to its finest edge.
Once an idea is established for too long a time, it may get rusty therefore, make sure you go back and revise your opinions as time and change dictate. Nothing is permanent, only the moment, so take careful account of it. . .
Big plans are always on the front burner in this relationship — and on the back and side burners, too. You have a great capacity for cooking up new projects and new directions, which can make being together a lot of fun and very stimulating to both of you.
Your problem will not be in not having enough to look forward to, but rather in picking and choosing what it is you really want to commit your resources to. When you have limited resources and unlimited ambitions, something has to give and some of what you want to become involved in needs to be eliminated.
Another hurdle you may face will be getting things out of the planning stage and into the implementation phase. You can literally plan yourselves to death without ever getting into operation if you are not careful, simply because you are so enthusiastic and want to make sure you’ve got everything checked twice before you make your move.
The result can be ever escalating future prospects that may never materialise, and even if they do, can not be handled when they arise. Not to dampen your enthusiasm, but you may do well to take an editing pencil to your schemes and trim them until they are lean, mean, and. . . practicable. This is not to say you are unrealistic, but you might tighten your focus.
Your rich and fertile idealistic tendencies are not the pipe dreams of others, but spring from an ability to size up what is desirable and what is expedient and express what you see as the middle road to achievement.
Whereas you might not individually always know that elusive edge between fantasy and reality, when you are together you balance yourselves and not only recognise it but express it well enough to point it out to others. The highest of spiritual ideals tend to perish when they demand too much too soon and don’t recognise the need to understand human frailties in achieving greater than human goals.
You can visualise the kind of compromises necessary to make dreams become reality without sacrificing your ideals in the process. This is more than just an aspect that will give you growth and wisdom as the years progress, though it will surely be of great personal inner reward.
It is also a teaching aspect, as when you have the natural ability to successfully thread your way through the labyrinth of human hopes and dreams, you will want to leave trail markers to make it easier for others less blessed to follow you. In an area where words so easily fail, you can bring them to success, so see that you leave them in safekeeping for the rest of the world to share.
A broad spectrum of taste will characterise this relationship, and you will find a variety of roads to realise your goals and ambitions and the patience to pick and choose the best ones as they manifest themselves. The real skill here is choice, as there will always be a number of different ways of getting what you want and it will be up to you to choose the best, although more than one might suffice.
Your eclectic vision of satisfaction, however, requires that you do not focus on just one set of pleasures or situations in order to make the two of you happy, but rather spread out and provide yourselves with a wide variety from which to pick and choose, depending upon the moment.
Noted for your ability to keep satisfactory control of many operations, you can manifest on three levels: physical, sexual or business. You want them all and with a little skill and practice you can have them. The nature of this chase often will be that you spend a lot of time on a variety of pursuits which take a while to manifest but then all come home to you at the same time.
This can result in too big a meal when it finally manifests, so it is a good idea to start things up in succession, handling them all at their different stages of development simultaneously, and then enjoying them as they come to fruition one at a time.
You have a great appetite for practically anything that keeps getting bigger and better, improving and expanding, and these are also the qualities you will provide to your environment. You have a tendency to want more and then know how to go about getting it.
This can apply practically anywhere, personally or professionally. More love, more sex, more food, more money, more good times, you name it. But, oddly enough this is not a matter of taking things to excess, but rather taking them to their potential whole.
You can feel, more than see, the completed act just from viewing its beginnings and therefore know how to pull it to you to take it where you know it can go. Development comes naturally and so do its profits, as you know how to take enough to satisfy yourself but not so much as to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
For you this comes naturally, but for others not so easily, and anything you can do to not just share the wealth but share the knowledge of how to get it will have a benefit all around. Actually, that may be unnecessary advice, as that is one thing this aspect will likely motivate you to do, anyway.
It may be difficult to get what you want out of this relationship, and in order to do that it will be necessary to have considerable tenacity. The road to your goals, whether those of personal intimacy or business acquisition, will be strewn not with land mines but with sink holes and swampy areas where you will get bogged down and wonder if you’ll ever get there.
It will so often seem that you are under an external curse — circumstances, prior understandings, lack of resources, or just fear of commitment to the deed all will conspire against you. This does not mean you can’t have a modicum of success or friendship, just that the way you would really like it to be will elude you in the most tantalising sort of fashion. Just as it seems in your grasp, it slips away. Three choices present themselves.
You can give it up as not worth the effort and look elsewhere, which, if you are individually short on time or resources would be the thing to do. Or, on the other extreme, you can pursue it with all your strength, smashing down every obstacle, to final success, love and happiness. That’s OK if you really care and have nothing else to do. The middle way is to take the best you can from what’s there and try to keep your eye on the doughnut and not on the hole. That’s what most people try to do.
You have a brand of energy together that has a wide range of possibilities and thus lets you tackle a broad spectrum of tasks. It tends toward the general and not the specific, so where you can let others (or each other individually) pick up the details while the two of you work on the big picture, it will be to your advantage to do so.
When you have as many options as you do together, don’t get bogged down in particulars if you can avoid it. Because of your expansive possibilities, you will be flexible and easy to work with and will do well to expand your relationship to include others. If there is any danger in this, it is expanding your projects beyond your means to complete them.
The same goes for the interior of the relationship, where you would like to try out everything, physically and emotionally, but you may find that too much on your joint plate can mean you don’t get the most enjoyment out of any one thing you experiment with.
Think big and delegate responsibilities, but when it comes to personal pleasures, get the most out of each of them before you move on: get there fast, then take it slow. All in all, however, this is an enthusiastic and laughter-loving place for Mars, one that makes you whistle while you work.
An expansive energy pervades your relationship which will go a long way to bring you growth and good fortune both internally and externally. Whenever you get involved in something new, you get on an energy high that enables you to push your intentions to their logical conclusions.
There is a reservoir of optimism and enthusiasm that in itself leads to good fortune, because others see you as the happening thing and climb aboard, providing the support and assistance you need to bring it on home.
It’s not all luck and happenstance, however. Because you will have continual follow-through on what you cook up, you can always be looked to for something new taken as far as it can go.
The same is true of each other, and you will be constantly opening up new vistas to each other and then jointly diving in to explore them. Just the sheer joy of cooking up something together sets you off on new tangents which themselves unfold into further roads to explore.
Whether this is love, or strictly business, it will be a pleasure doing it with each other and it will also be enjoyable to be in the vicinity when it’s happening. If there is a warning, it will be to make sure you have the back-up to secure what you have already accomplished before you follow the call to move on.
Confusion may plague this relationship and you will need to be extra careful to look before you leap. Much energy and resources can be lost by misdirection and muddled implementation, so you will be wise to see your way clear and double-check it before you take action.
It is not that you lack the get up and go to achieve what you want, it is just that your confidence can be easily undermined by uncertainty or misinformation which causes you to lose the focus required to get the job done.
Sometimes you can do this to each other by throwing road-blocks in each other’s paths once things are already underway, and sometimes it will just be external circumstances which conspire to throw you off course and get you lost on a back road.
What you will need to do to counteract this is simply refuse to be confounded. If you suddenly think you are on the wrong road, keep your foot on the accelerator and proceed anyway. It is better to make a whole-hearted mistake than to almost gain a half-hearted victory. Make thorough plans, then move unhesitatingly even if you get late news that contradicts your intentions. Know you’re right, then go ahead, and when you fire, use up all the ammo.
Mutual aspirations
The way in which your relationship will grow, and its success, will much depend on your ability to juggle varying factors and balance them out. Shed your inappropriate feelings and responses but strive for and nurture a balance between you.
Any approach that favours one of you over the other can become easily unbalanced and upset the apple cart. The same goes for the way you develop outside efforts together: a trim ship is the order of the day and the watchword is don’t rock the boat.
Of course, in trying to stabilise a boat at sea, to take the analogy further, it’s easy to rock it further and even capsize it by too quick and enthusiastic a motion.
A certain forward-thinking even-handedness is essential in getting the task accomplished. When tempted to heavily counterbalance an unstable situation, it’s often better to go for the centre and let things even out by themselves rather than over compensate and wind up floundering.
You will find this often to characterise the situations you get yourselves into, and moderation of movement, both emotionally and tactically, will usually be the solution when things get out of hand.
Grow and change aggressively, but steer your course down the channel; the winds and waves of life will provide plenty of interest if you just stick to that and don’t sport in them too thoughtlessly.
When push comes to shove, this relationship is likely to have a bigger footprint than most; when you have to cut back or make do you still need a lot more to do it with than many others. Fundamentally, you don’t have a lean, mean bottom line but require scope and breadth, no matter how tenuous, in order to achieve a sense of security.
Therefore it will be well to be generous even when it seems you cannot afford it, as this will be the sort of attitude (contradictory though it may seem) which will bring to you what it is that you lack. There may a tendency to take play, enjoyment, and good times too seriously, but the reason is that they, being a primary foundation of your inner security, are more meaningful to you than most.
There are those who rejoice in adversity, pulling the essential joys out of life however sparse they lie and nurturing them back into blossom for the next cycle of success. If there is a down side it might be not taking problems as seriously as they demand which might make you seem a little Pollyana-esque to the more distressed around you. Your rosier view, however, will likely prevail. Stability through maintenance of joy is the operative concept.
There is a bit of the scientist in this relationship and if you are professionally engaged in any area that requires rigor, precision, and a strong loyalty to the truth, you will be one up on the competition. Your ability to plan and organize both yourselves and the situation around you gives you strong management abilities, though more in managing things and situations rather than people close up.
It can also be a very good aspect for teaching, as you will have a clear but patient way of presenting information so that students can assimilate it at the pace they each are capable of. It may cause a little stiffness and formality in a close personal relationship, since the inclination to place clear structure on something as loose and flowing as emotions can stifle freedom of expression, even though the best of intentions are involved.
Make a conscious effort to let go of exact or critical thinking when you are in situations dealing mainly with feeling and you can overcome this. It’s just a question of knowing what fits where within the structure of the relationship. You will be protected from prejudice or intolerance as well, either between each other or with outer situations, as any conservative tendencies are ameliorated by a deep concern for the truth, whatever its guise.
Acceptance of change
There can be a certain amount of harshness to the style your relationship finds in the world of self-discovery. Rather sudden realisations which may not always be gently received, tending to strike like lightning or not at all.
Thus, you will have to be on your toes to catch those brief moments of illumination that may disappear as quickly as they came unless you take steps to anchor them into the matrix of the relationship. Although they may come as bolts out of the blue, you’ll more frequently find them at times when you are confronted by a problem that you can’t circumvent.
All of a sudden, the answer appears out of nowhere; and when it does, write it down, literally. Then implement it; bring it into concrete action and reality. Lightning doesn’t often strike twice, but it can be a significant source of power if you are prepared to harness it. Let it pass, and it will vanish from memory, an opportunity missed.
This point also represents the unusual, or eccentric in the habits of either or both of you, and when activated may require special tolerance in order to let you do your own thing without argument or disapproval from your partner or from others around you. In both cases, it is originality at its best or worst and will benefit you only if you embrace it, understand it, and use it.
As a group, it marks a very unique cluster of people who are sometimes called the “lost” generation of the Korean War and also the “Beat” generation.
You may consider yourselves to have a pretty deep background and a feeling you share with a great many other people who have had the same life experience as yourselves.
Hopes and ideals
Your hopes and aspirations concerning each other and your mutual status in life may often be quite specific, which can make you quite goal-oriented and tenacious about what you want to achieve. It can also set you up for needless disappointment: things seldom turn out exactly as you expect, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t turn out well.
Thus, when it comes to judging whether things are living up to expectations, you will do well to give yourself (and each other) a little leeway and ask not whether you got what you wanted but whether you can be happy with what you’ve got.
This does not mean a lowering of values or expectation, just developing the ability to shift the details a bit and to see that when it’s all totalled up you really got as much as you had wished for, just not the same things you had set your heart on. Imagine a child opening a host of presents beneath the Christmas tree and then bursting into tears because the one most-desired toy on his or her wish list wasn’t included.
That can make for a miserable holiday for everyone until the child stops seeing only the hole and looks at the rest of the doughnut. So it goes with you, and when you count your blessings, even while reserving the right to go after more, you’ll find your dreams more likely to come true and your illusions left where they should be — behind you.
Keeping control
The bottom-line issues of this relationship, those that will most strongly unite or divide you, will be those concerning how to handle the structure and behaviour of the family unit, religion, personal and sexual morality, and other affairs of private life. These will often seem to be life or death matters, upon which you will risk your own integrity and that of the relationship.
When you agree in these matters, you have an unbreakable bond that can carry you through a lot of adversity, but when you disagree you can be put at odds in the most intractable fashion. The greatest problem, where there is one, will be the difficulty in airing differences because of a disinclination to express them accurately and respect the other person’s position.
They are grounded not in intellect, but emotion, and as such are more difficult to localise, examine, and adapt where necessary. Because they are major groundworks of personal control and defence, you can recognise them when you find yourself using such words as “must, ” ”always, ” ”never, ” and other absolutes to which fallible mortals are not entitled to use, particularly in emotional affairs.
If there is a way of understanding and circumventing the conflicts which these might bring, it may be to realise that you each have your own individual relationship with your Maker (or the Universe, or however you want to express it), which is not that of the other, or any other. You live with it, and you will die with it, and to force that special relationship on another is to directly fly in the face of the Creator.
Make your own peace, and let others make theirs; that is ultimately all that is given to you. If you can do it together, ideally in unity, then you have achieved something special; but to do so you must tend your own garden first, because that is what you are ultimately responsible for.