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Text File | 1994-09-08 | 7.1 KB | 167 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- If your compiler does not recognize ANSI C headers,
- compile with KR_headers defined: either add -DKR_headers
- to the definition of CFLAGS in the makefile, or insert
- #define KR_headers
- at the top of f2c.h and fmtlib.c .
- If you have a really ancient K&R C compiler that does not understand
- void, add -Dvoid=int to the definition of CFLAGS in the makefile.
- If you use a C++ compiler, first create a local f2c.h by appending
- f2ch.add to the usual f2c.h, e.g., by issuing the command
- make f2c.h
- which assumes f2c.h is installed in /usr/include .
- If your system lacks /usr/include/local.h ,
- then you should create an appropriate local.h in
- this directory. An appropriate local.h may simply
- be empty, or it may #define VAX or #define CRAY
- (or whatever else you must do to make fp.h work right).
- Alternatively, edit fp.h to suite your machine.
- If your system lacks /usr/include/fcntl.h , then you
- should simply create an empty fcntl.h in this directory.
- If your compiler then complains about creat and open not
- having a prototype, compile with OPEN_DECL defined.
- On many systems, open and creat are declared in fcntl.h .
- If your system has /usr/include/fcntl.h, you may need to add
- -D_POSIX_SOURCE to the makefile's definition of CFLAGS.
- If your system's sprintf does not work the way ANSI C
- specifies -- specifically, if it does not return the
- number of characters transmitted -- then insert the line
- #define USE_STRLEN
- at the end of fmt.h . This is necessary with
- at least some versions of Sun software.
- If your system's fopen does not like the ANSI binary
- reading and writing modes "rb" and "wb", then you should
- compile open.c with NON_ANSI_RW_MODES #defined.
- If you get error messages about references to cf->_ptr
- and cf->_base when compiling wrtfmt.c and wsfe.c or to
- stderr->_flag when compiling err.c, then insert the line
- #define NON_UNIX_STDIO
- at the beginning of fio.h, and recompile everything (or
- at least those modules that contain NON_UNIX_STDIO).
- Unformatted sequential records consist of a length of record
- contents, the record contents themselves, and the length of
- record contents again (for backspace). Prior to 17 Oct. 1991,
- the length was of type int; now it is of type long, but you
- can change it back to int by inserting
- #define UIOLEN_int
- at the beginning of fio.h. This affects only sue.c and uio.c .
- You may need to supply the following non-ANSI routines:
- fstat(int fileds, struct stat *buf) is similar
- to stat(char *name, struct stat *buf), except that
- the first argument, fileds, is the file descriptor
- returned by open rather than the name of the file.
- fstat is used in the system-dependent routine
- canseek (in the libI77 source file err.c), which
- is supposed to return 1 if it's possible to issue
- seeks on the file in question, 0 if it's not; you may
- need to suitably modify err.c . On non-UNIX systems,
- you can avoid references to fstat and stat by compiling
- with NON_UNIX_STDIO defined; in that case, you may need
- to supply access(char *Name,0), which is supposed to
- return 0 if file Name exists, nonzero otherwise.
- char * mktemp(char *buf) is supposed to replace the
- 6 trailing X's in buf with a unique number and then
- return buf. The idea is to get a unique name for
- a temporary file.
- On non-UNIX systems, you may need to change a few other,
- e.g.: the form of name computed by mktemp() in endfile.c and
- open.c; the use of the open(), close(), and creat() system
- calls in endfile.c, err.c, open.c; and the modes in calls on
- fopen() and fdopen() (and perhaps the use of fdopen() itself
- -- it's supposed to return a FILE* corresponding to a given
- an integer file descriptor) in err.c and open.c (component ufmt
- of struct unit is 1 for formatted I/O -- text mode on some systems
- -- and 0 for unformatted I/O -- binary mode on some systems).
- Compiling with -DNON_UNIX_STDIO omits all references to creat()
- and almost all references to open() and close(), the exception
- being in the function f__isdev() (in open.c).
- For Turbo C++, in particular, you need to adjust the mktemp
- invocations and should compile all of libI77 with -DMSDOS .
- You also need to #undef ungetc in lread.c and rsne.c .
- If you want to be able to load against libI77 but not libF77,
- then you will need to add sig_die.o (from libF77) to libI77.
- If you wish to use translated Fortran that has funny notions
- of record length for direct unformatted I/O (i.e., that assumes
- RECL= values in OPEN statements are not bytes but rather counts
- of some other units -- e.g., 4-character words for VMS), then you
- should insert an appropriate #define for url_Adjust at the
- beginning of open.c . For VMS Fortran, for example,
- #define url_Adjust(x) x *= 4
- would suffice.
- To check for transmission errors, issue the command
- make check
- This assumes you have the xsum program whose source, xsum.c,
- is distributed as part of "all from f2c/src". If you do not
- have xsum, you can obtain xsum.c by sending the following E-mail
- message to netlib@research.att.com
- send xsum.c from f2c/src
- The makefile assumes you have installed f2c.h in a standard
- place (and does not cause recompilation when f2c.h is changed);
- f2c.h comes with "all from f2c" (the source for f2c) and is
- available separately ("f2c.h from f2c").
- By default, Fortran I/O units 5, 6, and 0 are pre-connected to
- stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively. You can change this
- behavior by changing f_init() in err.c to suit your needs.
- Note that f2c assumes READ(*... means READ(5... and WRITE(*...
- means WRITE(6... . Moreover, an OPEN(n,... statement that does
- not specify a file name (and does not specify STATUS='SCRATCH')
- assumes FILE='fort.n' . You can change this by editing open.c
- and endfile.c suitably.
- Lines protected from compilation by #ifdef Allow_TYQUAD
- are for a possible extension to 64-bit integers in which
- integer = int = 32 bits and longint = long = 64 bits.
- Extensions (Feb. 1993) to NAMELIST processing:
- 1. Reading a ? instead of &name (the start of a namelist) causes
- the namelist being sought to be written to stdout (unit 6);
- to omit this feature, compile rsne.c with -DNo_Namelist_Questions.
- 2. Reading the wrong namelist name now leads to an error message
- and an attempt to skip input until the right namelist name is found;
- to omit this feature, compile rsne.c with -DNo_Bad_Namelist_Skip.
- 3. Namelist writes now insert newlines before each variable; to omit
- this feature, compile xwsne.c with -DNo_Extra_Namelist_Newlines.
- Nonstandard extension (Feb. 1993) to open: for sequential files,
- ACCESS='APPEND' (or access='anything else starting with "A" or "a"')
- causes the file to be positioned at end-of-file, so a write will
- append to the file.
- Some buggy Fortran programs use unformatted direct I/O to write
- an incomplete record and later read more from that record than
- they have written. For records other than the last, the unwritten
- portion of the record reads as binary zeros. The last record is
- a special case: attempting to read more from it than was written
- gives end-of-file -- which may help one find a bug. Some other
- Fortran I/O libraries treat the last record no differently than
- others and thus give no help in finding the bug of reading more
- than was written. If you wish to have this behavior, compile
- uio.c with -DPad_UDread .