BranChing was developed to facilitate my own work - but I am more than interested in other people using it. Feel no obligation to pay money for this software. If you use it and you have some extra money I wouldn't mind being compensated for the work I put into this program - otherwise I would appreciate hearing about what you are doing with BranChing or appropriate citation if you use BranChing to generate data used in a publication.
BranChing should NOT be commercially distributed without my permission. I reserve all rights to BranChing.
I am indebted to the following:
My Wife and my cats - for sanity and a rich life beyond academia
Dr. F. A. Bazzaz - for providing the encouragement and opportunity to develop
this work
Dr. A. H. Fitter - for insight and support
1 - I take no responsibility for any damage done by or through the use of this program.
2 - I reserve the rights to BranChing. On no condition can this software be sold for a profit or be distribubed along with an item for profit without my prior permission.
Informal Disclaimer
This version of BranChing is both refined and rough. I have tested the ARCHITECTURE module algorithms and can say with confidence that they are as accurate as reported in Plant and Soil (1992, 140: 145-149). BranChing has not been tested on computers other than IIx's, IIsi's & Powerbook 230's running system 7.01 & 7.1. In some cases BranChing will crash, but in no case should BranChing ever result in the loss of data. I am continually working on improving the reliability of BranChing.
It is my intention to continue to improve BranChing. If you can provide me with an Internet or Bitnet address I will notify you of improvements to this software. In the future the cost of BranChing will be the same as it is now: nothing. I will not, however, pay for postage or disks. If you want me to send you a disk-copy of BranChing you must provide the disk, the envelope and the postage.
BranChing may be distributed freely - posting on BBS's and FTP sites is fine.