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- /*
- File: MixedMode.h
- Copyright: © 1984-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- This file was auto generated by the interfacer tool. Modifications
- must be made to the master file.
- */
- #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
- #define __MIXEDMODE__
- #ifndef __TYPES__
- #include <Types.h>
- /* #include <ConditionalMacros.h> */
- #endif
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h>
- #endif
- /*
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- ##########################
- */
- //
- // The current Routine Descriptor Version
- //
- enum {
- kRoutineDescriptorVersion = 7
- };
- //
- // The Calling Conventions
- //
- typedef unsigned short CallingConventionType;
- enum {
- kPascalStackBased = (CallingConventionType)0,
- kCStackBased = (CallingConventionType)1,
- kRegisterBased = (CallingConventionType)2,
- kD0DispatchedPascalStackBased = (CallingConventionType)8,
- kD1DispatchedPascalStackBased = (CallingConventionType)12,
- kD0DispatchedCStackBased = (CallingConventionType)9,
- kStackDispatchedPascalStackBased = (CallingConventionType)14,
- kThinkCStackBased = (CallingConventionType)5
- };
- //
- // ISA Types
- //
- typedef unsigned char ISAType;
- enum {
- kM68kISA = (ISAType)0,
- kPowerPCISA = (ISAType)1
- };
- //
- // Constants for specifing 68k registers
- //
- enum {
- kRegisterD0 = 0,
- kRegisterD1 = 1,
- kRegisterD2 = 2,
- kRegisterD3 = 3,
- kRegisterD4 = 8,
- kRegisterD5 = 9,
- kRegisterD6 = 10,
- kRegisterD7 = 11,
- kRegisterA0 = 4,
- kRegisterA1 = 5,
- kRegisterA2 = 6,
- kRegisterA3 = 7,
- kRegisterA4 = 12,
- kRegisterA5 = 13,
- kRegisterA6 = 14,
- // A7 is the same as the PowerPC SP
- kCCRegisterCBit = 16,
- kCCRegisterVBit = 17,
- kCCRegisterZBit = 18,
- kCCRegisterNBit = 19,
- kCCRegisterXBit = 20
- };
- typedef unsigned short registerSelectorType;
- //
- // SizeCodes we use everywhere
- //
- enum {
- kNoByteCode = 0,
- kOneByteCode = 1,
- kTwoByteCode = 2,
- kFourByteCode = 3
- };
- /*
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- */
- typedef unsigned long ProcInfoType;
- // Routine Flag Bits
- typedef unsigned short RoutineFlagsType;
- enum {
- kProcDescriptorIsAbsolute = (RoutineFlagsType)0x00,
- kProcDescriptorIsRelative = (RoutineFlagsType)0x01
- };
- enum {
- kFragmentIsPrepared = (RoutineFlagsType)0x00,
- kFragmentNeedsPreparing = (RoutineFlagsType)0x02
- };
- enum {
- kUseCurrentISA = (RoutineFlagsType)0x00,
- kUseNativeISA = (RoutineFlagsType)0x04
- };
- enum {
- kPassSelector = (RoutineFlagsType)0x0,
- kDontPassSelector = (RoutineFlagsType)0x08
- };
- enum {
- kRoutineIsNotDispatchedDefaultRoutine = (RoutineFlagsType)0x0,
- kRoutineIsDispatchedDefaultRoutine = (RoutineFlagsType)0x10
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct RoutineRecord {
- ProcInfoType procInfo; // calling conventions
- unsigned char reserved1; // Must be 0
- ISAType ISA; // Instruction Set Architecture
- RoutineFlagsType routineFlags; // Flags for each routine
- ProcPtr procDescriptor; // Where is the thing we’re calling?
- unsigned long reserved2; // Must be 0
- unsigned long selector; // For dispatched routines, the selector
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct RoutineRecord RoutineRecord;
- typedef RoutineRecord *RoutineRecordPtr, **RoutineRecordHandle;
- /*
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- */
- //
- // Definitions of the Routine Descriptor Flag Bits
- //
- typedef unsigned char RDFlagsType;
- enum {
- kSelectorsAreNotIndexable = (RDFlagsType)0x00,
- kSelectorsAreIndexable = (RDFlagsType)0x01
- };
- //
- // Routine Descriptor Structure
- //
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- struct RoutineDescriptor {
- unsigned short goMixedModeTrap; // Our A-Trap
- char version; // Current Routine Descriptor version
- RDFlagsType routineDescriptorFlags; // Routine Descriptor Flags
- unsigned long reserved1; // Unused, must be zero
- unsigned char reserved2; // Unused, must be zero
- unsigned char selectorInfo; // If a dispatched routine, calling convention, else 0
- short routineCount; // Number of routines in this RD
- RoutineRecord routineRecords[1]; // The individual routines
- };
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- typedef struct RoutineDescriptor RoutineDescriptor;
- /* Note: if USESROUTINEDESCRIPTORS is not true, UniversalProcPtr and
- UniversalProcHandle are defined in Types.h */
- typedef RoutineDescriptor *UniversalProcPtr, **UniversalProcHandle;
- #endif
- typedef RoutineDescriptor *RoutineDescriptorPtr, **RoutineDescriptorHandle;
- //
- // Macros for building static Routine Descriptors
- //
- // A macro which creates a static instance of a non dispatched routine descriptor
- #define BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(procInfo, procedure) \
- { \
- _MixedModeMagic, \
- kRoutineDescriptorVersion, \
- kSelectorsAreNotIndexable, \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- { \
- { \
- (procInfo), \
- 0, \
- kPowerPCISA, \
- kProcDescriptorIsAbsolute | \
- kFragmentIsPrepared | \
- kUseNativeISA, \
- (ProcPtr)(procedure), \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- }, \
- }, \
- }
- // a macro which creates a static instance of a fat routine descriptor
- #define BUILD_FAT_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(m68kProcInfo, m68kProcPtr, powerPCProcInfo, powerPCProcPtr) \
- { \
- _MixedModeMagic, \
- kRoutineDescriptorVersion, \
- kSelectorsAreNotIndexable, \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- 1, \
- { \
- { \
- (m68kProcInfo), \
- 0, \
- kM68kISA, \
- kProcDescriptorIsAbsolute | \
- kUseCurrentISA, \
- (ProcPtr)(m68kProcPtr), \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- }, \
- { \
- (powerPCProcInfo), \
- 0, \
- kPowerPCISA, \
- kProcDescriptorIsAbsolute | \
- kFragmentIsPrepared | \
- kUseCurrentISA, \
- (ProcPtr)(powerPCProcPtr), \
- 0, \
- 0, \
- }, \
- }, \
- }
- /*
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- # ————————————————————————— #
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- */
- //
- // Calling Convention Offsets
- //
- #define kCallingConventionWidth 4
- #define kCallingConventionPhase 0
- //
- // Result Offsets. All Routines put their results in the same place.
- //
- #define kResultSizeWidth 2
- #define kResultSizePhase kCallingConventionWidth
- #define kResultSizeMask 0x30
- //
- // Parameter offsets & widths
- //
- #define kStackParameterWidth 2
- #define kStackParameterPhase (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth)
- //
- // Register Result Location offsets & widths
- //
- #define kRegisterResultLocationWidth 5
- #define kRegisterResultLocationPhase (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth)
- //
- // Register Parameter offsets & widths
- //
- #define kRegisterParameterWidth 5
- #define kRegisterParameterPhase (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth + kRegisterResultLocationWidth)
- #define kRegisterParameterSizePhase 0
- #define kRegisterParameterWhichPhase 2
- //
- // Dispatched Stack Routine Selector offsets & widths
- //
- #define kDispatchedSelectorSizeWidth 2
- #define kDispatchedSelectorSizePhase (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth)
- //
- // Dispatched Stack Routine Parameter offsets
- //
- #define kDispatchedParameterPhase (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth + kDispatchedSelectorSizeWidth)
- /*
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- #
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- */
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // SIZE_CODE - Return the size code for an object, given its size in bytes.
- // size - size of an object in bytes
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- // A macro for return the size of any parameter or return result
- #define SIZE_CODE(size) \
- (((size) == 4) ? kFourByteCode : (((size) == 2) ? kTwoByteCode : (((size) == 1) ? kOneByteCode : 0)))
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // RESULT_SIZE - Return the result field of a ProcInfo, given the return object’s size.
- // This is the same for all ProcInfos
- // sizeCode - size code
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define RESULT_SIZE(sizeCode) \
- ((ProcInfoType)(sizeCode) << kResultSizePhase)
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER - Return a parameter field of a ProcInfo, for a simple,
- // non-dispatched, stack based routine.
- // whichParam - which parameter
- // sizeCode - size code
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(whichParam, sizeCode) \
- ((ProcInfoType)(sizeCode) << (kStackParameterPhase + (((whichParam) - 1) * kStackParameterWidth)))
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER - Return a parameter field of a ProcInfo, for
- // a dispatched, stack based routine. The same
- // macro is used regardless of the type of
- // dispatching.
- // whichParam - which parameter
- // sizeCode - size code
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(whichParam, sizeCode) \
- ((ProcInfoType)(sizeCode) << (kDispatchedParameterPhase + (((whichParam) - 1) * kStackParameterWidth)))
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_SELECTOR_SIZE - Return a the selector size field of a ProcInfo
- // for a dispatched, stack based routine. The
- // same macro is used regardless of the type of
- // dispatching.
- // sizeCode - size code
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- ((ProcInfoType)(sizeCode) << kDispatchedSelectorSizePhase)
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // REGISTER_RESULT_LOCATION - Return the Result Location field of a ProcInfo,
- // given the location.
- // $1 - which register
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define REGISTER_RESULT_LOCATION(whichReg) \
- ((ProcInfoType)(whichReg) << kRegisterResultLocationPhase)
- #endif
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- // REGISTER_ROUTINE_PARAMETER - Return a parameter field of a ProcInfo for a
- // register based routine.
- // $1 - which parameter
- // $2 - which register
- // $3 - size code
- //———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define REGISTER_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(whichParam, whichReg, sizeCode) \
- ((((ProcInfoType)(sizeCode) << kRegisterParameterSizePhase) | ((ProcInfoType)(whichReg) << kRegisterParameterWhichPhase)) << \
- (kRegisterParameterPhase + (((whichParam) - 1) * kRegisterParameterWidth)))
- #endif
- /*
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- ///
- ///
- /// ——————————————————————
- ///
- /*
- Explanation of special cases:
- —————————————————————————————
- High Hook & Caret Hook - (see I-379)
- C calling conventions, Rect on stack, pointer in A3, no return value
- EOL Hook - (see VI-15-26)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, A3, A4;
- output is Z flag of status register
- Width Hook - (see VI-15-27)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D1, A0, A3, A4; output in D1
- NWidth Hook - (see VI-15-27)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D1, D2, A0, A2, A3, A4; output in D1
- TextWidthHook - (see VI-15-28)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D1, A0, A3, A4; output in D1
- DrawHook - (see VI-15-28)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D1, A0, A3, A4; no output
- HitTestHook - (See VI-15-29)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D1, D2, A0, A3, A4; outputs in D0, D1, D2
- FindWord - (see VI-15-30)
- Register-based; inputs in D0, D2, A3, A4; outputs in D0, D1
- ADBRoutines - (see V-371)
- Register-based; inputs in A0, A1, A2, D0; no outputs
- ProtocolHandler - (see II-326)
- Register-based; inputs in A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, D1.w; output in Z
- SocketListener - (see II-329)
- Register-based; inputs in A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, D0.b, D1.w; output in Z
- Reclac - (see I-391)
- Register-based; inputs in A3, D7; outputs in D2, D3, D4
- DoText - (see I-391)
- Register-based; inputs in A3, D3, D4, D7; outputs in A0, D0
- GNEFilterProc - (see tech note 85)
- Register & Stack Based; inputs in A1, D0 & on the stack; outputs on the stack
- MenuBarHook - (see I-356)
- Register & Stack Based; input on the stack; output in D0
- */
- #if forInterfacerTool
- #else
- #define SPECIAL_CASE_PROCINFO(specialCaseCode) \
- (kSpecialCase | ((ProcInfoType)(specialCaseCode) << 4))
- #endif
- enum {
- kSpecialCase = (CallingConventionType)0x0000000F
- };
- enum {
- // all of the special cases enumerated
- kSpecialCaseHighHook = 0,
- kSpecialCaseCaretHook = kSpecialCaseHighHook,
- kSpecialCaseEOLHook = 1,
- kSpecialCaseWidthHook = 2,
- kSpecialCaseNWidthHook = 3,
- kSpecialCaseTextWidthHook = kSpecialCaseWidthHook,
- kSpecialCaseDrawHook = 4,
- kSpecialCaseHitTestHook = 5,
- kSpecialCaseTEFindWord = 6,
- kSpecialCaseProtocolHandler = 7,
- kSpecialCaseSocketListener = 8,
- kSpecialCaseTERecalc = 9,
- kSpecialCaseTEDoText = 10,
- kSpecialCaseGNEFilterProc = 11,
- kSpecialCaseMBarHook = 12
- };
- /*
- ##§## */
- ///
- ///
- /// ——————————————————————————————
- ///
- enum {
- // the Mixed Mode error codes
- mmInternalError = -2526
- };
- typedef short MMErrType;
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #define GetCurrentISA() ((ISAType) kPowerPCISA)
- #else
- #define GetCurrentISA() ((ISAType) kM68kISA)
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- extern pascal UniversalProcPtr NewRoutineDescriptor(ProcPtr theProc, ProcInfoType theProcInfo, ISAType theISA)
- THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0000, 0xAA59);
- #else
- #define NewRoutineDescriptor(theProc, theProcInfo, theISA) (theProc)
- #endif
- extern pascal void DisposeRoutineDescriptor(UniversalProcPtr theProcPtr)
- THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0001, 0xAA59);
- #else
- #define DisposeRoutineDescriptor(theProcPtr)
- #endif
- /* Note that the call to NewFatRoutineDescriptor is undefined
- extern pascal UniversalProcPtr NewFatRoutineDescriptor(ProcPtr theM68kProc, ProcPtr thePowerPCProc, ProcInfoType theProcInfo)
- THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0002, 0xAA59);
- #endif
- extern long CallUniversalProc(UniversalProcPtr theProcPtr, ProcInfoType procInfo, ...);
- extern long CallOSTrapUniversalProc(UniversalProcPtr theProcPtr, ProcInfoType procInfo, ...);
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif