home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Network.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include <GestaltEqu.h>
- #include <PPCToolbox.h>
- #include <Script.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(!pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include "Network.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- #include "Array.h"
- /* this is the AppleTalk PPCToolBox version of the Network module */
- /* since this system can only handle one outstanding requested connection at */
- /* a time, we might have to try several times to establish a connection. these */
- /* specify how many times to try and how long to wait between each one. */
- #define MAXNUMTRIES (10)
- #define TRYDELAY (1.0) /* in seconds */
- #define DEFAULTTYPE "PPCToolBox"
- /* size of a single buffer record */
- #define BUFFERSIZE (256)
- typedef enum
- {
- eAwaitingConnection EXECUTE(= -8982),
- eConnectionPending
- } PortStates;
- struct PortIDType
- {
- PPCPortRefNum ThePortRefnum;
- PortStates PortState;
- PPCInformPBRec ThePPCInformPBRec;
- PPCPortRec ThePPCPortRec;
- PPCPortRec RemotePortName; /* temporary buffer for it */
- LocationNameRec RemoteLocationName; /* temporary buffer */
- };
- typedef struct BufferRec
- {
- struct BufferRec* Next;
- long NumBytes;
- char Buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
- } BufferRec;
- typedef enum
- {
- eWriteIdle EXECUTE(= -4152),
- eWriteInProgress,
- eWriteFinished
- } SessionWriteStates;
- typedef enum
- {
- eReadIdle EXECUTE(= -28874),
- eReadInProgress,
- eReadFinished
- } SessionReadStates;
- typedef enum
- {
- eSessionNormal EXECUTE(= -9887),
- eSessionDataArrived,
- eSessionClosed
- } SessionStates;
- struct SessionIDType
- {
- PPCSessRefNum SessionRefnum;
- PortIDType* Port;
- SessionWriteStates WriteState;
- SessionReadStates ReadState;
- SessionStates OverallState;
- BufferRec* SendHead;
- BufferRec* SendTail;
- BufferRec* SendInProgress; /* valid if WriteState != eWriteIdle */
- BufferRec* ReceiveHead;
- BufferRec* ReceiveTail;
- BufferRec* ReceiveInProgress; /* valid if ReadState != eReadIdle */
- PPCReadPBRec ThePPCReadPBRec;
- PPCWritePBRec ThePPCWritePBRec;
- PPCPortRec RemotePortName; /* probably not needed */
- LocationNameRec RemoteLocationName; /* NBP name of remote machine */
- };
- /* maintains the status of this module for debugging */
- EXECUTE(static MyBoolean Initialized = False;)
- /* list of network ports. NIL means the port slot is available. the length */
- /* is determined by the heap block size. */
- static ArrayRec* PortArray;
- /* list of sessions. NIL means session slot is available... */
- static ArrayRec* SessionArray;
- /* This system allows you to make an outgoing connection without a port. The */
- /* Macintosh requires all connections to be made through ports, so we provide */
- /* a "system port" through which all outgoing connections are made. */
- static PortIDType* AppleTalkSystemPort;
- /* session scan counter. this is used so that all of the sessions are checked */
- /* fairly instead of favoring ones that are near the beginning of the list */
- static long SessionScan;
- /* utility function prototypes */
- static void ReinstallPPCInform(PortIDType* Port);
- static MyBoolean DecodeMachineName(char* MachineStr, char ObjStr[32],
- char TypeStr[32], char ZoneStr[32]);
- static void UpdateRead(SessionIDType* Session);
- static void UpdateWrite(SessionIDType* Session);
- static pascal void MyPPCInformCompletionRoutine(PPCInformPBRec* PB);
- static pascal void MyPPCReadCompletionRoutine(PPCParamBlockRec* PB);
- static pascal void MyPPCWriteCompletionRoutine(PPCParamBlockRec* PB);
- /* initialize the network interface. the user calls this. it is not called from */
- /* the standard Level 0 initialization routine because not all programs need */
- /* networking. Could return eNetNoError, eNetNoMemory, eNetNetworkNotAvailable, */
- /* eNetCouldntInitNet, or eNetUnknownError */
- NetErrors InitializeNetwork(void)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- long Result;
- NetErrors ReturnValue;
- unsigned long PortIDScan;
- ERROR(Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"InitializeNetwork: already initialized"));
- EXECUTE(Initialized = True;)
- Error = Gestalt(gestaltPPCToolboxAttr,&Result);
- if (Error != noErr)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNetworkNotAvailable;
- FailurePoint1:
- EXECUTE(Initialized = False;)
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- if ((Result & gestaltPPCSupportsRealTime) == 0)
- {
- /* not initialized. try initializing */
- Error = PPCInit();
- if (Error != noErr)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetCouldntInitNet;
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Error = Gestalt(gestaltPPCToolboxAttr,&Result);
- }
- /* don't know what to do in these cases */
- if ((Result & gestaltPPCSupportsOutGoing) == 0)
- {
- }
- if ((Result & gestaltPPCSupportsIncoming) == 0)
- {
- }
- /* allocate arrays for holding session and port records */
- PortArray = NewArray();
- if (PortArray == NIL)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint2:
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- SessionArray = NewArray();
- if (SessionArray == NIL)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint3:
- DisposeArray(PortArray);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- /* initialize the session counter for NetUpdate */
- SessionScan = 0;
- /* trying to obtain a port for outgoing connections. port names must be unique */
- /* and since there may be several programs using this package running on the */
- /* same computer, we need to search for an available port to work out of. */
- for (PortIDScan = 0xffffffff; PortIDScan > 0; PortIDScan -= 1)
- {
- char* PortNameTemp;
- int Scan;
- PortNameTemp = AllocPtrCanFail(8,"SysPortName");
- if (PortNameTemp == NIL)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < 8; Scan += 1)
- {
- PortNameTemp[Scan] = 'a' + ((PortIDScan >> (Scan * 4)) & 15);
- }
- /* try to open the port */
- ReturnValue = NetListenAtPort(PortNameTemp,&AppleTalkSystemPort,eNetAppleTalk);
- ReleasePtr(PortNameTemp);
- /* see if the port worked */
- switch (ReturnValue)
- {
- default:
- "InitializeNetwork: bad value from NetListenAtPort"));
- break;
- case eNetNoError:
- goto SystemPortAllocatedPoint;
- case eNetNoMemory:
- /* value of ReturnValue stays the same */
- /* ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory; */
- FailurePoint4:
- DisposeArray(SessionArray);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case eNetPortInUse:
- break; /* loop again */
- case eNetBadPortString:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"InitializeNetwork: bad port string"));
- break;
- case eNetUnknownError:
- /* value of ReturnValue stays the same */
- /* ReturnValue = eNetUnknownError; */
- goto FailurePoint4;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* fall through: couldn't allocate any system ports */
- ReturnValue = eNetUnknownError;
- goto FailurePoint4;
- /* jump here if all is good */
- SystemPortAllocatedPoint:
- return eNetNoError;
- }
- /* discard any pending data, close any open connections, and clean internal data */
- void ShutdownNetwork(void)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"ShutdownNetwork: not initialized"));
- /* first, close all sessions */
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(SessionArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- Session = (SessionIDType*)ArrayGetElement(SessionArray,Scan);
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"ShutdownNetwork: session still open"));
- NetCloseSession(Session);
- }
- /* now close all open ports, including the system port */
- NetTerminatePortAndSessions(AppleTalkSystemPort); /* technically not needed */
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(PortArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- PortIDType* Port;
- Port = (PortIDType*)ArrayGetElement(PortArray,Scan);
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"ShutdownNetwork: found a port that's still open"));
- NetTerminatePortAndSessions(Port);
- }
- /* now release memory occupied by arrays */
- DisposeArray(PortArray);
- DisposeArray(SessionArray);
- EXECUTE(Initialized = False;)
- }
- /* Network update routine. It handles periodic update tasks and should be called */
- /* frequently (preferably in the main event loop next to GetAnEvent). */
- NetEvents NetUpdate(SessionIDType** SessionNumber)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- long OldSessionScan;
- NetEvents ReturnValue;
- ERROR(SessionNumber == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetUpdate: SessionNumber == NIL"));
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetUpdate: not initialized"));
- /* look for PPCInforms that completed */
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(PortArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- PortIDType* Port;
- Port = (PortIDType*)ArrayGetElement(PortArray,Scan);
- if (Port->PortState == eConnectionPending)
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- /* return an event indicating the new session and reset the PPCInform */
- Session = (SessionIDType*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(SessionIDType),"Session");
- if ((Session == NIL) || (Port == AppleTalkSystemPort))
- {
- /* if we are out of memory, then kill the session */
- /* we also do this if the connection was established on the */
- /* system port */
- NewSessionFailurePoint1:
- ThePPCEndPBRec.sessRefNum = Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.sessRefNum;
- Error = PPCEnd(&ThePPCEndPBRec,False/*sync*/);
- ERROR(Error != noErr,PRERR(AllowResume,"NetUpdate: PPCEnd != noErr"));
- ReinstallPPCInform(Port); /* this resets PortState */
- goto NextPortPoint;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(SessionArray,Session))
- {
- goto NewSessionFailurePoint1;
- }
- /* initialize all of the fields of the session record */
- Session->SessionRefnum = Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.sessRefNum;
- Session->Port = Port;
- Session->WriteState = eWriteIdle;
- Session->ReadState = eReadIdle;
- Session->OverallState = eSessionNormal;
- Session->SendHead = NIL;
- Session->SendTail = NIL;
- Session->SendInProgress = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveHead = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveTail = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveInProgress = NIL;
- /* initiate the first PPC read operation */
- UpdateRead(Session);
- /* copy over the port and location names of the remote session */
- Session->RemotePortName = Port->RemotePortName;
- Session->RemoteLocationName = Port->RemoteLocationName;
- ReinstallPPCInform(Port); /* this resets PortState */
- /* return session number for caller */
- *SessionNumber = Session;
- return eNetEventNewSession;
- }
- /* jump here after killing a session that we couldn't handle so that */
- /* we can check the next port. */
- NextPortPoint:
- ;
- }
- /* now do session scans */
- ReturnValue = eNetEventNone;
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(SessionArray);
- if (Limit > 0)
- {
- OldSessionScan = SessionScan;
- if (OldSessionScan > Limit - 1)
- {
- /* this prevents us from getting stuck in an infinite loop if someone */
- /* removed an array element and left SessionScan beyond the end of the array */
- OldSessionScan = 0;
- }
- do
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- /* we increment first so that we don't dwell on hot sessions */
- SessionScan += 1;
- if (SessionScan >= Limit)
- {
- SessionScan = 0;
- }
- Session = (SessionIDType*)ArrayGetElement(SessionArray,SessionScan);
- /* check to see if port is closed */
- if (Session->OverallState == eSessionClosed)
- {
- *SessionNumber = Session;
- return eNetEventSessionClosed;
- }
- /* check to see if write needs to be retriggered */
- if (Session->WriteState != eWriteInProgress)
- {
- if (Session->WriteState == eWriteFinished)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetEventInternal;
- }
- UpdateWrite(Session);
- }
- /* check to see if read needs to be retriggered */
- if (Session->ReadState != eReadInProgress)
- {
- if (Session->ReadState == eReadFinished)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetEventInternal;
- }
- UpdateRead(Session);
- }
- /* check to see if there is new data */
- if (Session->OverallState == eSessionDataArrived)
- {
- Session->OverallState = eSessionNormal;
- *SessionNumber = Session;
- return eNetEventDataIncoming;
- }
- } while (SessionScan != OldSessionScan);
- }
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* local utility routine for installing an asynchronous PPC callback */
- static void ReinstallPPCInform(PortIDType* Port)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.ioCompletion = (ProcPtr)&MyPPCInformCompletionRoutine;
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.portRefNum = Port->ThePortRefnum;
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.autoAccept = True;
- /* provide a place for identifying the remote port */
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.portName = &(Port->RemotePortName);
- /* provide a place for identifying the remote machine */
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.locationName = &(Port->RemoteLocationName);
- /* we don't support user names */
- Port->ThePPCInformPBRec.userName = NIL;
- Port->PortState = eAwaitingConnection; /* BEFORE the call */
- Error = PPCInform(&(Port->ThePPCInformPBRec),True/*async*/);
- ERROR(Error != noErr,PRERR(AllowResume,"ReinstallPPCInform: PPCInform != noErr"));
- }
- /* Listen at the specified port. Returns the reference number of the port being */
- /* listened at. PortString is a non-null-terminated heap block containing the string */
- /* identifying the port. The port string format depends on the underlying network */
- /* scheme. For instance, TCP/IP would be an integer between 128 and 9999. */
- /* for AppleTalk (NBP), it is a valid NBP name. Could return eNetNoError, */
- /* eNetNoMemory, eNetPortInUse, eNetBadPortString, eNetUnknownError, or */
- /* eNetProtocolNotSupported. */
- NetErrors NetListenAtPort(char* PortString, PortIDType** PortOut,
- NetworkTypes WhichNetwork)
- {
- PPCOpenPBRec ThePPCOpenPBRec;
- long PortStringLength;
- PortIDType* Port;
- OSErr Error;
- NetErrors ReturnValue;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetListenAtPort: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(PortString);
- ERROR(PortOut == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetListenAtPort: PortOut is NIL"));
- /* verify network connection requested */
- switch (WhichNetwork)
- {
- case eNetDefault:
- case eNetAppleTalk:
- break;
- case eNetTCP:
- return eNetProtocolNotSupported;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetListenAtPort: bad protocol specified"));
- break;
- }
- /* make a place for it */
- Port = (PortIDType*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(PortIDType),"PortIDType");
- if (Port == NIL)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint1:
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(PortArray,Port))
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Port);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- /* initialize the port record */
- Port->ThePPCPortRec.nameScript = smRoman;
- PortStringLength = PtrSize(PortString);
- if (PortStringLength > 31)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetBadPortString;
- FailurePoint3:
- ArrayDeleteElement(PortArray,ArrayFindElement(PortArray,Port));
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- CopyData(PortString,(char*)&(Port->ThePPCPortRec.name[1]),PortStringLength);
- Port->ThePPCPortRec.name[0] = PortStringLength; /* stupid pascal strings */
- Port->ThePPCPortRec.portKindSelector = ppcByString;
- CopyData(DEFAULTTYPE,(char*)&(Port->ThePPCPortRec.u.portTypeStr[1]),
- Port->ThePPCPortRec.u.portTypeStr[0] = DEFAULTTYPELENGTH;
- /* initialize the Openrec */
- ThePPCOpenPBRec.serviceType = ppcServiceRealTime;
- ThePPCOpenPBRec.resFlag = 0;
- ThePPCOpenPBRec.portName = &(Port->ThePPCPortRec);
- ThePPCOpenPBRec.locationName = NIL;
- ThePPCOpenPBRec.networkVisible = True;
- /* try to open it */
- Error = PPCOpen(&ThePPCOpenPBRec,False/*synchronous*/);
- switch (Error)
- {
- case noErr:
- Port->ThePortRefnum = ThePPCOpenPBRec.portRefNum;
- break; /* continue on to the next phase */
- case badLocNameErr:
- ReturnValue = eNetBadPortString;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case portNameExistsErr:
- case nbpDuplicate:
- ReturnValue = eNetPortInUse;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- default:
- ReturnValue = eNetUnknownError;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- /* indicate that the callback is out there */
- Port->PortState = eAwaitingConnection;
- /* enable listen callback */
- ReinstallPPCInform(Port);
- /* put reference number out for caller */
- *PortOut = Port;
- return eNetNoError;
- }
- /* Stop listening at a port and let the OS use it for someone else. Sessions */
- /* established through this port are terminated. */
- void NetTerminatePortAndSessions(PortIDType* Port)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- PPCClosePBRec TheCloseRec;
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "NetTerminatePortAndSessions: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Port);
- /* close any sessions registered through this port */
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(SessionArray);
- Scan = 0;
- while (Scan < Limit)
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- Session = (SessionIDType*)ArrayGetElement(SessionArray,Scan);
- if (Session->Port == Port)
- {
- /* clean up our local data structures */
- NetCloseSession(Session);
- /* decrement limit, since we just dropped current element from array */
- Limit -= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* only increment this if we didn't delete the element */
- Scan += 1;
- }
- }
- /* close the port itself */
- TheCloseRec.portRefNum = Port->ThePortRefnum;
- Error = PPCClose(&TheCloseRec,False/*synchronous*/);
- ERROR(Error != noErr,PRERR(AllowResume,
- "NetTerminatePortAndSessions: return from PPCClose != noErr"));
- ArrayDeleteElement(PortArray,ArrayFindElement(PortArray,Port));
- ReleasePtr((char*)Port);
- }
- /* Open a session to another (or the same) machine. Returns a session number in */
- /* *SessionOut. PortString is the remote port to connect to, as described above, */
- /* and MachineString is a machine string determined by the network stack. For */
- /* instance, TCP/IP would support standard a.b.c.d or machine.zone.domain format. */
- /* The Macintosh uses machine:type@zone. Could return eNetNoError, eNetNoMemory, */
- /* eNetBadPortString, eNetBadMachineString, eNetMachineUnknown, eNetUnknownError, */
- /* eNetConnectRefused, or eNetProtocolNotSupported. */
- NetErrors NetOpenSession(char* PortString, char* MachineString,
- SessionIDType** SessionOut, NetworkTypes WhichNetwork)
- {
- PPCStartPBRec ThePPCStartPBRec;
- OSErr Error;
- long PortNameLength;
- SessionIDType* Session;
- NetErrors ReturnValue;
- long TryCounter;
- unsigned char UserNamePlace[32];
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetOpenSession: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(PortString);
- CheckPtrExistence(MachineString);
- ERROR(SessionOut == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetOpenSession: SessionOut == NIL"));
- /* verify network connection requested */
- switch (WhichNetwork)
- {
- case eNetDefault:
- case eNetAppleTalk:
- break;
- case eNetTCP:
- return eNetProtocolNotSupported;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetListenAtPort: bad protocol specified"));
- break;
- }
- /* allocate a place for it */
- Session = (SessionIDType*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(SessionIDType),"SessionIDType");
- if (Session == NIL)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint1:
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(SessionArray,Session))
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetNoMemory;
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Session);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- /* initialize the ppc record */
- EXECUTE(ThePPCStartPBRec.ioCompletion = (ProcPtr)0x81818181;)
- ThePPCStartPBRec.portRefNum = AppleTalkSystemPort->ThePortRefnum;
- ThePPCStartPBRec.serviceType = ppcServiceRealTime;
- ThePPCStartPBRec.resFlag = 0;
- /* see if this connection is for this machine or another */
- PortNameLength = PtrSize(PortString);
- if (PortNameLength > 31)
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetBadPortString;
- FailurePoint3:
- ArrayDeleteElement(SessionArray,ArrayFindElement(SessionArray,Session));
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- CopyData(PortString,(char*)&(Session->RemotePortName.name[1]),PortNameLength);
- Session->RemotePortName.name[0] = PortNameLength;
- Session->RemotePortName.nameScript = smRoman;
- Session->RemotePortName.portKindSelector = ppcByString;
- CopyData(DEFAULTTYPE,(char*)&(Session->RemotePortName.u.portTypeStr[1]),
- Session->RemotePortName.u.portTypeStr[0] = DEFAULTTYPELENGTH;
- ThePPCStartPBRec.portName = &(Session->RemotePortName);
- if ((PtrSize(MachineString) != 9) && (PtrSize(MachineString) != 0))
- {
- char MyNBPObjectStr[32];
- char MyNBPTypeStr[32];
- char MyNBPZoneStr[32];
- /* remote machine specified */
- RemoteName:
- if (!DecodeMachineName(MachineString,MyNBPObjectStr,MyNBPTypeStr,MyNBPZoneStr))
- {
- ReturnValue = eNetBadMachineString;
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- CopyData(&(MyNBPObjectStr[0]),(char*)&(Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.objStr),MyNBPObjectStr[0] + 1);
- CopyData(&(MyNBPTypeStr[0]),(char*)&(Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.typeStr),MyNBPTypeStr[0] + 1);
- CopyData(&(MyNBPZoneStr[0]),(char*)&(Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.zoneStr),MyNBPZoneStr[0] + 1);
- Session->RemoteLocationName.locationKindSelector = ppcNBPLocation;
- ThePPCStartPBRec.locationName = &(Session->RemoteLocationName);
- }
- else
- {
- if (PtrSize(MachineString) == 9)
- {
- long Scan;
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < 9; Scan += 1)
- {
- if ("localhost"[Scan] != MachineString[Scan])
- {
- goto RemoteName;
- }
- }
- }
- /* it's the local machine */
- Session->RemoteLocationName.locationKindSelector = ppcNoLocation;
- ThePPCStartPBRec.locationName = &(Session->RemoteLocationName);
- }
- ThePPCStartPBRec.userData = 0; /* users are not used */
- if (noErr != GetDefaultUser(&(ThePPCStartPBRec.userRefNum),UserNamePlace))
- {
- ThePPCStartPBRec.userRefNum = 0;
- }
- TryCounter = MAXNUMTRIES;
- TryAgainPoint:
- Error = PPCStart(&ThePPCStartPBRec,False/*sync*/);
- switch (Error)
- {
- default:
- ReturnValue = eNetUnknownError;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case destPortErr:
- case noResponseErr:
- case userRejectErr:
- case localOnlyErr:
- case guestNotAllowedErr:
- ReturnValue = eNetConnectRefused;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case noErr:
- break; /* continue */
- case noInformErr:
- TryCounter -= 1;
- /* sleep a little bit */
- {
- double Now;
- Now = ReadTimer();
- while (TimerDifference(ReadTimer(),Now) < TRYDELAY)
- {
- RelinquishCPUCheckCancel();
- }
- }
- /* see if we should try again */
- if (TryCounter > 0)
- {
- goto TryAgainPoint;
- }
- ReturnValue = eNetConnectRefused;
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case portClosedErr:
- case badPortNameErr:
- case noUserRecErr:
- case noPortErr:
- case badServiceMethodErr:
- case nameTypeErr:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetOpenSession: bad error code"));
- break;
- }
- /* initialize all of the structure's parameters */
- Session->SessionRefnum = ThePPCStartPBRec.sessRefNum;
- Session->Port = AppleTalkSystemPort;
- Session->WriteState = eWriteIdle;
- Session->ReadState = eReadIdle;
- Session->OverallState = eSessionNormal;
- Session->SendHead = NIL;
- Session->SendTail = NIL;
- Session->SendInProgress = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveHead = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveTail = NIL;
- Session->ReceiveInProgress = NIL;
- *SessionOut = Session;
- return eNetNoError;
- }
- /* utility routine to decode string of format <name>:<type>@<zone> */
- /* we allow the omission of <type> and automatically substitute DEFAULTTYPE for it */
- /* you can omit the zone name as well. */
- static MyBoolean DecodeMachineName(char* MachineStr, char ObjStr[32],
- char TypeStr[32], char ZoneStr[32])
- {
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- Limit = PtrSize(MachineStr);
- Scan = 0;
- while ((Scan < Limit) && (MachineStr[Scan] != ':') && (MachineStr[Scan] != '@'))
- {
- if (Scan >= 31)
- {
- return False;
- }
- ObjStr[Scan + 1] = MachineStr[Scan];
- Scan += 1;
- }
- ObjStr[0] = Scan;
- if ((Scan == Limit) || (MachineStr[Scan] == '@'))
- {
- /* type name omitted */
- goto ElidedTypePoint;
- }
- MachineStr += Scan + 1;
- Limit -= Scan + 1;
- Scan = 0;
- while ((Scan < Limit) && (MachineStr[Scan] != '@'))
- {
- if (Scan >= 31)
- {
- return False;
- }
- TypeStr[Scan + 1] = MachineStr[Scan];
- Scan += 1;
- }
- TypeStr[0] = Scan;
- ElidedTypePoint:
- if (Scan == Limit)
- {
- /* no zone name */
- ZoneStr[0] = 0;
- return True;
- }
- MachineStr += Scan + 1;
- Limit -= Scan + 1;
- Scan = 0;
- while (Scan < Limit)
- {
- if (Scan >= 31)
- {
- return False;
- }
- ZoneStr[Scan + 1] = MachineStr[Scan];
- Scan += 1;
- }
- ZoneStr[0] = Scan;
- return True;
- }
- /* Close a session. Any waiting data in either direction is discarded. */
- void NetCloseSession(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- PPCEndPBRec EndRec;
- BufferRec* BuffScan;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetCloseSession: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- /* first, kill the session to complete any reads/writes in progress. */
- /* this might fail if the session is already dead. */
- EndRec.sessRefNum = Session->SessionRefnum;
- Error = PPCEnd(&EndRec,False/*sync*/);
- /* now that that's finished, we can dump the buffers */
- if (Session->ReceiveInProgress != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Session->ReceiveInProgress));
- }
- if (Session->SendInProgress != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Session->SendInProgress));
- }
- BuffScan = Session->SendHead;
- while (BuffScan != NIL)
- {
- BufferRec* BuffTemp;
- BuffTemp = BuffScan;
- BuffScan = BuffScan->Next;
- ReleasePtr((char*)BuffTemp);
- }
- BuffScan = Session->ReceiveHead;
- while (BuffScan != NIL)
- {
- BufferRec* BuffTemp;
- BuffTemp = BuffScan;
- BuffScan = BuffScan->Next;
- ReleasePtr((char*)BuffTemp);
- }
- /* now dump the session record */
- ArrayDeleteElement(SessionArray,ArrayFindElement(SessionArray,Session));
- ReleasePtr((char*)Session);
- }
- /* utility routine to submit a new read operation if one has completed */
- static void UpdateRead(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- ERROR(Session->ReadState == eReadInProgress,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "UpdateRead: read is already in progress"));
- /* handle the data that comes back from a read operation. */
- if (Session->ReadState == eReadFinished)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Session->ReceiveInProgress);
- /* check for session closed notification */
- if (Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.ioResult == sessClosedErr)
- {
- Session->OverallState = eSessionClosed;
- }
- ERROR((Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.ioResult != sessClosedErr)
- && (Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.ioResult != noErr),PRERR(AllowResume,
- "UpdateRead: error returned from PPCRead"));
- /* get read length */
- Session->ReceiveInProgress->NumBytes = Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.actualLength;
- ERROR((Session->ReceiveInProgress->NumBytes < 0)
- || (Session->ReceiveInProgress->NumBytes > BUFFERSIZE),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "UpdateRead: too many bytes returned from PPCRead"));
- if (Session->ReceiveInProgress->NumBytes != 0)
- {
- /* move this buffer onto the list */
- Session->ReceiveInProgress->Next = NIL;
- if (Session->ReceiveTail != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Session->ReceiveTail);
- Session->ReceiveTail->Next = Session->ReceiveInProgress;
- }
- else
- {
- Session->ReceiveHead = Session->ReceiveInProgress;
- }
- Session->ReceiveTail = Session->ReceiveInProgress;
- }
- else
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Session->ReceiveInProgress));
- }
- /* clear buffer register */
- Session->ReceiveInProgress = NIL;
- /* indicate that data has arrived */
- if (Session->OverallState == eSessionNormal)
- {
- /* don't change this if it contains eSessionClosed! */
- Session->OverallState = eSessionDataArrived;
- }
- /* reset read state */
- Session->ReadState = eReadIdle;
- }
- /* if the session has closed with the previous read, don't retrigger the read */
- /* but instead just exit */
- if (Session->OverallState == eSessionClosed)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* retrigger the read operation on a new block */
- Session->ReceiveInProgress = (BufferRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(
- sizeof(BufferRec),"ReadBufferRec");
- if (Session->ReceiveInProgress == NIL)
- {
- return;
- }
- Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.ioCompletion = (ProcPtr)&MyPPCReadCompletionRoutine;
- Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.sessRefNum = Session->SessionRefnum;
- Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.bufferLength = BUFFERSIZE;
- Session->ThePPCReadPBRec.bufferPtr = &(Session->ReceiveInProgress->Buffer[0]);
- Session->ReadState = eReadInProgress; /* BEFORE the call! */
- Error = PPCRead(&(Session->ThePPCReadPBRec),True/*async*/);
- }
- /* utility routine to submit another write if one has completed */
- static void UpdateWrite(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- ERROR((Session->WriteState == eWriteInProgress),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "UpdateWrite: write is already in progress"));
- /* if a write has completed, then handle it */
- if (Session->WriteState == eWriteFinished)
- {
- /* check for session closed notification */
- if (Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.ioResult == sessClosedErr)
- {
- Session->OverallState = eSessionClosed;
- }
- ERROR((Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.ioResult != sessClosedErr)
- && (Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.ioResult != noErr),PRERR(AllowResume,
- "UpdateWrite: error returned from PPCWrite"));
- /* reset write state stuff */
- Session->WriteState = eWriteIdle;
- /* dispose of the write buffer block */
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Session->SendInProgress));
- Session->SendInProgress = NIL;
- }
- /* if there is more data queued to be sent, then send it */
- if (Session->SendHead != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Session->SendHead);
- /* move the first block to the in progress register */
- Session->SendInProgress = Session->SendHead;
- /* pop the block off the queue */
- Session->SendHead = Session->SendHead->Next;
- if (Session->SendHead == NIL)
- {
- Session->SendTail = NIL;
- }
- /* construct the parameter record */
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.ioCompletion = (ProcPtr)&MyPPCWriteCompletionRoutine;
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.sessRefNum = Session->SessionRefnum;
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.bufferLength = Session->SendInProgress->NumBytes;
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.bufferPtr = &(Session->SendInProgress->Buffer[0]);
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.more = False; /* always false */
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.userData = 0;
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.blockCreator = 0;
- Session->ThePPCWritePBRec.blockType = 0;
- Session->WriteState = eWriteInProgress; /* BEFORE the call! */
- Error = PPCWrite(&(Session->ThePPCWritePBRec),True/*async*/);
- }
- }
- /* Verify that a session is still usable. Returns True if the session is still */
- /* available, or False if the remote system disconnected it. If it returns False, */
- /* then you should call NetCloseSession to dispose of the session record. */
- MyBoolean NetIsSessionStillAlive(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetIsSessionStillAlive: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- return (Session->OverallState != eSessionClosed);
- }
- /* Obtain a string identifying the machine from which a session has been */
- /* established. The string is a non-null-terminated heap block. */
- char* NetSessionGetRemoteMachineName(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- char LocalBuffer[32 + 32 + 32 + 1 + 1];
- long Index;
- long Scan;
- char* Pointer;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "NetSessionGetRemoteMachineName: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- switch (Session->RemoteLocationName.locationKindSelector)
- {
- default:
- "NetSessionGetRemoteMachineName: unknown locationKindSelector"));
- break;
- case ppcNoLocation:
- Index = 9;
- CopyData("localhost",LocalBuffer,9);
- break;
- case ppcNBPLocation:
- Index = 0;
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.objStr[0]; Scan += 1)
- {
- LocalBuffer[Index++] = Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.objStr[Scan + 1];
- }
- if (Session->RemoteLocationName.u.nbpEntity.typeStr[0] != 0)
- {
- LocalBuffer[Index++] = ':';
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.typeStr[0]; Scan += 1)
- {
- LocalBuffer[Index++] = Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.typeStr[Scan + 1];
- }
- if (Session->RemoteLocationName.u.nbpEntity.zoneStr[0] != 0)
- {
- LocalBuffer[Index++] = '@';
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.zoneStr[0]; Scan += 1)
- {
- LocalBuffer[Index++] = Session->RemoteLocationName
- .u.nbpEntity.zoneStr[Scan + 1];
- }
- break;
- }
- Pointer = AllocPtrCanFail(Index,"NBPNameString");
- if (Pointer != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(&(LocalBuffer[0]),&(Pointer[0]),Index);
- }
- return Pointer;
- }
- /* Find out how much data is waiting to be read from the port. */
- long NetHowMuchDataToRead(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- long DataCount;
- BufferRec* BufferScan;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetHowMuchDataToRead: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- BufferScan = Session->ReceiveHead;
- DataCount = 0;
- while (BufferScan != NIL)
- {
- DataCount += BufferScan->NumBytes;
- BufferScan = BufferScan->Next;
- }
- return DataCount;
- }
- /* Find out how much data is waiting in local buffers to be written to a port. */
- long NetHowMuchDataToWrite(SessionIDType* Session)
- {
- long DataCount;
- BufferRec* BufferScan;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetHowMuchDataToWrite: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- /* initiate another read if there isn't one pending */
- if (Session->ReadState == eReadIdle)
- {
- UpdateRead(Session);
- }
- /* count data in buffers waiting to be eaten */
- BufferScan = Session->SendHead;
- DataCount = 0;
- while (BufferScan != NIL)
- {
- DataCount += BufferScan->NumBytes;
- BufferScan = BufferScan->Next;
- }
- return DataCount;
- }
- /* Read data from a session. It is an error to read more data than there is waiting. */
- void NetReadData(SessionIDType* Session, char* Buffer, long NumBytes)
- {
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetReadData: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- ERROR((NumBytes < 0) || (NumBytes > NetHowMuchDataToRead(Session)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetReadData: number of bytes is out of range"));
- /* extract data from blocks */
- while (NumBytes > 0)
- {
- long TempNumBytes;
- BufferRec* TempBuffer;
- TempBuffer = Session->ReceiveHead;
- CheckPtrExistence(TempBuffer);
- TempNumBytes = TempBuffer->NumBytes;
- CopyData(&(TempBuffer->Buffer[0]),&(Buffer[0]),TempNumBytes);
- Session->ReceiveHead = TempBuffer->Next;
- NumBytes -= TempNumBytes;
- Buffer += TempNumBytes;
- ReleasePtr((char*)TempBuffer);
- }
- if (Session->ReceiveHead == NIL)
- {
- Session->ReceiveTail = NIL;
- }
- /* initiate another read if there isn't one pending */
- if (Session->ReadState == eReadIdle)
- {
- UpdateRead(Session);
- }
- }
- /* Write data to a session. If data could not be sent without blocking, then */
- /* it is locally buffered until it can be sent (that's what NetUpdate is for) */
- /* returns True if successful, or False if there isn't enough memory. if it fails, */
- /* then NO data is written (i.e. data is never partially written) */
- MyBoolean NetWriteData(SessionIDType* Session, char* Buffer, long NumBytes)
- {
- BufferRec* LocalHead;
- BufferRec* LocalTail;
- BufferRec* BuffScan;
- long TempByteCount;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"NetWriteData: not initialized"));
- CheckPtrExistence(Session);
- /* we create the buffers totally first, and only submit them if we could */
- /* allocate ALL of them */
- LocalHead = NIL;
- LocalTail = NIL;
- TempByteCount = NumBytes;
- while (TempByteCount > 0)
- {
- BufferRec* TempBuff;
- if (TempByteCount > BUFFERSIZE)
- {
- TempByteCount -= BUFFERSIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- TempByteCount -= TempByteCount;
- }
- TempBuff = (BufferRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(BufferRec),"BufferRec");
- if (TempBuff == NIL)
- {
- while (LocalHead != NIL)
- {
- /* dump ones that we already allocated */
- CheckPtrExistence(LocalHead);
- TempBuff = LocalHead;
- LocalHead = LocalHead->Next;
- ReleasePtr((char*)TempBuff);
- }
- return False; /* oops */
- }
- TempBuff->Next = NIL;
- if (LocalTail != NIL)
- {
- LocalTail->Next = TempBuff;
- }
- else
- {
- LocalHead = TempBuff;
- }
- LocalTail = TempBuff;
- }
- /* buffers allocated, now fill them */
- TempByteCount = NumBytes;
- BuffScan = LocalHead;
- while (TempByteCount > 0)
- {
- long NumBytesThisTime;
- if (TempByteCount > BUFFERSIZE)
- {
- NumBytesThisTime = BUFFERSIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- NumBytesThisTime = TempByteCount;
- }
- CheckPtrExistence(BuffScan);
- BuffScan->NumBytes = NumBytesThisTime;
- CopyData(&(Buffer[0]),&(BuffScan->Buffer[0]),NumBytesThisTime);
- Buffer += NumBytesThisTime;
- TempByteCount -= NumBytesThisTime;
- BuffScan = BuffScan->Next;
- }
- ERROR(BuffScan != NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "NetWriteData: BuffScan not NIL after buffer fill loop"));
- /* now, tack it on the end of the write buffer list */
- if (Session->SendTail != NIL)
- {
- Session->SendTail->Next = LocalHead;
- }
- else
- {
- Session->SendHead = LocalHead;
- }
- Session->SendTail = LocalTail;
- /* if there is no outstanding write, then make a write */
- if (Session->WriteState == eWriteIdle)
- {
- UpdateWrite(Session);
- }
- /* successful */
- return True;
- }
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #if __option(profile)
- #define Profiling (True)
- #else
- #define Profiling (False)
- #endif
- #pragma options(!profile)
- #endif
- static pascal void MyPPCInformCompletionRoutine(PPCInformPBRec* PB)
- {
- PortIDType* Port;
- /* some goofy pointer arithmetic to get from a member of the struct */
- /* back to the beginning of the struct. */
- Port = (PortIDType*)((char*)PB - (long)&(((PortIDType*)NIL)->ThePPCInformPBRec));
- /* now we can access the other members */
- Port->PortState = eConnectionPending; /* indicate that PPCInform is done. */
- }
- static pascal void MyPPCReadCompletionRoutine(PPCParamBlockRec* PB)
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- /* some goofy pointer arithmetic to get from a member of the struct */
- /* back to the beginning of the struct. */
- Session = (SessionIDType*)((char*)PB
- - (long)&(((SessionIDType*)NIL)->ThePPCReadPBRec));
- /* now we can access the other members */
- Session->ReadState = eReadFinished;
- }
- static pascal void MyPPCWriteCompletionRoutine(PPCParamBlockRec* PB)
- {
- SessionIDType* Session;
- /* some goofy pointer arithmetic to get from a member of the struct */
- /* back to the beginning of the struct. */
- Session = (SessionIDType*)((char*)PB
- - (long)&(((SessionIDType*)NIL)->ThePPCWritePBRec));
- /* now we can access the other members */
- Session->WriteState = eWriteFinished;
- }
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #if Profiling
- #pragma options(profile)
- #endif
- #endif