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- /* SerialPort.h */
- #ifndef Included_SerialPort_h
- #define Included_SerialPort_h
- /* SerialPort module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Array */
- /* definitions for serial communcation attributes */
- typedef enum
- {
- eParityNone EXECUTE(= -24321),
- eParityOdd,
- eParityEven
- } ParityTypes;
- typedef enum
- {
- e8DataBits EXECUTE(= -1656),
- e7DataBits,
- e6DataBits,
- e5DataBits
- } DataBitTypes;
- typedef enum
- {
- eOneStopBit EXECUTE(= -4341),
- eOneAndAHalfStopBits,
- eTwoStopBits
- } StopBitTypes;
- typedef enum
- {
- eHandShakeNone EXECUTE(= -341),
- eHandShakeXonXoff,
- eHandShakeDtrCts,
- eHandShakeDtrOnly,
- eHandShakeCtsOnly
- } HandShakeTypes;
- struct SerialPortRec;
- typedef struct SerialPortRec SerialPortRec;
- struct SerialRefRec;
- typedef struct SerialRefRec SerialRefRec;
- /* initialize serial port subsystem. the user calls this. this is not called */
- /* from the normal Level 0 initialization since this module is optional. */
- MyBoolean InitializeSerialPorts(void);
- /* shut down serial ports */
- void ShutdownSerialPorts(void);
- /* request a port. if the port can not be allocated, it will return NIL. */
- SerialPortRec* RequestSerialPort(long BitsRate, SerialRefRec* PortIdentifier,
- ParityTypes Parity, HandShakeTypes HandShake,
- DataBitTypes NumDataBits, StopBitTypes NumStopBits);
- /* close a port */
- void CloseSerialPort(SerialPortRec* SerialPort);
- /* get how many serial ports there are on the system */
- long GetNumSerialPorts(void);
- /* get the ID of a serial port from the list */
- SerialRefRec* GetIndexedSerialPort(long Index);
- /* get the name associated with a serial port identifier (not null terminated) */
- char* GetSerialPortName(SerialRefRec* TheIdentifier);
- /* dispose of a serial port reference */
- void DisposeSerialRef(SerialRefRec* TheIdentifier);
- /* find out the closest available baud rate to the one requested. if the */
- /* requested baud rate is supported, it is returned. if not, then the closest */
- /* available rate is returned. */
- long GetClosestAvailableBaudRate(long RequestedRate,
- SerialRefRec* PortIdentifier);
- /* find out how much data is waiting to be read */
- long NumSerialPortBytesWaitingToRead(SerialPortRec* SerialPort);
- /* find out how much data is waiting to leave the local buffers */
- long NumSerialPortBytesWaitingToWrite(SerialPortRec* SerialPort);
- /* read some bytes from the port buffer into the specified buffer. it is an */
- /* error to read more bytes than there are waiting. */
- void ReadSerialPort(SerialPortRec* SerialPort, long NumBytesToRead,
- char* Buffer);
- /* submit bytes to be written. it returns True if successful, or False if */
- /* the operation timed out or another error occurred */
- MyBoolean WriteSerialPort(SerialPortRec* SerialPort, long Length, char* Data);
- #endif