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- /* Alert.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "Alert.h"
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- #include "SimpleButton.h"
- #include "WrapTextBox.h"
- #include "Menus.h"
- #define ALERTEMERGENCY (20480)
- #define ALERTWIDTH (400)
- #define ALERTHEIGHT (160)
- #define DLOGWIDTH (400)
- #define DLOGHEIGHT (180)
- #define BUTTONWIDTH (93)
- static unsigned char RawStopIcon[] =
- {
- 0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xFF,0x80,0x03,0x80,0x01,0xC0,0x07,0x7F,0xFE,0xE0,
- 0x0E,0xFF,0xFF,0x70,0x1D,0xFF,0xFF,0xB8,0x3B,0xFF,0xFF,0xDC,0x77,0xFF,0xFF,0xEE,
- 0xEF,0xFF,0xFF,0xF7,0xDF,0xFD,0x3F,0xFB,0xDF,0xF9,0x2F,0xFB,0xDF,0xE9,0x27,0xFB,
- 0xDF,0xC9,0x27,0xFB,0xDF,0xC9,0x27,0xFB,0xDF,0xC8,0x24,0xFB,0xDF,0xC0,0x04,0xFB,
- 0xDF,0xC0,0x00,0xFB,0xDF,0xC0,0x01,0xFB,0xDF,0xC0,0x01,0xFB,0xDF,0xC0,0x01,0xFB,
- 0xDF,0xE0,0x03,0xFB,0xDF,0xE0,0x03,0xFB,0xDF,0xF0,0x07,0xFB,0xDF,0xF8,0x0F,0xFB,
- 0xEF,0xFF,0xFF,0xF7,0x77,0xFF,0xFF,0xEE,0x3B,0xFF,0xFF,0xDC,0x1D,0xFF,0xFF,0xB8,
- 0x0E,0xFF,0xFF,0x70,0x07,0x00,0x00,0xE0,0x03,0xFF,0xFF,0xC0,0x01,0xFF,0xFF,0x80
- };
- static unsigned char RawExclamationIcon[] =
- {
- 0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x06,0xC0,0x00,
- 0x00,0x04,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x0C,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x1B,0xB0,0x00,
- 0x00,0x13,0x90,0x00,0x00,0x37,0xD8,0x00,0x00,0x27,0xC8,0x00,0x00,0x67,0xCC,0x00,
- 0x00,0x47,0xC4,0x00,0x00,0xC7,0xC6,0x00,0x00,0x87,0xC2,0x00,0x01,0x83,0x83,0x00,
- 0x01,0x03,0x81,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x81,0x80,0x02,0x03,0x80,0x80,0x06,0x03,0x80,0xC0,
- 0x04,0x01,0x00,0x40,0x0C,0x01,0x00,0x60,0x08,0x01,0x00,0x20,0x18,0x01,0x00,0x30,
- 0x10,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x30,0x01,0x80,0x18,0x20,0x03,0xC0,0x08,0x60,0x03,0xC0,0x0C,
- 0x40,0x01,0x80,0x04,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x06,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,0x7F,0xFF,0xFF,0xFC
- };
- static unsigned char RawSpeechIcon[] =
- {
- 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0xFF,0xFC,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x05,0x00,
- 0x08,0x00,0x04,0x80,0x08,0x00,0x04,0x40,0x08,0x00,0x04,0x20,0x08,0x00,0x07,0xF0,
- 0x0B,0xE0,0x00,0x10,0x08,0x84,0xF2,0x58,0x08,0x80,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x80,0x00,0x18,
- 0x08,0x86,0x79,0x98,0x08,0x80,0x00,0x18,0x0B,0xE0,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x07,0x79,0x98,
- 0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x0A,0xF2,0xE3,0x98,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,
- 0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x0B,0xBB,0xB2,0x58,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,
- 0x0A,0xFD,0x79,0x98,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x0B,0x5B,0x90,0x18,
- 0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x18,0x0F,0xFF,0xFF,0xF8,0x03,0xFF,0xFF,0xF8
- };
- static Bitmap* SpeechIcon;
- static Bitmap* ExclamationIcon;
- static Bitmap* StopIcon;
- EXECUTE(static MyBoolean Initialized = False;)
- static char* EmergencyMemory;
- /* initialize the alert system, allocate the bitmaps and temporary memory stash */
- MyBoolean InitializeAlertSubsystem(void)
- {
- ERROR(Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "InitializeAlertSubsystem called more than once"));
- EXECUTE(Initialized = True);
- SpeechIcon = MakeBitmap(RawSpeechIcon,32,32,4);
- if (SpeechIcon == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- ExclamationIcon = MakeBitmap(RawExclamationIcon,32,32,4);
- if (ExclamationIcon == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeBitmap(SpeechIcon);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- StopIcon = MakeBitmap(RawStopIcon,32,32,4);
- if (StopIcon == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- DisposeBitmap(ExclamationIcon);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- EmergencyMemory = AllocPtrCanFail(ALERTEMERGENCY,"AlertEmergencyPtr");
- if (EmergencyMemory == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint4:
- DisposeBitmap(StopIcon);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* clean up internal data structures */
- void ShutdownAlertSubsystem(void)
- {
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Alert subsystem not initialized"));
- DisposeBitmap(SpeechIcon);
- DisposeBitmap(ExclamationIcon);
- DisposeBitmap(StopIcon);
- if (EmergencyMemory != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(EmergencyMemory);
- }
- }
- typedef struct
- {
- WinType* ScreenID;
- char* TotalMessage;
- SimpleButtonRec* OKButton;
- Bitmap* IconThing;
- } AlertRec;
- static void AlertUpdater(AlertRec* Window)
- {
- /* DON'T call CheckPtrExistence since Window is allocated on the stack */
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,0,0,ALERTWIDTH,ALERTHEIGHT);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,23,13,Window->IconThing);
- DrawWrappedTextBox(Window->ScreenID,Window->TotalMessage,GetUglyFont(),12,
- 23 + 32 + 23,13,ALERTWIDTH - (23 + 32 + 23 + 13) - 10,
- ALERTHEIGHT - (13 + 13 + 21 + 6));
- RedrawSimpleButton(Window->OKButton);
- }
- static void LocalAlert(Bitmap* TheIcon, char* Message, char* ExtraInfo)
- {
- AlertRec Window;
- EXECUTE(static MyBoolean Alerting = False;)
- APRINT(("+LocalAlert: '%t' '%t'",Message,ExtraInfo));
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Alert subsystem not initialized"));
- ERROR(Message == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"LocalAlert: Message is NIL"));
- ERROR(Alerting,PRERR(ForceAbort,"LocalAlert called recursively"));
- EXECUTE(Alerting = True;)
- if (EmergencyMemory != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(EmergencyMemory);
- EmergencyMemory = NIL;
- }
- ErrorBeep();
- SetArrowCursor();
- if (ExtraInfo != NIL)
- {
- char* Key;
- char* Replacement;
- char* Original;
- char* Temp;
- Key = BlockFromRaw("_",1);
- Replacement = BlockFromRaw(ExtraInfo,StrLen(ExtraInfo));
- Original = BlockFromRaw(Message,StrLen(Message));
- if ((Key == NIL) || (Replacement == NIL) || (Original == NIL))
- {
- /* we don't care about releasing the memory since this is a fatal */
- /* error anyway. */
- Fault:
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"Out of memory in alert handler -- can't continue");
- }
- Temp = ReplaceBlockCopy(Original,Key,Replacement);
- if (Temp == NIL)
- {
- goto Fault;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Key);
- ReleasePtr(Replacement);
- ReleasePtr(Original);
- Window.TotalMessage = BlockToStringCopy(Temp);
- ReleasePtr(Temp);
- if (Window.TotalMessage == NIL)
- {
- goto Fault;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Window.TotalMessage = StringFromRaw(Message);
- }
- Window.IconThing = TheIcon;
- Window.ScreenID = MakeNewWindow(eModelessDialogWindow,eWindowNotClosable,
- eWindowNotZoomable,eWindowNotResizable,AlertLeftEdge(ALERTWIDTH),
- (void (*)(void*))&AlertUpdater,&Window);
- if (Window.ScreenID == NIL)
- {
- goto Fault;
- }
- Window.OKButton = NewSimpleButton(Window.ScreenID,"OK",ALERTWIDTH
- - (13 + BUTTONWIDTH),ALERTHEIGHT - (13 + 21 + 3),BUTTONWIDTH,21);
- if (Window.OKButton == NIL)
- {
- goto Fault;
- }
- SetDefaultButtonState(Window.OKButton,True);
- while (True)
- {
- OrdType X,Y;
- ModifierFlags Modifiers;
- WinType* TheWindow;
- MenuItemType* MenuItem;
- char KeyPressed;
- switch (GetAnEvent(&X,&Y,&Modifiers,&TheWindow,&MenuItem,&KeyPressed))
- {
- default:
- break;
- case eCheckCursor:
- SetArrowCursor();
- break;
- case eNoEvent:
- break;
- case eMouseDown:
- if (SimpleButtonHitTest(Window.OKButton,X,Y))
- {
- if (SimpleButtonMouseDown(Window.OKButton,X,Y,NIL,NIL))
- {
- ExitPoint:
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.OKButton);
- ReleasePtr(Window.TotalMessage);
- KillWindow(Window.ScreenID);
- EXECUTE(Alerting = False;)
- EmergencyMemory = AllocPtrCanFail(ALERTEMERGENCY,
- "AlertEmergencyPtr");
- APRINT(("-LocalAlert"));
- return;
- }
- }
- break;
- case eKeyPressed:
- if (KeyPressed == 13)
- {
- FlashButton(Window.OKButton);
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- APRINT(("-LocalAlert"));
- }
- /* display a halt (Stopsign) alert. ExtraInfo is inserted into Message where */
- /* the _ character is */
- void AlertHalt(char* Message, char* ExtraInfo)
- {
- LocalAlert(StopIcon,Message,ExtraInfo);
- }
- /* display a warning (!) alert. ExtraInfo is inserted into Message where */
- /* the _ character is */
- void AlertWarning(char* Message, char* ExtraInfo)
- {
- LocalAlert(ExclamationIcon,Message,ExtraInfo);
- }
- /* display an informational (I) alert. ExtraInfo is inserted into Message where */
- /* the _ character is */
- void AlertInfo(char* Message, char* ExtraInfo)
- {
- LocalAlert(SpeechIcon,Message,ExtraInfo);
- }
- typedef struct
- {
- WinType* ScreenID;
- char* TotalMessage;
- SimpleButtonRec* YesButton;
- SimpleButtonRec* NoButton;
- SimpleButtonRec* CancelButton;
- } YesNoCancelRec;
- static void YesNoCancelUpdater(YesNoCancelRec* Window)
- {
- /* do NOT call CheckPtrExistence since Window is allocated on the stack */
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,23,13,ExclamationIcon);
- DrawWrappedTextBox(Window->ScreenID,Window->TotalMessage,GetUglyFont(),12,
- 23 + 32 + 23,13,DLOGWIDTH - (23 + 32 + 23 + 13) - 16,
- DLOGHEIGHT - (13 + 13 + 21 + 6));
- RedrawSimpleButton(Window->YesButton);
- RedrawSimpleButton(Window->NoButton);
- if (Window->CancelButton != NIL)
- {
- RedrawSimpleButton(Window->CancelButton);
- }
- }
- /* present a dialog with 3 buttons (yes, no, and cancel). if Cancel is NIL, */
- /* then there will only be 2 buttons. ExtraInfo is inserted into Message where */
- /* the _ character is */
- YesNoCancelType AskYesNoCancel(char* Message, char* ExtraInfo,
- char* Yes, char* No, char* Cancel)
- {
- YesNoCancelRec Window;
- YesNoCancelType ReturnValue;
- ERROR(!Initialized,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Alert subsystem not initialized"));
- if (ExtraInfo != NIL)
- {
- MyBoolean Error;
- char* Key;
- char* Replacement;
- char* Original;
- char* Temp;
- Error = False;
- Key = BlockFromRaw("_",1);
- if (Key != NIL)
- {
- Replacement = BlockFromRaw(ExtraInfo,StrLen(ExtraInfo));
- if (Replacement != NIL)
- {
- Original = BlockFromRaw(Message,StrLen(Message));
- if (Original != NIL)
- {
- Temp = ReplaceBlockCopy(Original,Key,Replacement);
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- Window.TotalMessage = BlockToStringCopy(Temp);
- ReleasePtr(Temp);
- if (Window.TotalMessage == NIL)
- {
- Error = True;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Error = True;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Original);
- }
- else
- {
- Error = True;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Replacement);
- }
- else
- {
- Error = True;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Key);
- }
- else
- {
- Error = True;
- }
- if (Error)
- {
- return eCancel;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Window.TotalMessage = StringFromRaw(Message);
- if (Window.TotalMessage == NIL)
- {
- return eCancel;
- }
- }
- SetArrowCursor();
- Window.ScreenID = MakeNewWindow(eModelessDialogWindow,eWindowNotClosable,
- eWindowNotZoomable,eWindowNotResizable,DialogLeftEdge(DLOGWIDTH),
- (void (*)(void*))&YesNoCancelUpdater,&Window);
- if (Window.ScreenID == 0)
- {
- MemOut1:
- ReleasePtr(Window.TotalMessage);
- return eCancel;
- }
- Window.YesButton = NewSimpleButton(Window.ScreenID,Yes,DLOGWIDTH
- - (13 + BUTTONWIDTH),DLOGHEIGHT - (13 + 21 + 3),BUTTONWIDTH,21);
- if (Window.YesButton == NIL)
- {
- MemOut2:
- KillWindow(Window.ScreenID);
- goto MemOut1;
- }
- SetDefaultButtonState(Window.YesButton,True);
- Window.NoButton = NewSimpleButton(Window.ScreenID,No,13,
- DLOGHEIGHT - (13 + 21 + 3),BUTTONWIDTH,21);
- if (Window.NoButton == NIL)
- {
- MemOut3:
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.YesButton);
- goto MemOut2;
- }
- if (Cancel != NIL)
- {
- Window.CancelButton = NewSimpleButton(Window.ScreenID,Cancel,DLOGWIDTH
- - (13 + BUTTONWIDTH),DLOGHEIGHT - (13 + 21 + 3 + 21 + 10),BUTTONWIDTH,21);
- if (Window.CancelButton == NIL)
- {
- MemOut4:
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.NoButton);
- goto MemOut3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Window.CancelButton = NIL;
- }
- while (True)
- {
- OrdType X,Y;
- ModifierFlags Modifiers;
- WinType* TheWindow;
- MenuItemType* MenuItem;
- char Key;
- switch (GetAnEvent(&X,&Y,&Modifiers,&TheWindow,&MenuItem,&Key))
- {
- default:
- break;
- case eCheckCursor:
- SetArrowCursor();
- break;
- case eNoEvent:
- break;
- case eMouseDown:
- if (SimpleButtonHitTest(Window.YesButton,X,Y))
- {
- if (SimpleButtonMouseDown(Window.YesButton,X,Y,NIL,NIL))
- {
- ReturnValue = eYes;
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- }
- else if (SimpleButtonHitTest(Window.NoButton,X,Y))
- {
- if (SimpleButtonMouseDown(Window.NoButton,X,Y,NIL,NIL))
- {
- ReturnValue = eNo;
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- }
- else if ((Window.CancelButton != NIL)
- && SimpleButtonHitTest(Window.CancelButton,X,Y))
- {
- if (SimpleButtonMouseDown(Window.CancelButton,X,Y,NIL,NIL))
- {
- ReturnValue = eCancel;
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- }
- break;
- case eKeyPressed:
- if (Key == 13)
- {
- FlashButton(Window.YesButton);
- ReturnValue = eYes;
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- else if ((Key == eCancelKey) && (Window.CancelButton != NIL))
- {
- FlashButton(Window.CancelButton);
- ReturnValue = eCancel;
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- ExitPoint:
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.YesButton);
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.NoButton);
- if (Window.CancelButton != NIL)
- {
- DisposeSimpleButton(Window.CancelButton);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Window.TotalMessage);
- KillWindow(Window.ScreenID);
- return ReturnValue;
- }