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- /* Numbers.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "Numbers.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "FloatingPoint.h"
- long StringToInteger(char* String, long Length)
- {
- return (long)StringToLongDouble(String,Length);
- }
- char* IntegerToString(long Integer)
- {
- char* Temp;
- Temp = LongDoubleToString(Integer,37,1e-37,1e37); /* these bounds should be enough */
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(Temp,"IntegerToString");
- }
- return Temp;
- }
- long double StringToLongDouble(char* String, long Length)
- {
- long double Accumulator;
- MyBoolean Negative;
- MyBoolean Decimal;
- long double DecimalScan;
- long Exponent;
- long Scan;
- Negative = False;
- Decimal = False;
- Scan = 0;
- while (Scan < Length)
- {
- switch (String[Scan])
- {
- case '+':
- case ' ':
- break;
- case '-':
- /* this might not be a good idea... what does the */
- /* average user think? */
- Negative = !Negative;
- break;
- default:
- goto ContinuePoint;
- }
- Scan += 1;
- }
- ContinuePoint:
- Accumulator = 0;
- while (Scan != Length)
- {
- switch (String[Scan])
- {
- default:
- goto ExitPoint;
- case '.':
- DecimalScan = 0.1;
- Decimal = True;
- break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (!Decimal)
- {
- Accumulator = (10 * Accumulator) + (String[Scan] - '0');
- }
- else
- {
- Accumulator = Accumulator + (DecimalScan * (String[Scan] - '0'));
- DecimalScan = DecimalScan / 10;
- }
- break;
- case 'e': case 'E':
- Exponent = StringToInteger(&(String[Scan + 1]),Length - Scan - 1);
- while (Exponent < 0)
- {
- Exponent += 1;
- Accumulator /= 10;
- }
- while (Exponent > 0)
- {
- Exponent -= 1;
- Accumulator *= 10;
- }
- goto ExitPoint;
- }
- Scan += 1;
- }
- ExitPoint:
- if (Negative)
- {
- Accumulator = - Accumulator;
- }
- return Accumulator;
- }
- char* LongDoubleToString(long double Value, int NumDigits,
- long double LowBound, long double HighBound)
- {
- int Index;
- MyBoolean ScientificNotation;
- MyBoolean Negative;
- long Exponent;
- long double Checker;
- MyBoolean DecimalEmitted;
- char* Thang;
- /* rounding */
- Checker = Value;
- for (Index = 0; Index < NumDigits; Index += 1)
- {
- Checker = Checker / 10;
- }
- Value += Checker / 2;
- /* initialize buffer pointer */
- Index = 0;
- if (NumDigits > FLOATTOSTRINGBUFSIZE - 16)
- {
- }
- /* NaN check */
- if (ISNAN(Value))
- {
- Buffer[Index++] = 'N';
- Buffer[Index++] = 'a';
- Buffer[Index++] = 'N';
- goto AllDonePoint;
- }
- /* handle negative values right now */
- Negative = (Value < 0);
- if (Negative)
- {
- Value = - Value;
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '-';
- }
- /* if value is equal to zero, return zero right now */
- if (Value == 0)
- {
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '0';
- goto AllDonePoint;
- }
- /* determine if we need to use scientific notation by */
- /* comparing against the bounds passed in */
- ScientificNotation = ((Value < LowBound) || (Value >= HighBound));
- if (ScientificNotation)
- {
- /* if it is scientific notation, we want to normalize the number */
- /* and remember what exponent we should output */
- Exponent = 0;
- while (Value < 1)
- {
- Value = Value * 10;
- Exponent -= 1;
- }
- while (Value >= 10)
- {
- Value = Value / 10;
- Exponent += 1;
- }
- }
- /* increment the checker thing until it is high enough */
- Checker = 1;
- while (Checker * 10 <= Value)
- {
- Checker = Checker * 10;
- }
- /* perform the actual scan */
- DecimalEmitted = False;
- while ((Checker >= 1) || ((NumDigits > 0) && (Value != 0)))
- {
- int Count;
- /* find out what digit to put */
- Count = 0;
- while (Value >= ((Count + 1) * Checker))
- {
- Count += 1;
- }
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '0' + Count;
- Value -= Count * Checker;
- /* decrement digit count */
- NumDigits -= 1;
- /* put a decimal if appropriate */
- if (!DecimalEmitted && (Checker == 1) && (NumDigits > 0) && (Value != 0))
- {
- DecimalEmitted = True;
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '.';
- }
- /* decrement digit position */
- Checker /= 10;
- }
- /* drop trailing zeros */
- if (DecimalEmitted)
- {
- while (Buffer[Index - 1] == '0')
- {
- Index -= 1;
- }
- if (Buffer[Index - 1] == '.')
- {
- Index -= 1;
- DecimalEmitted = False;
- }
- }
- /* if it was scientific notation, then put the exponent on */
- if (ScientificNotation)
- {
- long IntChecker;
- /* put the 'e' */
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = 'e';
- /* check for negative exponent */
- if (Exponent < 0)
- {
- Exponent = - Exponent;
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '-';
- }
- /* initialize the integer thing */
- IntChecker = 1;
- while ((IntChecker * 10) <= Exponent)
- {
- /* we don't have to worry about integer overflow because even */
- /* a long double's exponent doesn't approach the integer's limit */
- IntChecker *= 10;
- }
- /* perform the integer conversion scan */
- while (IntChecker > 0)
- {
- int Count;
- /* figure out the digit's value */
- Count = 0;
- while (Exponent >= ((Count + 1) * IntChecker))
- {
- Count += 1;
- }
- /* emit the digit */
- "LongDoubleToString: buffer overflow"));
- Buffer[Index++] = '0' + Count;
- /* update the values */
- Exponent -= Count * IntChecker;
- IntChecker /= 10;
- }
- }
- /* finally, create the thang so we can output it */
- AllDonePoint:
- Thang = AllocPtrCanFail(Index,"LongDoubleToString");
- if (Thang != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(&(Buffer[0]),&(Thang[0]),Index);
- }
- return Thang;
- }