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- /* StringList.h */
- #ifndef Included_StringList_h
- #define Included_StringList_h
- /* StringList module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Screen */
- /* Memory */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* Scroll */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Array */
- /* StringList provides a scrolling list of text strings which can be selected. */
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- struct StringListRec;
- typedef struct StringListRec StringListRec;
- #define StringListDoAllowMultipleSelection (True)
- #define StringListDontAllowMultipleSelection (False)
- /* forward declaration for Array */
- struct ArrayRec;
- /* allocate a new, empty string list. Title is null terminated */
- StringListRec* NewStringList(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height, FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize,
- MyBoolean AllowMultipleSelection, char* Title);
- /* dispose the string list and all of the items in it */
- void DisposeStringList(StringListRec* List);
- /* find out where the string list is located */
- OrdType GetStringListXLoc(StringListRec* List);
- OrdType GetStringListYLoc(StringListRec* List);
- OrdType GetStringListWidth(StringListRec* List);
- OrdType GetStringListHeight(StringListRec* List);
- /* what font is being used to display the string list */
- FontType GetStringListFont(StringListRec* List);
- /* what point size is being used to display the string list */
- FontSizeType GetStringListFontSize(StringListRec* List);
- /* how many lines of text are visible in the string list */
- long GetStringListNumVisibleLines(StringListRec* List);
- /* change the location of the string list */
- void SetStringListLoc(StringListRec* List, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* change the font being used to display the string list */
- void SetStringListFontInfo(StringListRec* List, FontType Font,
- FontSizeType FontSize);
- /* do a complete redraw of the string list */
- void RedrawStringList(StringListRec* List);
- /* return a count of the number of selected items in the string list */
- long GetStringListHowManySelectedItems(StringListRec* List);
- /* return an Array containing a list of the References of all selected items */
- struct ArrayRec* GetListOfSelectedItems(StringListRec* List);
- /* add a new element to the string list. String is the string to be added to the */
- /* list, and OurReference is the reference pointer that identifies the item. */
- /* BeforeThisReference is the item to insert it before. if it is NIL then the */
- /* item is appended to the list. NIL can be passed for the name if the name isn't */
- /* known yet. Returns True if insertion was successful. */
- MyBoolean InsertStringListElement(StringListRec* List, char* String,
- void* BeforeThisReference, void* OurReference, MyBoolean Redraw);
- /* change the name of a string list element associated with the specified reference */
- void ChangeStringListElementName(StringListRec* List, char* NewName,
- void* Reference);
- /* remove an element from the string list */
- void RemoveStringListElement(StringListRec* List, void* Reference,
- MyBoolean Redraw);
- /* see if the specified location is within the string list box */
- MyBoolean StringListHitTest(StringListRec* List, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* do a mouse down in the string list to select items. returns True if it was */
- /* a double click. */
- MyBoolean StringListMouseDown(StringListRec* List, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers);
- /* select (hilite) the specified element in the list */
- void SelectStringListElement(StringListRec* List, void* Reference);
- /* deselect the specified element in the list */
- void DeselectStringListElement(StringListRec* List, void* Reference);
- /* enable the scrollbar display in the list */
- void EnableStringList(StringListRec* List);
- /* disable the scrollbar display in the list */
- void DisableStringList(StringListRec* List);
- /* deselect all of the items in the string list that are selected */
- void DeselectAllStringListElements(StringListRec* List);
- /* make sure selection is visible in the window */
- void MakeStringListSelectionVisible(StringListRec* List);
- #endif