home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* TextEdit.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "TextEdit.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "Scroll.h"
- #include "TextView.h"
- #include "Scrap.h"
- #include "TextStorage.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- #define BorderWidth (3)
- /* click phases for selecting things */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNoClick EXECUTE(= -19741),
- eSingleClick,
- eDoubleClick,
- eTripleClick
- } ClickStates;
- typedef struct
- {
- /* this flag indicates if the undo record is valid */
- MyBoolean CanUndoFlag;
- /* this info remembers what was deleted, if any */
- MyBoolean DeletedValidFlag;
- long DeletedLine; /* where it came from */
- long DeletedChar;
- TextStorageRec* DeletedStuff;
- /* this info remembers what was/is replacing the deleted stuff, if any */
- MyBoolean ReplacingValidFlag;
- long ReplacingStartLine;
- long ReplacingStartChar;
- long ReplacingEndLine;
- long ReplacingEndCharPlusOne;
- } UndoRec;
- /* prototypes for undo routines */
- static void TextEditBlockRemovedUndoSave(TextEditRec* Edit,
- TextStorageRec* Stuff, long WhereLine, long WhereChar);
- static void TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(TextEditRec* Edit);
- static void TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave(TextEditRec* Edit);
- static void TextEditRememberUndoDeletedCR(TextEditRec* Edit);
- static void TextEditRememberUndoDeletedChar(TextEditRec* Edit, char What);
- struct TextEditRec
- {
- WinType* Window;
- OrdType X;
- OrdType Y;
- OrdType TextAreaWidth;
- OrdType TextAreaHeight;
- OrdType TotalWidth;
- OrdType TotalHeight;
- ScrollRec* HorizontalScroll;
- ScrollRec* VerticalScroll;
- TextViewRec* View;
- MyBoolean AutoIndent;
- ClickStates ClickPhase;
- OrdType LastClickX;
- OrdType LastClickY;
- double LastClickTime;
- UndoRec Undo;
- };
- /* create a new, empty text edit */
- TextEditRec* NewTextEdit(WinType* Window, TEScrollType ScrollStuff,
- FontType FontID, FontSizeType FontSize, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height)
- {
- TextEditRec* Edit;
- Edit = (TextEditRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(TextEditRec),"TextEditRec");
- if (Edit == NIL)
- {
- MemOut1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Edit->Window = Window;
- Edit->X = X;
- Edit->Y = Y;
- Edit->TotalWidth = Width;
- Edit->TotalHeight = Height;
- if ((ScrollStuff & eTEVScrollBar) != 0)
- {
- Width = Width - 16 + 1;
- }
- if ((ScrollStuff & eTEHScrollBar) != 0)
- {
- Height = Height - 16 + 1;
- }
- if ((ScrollStuff & eTEVScrollBar) != 0)
- {
- Edit->VerticalScroll = NewScrollBar(Window,eVScrollBar,
- X + Width - 1,Y,Height);
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll == NIL)
- {
- MemOut2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Edit);
- goto MemOut1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Edit->VerticalScroll = NIL;
- }
- if ((ScrollStuff & eTEHScrollBar) != 0)
- {
- Edit->HorizontalScroll = NewScrollBar(Window,eHScrollBar,
- X,Y + Height - 1,Width);
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll == NIL)
- {
- MemOut3:
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisposeScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- goto MemOut2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Edit->HorizontalScroll = NIL;
- }
- Edit->TextAreaWidth = Width;
- Edit->TextAreaHeight = Height;
- Edit->View = NewTextView(Window,X + BorderWidth,Y + BorderWidth,
- Width - (BorderWidth * 2), Height - (BorderWidth * 2),8,FontID,FontSize);
- if (Edit->View == NIL)
- {
- MemOut4:
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisposeScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- goto MemOut3;
- }
- Edit->ClickPhase = eNoClick;
- Edit->LastClickTime = ReadTimer();
- Edit->AutoIndent = False;
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = False;
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- return Edit;
- }
- /* dispose text edit and all text it contains */
- void DisposeTextEdit(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- DisposeTextView(Edit->View);
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisposeScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisposeScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- ReleasePtr((char*)Edit);
- }
- /* get location of text edit */
- OrdType GetTextEditXLoc(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->X;
- }
- /* get location of text edit */
- OrdType GetTextEditYLoc(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->Y;
- }
- /* get location of text edit */
- OrdType GetTextEditWidth(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->TotalWidth;
- }
- /* get location of text edit */
- OrdType GetTextEditHeight(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->TotalHeight;
- }
- /* get font stuff for text edit */
- FontType GetTextEditFont(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewFont(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get font stuff for text edit */
- FontSizeType GetTextEditPointSize(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewPointSize(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the number of spaces per tab character */
- long GetTextEditSpacesPerTab(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSpacesPerTab(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the index of the top line in the window */
- long GetTextEditTopLine(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewTopLine(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the pixel index of the leftmost text of the text box */
- OrdType GetTextEditPixelIndent(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewPixelIndent(Edit->View);
- }
- /* returns True if the selection is non-empty, or false if it's an insertion point */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsThereValidSelection(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return TextViewIsThereValidSelection(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the line number of the start of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectStartLine(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the line number of the end of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectEndLine(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the character index of the start of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectStartChar(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSelectStartChar(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the character index of the character immediately after the end of the */
- /* selection. (if this == start char and startline == endline, then there is no */
- /* space between them and therefore there is no selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View);
- }
- /* find out if selection & scrollbar display is enabled */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsShowSelectionEnabled(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return TextViewIsShowSelectionEnabled(Edit->View);
- }
- /* find out if the data has been modified since the last call to TextEditHasBeenSaved */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoesItNeedToBeSaved(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return TextViewDoesItNeedToBeSaved(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the total number of lines contained in the edit */
- long GetTextEditNumLines(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View);
- }
- /* find out if auto-indent upon newline is enabled */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsAutoIndentEnabled(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->AutoIndent;
- }
- /* find out if it is possible to undo the last operation (for enabling menu item) */
- MyBoolean TextEditCanWeUndo(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag;
- }
- /* change the screen location of the text edit box */
- void SetTextEditPosition(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Edit->X = X;
- Edit->Y = Y;
- Edit->TotalWidth = Width;
- Edit->TotalHeight = Height;
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- Width = Width - 16 + 1;
- }
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- Height = Height - 16 + 1;
- }
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- SetScrollLocation(Edit->VerticalScroll,X + Width - 1,Y,Height);
- }
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- SetScrollLocation(Edit->HorizontalScroll,X,Y + Height - 1,Width);
- }
- Edit->TextAreaWidth = Width;
- Edit->TextAreaHeight = Height;
- SetTextViewPosition(Edit->View,X + BorderWidth,Y + BorderWidth,
- Width - (BorderWidth * 2),Height - (BorderWidth * 2));
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditFullRedraw(Edit);
- }
- /* change the font being used to display the text */
- void SetTextEditFontStuff(TextEditRec* Edit, FontType Font,
- FontSizeType Size)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewFontStuff(Edit->View,Font,Size);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit); /* line height may change */
- }
- /* set the number of spaces displayed for a tab */
- void SetTextEditTabSize(TextEditRec* Edit, long SpacesPerTab)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewTabSize(Edit->View,SpacesPerTab);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit); /* line length may change */
- }
- /* change the top line being displayed in the exit box */
- void SetTextEditTopLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long NewTopLine)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewTopLine(Edit->View,NewTopLine);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- }
- /* change the pixel index of the left edge of the text box */
- void SetTextEditPixelIndent(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType NewPixelIndent)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewPixelIndent(Edit->View,NewPixelIndent);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- }
- /* set the selection to a specified range */
- void SetTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit, long StartLine,
- long StartChar, long EndLine, long EndCharPlusOne)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,StartLine,StartChar,EndLine,EndCharPlusOne);
- }
- /* set the selection to an insertion point at the specified position */
- void SetTextEditInsertionPoint(TextEditRec* Edit, long Line, long Char)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewInsertionPoint(Edit->View,Line,Char);
- }
- /* enable display of selection and scrollbars */
- void EnableTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- EnableTextViewSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- EnableScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- EnableScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- TextEditRedrawFrame(Edit);
- }
- /* disable display of selection and scrollbars */
- void DisableTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- DisableTextViewSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisableScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- DisableScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- TextEditRedrawFrame(Edit);
- }
- /* indicate that any data in the text edit has been saved. After this call, */
- /* TextEditDoesItNeedToBeSaved will return False. It will start returning true */
- /* if any subsequent changes are made. */
- void TextEditHasBeenSaved(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- TextViewHasBeenSaved(Edit->View);
- }
- /* enable or disable auto-indent on carriage return */
- void SetTextEditAutoIndent(TextEditRec* Edit, MyBoolean AutoIndentFlag)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Edit->AutoIndent = AutoIndentFlag;
- }
- /* recalculate the position index of the vertical scrollbar */
- void TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- SetMaxScrollIndex(Edit->VerticalScroll,GetTextEditNumLines(Edit)
- - TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) + 2/*why 2?*/);
- SetScrollIndex(Edit->VerticalScroll,GetTextEditTopLine(Edit));
- RedrawScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- }
- /* recalculate the position index of the horizontal scrollbar */
- void TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- SetMaxScrollIndex(Edit->HorizontalScroll,
- TextViewGetVirtualWindowWidth(Edit->View) - GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View));
- SetScrollIndex(Edit->HorizontalScroll,GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit));
- RedrawScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- }
- /* redraw the entire text edit box */
- void TextEditFullRedraw(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- RedrawScrollBar(Edit->VerticalScroll);
- }
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- RedrawScrollBar(Edit->HorizontalScroll);
- }
- TextViewFullRedraw(Edit->View);
- TextEditRedrawFrame(Edit);
- }
- /* redraw the outline frame of the text edit box */
- void TextEditRedrawFrame(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- Patterns PatternToUse;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (TextEditIsShowSelectionEnabled(Edit))
- {
- PatternToUse = eBlack;
- }
- else
- {
- PatternToUse = eMediumGrey;
- }
- SetClipRect(Edit->Window,Edit->X,Edit->Y,
- Edit->TextAreaWidth,Edit->TextAreaHeight);
- DrawBoxFrame(Edit->Window,PatternToUse,Edit->X,Edit->Y,
- Edit->TextAreaWidth,Edit->TextAreaHeight);
- DrawBoxFrame(Edit->Window,eWhite,Edit->X + 1,Edit->Y + 1,
- Edit->TextAreaWidth - 2,Edit->TextAreaHeight - 2);
- DrawBoxFrame(Edit->Window,eWhite,Edit->X + 2,Edit->Y + 2,
- Edit->TextAreaWidth - 4,Edit->TextAreaHeight - 4);
- }
- /* update cursor. This should be called during idle events. It keeps track of */
- /* when the cursor was last blinked and blinks the cursor again if necessary. */
- void TextEditUpdateCursor(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- TextViewUpdateCursor(Edit->View);
- }
- /* get the specified line of text from the exit */
- char* GetTextEditLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewLine(Edit->View,LineIndex);
- }
- /* get a line of text, but first convert all tabs in the line into the */
- /* proper number of spaces. */
- char* GetTextEditSpaceFromTabLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(Edit->View,LineIndex);
- }
- /* put a new line in the text box. This overwrites data already on that line */
- MyBoolean SetTextEditLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex, char* LineToCopy)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* this routine modifies data, so remove undo info */
- return SetTextViewLine(Edit->View,LineIndex,LineToCopy);
- }
- /* use the LineFeed string to create a single block of text containing all */
- /* of the lines packed into it */
- char* TextEditGetRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* LineFeed)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return TextViewGetRawData(Edit->View,LineFeed);
- }
- /* put new data into the text edit. The RawData is a block with all text lines */
- /* packed into it separated by the LineFeed string. */
- MyBoolean TextEditNewRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* RawData, char* LineFeed)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* this routine modifies data, so remove undo info */
- ReturnValue = TextViewNewRawData(Edit->View,LineFeed,RawData);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a text block containing the selected data */
- char* TextEditGetSelection(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Storage;
- char* Raw;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Storage = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Storage == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- /* selection uses system's line feed */
- Raw = TextStorageMakeRawBuffer(Storage,SYSTEMLINEFEED);
- DisposeTextStorage(Storage);
- if (Raw == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- return Raw;
- }
- /* replace the current selection (if any) with the specified raw data block. */
- /* if this fails, some of the data may have been inserted */
- MyBoolean TextEditInsertRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* RawData, char* LineFeed)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Block;
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- CheckPtrExistence(RawData);
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* this routine modifies data, so remove undo info */
- Block = TextStorageFromRawBuffer(RawData,LineFeed);
- if (Block == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- ReturnValue = TextViewInsertBlock(Edit->View,Block);
- DisposeTextStorage(Block);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* find the union of two selection ranges */
- void UnionSelection(SelRec One, SelRec Two, SelRec Three,
- SelRec* Start, SelRec* End)
- {
- SortSelection(&One,&Three);
- SortSelection(&One,&Two);
- SortSelection(&Two,&Three);
- *Start = One;
- *End = Three;
- }
- /* find the difference (union - intersection) of two selection ranges. This is */
- /* used to avoid redrawing the entire selection range all the time */
- void DiffSelection(SelRec OneStart, SelRec OneEnd, SelRec TwoStart,
- SelRec TwoEnd, SelRec* OutStart, SelRec* OutEnd)
- {
- SortSelection(&OneStart,&OneEnd);
- SortSelection(&TwoStart,&TwoEnd);
- if (GreaterThan(&OneStart,&TwoStart))
- {
- *OutStart = TwoStart;
- *OutEnd = OneStart;
- if (GreaterThan(&OneEnd,&TwoEnd))
- {
- *OutEnd = OneEnd;
- return;
- }
- if (GreaterThan(&TwoEnd,&OneEnd))
- {
- *OutEnd = TwoEnd;
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (GreaterThan(&TwoStart,&OneStart))
- {
- *OutStart = OneStart;
- *OutEnd = TwoStart;
- if (GreaterThan(&OneEnd,&TwoEnd))
- {
- *OutEnd = OneEnd;
- return;
- }
- if (GreaterThan(&TwoEnd,&OneEnd))
- {
- *OutEnd = TwoEnd;
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (GreaterThan(&OneEnd,&TwoEnd))
- {
- *OutStart = TwoEnd;
- *OutEnd = OneEnd;
- return;
- }
- if (GreaterThan(&TwoEnd,&OneEnd))
- {
- *OutStart = OneEnd;
- *OutEnd = TwoEnd;
- return;
- }
- *OutStart = OneStart;
- *OutEnd = OneStart;
- }
- /* if the first selection point is after the second then reverse their order */
- void SortSelection(SelRec* One, SelRec* Two)
- {
- SelRec Temp;
- if (GreaterThan(One,Two))
- {
- Temp = *One;
- *One = *Two;
- *Two = Temp;
- }
- }
- /* returns True if the first selection point is after the second one */
- MyBoolean GreaterThan(SelRec* One, SelRec* Two)
- {
- if (One->Line == Two->Line)
- {
- if (One->Column > Two->Column)
- {
- return True;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (One->Line > Two->Line)
- {
- return True;
- }
- }
- return False;
- }
- /* extend the selection using the current mouse-click state (single, double, triple) */
- void ExtendSelection(TextEditRec* Edit, SelRec* Start, SelRec* End)
- {
- char* Buffer;
- long LineLength;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- switch (Edit->ClickPhase)
- {
- case eNoClick:
- break;
- case eSingleClick:
- break;
- case eDoubleClick:
- if ((Start != NIL) && (Start->Line >= 0)
- && (Start->Line < GetTextEditNumLines(Edit)))
- {
- Buffer = GetTextEditLine(Edit,Start->Line);
- if (Buffer != NIL)
- {
- LineLength = PtrSize(Buffer);
- if (AlphaNum(Buffer[Start->Column]))
- {
- while ((Start->Column > 0)
- && AlphaNum(Buffer[Start->Column - 1]))
- {
- Start->Column -= 1;
- }
- }
- ReleasePtr(Buffer);
- }
- }
- if ((End != NIL) && (End->Line >= 0)
- && (End->Line < GetTextEditNumLines(Edit)))
- {
- Buffer = GetTextEditLine(Edit,End->Line);
- if (Buffer != NIL)
- {
- LineLength = PtrSize(Buffer);
- while ((End->Column < LineLength)
- && AlphaNum(Buffer[End->Column]))
- {
- End->Column += 1;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Buffer);
- }
- }
- break;
- case eTripleClick:
- if (Start != NIL)
- {
- Start->Column = 0;
- }
- if ((End != NIL) && (End->Column != 0))
- {
- End->Column = 0;
- End->Line += 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* find out if the character is an alphanumeric character. this is used by */
- /* ExtendSelection for figuring out where double-click extends should stop. */
- MyBoolean AlphaNum(char It)
- {
- return ((It >= 'a') && (It <= 'z')) || ((It >= 'A') && (It <= 'Z'))
- || ((It >= '0') && (It <= '9')) || (It == '_');
- }
- /* append a line of text to the end of the text edit. This can be used if the */
- /* text edit box is being used as an interaction (terminal) window */
- /* if NIL is passed in for Data, a blank line will be appended */
- MyBoolean TextEditAppendLineInteraction(TextEditRec* Edit, char* Data)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* this routine modifies data, so remove undo info */
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1,
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1));
- if (!TextViewBreakLine(Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)))
- {
- return False;
- }
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) + 1,0);
- if (Data == NIL)
- {
- return True;
- }
- return SetTextViewLine(Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),Data);
- }
- /* dump the data contained in the text edit to the current position in the */
- /* specified file. returns True if all the data was written successfully */
- MyBoolean TestEditWriteDataToFile(TextEditRec* Edit,
- struct FileType* FileRefNum, char* EOLN)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return TextViewWriteDataToFile(Edit->View,FileRefNum,EOLN);
- }
- /* cut the selected data to the clipboard. if this fails, some of the data */
- /* may have been deleted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuCut(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Removed;
- TextStorageRec* UndoInfo;
- char* RawBlock;
- MyBoolean Flag;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Removed = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Removed == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- UndoInfo = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (UndoInfo == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeTextStorage(Removed);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- RawBlock = TextStorageMakeRawBuffer(Removed,SYSTEMLINEFEED);
- if (RawBlock == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- DisposeTextStorage(UndoInfo);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- Flag = SetScrapToThis(RawBlock);
- ReleasePtr(RawBlock);
- if (!Flag)
- {
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- DisposeTextStorage(Removed);
- if (!TextViewDeleteSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- TextEditBlockRemovedUndoSave(Edit,UndoInfo,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit));
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit);
- return True;
- }
- /* copy the selected data to the clipboard */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuCopy(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Removed;
- char* RawBlock;
- MyBoolean Flag;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Removed = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Removed == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- RawBlock = TextStorageMakeRawBuffer(Removed,SYSTEMLINEFEED);
- DisposeTextStorage(Removed);
- if (RawBlock == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- Flag = SetScrapToThis(RawBlock);
- ReleasePtr(RawBlock);
- if (!Flag)
- {
- return False;
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* paste the clipboard in, replacing the current selection if there is one */
- /* if this fails, some of the data may have been inserted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuPaste(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- char* RawBlock;
- TextStorageRec* ToBeInserted;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- RawBlock = GetCopyOfScrap();
- if (RawBlock == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- ToBeInserted = TextStorageFromRawBuffer(RawBlock,SYSTEMLINEFEED);
- ReleasePtr(RawBlock);
- if (ToBeInserted == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- if (!TextEditDoMenuClear(Edit)) /* erase old selection & save it in Undo record */
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeTextStorage(ToBeInserted);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- if (!TextViewInsertBlock(Edit->View,ToBeInserted))
- {
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- DisposeTextStorage(ToBeInserted);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit);
- return True;
- }
- /* select the entire data area of the text edit */
- void TextEditDoMenuSelectAll(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,0,0,GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1,
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1));
- }
- /* delete the selected area. This is the same as pressing the delete key */
- /* when there is a valid selection. if this fails, some of the data may */
- /* have been deleted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuClear(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextStorageRec* Deleted;
- /* this routine is called from several other routines which need to delete */
- /* a selection before inserting. Therefore, we can do the delete-save part of */
- /* the 'undo' info construction in this routine. */
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Deleted = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (Deleted == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- if (!TextViewDeleteSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- DisposeTextStorage(Deleted);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- TextEditBlockRemovedUndoSave(Edit,Deleted,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit));
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit);
- return True;
- }
- /* shift the selection toward the left margin by deleting one tab (or spaces) */
- /* from the beginning of the line. It will not remove non-whitespace characters */
- /* if this fails, some of the lines may have been shifted */
- MyBoolean TextEditShiftSelectionLeftOneTab(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- long SpacesPerTab;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Limit = GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View);
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit)
- && (GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View) == 0))
- {
- Limit -= 1;
- }
- SpacesPerTab = GetTextViewSpacesPerTab(Edit->View);
- for (Scan = GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View); Scan <= Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- char* LineCopy;
- char* Line;
- long CharScan;
- long ColumnCount;
- Line = GetTextViewLine(Edit->View,Scan);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- CharScan = 0;
- ColumnCount = 0;
- while ((CharScan < PtrSize(Line)) && (ColumnCount < SpacesPerTab))
- {
- if (Line[CharScan] == ' ')
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- ColumnCount += 1;
- }
- else if (Line[CharScan] == 9)
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- ColumnCount = SpacesPerTab; /* cause loop termination */
- }
- else
- {
- ColumnCount = SpacesPerTab; /* cause loop termination */
- }
- }
- LineCopy = RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy(Line,0,CharScan);
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- if (LineCopy == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- SetTextEditLine(Edit,Scan,LineCopy);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit)
- && (GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View) == 0))
- {
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),
- 0,GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View),0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),
- 0,GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View) + 1,0);
- }
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- return True;
- }
- /* shift selection toward the right margin by inserting a tab at the */
- /* beginning of each line. if this fails, some of the lines may have been shifted. */
- MyBoolean TextEditShiftSelectionRightOneTab(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- char MyTab[1] = {9};
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Limit = GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View);
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit)
- && (GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View) == 0))
- {
- Limit -= 1;
- }
- for (Scan = GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View); Scan <= Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- char* Line;
- Line = GetTextViewLine(Edit->View,Scan);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- if (PtrSize(Line) != 0)
- {
- char* LineCopy;
- /* we only shift if the line has stuff on it. */
- LineCopy = InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(Line,MyTab,0,1);
- if (LineCopy == NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- return False;
- }
- SetTextEditLine(Edit,Scan,LineCopy);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit)
- && (GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View) == 0))
- {
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),
- 0,GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View),0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),
- 0,GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View) + 1,0);
- }
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- return True;
- }
- /* convert all tab characters in the text box to the appropriate number of spaces */
- /* if this fails, some of the lines may have been converted. */
- MyBoolean TextEditConvertTabsToSpaces(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- long SelectionStartColumn;
- long SelectionEndColumn;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- /* before we do it, we should remember the start and end columns of the insertion */
- /* point so that we can do this so that the selection screen does not change. */
- SelectionStartColumn = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),GetTextViewSelectStartChar(Edit->View));
- SelectionEndColumn = TextViewCalculateColumnFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View),GetTextViewSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit->View));
- /* do the conversion */
- Limit = GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- char* Line;
- MyBoolean Flag;
- Line = GetTextViewSpaceFromTabLine(Edit->View,Scan);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- Flag = SetTextEditLine(Edit,Scan,Line);
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- if (!Flag)
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- /* restore apparent selection */
- SetTextViewSelection(Edit->View,GetTextViewSelectStartLine(Edit->View),
- SelectionStartColumn,GetTextViewSelectEndLine(Edit->View),SelectionEndColumn);
- /* exit successfully */
- return True;
- }
- /* show the current selection in the edit window */
- void TextEditShowSelection(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long CheckValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- /* figure out how much space to leave at bottom and top edges */
- CheckValue = 4;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 2 + 4))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* vertical adjustment */
- if (((GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + CheckValue)
- && (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) < GetTextEditTopLine(Edit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1)))
- || ((GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) < CheckValue)
- && (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit))))
- {
- /* beginning of selection is in the box, so try to center the end */
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) < GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- /* selection is to far up */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) - CheckValue);
- }
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1))
- {
- /* selection is too far down */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)
- - (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1) + 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* center the beginning in the box */
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) < GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- /* selection is to far up */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - CheckValue);
- }
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1))
- {
- /* selection is too far down */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit)
- - (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1) + 1);
- }
- }
- /* figure out how much space on left and right edges to leave */
- CheckValue = 32;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 4 + 16))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* horizontal adjustment */
- if (!TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit))
- {
- /* only adjust left-to-right if it's an insertion point */
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- < GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)) - (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- > GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit)
- + GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) - CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- - GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) + (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- }
- }
- /* show the starting edge of the selection. */
- void TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long CheckValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- /* figure out how much space to leave at bottom and top edges */
- CheckValue = 4;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 2 + 4))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* vertical adjustment */
- /* center the beginning in the box */
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) < GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- /* selection is to far up */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - CheckValue);
- }
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1))
- {
- /* selection is too far down */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit)
- - (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1) + 1);
- }
- /* figure out how much space on left and right edges to leave */
- CheckValue = 32;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 4 + 16))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* horizontal adjustment */
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- < GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)) - (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- > GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit)
- + GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) - CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit))
- - GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) + (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- }
- /* show the ending edge of the selection. */
- void TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- long CheckValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- /* figure out how much space to leave at bottom and top edges */
- CheckValue = 4;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 2 + 4))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* vertical adjustment */
- /* try to center the end */
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) < GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- /* selection is to far up */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) - CheckValue);
- }
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) >= GetTextEditTopLine(Edit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1))
- {
- /* selection is too far down */
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)
- - (TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - CheckValue - 1) + 1);
- }
- /* figure out how much space on left and right edges to leave */
- CheckValue = 32;
- while ((CheckValue > 0)
- && (GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) < CheckValue * 4 + 16))
- {
- CheckValue -= 1;
- }
- /* horizontal adjustment */
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit))
- < GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit) + CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit)) - (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- if (TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit))
- > GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit)
- + GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) - CheckValue)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit))
- - GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) + (2 * CheckValue));
- }
- }
- /* handle a keypress for inserting or deleting into the text box */
- void TextEditDoKeyPressed(TextEditRec* Edit, char TheKey,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers)
- {
- MyBoolean Extension;
- MyBoolean DoShowSelection = True;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- Extension = ((Modifiers & eShiftKey) != 0);
- switch (((unsigned char)TheKey) & 0xff)
- {
- case 0: case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
- case 10: case 11: case 12: case 14: case 15:
- case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23:
- case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27:
- break;
- case 3: /* show selection */
- /* TextEditShowSelection(Edit); */
- break;
- case 13: /* carriage return */
- if (TextViewIsThereValidSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- /* delete any existing section & restore insertion point */
- TextEditDoMenuClear(Edit);
- }
- TextViewBreakLine(Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit));
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) + 1,0);
- TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave(Edit); /* record the new line in the undo info */
- if (Edit->AutoIndent)
- {
- char* PreviousLine;
- long CharScan;
- long Limit;
- PreviousLine = GetTextEditLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1);
- if (PreviousLine != NIL)
- {
- Limit = PtrSize(PreviousLine);
- CharScan = 0;
- while ((CharScan < Limit) && ((PreviousLine[CharScan] == 9)
- || (PreviousLine[CharScan] == 32))) /* space or tab */
- {
- /* yo, this is recursive and could cause problems. It would */
- /* be a BAD idea to call this if the char was a carriage return */
- TextEditDoKeyPressed(Edit,PreviousLine[CharScan],eNoModifiers);
- CharScan += 1;
- }
- ReleasePtr(PreviousLine);
- }
- }
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- break;
- case 8: /* backspace key */
- case 127: /* delete key */
- if (TextViewIsThereValidSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- /* delete any existing section & restore insertion point */
- TextEditDoMenuClear(Edit);
- }
- else
- {
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) == 0)
- {
- long SelStartLine;
- /* delete carriage return */
- SelStartLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- if (SelStartLine > 0)
- {
- long FirstLineLength;
- FirstLineLength = GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- SelStartLine - 1);
- TextViewFoldLines(Edit->View,SelStartLine - 1);
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,SelStartLine - 1,FirstLineLength);
- TextEditRememberUndoDeletedCR(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(Edit);
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- }
- /* else, can't delete past start */
- }
- else
- {
- char* LineTemp;
- char* LineCopy;
- LineTemp = GetTextEditLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit));
- if (LineTemp != NIL)
- {
- char WhatWeDeleted;
- WhatWeDeleted = LineTemp[GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1];
- LineCopy = RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy(LineTemp,
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1,1);
- if (LineCopy != NIL)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1);
- /* this is one of the few places where we can use */
- /* SetTextViewLine instead of SetTextEditLine. We have */
- /* to since SetTextEditLine deletes the Undo information. */
- SetTextViewLine(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),LineCopy);
- TextEditRememberUndoDeletedChar(Edit,WhatWeDeleted);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- ReleasePtr(LineTemp);
- }
- TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(Edit);
- }
- }
- break;
- case eLeftArrow:
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),0,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else if ((Modifiers & eOptionKey) != 0)
- {
- long Line;
- long Index;
- char* LineTemp;
- Line = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Index = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- LineTemp = GetTextEditLine(Edit,Line);
- if (LineTemp != NIL)
- {
- if (Index > 0)
- {
- while ((Index > 0) && !AlphaNum(LineTemp[Index - 1]))
- {
- /* skipping white space between cursor & previous word */
- Index -= 1;
- }
- while ((Index > 0) && AlphaNum(LineTemp[Index - 1]))
- {
- /* skipping over the word itself */
- Index -= 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Line > 0)
- {
- Line -= 1;
- Index = GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,Line);
- }
- }
- ReleasePtr(LineTemp);
- }
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,Line,Index);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,Line,Index,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit) && !Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit));
- }
- else
- {
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) == 0)
- {
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) > 0)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1,
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1));
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1,
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1),
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case eRightArrow:
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)));
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else if ((Modifiers & eOptionKey) != 0)
- {
- long Line;
- long Index;
- long Length;
- char* LineTemp;
- Line = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- Index = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- Length = GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,Line);
- LineTemp = GetTextEditLine(Edit,Line);
- if (LineTemp != NIL)
- {
- if (Index < Length)
- {
- while ((Index < Length) && !AlphaNum(LineTemp[Index]))
- {
- /* skipping white space between cursor & next word */
- Index += 1;
- }
- while ((Index < Length) && AlphaNum(LineTemp[Index]))
- {
- /* skipping over the word itself */
- Index += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Line < GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- Line += 1;
- Index = 0;
- }
- }
- ReleasePtr(LineTemp);
- }
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,Line,Index);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),Line,Index);
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit) && !Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- }
- else
- {
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit) == GetTextViewLineLength(
- Edit->View,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)))
- {
- if (GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) <
- GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) + 1,0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) + 1,0);
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit) + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit) + 1);
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case eUpArrow:
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,0,0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,0,0,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else if (((Modifiers & eOptionKey) != 0) && !Extension)
- {
- long NewPosition;
- long NewPoint;
- NewPosition = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit)
- - TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) + 5;
- if (NewPosition < 0)
- {
- NewPosition = 0;
- }
- NewPoint = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- NewPosition, /* previous line */
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit), /* this line */
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)));
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,NewPosition,NewPoint);
- }
- else
- {
- long NewLineIndex;
- long NewPoint;
- NewLineIndex = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1;
- if (NewLineIndex < 0)
- {
- NewLineIndex = 0;
- }
- /* snap it to the closest point on the next line */
- NewPoint = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- NewLineIndex, /* previous line */
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit), /* this line */
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)));
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,NewLineIndex,NewPoint);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,NewLineIndex,NewPoint,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- break;
- case eDownArrow:
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextViewNumLines(
- Edit->View) - 1,GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1));
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),GetTextViewNumLines(
- Edit->View) - 1,GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1));
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- else if (((Modifiers & eOptionKey) != 0) && !Extension)
- {
- long NewPosition;
- long NewPoint;
- NewPosition = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit)
- + TextViewNumVisibleLines(Edit->View) - 5;
- if (NewPosition > GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- NewPosition = GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1;
- }
- NewPoint = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- NewPosition, /* next line */
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit), /* this line */
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit)));
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,NewPosition,NewPoint);
- }
- else
- {
- long NewLineIndex;
- long NewPoint;
- NewLineIndex = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit) + 1;
- if (NewLineIndex > GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- NewLineIndex = GetTextViewNumLines(Edit->View) - 1;
- }
- /* snap it to the closest point on the next line */
- NewPoint = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- NewLineIndex, /* next line */
- TextViewScreenXFromCharIndex(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit), /* this line */
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit)));
- if (!Extension)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,NewLineIndex,NewPoint);
- }
- else
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),NewLineIndex,NewPoint);
- DoShowSelection = False;
- TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(Edit);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 9: /* tab key */
- default: /* any other character */
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) == 0)
- {
- char* LineTemp;
- char Buffer[1];
- char* LineCopy;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (TextViewIsThereValidSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- /* delete any existing section & restore insertion point */
- TextEditDoMenuClear(Edit);
- }
- LineTemp = GetTextEditLine(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit));
- if (LineTemp != NIL)
- {
- Buffer[0] = TheKey;
- LineCopy = InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(LineTemp,Buffer,
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit),1);
- if (LineCopy != NIL)
- {
- /* this is one of the few places where we can use */
- /* SetTextViewLine instead of SetTextEditLine. We have */
- /* to since SetTextEditLine deletes the Undo information. */
- SetTextViewLine(Edit->View,
- GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),LineCopy);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) + 1);
- ReleasePtr(LineTemp);
- TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave(Edit);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (DoShowSelection)
- {
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit); /* make sure insertion point is on screen */
- }
- }
- /* vertical scroll callback routine */
- static void TEVerticalScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TextEditRec* TempScrollEdit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TempScrollEdit);
- switch (How)
- {
- case eScrollToPosition:
- SetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit,Parameter);
- break;
- case eScrollPageMinus:
- SetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit)
- - (TextViewNumVisibleLines(TempScrollEdit->View) - 3));
- break;
- case eScrollPagePlus:
- SetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit)
- + (TextViewNumVisibleLines(TempScrollEdit->View) - 3));
- break;
- case eScrollLineMinus:
- SetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit) - 1);
- break;
- case eScrollLinePlus:
- SetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditTopLine(TempScrollEdit) + 1);
- break;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"TEVerticalScrollHook: Unknown scroll opcode"));
- }
- }
- /* horizontal scroll callback routine */
- static void TEHorizontalScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TextEditRec* TempScrollEdit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TempScrollEdit);
- switch (How)
- {
- case eScrollToPosition:
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit,Parameter);
- break;
- case eScrollPageMinus:
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit)
- - (GetTextViewWidth(TempScrollEdit->View) - 32));
- break;
- case eScrollPagePlus:
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit,GetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit)
- + (GetTextViewWidth(TempScrollEdit->View) - 32));
- break;
- case eScrollLineMinus:
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit,
- GetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit) - 32);
- break;
- case eScrollLinePlus:
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit,
- GetTextEditPixelIndent(TempScrollEdit) + 32);
- break;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"TEHorizontalScrollHook: Unknown scroll opcode"));
- }
- }
- /* handle a mouse-down in the text box */
- void TextEditDoMouseDown(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType OrigX, OrdType OrigY,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers)
- {
- SelRec BaseSelectionStart; /* where the mouse first hits, and if shift */
- SelRec BaseSelectionEnd; /* is down, then it's the previous range */
- SelRec CurrentMousePoint;
- SelRec TempFirst;
- SelRec TempLast;
- SelRec OldSelectionStart;
- SelRec OldSelectionEnd;
- OrdType WhereX;
- OrdType WhereY;
- OrdType MouseLocationX;
- OrdType MouseLocationY;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- WhereX = OrigX;
- WhereY = OrigY;
- if (Edit->VerticalScroll != NIL)
- {
- if (ScrollHitTest(Edit->VerticalScroll,WhereX,WhereY))
- {
- ScrollHitProc(Edit->VerticalScroll,Modifiers,WhereX,
- WhereY,Edit,(void (*)(long,ScrollType,void*))&TEVerticalScrollHook);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (Edit->HorizontalScroll != NIL)
- {
- if (ScrollHitTest(Edit->HorizontalScroll,WhereX,WhereY))
- {
- ScrollHitProc(Edit->HorizontalScroll,Modifiers,WhereX,
- WhereY,Edit,(void (*)(long,ScrollType,void*))&TEHorizontalScrollHook);
- return;
- }
- }
- WhereX -= GetTextViewXLoc(Edit->View);
- WhereY -= GetTextViewYLoc(Edit->View);
- if ((TimerDifference(ReadTimer(),Edit->LastClickTime) < GetDoubleClickInterval())
- && ((WhereX - Edit->LastClickX <= 3) && (WhereX - Edit->LastClickX >= -3))
- && ((WhereY - Edit->LastClickY <= 3) && (WhereY - Edit->LastClickY >= -3)))
- {
- switch (Edit->ClickPhase)
- {
- case eNoClick:
- Edit->ClickPhase = eSingleClick;
- break;
- case eSingleClick:
- Edit->ClickPhase = eDoubleClick;
- break;
- case eDoubleClick:
- Edit->ClickPhase = eTripleClick;
- break;
- case eTripleClick:
- /* no change */
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Edit->ClickPhase = eSingleClick;
- }
- Edit->LastClickTime = ReadTimer();
- Edit->LastClickX = WhereX;
- Edit->LastClickY = WhereY;
- CurrentMousePoint.Line = WhereY / GetTextViewLineHeight(Edit->View)
- + GetTextViewTopLine(Edit->View);
- CurrentMousePoint.Column = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- CurrentMousePoint.Line,WhereX + GetTextViewPixelIndent(Edit->View));
- if ((Modifiers & eShiftKey) != 0)
- {
- BaseSelectionStart.Line = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- BaseSelectionStart.Column = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- BaseSelectionEnd.Line = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- BaseSelectionEnd.Column = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- }
- else
- {
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit))
- {
- SelRec Start,End;
- Start.Line = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Start.Column = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- End.Line = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- End.Column = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,Start.Line,Start.Column);
- TextViewRedrawRange(Edit->View,Start.Line,End.Line);
- }
- BaseSelectionStart = CurrentMousePoint;
- BaseSelectionEnd = CurrentMousePoint;
- ExtendSelection(Edit,&BaseSelectionStart,&BaseSelectionEnd);
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,BaseSelectionStart.Line,BaseSelectionStart.Column,
- BaseSelectionEnd.Line,BaseSelectionEnd.Column);
- }
- while (eMouseUp != GetAnEvent(&MouseLocationX,&MouseLocationY,NIL,NIL,NIL,NIL))
- {
- WhereX = MouseLocationX - GetTextViewXLoc(Edit->View);
- WhereY = MouseLocationY - GetTextViewYLoc(Edit->View);
- if (WhereX < 0)
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit) - 24);
- }
- if (WhereX > GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View))
- {
- SetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit,GetTextEditPixelIndent(Edit) + 24);
- }
- if (WhereY < 0)
- {
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) - 1);
- }
- if (WhereY > GetTextViewHeight(Edit->View))
- {
- SetTextEditTopLine(Edit,GetTextEditTopLine(Edit) + 1);
- }
- if (WhereX < 0)
- {
- WhereX = 0;
- }
- if (WhereX > GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- WhereX = GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View) - 1;
- }
- if (WhereY < 0)
- {
- WhereY = 0;
- }
- if (WhereY > GetTextViewHeight(Edit->View) - 1)
- {
- WhereY = GetTextViewHeight(Edit->View) - 1;
- }
- CurrentMousePoint.Line = WhereY / GetTextViewLineHeight(Edit->View)
- + GetTextViewTopLine(Edit->View);
- CurrentMousePoint.Column = TextViewCharIndexFromScreenX(Edit->View,
- CurrentMousePoint.Line,WhereX + GetTextViewPixelIndent(Edit->View));
- /* calculate what the extent of the current mouse selection should be */
- if (GreaterThan(&BaseSelectionStart,&CurrentMousePoint)
- || ((BaseSelectionStart.Line == CurrentMousePoint.Line)
- && (BaseSelectionStart.Column == CurrentMousePoint.Column)))
- {
- ExtendSelection(Edit,&CurrentMousePoint,NIL);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtendSelection(Edit,NIL,&CurrentMousePoint);
- }
- /* calculating the total selection */
- UnionSelection(BaseSelectionStart,BaseSelectionEnd,CurrentMousePoint,
- &TempFirst,&TempLast);
- /* redrawing what has changed */
- OldSelectionStart.Line = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- OldSelectionStart.Column = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- OldSelectionEnd.Line = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- OldSelectionEnd.Column = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,TempFirst.Line,TempFirst.Column,
- TempLast.Line,TempLast.Column);
- }
- }
- /* this would be called from TextEditDoMenuClear, which would then call */
- /* TextEditBlockRemoved to install the stuff that had been removed */
- static void TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag)
- {
- /* valid record needs purging */
- if (Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag)
- {
- /* delete the text thing */
- DisposeTextStorage(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff);
- }
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = False;
- }
- }
- /* something tricky to watch out for: If you delete stuff, then insert stuff */
- /* above it, the position that it was deleted from will be invalid. You then */
- /* have to exactly remove the stuff you inserted above BEFORE deleting when */
- /* you actually perform the 'undo' operation */
- static void TextEditBlockRemovedUndoSave(TextEditRec* Edit,
- TextStorageRec* Stuff, long WhereLine, long WhereChar)
- {
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff = Stuff;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedLine = WhereLine;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar = WhereChar;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False; /* haven't started replacing yet */
- }
- /* this routine is called when a key is pressed to update the information */
- /* for the undo record. If the insertion point is in a place indicating that */
- /* the user did NOT move to another location, then it will be added to the record. */
- /* otherwise the undo record will be purged and a new one started. */
- static void TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- ERROR(TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit),PRERR(AllowResume,
- "TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave: Why is there a valid selection?"));
- if (!Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag)
- {
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = False;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False;
- }
- if (Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag)
- {
- /* was the character added in the logical next position? */
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine == GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit))
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne + 1
- == GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit)))
- {
- /* yup, right after the last char */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne += 1; /* increment & all's cool */
- }
- else
- {
- /* there's still hope. Did they make a new line? */
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine + 1 == GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit))
- && (GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit) == 0)
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne ==
- GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine)))
- {
- /* stated in English: If we're on the line right after the last */
- /* line in the added range, and we're at the beginning, and */
- /* the last char added before this was at the end of the previous */
- /* line, then the user probably hit return. */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne = 0;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* otherwise we need to purge and reset. */
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = False;
- MakeNewRangePoint: /* we might just drop in some day */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = True; /* only this happens */
- if (GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) == 0)
- {
- ERROR(GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) == 0,PRERR(AllowResume,
- "TextEditKeyPressedUndoSave: Char "
- "inserted, but insertion point "
- "is still in the home position (0,0)."));
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine
- = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit) - 1;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar
- = GetTextViewLineLength(Edit->View,
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine);
- }
- else
- {
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar
- = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) - 1;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- }
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne
- = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* else, there isn't even a range defined. So define one. */
- goto MakeNewRangePoint;
- }
- }
- /* undo the last operation that changed the contained data. not all operations */
- /* can be undone. Who knows what the state of things will be if this fails. */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuUndo(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- TextStorageRec* OldAddedStuff;
- MyBoolean OldStuffValid;
- long OldAddedLine;
- long OldAddedChar;
- MyBoolean StuffWasInserted;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- if (Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag)
- {
- OldStuffValid = Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag;
- if (OldStuffValid)
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine,
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar,Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine,
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne);
- OldAddedStuff = TextViewGetSelection(Edit->View);
- if (OldAddedStuff == NIL)
- {
- return False; /* abort */
- }
- if (!TextViewDeleteSelection(Edit->View))
- {
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* avoid inconsistencies */
- return False;
- }
- /* save the place where we'd put this stuff back */
- OldAddedLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- OldAddedChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- }
- /* now the coordinates for the old deleted stuff are valid again */
- StuffWasInserted = Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag;
- if (StuffWasInserted)
- {
- SetTextEditInsertionPoint(Edit,Edit->Undo.DeletedLine,
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar);
- if (!TextViewInsertBlock(Edit->View,Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff))
- {
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit); /* avoid inconsistencies */
- return False;
- }
- /* this might have failed & nothing (or part) was inserted. This */
- /* will end up selecting what was inserted, but the rest is lost. */
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,Edit->Undo.DeletedLine,
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar,GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit),
- GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit));
- DisposeTextStorage(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff);
- }
- /* now we have to pull a switcheroo */
- /* first, the deleted stuff becomes what we removed above */
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = OldStuffValid;
- if (OldStuffValid)
- {
- Edit->Undo.DeletedLine = OldAddedLine;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar = OldAddedChar;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff = OldAddedStuff;
- }
- /* now, update the inserted stuff */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = StuffWasInserted;
- if (StuffWasInserted)
- {
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne
- = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- }
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* this routine is called when the user has pressed delete and deleted */
- /* a line break. If this deletion is a logical extention of the existing */
- /* deleted range, AND there is no insertion, then adjust the deleted range. */
- /* if there is an insertion AND the deletion is of the last character of */
- /* the insertion, then adjust the insertion. If it is neither, purge the */
- /* undo information and start a new deletion record. */
- static void TextEditRememberUndoDeletedCR(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- ERROR(TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit),PRERR(AllowResume,
- "TextEditRememberUndoDeletedCR: Why is there a valid selection?"));
- if (!Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag)
- {
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = False;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False;
- }
- if (Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag)
- {
- /* valid replacement, but is this deletion part of it? */
- /* if it is, then the current insertion point will be on the line above */
- /* the last insertion line; the last insertion char will be 0. */
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine - 1 == GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit))
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne == 0))
- {
- /* yup, just roll back the insertion range */
- /* but we have to make sure we aren't deleting past the beginning */
- /* of the insertion range. */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine -= 1;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine < Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine)
- || ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine == Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine)
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne
- < Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar)))
- {
- /* we just deleted a character not in the range. Start a new */
- /* deletion */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TextStorageRec* NewDeleter;
- /* otherwise, there was an insertion, but this isn't part of it, which */
- /* means the user moved the cursor before deleting. Thus we start a */
- /* new deletion */
- DeletingSomewhereElsePoint:
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False;
- NewDeleter = NewTextStorage();
- if (NewDeleter == NIL)
- {
- /* woah, major error -- user just won't be able to undo! */
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- return;
- }
- Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff = NewDeleter;
- /* deleter should contain a new line */
- TextStorageInsertLine(NewDeleter,0);
- Edit->Undo.DeletedLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* there is no insertion, but is there a deletion? */
- if (Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag)
- {
- /* there's a deletion, but was this part of it? */
- /* to be part of it, the cursor has to be on the line before */
- /* the current deletion line and the deletion char has to be 0 */
- if ((Edit->Undo.DeletedLine - 1 == GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit))
- && (Edit->Undo.DeletedChar == 0))
- {
- /* yup. Just insert a blank line at the beginning of the */
- /* deletion thing and adjust the point. If a memory out error */
- /* occurs, the data will be mangled -- too bad for the user */
- TextStorageInsertLine(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff,0);
- Edit->Undo.DeletedLine -= 1;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- }
- else
- {
- /* nope, we are deleting somewhere else */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* no insertion and no deletion? Well, let's just start one */
- /* on our own. */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- }
- /* this routine is called when the user has pressed delete and deleted */
- /* a normal character. If this deletion is a logical extention of the existing */
- /* deleted range, AND there is no insertion, then adjust the deleted range. */
- /* if there is an insertion AND the deletion is of the last character of */
- /* the insertion, then adjust the insertion. If it is neither, purge the */
- /* undo information and start a new deletion record. */
- static void TextEditRememberUndoDeletedChar(TextEditRec* Edit, char What)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- ERROR(TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit),PRERR(AllowResume,
- "TextEditRememberUndoDeletedChar: Why is there a valid selection?"));
- if (!Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag)
- {
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = False;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False;
- }
- if (Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag)
- {
- /* valid replacement, but is this deletion part of it? */
- /* if it is, then the current insertion point will be on the same line */
- /* as the last insertion line, and the insertion char will be the last */
- /* insertion char - 1 */
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine == GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit))
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne - 1
- == GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)))
- {
- /* yup, just roll back the insertion range */
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne -= 1;
- if ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine < Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine)
- || ((Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndLine == Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartLine)
- && (Edit->Undo.ReplacingEndCharPlusOne
- < Edit->Undo.ReplacingStartChar)))
- {
- /* we just deleted a character not in the range. Start a new */
- /* deletion */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TextStorageRec* NewDeleter;
- char* Line;
- char* LineCopy;
- char Buffer[1];
- /* otherwise, there was an insertion, but this isn't part of it, which */
- /* means the user moved the cursor before deleting. Thus we start a */
- /* new deletion */
- DeletingSomewhereElsePoint:
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.CanUndoFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag = True;
- Edit->Undo.ReplacingValidFlag = False;
- NewDeleter = NewTextStorage();
- if (NewDeleter == NIL)
- {
- /* woah, major error -- user just won't be able to undo! */
- TextEditPurgeUndoRecord(Edit);
- return;
- }
- Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff = NewDeleter;
- /* deleter should contain the character */
- Line = TextStorageGetLineCopy(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff,0);
- if (Line != NIL)
- {
- Buffer[0] = What;
- LineCopy = InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(Line,Buffer,0,1);
- if (LineCopy != NIL)
- {
- TextStorageChangeLine(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff,0,LineCopy);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- Edit->Undo.DeletedLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* there is no insertion, but is there a deletion? */
- if (Edit->Undo.DeletedValidFlag)
- {
- /* there's a deletion, but was this part of it? */
- /* to be part of it, the cursor has to be on the same line as */
- /* the current deletion line and the deletion char has to be */
- /* the cursor char + 1 */
- if ((Edit->Undo.DeletedLine == GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit))
- && (Edit->Undo.DeletedChar - 1 == GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit)))
- {
- char* Line;
- char* LineCopy;
- char Buffer[1];
- /* yup. Just insert the character at the beginning of the */
- /* deletion thing and adjust the point. */
- Line = TextStorageGetLineCopy(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff,0);
- if (Line != NIL)
- {
- Buffer[0] = What;
- LineCopy = InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(Line,Buffer,0,1);
- if (LineCopy != NIL)
- {
- TextStorageChangeLine(Edit->Undo.DeletedStuff,0,LineCopy);
- ReleasePtr(LineCopy);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- Edit->Undo.DeletedChar -= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* nope, we are deleting somewhere else */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* no insertion and no deletion? Well, let's just start one */
- /* on our own. */
- goto DeletingSomewhereElsePoint;
- }
- }
- }
- #define OpenParen '('
- #define CloseParen ')'
- #define OpenBrace '{'
- #define CloseBrace '}'
- #define OpenBracket '['
- #define CloseBracket ']'
- #define MaxStackSize (1024)
- /* extend the current selection to show balanced parentheses, or beep if */
- /* the parentheses are not balanced */
- void TextEditBalanceParens(TextEditRec* Edit)
- {
- char Form;
- char Stack[MaxStackSize];
- long StackIndex;
- long BackLine;
- long BackChar;
- long ForwardLine;
- long ForwardChar;
- char* Line;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- BackLine = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- BackChar = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- ForwardLine = GetTextEditSelectEndLine(Edit);
- ForwardChar = GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(Edit);
- if ((BackLine == ForwardLine) && (BackChar == ForwardChar))
- {
- /* just an insertion point. In this case, if it's like this: */
- /* (...)| or like this: |(...), then the group immediately */
- /* next to the insertion point should be selected */
- Line = GetTextEditLine(Edit,BackLine);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (BackChar > 0)
- {
- if ((Line[BackChar - 1] == CloseParen)
- || (Line[BackChar - 1] == CloseBrace)
- || (Line[BackChar - 1] == CloseBracket))
- {
- /* move insertion point left */
- BackChar -= 1;
- ForwardChar -= 1;
- goto InitialSetupSkipOutPoint;
- }
- }
- if (BackChar < PtrSize(Line)/*no -1*/)
- {
- /* notice we don't use BackChar + 1 here, because the insertion point */
- /* is BETWEEN two characters (the x-1 and the x character) */
- if ((Line[BackChar] == OpenParen)
- || (Line[BackChar] == OpenBrace)
- || (Line[BackChar] == OpenBracket))
- {
- /* move insertion point right */
- BackChar += 1;
- ForwardChar += 1;
- goto InitialSetupSkipOutPoint;
- /* BackChar and ForwardChar could be equal to PtrSize(Line) */
- /* after this. */
- }
- }
- /* jump here when the insertion point has been adjusted */
- InitialSetupSkipOutPoint:
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- StackIndex = 0;
- while (BackLine >= 0)
- {
- Line = GetTextEditLine(Edit,BackLine);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return;
- }
- while (BackChar > 0)
- {
- char C;
- BackChar -= 1;
- PRNGCHK(Line,&(Line[BackChar]),sizeof(char));
- C = Line[BackChar];
- if ((C == CloseParen) || (C == CloseBrace) || (C == CloseBracket))
- {
- /* we ran into the trailing end of a grouping, so we increment */
- /* the count and look for the beginning end. */
- Stack[StackIndex] = C;
- StackIndex += 1;
- if (StackIndex >= MaxStackSize)
- {
- /* expression is too complex to be analyzed */
- ErrorBeep();
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if ((C == OpenParen) || (C == OpenBrace) || (C == OpenBracket))
- {
- /* here we found a beginning end of some sort. If it's the */
- /* beginning of a group we aren't in, then check to see that */
- /* it matches */
- if (StackIndex == 0)
- {
- /* there are no other blocks we had to go through so this */
- /* begin must enclose us */
- Form = C;
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- goto ForwardScanEntryPoint;
- }
- StackIndex -= 1;
- if (((C == OpenParen) && (Stack[StackIndex] == CloseParen))
- || ((C == OpenBrace) && (Stack[StackIndex] == CloseBrace))
- || ((C == OpenBracket) && (Stack[StackIndex] == CloseBracket)))
- {
- /* good */
- }
- else
- {
- /* bad */
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- ErrorBeep();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- BackLine -= 1;
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- if (BackLine >= 0)
- {
- Line = GetTextEditLine(Edit,BackLine);
- BackChar = PtrSize(Line);
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- }
- }
- ErrorBeep();
- return;
- ForwardScanEntryPoint:
- StackIndex = 0;
- while (ForwardLine < GetTextEditNumLines(Edit))
- {
- Line = GetTextEditLine(Edit,ForwardLine);
- if (Line == NIL)
- {
- return;
- }
- while (ForwardChar < PtrSize(Line))
- {
- char C;
- PRNGCHK(Line,&(Line[ForwardChar]),sizeof(char));
- C = Line[ForwardChar];
- ForwardChar += 1;
- if ((C == OpenParen) || (C == OpenBrace) || (C == OpenBracket))
- {
- /* we ran into the leading end of a grouping, so we increment */
- /* the count and look for the end end. */
- Stack[StackIndex] = C;
- StackIndex += 1;
- if (StackIndex >= MaxStackSize)
- {
- /* expression is too complex to be analyzed */
- ErrorBeep();
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if ((C == CloseParen) || (C == CloseBrace) || (C == CloseBracket))
- {
- /* here we found an end of some sort. If it's the */
- /* end of a group we aren't in, then check to see that */
- /* it matches */
- if (StackIndex == 0)
- {
- /* there are no other blocks we had to go through so this */
- /* end must enclose us */
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- if (((Form == OpenParen) && (C == CloseParen))
- || ((Form == OpenBrace) && (C == CloseBrace))
- || ((Form == OpenBracket) && (C == CloseBracket)))
- {
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,BackLine,BackChar,
- ForwardLine,ForwardChar);
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- ErrorBeep();
- return;
- }
- }
- StackIndex -= 1;
- if (((C == CloseParen) && (Stack[StackIndex] == OpenParen))
- || ((C == CloseBrace) && (Stack[StackIndex] == OpenBrace))
- || ((C == CloseBracket) && (Stack[StackIndex] == OpenBracket)))
- {
- /* good */
- }
- else
- {
- /* bad */
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- ErrorBeep();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- ForwardLine += 1;
- ReleasePtr(Line);
- ForwardChar = 0;
- }
- ErrorBeep();
- return;
- }
- /* find the specified search string starting at the current selection. */
- MyBoolean TextEditFindAgain(TextEditRec* Edit, char* SearchString)
- {
- long LineScan;
- long KeyLength;
- long LineLimit;
- long ColumnScan;
- long ElapsedLineCount;
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- CheckPtrExistence(SearchString);
- KeyLength = PtrSize(SearchString);
- LineLimit = GetTextEditNumLines(Edit);
- LineScan = GetTextEditSelectStartLine(Edit);
- ElapsedLineCount = 0;
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Edit))
- {
- /* if there is a selection, assume it's from a previous search. we need */
- /* to have + 1 so we don't find what we found again. */
- ColumnScan = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* if no selection, start search at current position. this lets us find */
- /* patterns at the very beginning of the file. */
- ColumnScan = GetTextEditSelectStartChar(Edit);
- }
- while (LineScan < LineLimit)
- {
- char* TestLine;
- long ColumnLimit;
- TestLine = GetTextEditLine(Edit,LineScan);
- if (TestLine == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- ColumnLimit = PtrSize(TestLine) - KeyLength;
- while (ColumnScan <= ColumnLimit)
- {
- if (MemEquNoCase(&(SearchString[0]),&(TestLine[ColumnScan]),KeyLength))
- {
- /* found it! */
- SetTextEditSelection(Edit,LineScan,ColumnScan,
- LineScan,ColumnScan + KeyLength);
- TextEditShowSelection(Edit);
- ReleasePtr(TestLine);
- return True;
- }
- ColumnScan += 1;
- }
- ReleasePtr(TestLine);
- LineScan += 1;
- ElapsedLineCount += 1;
- ColumnScan = 0;
- if (RelinquishCPUJudiciouslyCheckCancel())
- {
- /* cancelling */
- return False;
- }
- }
- ErrorBeep(); /* selection not found */
- return False;
- }
- /* see if the specified location is in the text edit box */
- MyBoolean TextEditHitTest(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return (X >= Edit->X) && (Y >= Edit->Y) && (X < Edit->X + Edit->TotalWidth)
- && (Y < Edit->Y + Edit->TotalHeight);
- }
- /* see if the specified location is in the text edit area of the box (not the */
- /* scrollbars). This is used for deciding whether the mouse should be an Ibeam */
- /* or an arrow. */
- MyBoolean TextEditIBeamTest(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Edit);
- return (X >= Edit->X) && (Y >= Edit->Y)
- && (X < Edit->X + GetTextViewWidth(Edit->View))
- && (Y < Edit->Y + GetTextViewHeight(Edit->View));
- }