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- /* TextEdit.h */
- #ifndef Included_TextEdit_h
- #define Included_TextEdit_h
- /* TextEdit module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* Scroll */
- /* TextView */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Scrap */
- /* TextStorage */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* EventLoop */
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- struct TextEditRec;
- typedef struct TextEditRec TextEditRec;
- /* to avoid dragging Files in */
- struct FileType;
- /* what kind of scrolling should be supported by our text editing object */
- typedef enum {eTENoScrollBars = 0, eTEVScrollBar = 1, eTEHScrollBar = 2} TEScrollType;
- /* for selecting ranges of text */
- typedef struct
- {
- long Line;
- long Column;
- } SelRec;
- /* create a new, empty text edit */
- TextEditRec* NewTextEdit(WinType* Window, TEScrollType ScrollStuff,
- FontType FontID, FontSizeType FontSize, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* dispose text edit and all text it contains */
- void DisposeTextEdit(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get location of text edit */
- OrdType GetTextEditXLoc(TextEditRec* Edit);
- OrdType GetTextEditYLoc(TextEditRec* Edit);
- OrdType GetTextEditWidth(TextEditRec* Edit);
- OrdType GetTextEditHeight(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get font stuff for text edit */
- FontType GetTextEditFont(TextEditRec* Edit);
- FontSizeType GetTextEditPointSize(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the number of spaces per tab character */
- long GetTextEditSpacesPerTab(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the index of the top line in the window */
- long GetTextEditTopLine(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the pixel index of the leftmost text of the text box */
- OrdType GetTextEditPixelIndent(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* returns True if the selection is non-empty, or false if it's an insertion point */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsThereValidSelection(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the line number of the start of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectStartLine(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the line number of the end of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectEndLine(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the character index of the start of the selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectStartChar(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the character index of the character immediately after the end of the */
- /* selection. (if this == start char and startline == endline, then there is no */
- /* space between them and therefore there is no selection */
- long GetTextEditSelectEndCharPlusOne(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* find out if selection & scrollbar display is enabled */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsShowSelectionEnabled(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* find out if the data has been modified since the last call to TextEditHasBeenSaved */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoesItNeedToBeSaved(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the total number of lines contained in the edit */
- long GetTextEditNumLines(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* find out if auto-indent upon newline is enabled */
- MyBoolean TextEditIsAutoIndentEnabled(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* find out if it is possible to undo the last operation (for enabling menu item) */
- MyBoolean TextEditCanWeUndo(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* change the screen location of the text edit box */
- void SetTextEditPosition(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* change the font being used to display the text */
- void SetTextEditFontStuff(TextEditRec* Edit, FontType Font,
- FontSizeType Size);
- /* set the number of spaces displayed for a tab */
- void SetTextEditTabSize(TextEditRec* Edit, long SpacesPerTab);
- /* change the top line being displayed in the exit box */
- void SetTextEditTopLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long NewTopLine);
- /* change the pixel index of the left edge of the text box */
- void SetTextEditPixelIndent(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType NewPixelIndent);
- /* set the selection to a specified range */
- void SetTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit, long StartLine,
- long StartChar, long EndLine, long EndCharPlusOne);
- /* set the selection to an insertion point at the specified position */
- void SetTextEditInsertionPoint(TextEditRec* Edit, long Line, long Char);
- /* enable display of selection and scrollbars */
- void EnableTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* disable display of selection and scrollbars */
- void DisableTextEditSelection(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* indicate that any data in the text edit has been saved. After this call, */
- /* TextEditDoesItNeedToBeSaved will return False. It will start returning true */
- /* if any subsequent changes are made. */
- void TextEditHasBeenSaved(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* enable or disable auto-indent on carriage return */
- void SetTextEditAutoIndent(TextEditRec* Edit, MyBoolean AutoIndentFlag);
- /* recalculate the position index of the vertical scrollbar */
- void TextEditRecalcVerticalScroll(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* recalculate the position index of the horizontal scrollbar */
- void TextEditRecalcHorizontalScroll(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* redraw the entire text edit box */
- void TextEditFullRedraw(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* redraw the outline frame of the text edit box */
- void TextEditRedrawFrame(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* update cursor. This should be called during idle events. It keeps track of */
- /* when the cursor was last blinked and blinks the cursor again if necessary. */
- void TextEditUpdateCursor(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* get the specified line of text from the exit */
- char* GetTextEditLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex);
- /* get a line of text, but first convert all tabs in the line into the */
- /* proper number of spaces. */
- char* GetTextEditSpaceFromTabLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex);
- /* put a new line in the text box. This overwrites data already on that line */
- MyBoolean SetTextEditLine(TextEditRec* Edit, long LineIndex, char* LineToCopy);
- /* use the LineFeed string to create a single block of text containing all */
- /* of the lines packed into it */
- char* TextEditGetRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* LineFeed);
- /* put new data into the text edit. The RawData is a block with all text lines */
- /* packed into it separated by the LineFeed string. */
- MyBoolean TextEditNewRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* RawData, char* LineFeed);
- /* get a text block containing the selected data */
- char* TextEditGetSelection(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* replace the current selection (if any) with the specified raw data block. */
- /* if this fails, some of the data may have been inserted */
- MyBoolean TextEditInsertRawData(TextEditRec* Edit, char* RawData, char* LineFeed);
- /* find the union of two selection ranges */
- void UnionSelection(SelRec One, SelRec Two, SelRec Three,
- SelRec* Start, SelRec* End);
- /* find the difference (union - intersection) of two selection ranges. This is */
- /* used to avoid redrawing the entire selection range all the time */
- void DiffSelection(SelRec OneStart, SelRec OneEnd, SelRec TwoStart,
- SelRec TwoEnd, SelRec* OutStart, SelRec* OutEnd);
- /* if the first selection point is after the second then reverse their order */
- void SortSelection(SelRec* One, SelRec* Two);
- /* returns True if the first selection point is after the second one */
- MyBoolean GreaterThan(SelRec* One, SelRec* Two);
- /* extend the selection using the current mouse-click state (single, double, triple) */
- void ExtendSelection(TextEditRec* Edit, SelRec* Start, SelRec* End);
- /* find out if the character is an alphanumeric character. this is used by */
- /* ExtendSelection for figuring out where double-click extends should stop. */
- MyBoolean AlphaNum(char It);
- /* append a line of text to the end of the text edit. This can be used if the */
- /* text edit box is being used as an interaction (terminal) window */
- /* if NIL is passed in for Data, a blank line will be appended */
- MyBoolean TextEditAppendLineInteraction(TextEditRec* Edit, char* Data);
- /* dump the data contained in the text edit to the current position in the */
- /* specified file. returns True if all the data was written successfully */
- MyBoolean TestEditWriteDataToFile(TextEditRec* Edit,
- struct FileType* FileRefNum, char* EOLN);
- /* cut the selected data to the clipboard. if this fails, some of the data */
- /* may have been deleted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuCut(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* copy the selected data to the clipboard. */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuCopy(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* paste the clipboard in, replacing the current selection if there is one */
- /* if this fails, some of the data may have been inserted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuPaste(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* select the entire data area of the text edit */
- void TextEditDoMenuSelectAll(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* delete the selected area. This is the same as pressing the delete key */
- /* when there is a valid selection. if this fails, some of the data may */
- /* have been deleted */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuClear(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* shift the selection toward the left margin by deleting one tab (or spaces) */
- /* from the beginning of the line. It will not remove non-whitespace characters */
- /* if this fails, some of the lines may have been shifted */
- MyBoolean TextEditShiftSelectionLeftOneTab(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* shift selection toward the right margin by inserting a tab at the */
- /* beginning of each line. if this fails, some of the lines may have been shifted. */
- MyBoolean TextEditShiftSelectionRightOneTab(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* convert all tab characters in the text box to the appropriate number of spaces */
- /* if this fails, some of the lines may have been converted. */
- MyBoolean TextEditConvertTabsToSpaces(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* show the current selection in the edit window */
- void TextEditShowSelection(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* show the starting edge of the selection. */
- void TextEditShowSelectionStartEdge(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* show the ending edge of the selection. */
- void TextEditShowSelectionEndEdge(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* handle a keypress for inserting or deleting into the text box */
- void TextEditDoKeyPressed(TextEditRec* Edit, char TheKey,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers);
- /* handle a mouse-down in the text box */
- void TextEditDoMouseDown(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType OrigX, OrdType OrigY,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers);
- /* undo the last operation that changed the contained data. not all operations */
- /* can be undone. Who knows what the state of things will be if this fails. */
- MyBoolean TextEditDoMenuUndo(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* extend the current selection to show balanced parentheses, or beep if */
- /* the parentheses are not balanced */
- void TextEditBalanceParens(TextEditRec* Edit);
- /* find the specified search string starting at the current selection. */
- MyBoolean TextEditFindAgain(TextEditRec* Edit, char* SearchString);
- /* see if the specified location is in the text edit box */
- MyBoolean TextEditHitTest(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* see if the specified location is in the text edit area of the box (not the */
- /* scrollbars). This is used for deciding whether the mouse should be an Ibeam */
- /* or an arrow. */
- MyBoolean TextEditIBeamTest(TextEditRec* Edit, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- #endif