Other games deserve special mention because they were once great shareware games that have now become even better commercial games.
1) Diamonds
Varcon Systems (Oliver Dreer)
Diamonds is a game by Oliver Dreer of Switzerland. Basically, it's the ultimate incarnation of the time honored "bricks" or "break out" game in which you maneuver a bouncing ball in an effort to remove as many bricks from the board as possible. Diamonds adds a lot to this basic idea including very attractive color graphics (it will ONLY work in 256 color mode), multi-channel sound (if you have System 6.0.7 or better), different types of bricks that require the use of corresponding flavors of balls, and significantly more complex and interesting layouts which become progressively more involved as the game goes on.
Excellent variation of the old breakout game. In diamonds you must navigate your way through the different obstacles. This game is so original, with great sounds and graphics, that you will enjoy many hours of play.
2) Glider
Casady & Greene, Inc. (John Calhoun)
Take a paper airplane - add an eerie mansion plus a gung-ho game lover. They all add up to some serious fun! Fly your Glider from room to room trying to get past the wildest obstacles ever, including mysterious little copters, air vents, electric wall sockets, and our favorite - the dreaded paper shredder! Each one of the 60 rooms holds some new surprises that will tickle you. The idea is to get past them all and fly out of the house. Increase your Glider's altitude and gain momentum from floor heating units and candles. If you master the game, you can use the Room Editor to create your own versions of obstacle-filled rooms. John Calhoun, a wizard programmer from Kansas, has created the cleverest bunch of graphics to ever come down the Yellow Brick Road. Glider will keep you saying, "One more time, just one more time, I can do better than that!" And the great thing is - YOU CAN!
- Casady & Greene, Inc.
As pilot of a paper glider you must guide your glider through a house full of many different obstacles. You propel you glider through the use of floor and ceiling vents. Be careful to avoid all of the obstacles and to collect as many of the special objects that are worth bonus points. From John Calhoun who also wrote Glypha II and Stella Obscura. Check out the shareware version or for even more fun move up to the commercial version that has better sound and graphics.
3) Jewelbox
Varcon Systems (Rodney and Brenda Jacks)
Jewelbox is a puzzle game similar to Columns or Tetris but with different game play and scoring. The game features 256 color graphics, original sounds and soundtrack, many levels of play, online help, and a practice mode. The graphics are very detailed and colorful. The jewels are all faceted and are quite beautiful (in my opinion of course :-). The soundtrack has been described as enchanting and hypnotic by people who have heard it. Complete documentation is included with the archive.
Jewelbox is similar in play to Tetris. Jewles in groups of three fall , and if you eliminate the jewels by getting jewels in groups of three or more. There are special jewels that when grouped give you more points and other jewels that eliminate rows. This game is as interesting as Tetris Max and will entertain you for many hours.
4) Oxyd
Dongleware Publishing
Inside your computer there is a secret world of slumbering bits and bytes, of which you may not have known until now. But now this world is threatened and desperately needs your help!
Overnight the life-giving Oxyds have shut tight. Unaware of the danger, the world threatens to suffocate. Only you can rescue this world by opening all of the Oxyds.
Try to remove the colored marbled by pairing them by colors. Soon to be released by Dongleware Software.
5) Pararena
Casasy & Greene, Inc. (John Calhoun)
The announcer's voice booms against the stadium's backdrop of black night and sparkling stars. Two armoured opponents, this time a man and an extremely dangerous woman, swoop threateningly close to each other on hoverboards and then face each other for battle. A ball is launched into the stadium's playing field, a parabolic dish perched somewhere in outer space. The crowd's screams become wild with anticipation and the most exciting, sports simulation of the millenium - Pararena 2.0 - begins.
- Casady & Greene, Inc.
Excellent game where you try and push your puck into the opponents goal. From John Calhoun who also wrote Glypha II and Stella Obscura. Check out the shareware version or for even more fun move up to the commercial version that has better sound and graphics. The best part of the game from Casady & Greene is that it now run on a network so that you can play against a human opponent.