What can you do with this Working Model™ Demonstration disk
The goal of this demonstration disk is to introduce you to Working Model. A limited version of Working Model is included along with numerous demonstration files and two hands-on tutorials. You will be able to build models, simulate their behavior, make simple measurements and interact with the model through the revolutionary Smart Editor™.
Demonstration files
The files inside the Demos folder are categorized in three separate areas: Tutorials, Engineering and Animation. The Tutorials folder contains the solution to four tutorials (the full description of these files is contained in the Working Model Tutorial document, which you will receive when you buy Working Model). The Engineering folder contains demonstrations of disparate mechanical systems and mechanisms, including robots, motorcycles, typewriters and crankshafts. The Animation folder contains demonstrations of androids, collisions and various other models for animators. Explore and enjoy!
Two Microsoft Word files (Simple Tutorial and Complex Tutorial) have been included in the Tutorials folder. The Simple Tutorial walks you through building two simple models, at the same time discussing numerous Working Model features. The Complex Tutorial will show you how to build a crankshaft oscillator and investigate its behavior.
The Demonstration Version of Working Model
This demonstration disk contains a full version of Working Model with a few of its features disabled. In particular all the import/export functionality is disabled (Save, Save As, Print, Import, Export, Cut, Copy, Paste and Duplicate) and the measurements and number of masses are limited (only one meter and five masses can be created per document).
Installing Working Model
To install Working Model you will need a Macintosh computer (68000-based computers, Mac Plus, SE, Portable, Classic and PowerBook 100, are not supported) running System 7 or later, approximately four megabytes of free disk space and three megabytes of free RAM. A floating-point math co-processor (FPU) is recommended but not required.
To start the installation, please double-click on the file Double-Click Me to Install.
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