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Text File | 1994-12-07 | 4.5 KB | 90 lines | [TEXT/MEDT] |
- MEdit / MComp macro commands:
- ****************************
- name type arg(s) explanation
- • Dialog commands:
- ALERT P $ displays an alert given by $
- EALERT P $,$ displays an "error" alert given by $,$
- PROMPT (B) $,{$|#} opens a dialog, writes $ and allows to edit $|#
- KEYCOD P - opens a dialog to determine and insert a keycode & modifier
- • Control commands:
- CALL P # executes macro number # of the actually loaded macro file
- IF P B,cmd executes only if B true
- WHILE P B,cmd executes cmd as long as B remains true
- SET P {$|#},$|# assigns the second arg to the first of same type
- NOT B B negates the following boolean expression B
- • File commands:
- QSAVAS (B) $ Save As… dialog with suggested name $, returns if saved
- SAVEAS P [$] saves a file under name $ if specified, otherwise
- opens Save As… dialog with the actual windowname proposed
- SAVE P - saves the frontwindow to disk, if title=Untitled asks for filename
- OPEN (B) [$] opens file $ if specified, otherwise use standard openfile dialog
- returns true if opened (boolean version omits error alerts)
- CLOSE P - closes the frontwindow
- PRINT P - prints the frontwindow's content
- NEW P - opens an empty window and make it the active window
- • Window commands:
- SCRH # - returns screen height
- SCRW # - returns screen width
- PLACEW P #,#,#,# places & resizes the active window
- WINDOW (B) # selects window # (first is 0; after macro exec the active becomes
- the frontwindow), returns if exists
- • Editing commands:
- SELABS (B) # selects the absolute position #, returns if < eof
- ABSPOS # - returns the absolute position of start of selection
- INSERT P $ inserts the $ at the current selection ni the frontwindow
- SELECT P #,#["|"#,#] selects position #,#; if specified until ["|"#,#]
- SECT (B) # selects section # of frontwindow, returns wheter it exists
- PASTE P - pastes the content of the clipboard to the actual position
- COPY P - copies the current selection to the clipboard
- CUT P - cuts out the current selection and copies it to the clipboard
- CLEAR P - clears out the current selection
- PUSH P - pushes the ref. of the current selection onto a 8 level stack
- POP P - takes and selects the selection ref. from the stack and decrements the stack
- DROP P - cancelles the curr. stacklevel and decrements the stack
- APPEND P - appends a new empty section to the frontwindow
- FIND (B) $ find and select next ocurrence of $, returns whether found
- EFIND (B) $ find and select next ocurrence of expression $, returns whether found
- • String commands (strings start with index 1):
- $S $ - returns the current selection of the frontwindow
- CAP $ $ capitalize str
- DECAP $ $ decapitalize str
- STR $ # converts # to a string $
- VAL # $ converts the first number in $ to #
- CHR $ # returns the ascii character with ordinal number #
- ORD # $ returns the ordinal number of the ascii character $
- STRCMP # $,$,# compares first and second $ (# =0 ignore case) and returns
- 0 if equal, -1 if first $ is smaller, +1 if first is greater
- SUBSTR $ $,#,# returns a substring of $, starting at # and with # character length
- CONCAT $ $[,$] returns a string resulting of concatenation of all $ (maxlength = 255)
- LEN # $ returns the length of string $
- STRPOS # $,$,# returns the position of substr in str starting from #
- PUTSTR (B) #,$ writes a str to resource with id #, returns if successfully stored
- (allowed range: [0 ≤ # 999] internally stored on 'STR ' 3000-3999)
- GETSTR $ # reads a str from resource with id #, returns '' if nonexistent id
- DATE $ # returns the actual date in a string, # is the format (0=short, 1=long, 2=abbrev)
- TIME $ # returns the actual time in a string, # is the format (0=no secs, 1=secs)
- WNAME $ - returns the name of the front window
- • HighLevel-Events commands:
- POSTHL B $,$,#,#,# post's high-level-event. Receiver is a application (in memory) with
- creator (first $). EventClass is second $. EventID is first # (High-Word)
- and second # (Low-Word). Third # is msgVal. Further explainations see inside
- Macintosh V. POSTHLE returns TRUE if posting was possible.
- P = procedure;
- $ = string value (function result/argument) or expression (argument);
- # = numeric value (function result/argument) or expression (argument);
- B = boolean value (function result/argument) or expression (argument);
- () = optional result; [] = optional argument;
- | = alternative argument; {} = must be variable; - = no argument.