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Text File | 1994-09-23 | 3.4 KB | 106 lines | [TEXT/RLAB] |
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Synopsis: print and plot section info
- // Syntax: show_prop ( P , s, coord )
- // Description:
- // The properties of polygonal sections may be calculated using rfile
- // section. These section properties can be shown on the screen by
- // this rfile.
- //
- // The (x,y) coordinates of the vertices of the polygon are stored
- // in P. P is a two column matrix, its first column stores xs and
- // its second column stores ys. The coordinates of the vertces must
- // be stored sequentially for a complete clockwise path around the
- // polygon.
- // s stores section properties (returned from section.r)
- // If coord is "polar", then the coordinates in P are in polar
- // coordinates (r,theta), where theta is in degree.
- //
- // Dependencies
- // rfile plplot.r
- //
- // Tzong-Shuoh Yang 8/10/94 (tsyang@ce.berkeley.edu)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------//
- show_prop = function(P,s,coord)
- {
- local(P,mx,mn,pp,x,y,xp,yp,R,t,T,ps)
- global (pi)
- // if the polygon is not closed, let the last point = 1st point
- if (P[P.nr;1] != P[1;1] || P[P.nr;2] != P[1;2] )
- {
- P = [P;P[1;1],P[1;2]];
- }
- // convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
- if (exist(coord))
- { if (coord == "polar")
- {
- P[;2] = P[;2]*(pi/180);
- P = [P[;1].*cos(P[;2]),P[;1].*sin(P[;2])];
- }
- }
- if (s.area < 0)
- {
- printf(" Area = %g (hole ?)\n\n",s.area);
- else
- printf(" Area = %g\n\n",s.area);
- }
- printf(" Centroid = (%g,%g)\n\n",s.cgx,s.cgy);
- printf(" Moment of Inertia: (Original axis)\n");
- printf(" Ixx = %g\n",s.Ixx);
- printf(" Iyy = %g\n",s.Iyy);
- printf(" Ixy = %g\n\n",s.Ixy);
- printf(" Moment of Inertia: (Centroid axis)\n");
- printf(" Ixx = %g\n",s.Ixx0);
- printf(" Iyy = %g\n",s.Iyy0);
- printf(" Ixy = %g\n\n",s.Ixy0);
- printf(" Moment of Inertia: (Principal axis)\n");
- printf(" Ixx = %g\n",s.pIxx);
- printf(" Iyy = %g\n",s.pIyy);
- printf(" angle = %g (deg)\n\n",s.angle);
- printf(" Polar Moment of Inertia:\n");
- printf(" J = %g\n\n",s.J0);
- sprintf(ps,"Properties: A=%.3g I#+XX#+=%.3g I#+YY#+=%.3g I#+XY#+=%.3g",...
- s.area,s.Ixx0,s.Iyy0,s.Ixy0);
- mx = max(P);
- mn = min(P);
- pp = abs(mx-mn)*0.2;
- plimits(mn[1;1]-pp[1;1],mx[1;1]+pp[1;1],mn[1;2]-pp[1;2],mx[1;2]+pp[1;2]);
- // plaspect(1);
- // plgrid("abcnst","abcnst");
- ptitle(ps);
- xlabel("X");
- ylabel("Y");
- plegend();
- x = [mx[1;1]+pp[1;1]/2,s.cgy;mn[1;1]-pp[1;1]/2,s.cgy];
- y = [s.cgx,mx[1;2]+pp[1;2]/2;s.cgx,mn[1;2]-pp[1;2]/2];
- t = s.angle*pi/180;
- R = [cos(t),sin(t);-sin(t),cos(t)];
- T = [s.cgx,s.cgy;s.cgx,s.cgy];
- xp = (x-T)*R+T;
- yp = (y-T)*R+T;
- if (abs(s.angle) > 0.001) {
- plot(<<P;x;y;xp;yp>>);
- else
- plot(<<P;x;y>>);
- }
- sprintf(ps," CG(%.3g,%.3g)",s.cgx,s.cgy);
- plptex(ps,s.cgx,s.cgy+pp[1;2]/5,1,0,0);
- plptex(" #+Y",s.cgx,mx[1;2]+pp[1;2]/2,1,0,0);
- plptex(" #+X",mx[1;1]+pp[1;1]/2,s.cgy,1,0,0);
- if (abs(s.angle) > 0.001) {
- plptex(" #+Y#+'",yp[1;1],yp[1;2],1,0,0);
- plptex(" #+X#+'",xp[1;1],xp[1;2],1,0,0);
- sprintf(ps," #gh=%.3g#uo",s.angle);
- plptex(ps,s.cgx,s.cgy+pp[1;2],1,0,0);
- }
- };